Risk Management

The Gazprom Group exercises a well-balanced and responsible approach to risk management and internal controls. Responsibilities and powers in risk management are distributed among governance bodies, structural units of PJSC Gazprom, its subsidiaries and entities. PJSC Gazprom has a standalone unit responsible for developing a risk management and internal control system (RMICS) and steered by the deputy Chairman of the Management Committee

RMICS Structure

(1)  Risk Management and Internal Control Department.

PJSC Gazprom’s corporate RMICS complies with Federal Law No. 208-FZ On Joint Stock Companies dated December 26, 1995, instructions and decrees of the Russian President, Russian Government’s directives, recommendations of the Bank of Russia and the Federal Agency for State Property ManagementApproved by resolution of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom No. 3195 dated December 25, 2018., the Corporate Governance Code, and Risk Management and Internal Control Policy of PJSC Gazprom aimed at achieving the Company’s goals.

At PJSC Gazprom, risk management and internal controls are governed by its Risk Management and Internal Control Policy designed to ensure proper operation and development of the RMICS.

The Policy outlines goals and objectives, main principles, approaches to risk management and internal controls, as well as process participants, their roles, and relevant requirements.

Key risks are regularly identified and assessed, with mitigants put in place to maintain identified key risks within acceptable limits.

PJSC Gazprom’s internal controls provide a reasonable assurance of achieving the goals of business processes owned by relevant structural units.

Information on risk management and internal controls is collected and submitted to stakeholders in time to ensure substantiated decision-making by the management.

For more details on the RMICS and its performance in 2023, see PJSC Gazprom Annual Report 2023.


For more details on the Gazprom Group’s regulations on risk management and internal controls, see Appendix.

The Gazprom Group’s Environmental, Process Safety, Procurement, HR, IT and IS, Quality Management, Import Substitution Risks, and Risks Related to Sanctions and Sales Markets

Risk type Risk source Link to section
IT and IS Risks
• Information technologies
(IT) risks
External and internal risks
In the course of a digital transformation, the Gazprom Group
identified risks related to new/existing external sectoral
IT sanctions seeking to destabilize information, information
management and other automated systems.
For more details
on the Gazprom Group’s
efforts to mitigate
IT and IS risks, see the Digital
Transformation subsection.
• Information security (IS)
External and internal risks
The Gazprom Group’s operations may be exposed
to information security risks, which, if materialized, may
lead to breaches of the integrity, confidentiality,
or availability of information resources or assets
or computer networks.
For more details
on the Gazprom Group’s
efforts to mitigate
IT and IS risks, see the Digital
Transformation subsection.
Environmental Risks
• Natural and climate-related
External risks
Potential climate changes, natural disasters,
and adverse weather conditions that may cause
damage to buildings and structures, pipeline
transportation systems and service lines. A major part
of the natural gas produced by Gazprom comes from
Western Siberia, where production may be difficult
and relatively costly because of climate conditions.
For more details
on the Gazprom Group’s
measures to mitigate
environmental risks,
see the 5 Environment
and Environmental Policy
• Environmental risksExternal and internal risks
The core hydrocarbon production, transportation,
processing and storage operations are exposed
to environmental pollution risk. Adverse impacts may
include accidents during business operations, damage
to ecosystems (land and water pollution), deterioration
of soil and vegetation, and erosion. This may lead
to degradation of ecosystems and loss of habitat
for rare and endangered plant and animal species.
For more details
on the Gazprom Group’s
measures to mitigate
environmental risks,
see the 5 Environment
and Environmental Policy
Risks Related to Sanctions and Sales Markets
• Sanction-related risksExternal risks
Risks of more sanctions and new sanctions imposed
by the USA and EU against Russia and Russian
persons due to external factors leading to financial
(non-financial) consequences for PJSC Gazprom
and its projects.
For more details
on the Gazprom Group’s
efforts to mitigate foreign
trade risks, see the Foreign
Trade subsection.
• Price and volume
(commodity) risks
on external markets
External risks
Adverse economic conditions, lower demand
for energy commodities, decline in mercantile
exchange quotations and/or their long-time stagnation
at low levels, which have a negative impact on prices
and volumes of gas supplies to external markets.
For more details
on the Gazprom Group’s
efforts to mitigate foreign
trade risks, see the Foreign
Trade subsection.
Process Safety Risks
• Labor risks
• Fire safety risks
• Occupational safety risks
External and internal risks
PJSC Gazprom’s production activities are exposed
to risks of adverse impact on employees’ health
and safety, as well as risks of accidents and fires
For more details
on the Gazprom Group’s
efforts to mitigate process
safety risks, see the
3 Process
Safety section.
Procurement Risks
• Procurement risksExternal and internal risks
Procurement is related to potential non-compliance
with relevant laws.
For more details
on the Gazprom Group’s
efforts to mitigate
procurement risks,
see the Supplier Relations
HR Risks
• HR management risksExternal and internal risks
Performance of Gazprom Group entities depends
on the availability of sufficiently qualified personnel,
development of professional skills in employees by means
of comprehensive training and upskilling programs,
and increased employee motivation to learn and develop.
For more details
on the Gazprom Group’s
efforts to mitigate HR risks,
see the 2 Gazprom Group’s
People section.
Quality Management Risks
• Risks of deteriorating
quality of products, work
and services
External and internal risks
The Gazprom Group’s operations are exposed to the risks
of deteriorating quality of products, work and services.
For more details
on the Gazprom Group’s
efforts to mitigate quality
management risks, see
the Quality Management
Import Substitution Risks
• Risks of reduced
technological sovereignty
External and internal risks
The Gazprom Group’s operations are exposed
to the risks of restrictions imposed on Russian
companies by the USA, EU, and other countries.
For more details
on the Gazprom Group’s
efforts to mitigate
import substitution risks,
see the Contribution
to Strengthening
Technological Sovereignty