Appendix 1. Table of questions and recommendations from stakeholders based on public consultation on Report 2019

Table of questions and recommendations from stakeholders based on public consultation on Report 2019


PJSC Gazprom response

It is stated that gas trunkline overhaul was completed. However, the number of ruptures, explosions, and fires at gas trunklines is not specified.


Number of accidentsAccident means loss of pipe integrity with subsequent pipeline destruction and potential ignition of gas-air mixture at the linear part of gas trunklines








number per 1,000 km




Main causes of accidents at the linear sections of gas trunklines:

  • сorrosion;
  • construction defects of past periods (construction before the 2000s);
  • third-party actions (for example, during cable laying).

Over the past three years, the number of accidents at the linear sections of gas trunklines tends to decline. Number of accidents per 1,000 km of gas trunkline is of particular interest as this indicator takes into account the constant growth of the gas transmission system and thus the increasing risks of corrosion, defects, and possible third-party actions.

In 2019, this indicator was close to the minimum possible value. It is impossible to completely eliminate corrosion and other defects, as there is no perfect diagnostics method.

Direct GHG emissions and indirect (Scope 3) emissions are shown for the Gazprom Group, while indirect Scope 2 emissions are stated only for PJSC Gazprom.

The Report structure has been updated in accordance with the recommendations. See Subsection GHG Emissions Control at the Gazprom Group.

It is recommended to disclose information about environmental safety and infrastructure of the production facilities in the regions of operation.


The Report structure has been updated in accordance with the recommendations. For information about activities at the production sites of the Gazprom Group companies located within designated conservation areas and their protected zones, see the interactive version of the Report here.

For information about environmental safety of the production facilities at the regions of operation, see Environment section on the subsidiaries’ websites, subsidiaries’ environmental reports, and PJSC Gazprom Environmental Report. Information about main environmental safety initiatives in the regions is posted in the Media section on PJSC Gazprom’s website.


It is recommended to move key sustainability risks from Appendix to the main part of the Report.

The Report structure has been updated in accordance with the recommendations. See Subsection PJSC Gazprom’s Approach to Material Sustainability Risks Management.

It is recommended to move Indicators of the Gazprom Group’s contribution to the economy of the Russian Federation, 2017–2020 table and GRI 201-1 table from appendix to the main part of the Report.

The Report structure has been updated in accordance with the recommendations. See Subsection Contribution to Russia’s Economy.

Product quality assurance aspects are specified in various sections. It is recommended to gather them in one subsection on Quality Management.

The Report structure has been updated in accordance with the recommendations. See Subsection Quality Management and Customer Relations at the Gazprom Group.

It is recommended to disclose the calculation method for the economic benefits from using R&D results.The calculation method is documented according to PJSC Gazprom’s standardization system. It is intellectual property of the Company and thus cannot be disclosed in full. The method is based on the common calculation approach using the difference between cash inflows and outflows.

It is recommended to specify the causes of fatalities.

We study the possibility to disclose such information in subsequent reports.

Are charity projects post-evaluated in terms of efficiency carried out?

The Report structure has been updated in accordance with the recommendations. See Subsection Charitable Initiatives and Sponsorship.

It is recommended to provide more details on Gazprom’s contribution to the “Environmental Protection” national project.

The Report structure has been updated in accordance with the recommendations. See the Gazprom Group’s Contribution to the Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Targets and Russia’s National Development Goals table.

Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat calculates no energy intensity ratio. It is recommended to specify the reason.

Calculation of the energy intensity ratio at Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat makes no economic sense due to product diversity and it is not provided for by the reporting documents.

It is recommended to specify the percentage of recycled water.

The Report structure has been updated in accordance with the recommendations. See Subsection Water Consumption (GRI 303-1, GRI 303-2, GRI 303-5).

It is recommended to describe sustainable development scenarios for PJSC Gazprom through 2050 taking into account the global shift to a low-carbon economy.

The Report structure has been updated in accordance with the recommendations. See Subsection Assessment of Climate-related Risks and Opportunities for Gazprom.

Some initiatives are mentioned without information on their time and place.

The Report structure has been updated in accordance with the recommendations. See Subsection Stakeholder Engagement Formats.

Cooperation agreements were entered into with 81 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is recommended to specify how they reflect the responsible business conduct and sustainable development practices.

The cooperation agreements with constituent entities of the Russian Federation currently contain no provisions with regard to the sustainability approaches and obligations of the parties.

It is recommended to supplement the Biodiversity subsection with quantitative monitoring indicators to assess the dynamics of changes in flora, fauna, and aquatic animals and plants in the most vulnerable regions of operation.

The Report structure has been updated in accordance with the recommendations. Subsection Biodiversity Support includes some data for 2020.

More details on the respective activities of the Gazprom Group see here.

It is recommended to supplement information about inclusion.

The Report structure has been updated in accordance with the recommendations. See Subsection Employment of People with Disabilities.


It is recommended to supplement employee satisfaction/engagement analysis (if any).

PJSC Gazprom carried out no employee satisfaction surveys in 2020.

Gazprom Neft conducts annual psychosocial surveys to assess employee engagement and satisfaction.

In 2020, the survey covered 46,000 people.

Number of people insured under voluntary medical insurance programs. Percentage of employees who had a periodic health examination. It is recommended to provide comparison with the previous period.

The Report structure has been updated in accordance with the recommendations. See Subsection Social Policy of the Gazprom Group.

It is recommended to specify the number of localities connected to gas supplies in Russia.

The Report structure has been updated in accordance with the recommendations. See Subsection 6.3.2 Gas Infrastructure Expansion in Russian Regions, table Results of the Five-Year Regional Gas Infrastructure Expansion Program.

It is recommended to provide specific indicators: R&D investments versus total investments.

According to the common approaches, including those provided for by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the performance indicator in this area is the ratio of R&D spending to revenue. The targets for this indicator are defined in the Innovative Development Program of PJSC Gazprom
until 2025 and specified in the Passport of the Program available on the Company’s website. The actual value is provided in the annual public reports on the Company’s activity, including the Report (see Subsection Business Model).