Process Safety Management

Life and health of our employees are the Gazprom Group’s key priority. The well-being of employees, comfortable and safe working conditions allow the Group to work confidently and sustainably, achieving success for the benefit of the country and people. The Group strictly complies with occupational safety requirements, reduces the risks of accidents and injuries, and continuously improves its process safety management system.

Material topic 4

Health and process safety at the Gazprom Group and contractors

Approach to Process Safety Management

National projectsHealthcare

We are fully aware of our responsibility to create a safe working environment and comply with industrial, fire and road safety requirements in our operations.

Material topic 7

The Gazprom Group’s legal compliance

Goals and objectives of the Gazprom Group in process safety and occupational health

  • Create a safe working environment and protect the lives and health of the employees;
  • reduce the risks of accidents and incidents at hazardous facilities;
  • reduce the risks of road accidents related to production activities;
  • ensure fire safety.
Achievement of PJSC Gazprom's Corporate Process Safety Goals in 2023
Corporate process safety goal Organizations within the ISPSM scope Indicator (2023)
Indicator (2023)
Achievement in 2023,
% against the target
Reduce lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)Number of persons injured as a result of incidents where lost time was involved / total man-hours worked x 1,000,000. Gas business companiesThe data is provided for gas business companies covered by the ISPSM, excluding low-pressure pipeline networks (gas distribution) and distribution of petroleum products. 0.089The target is set in line with strategic targets and calculated as a moving average of the last five years with a 10% decrease. 0.102 +14.6

For more details on the Gazprom Group’s process safety regulations, see the Appendix.

ISPSM Structure and Operation

PJSC Gazprom has in place the ISPSM integrated into its business process management.

The ISPSM is based on a set of standards of the Integrated System of Process Safety Management group and, in particular, STO Gazprom 18000.1-001-2021 Integrated System of Process Safety Management. Key ProvisionsApproved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 2 dated January 12, 2021.. It is designed for achieving the targets and fulfilling the commitments under the Occupational, Industrial, Fire and Road Safety Policy of PJSC GazpromApproved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 416 dated September 17, 2019..

The ISPSM establishes a uniform procedure to manage process safety in accordance with applicable laws, latest scientific and technological solutions, and corporate requirements, while also taking into account geographic, production and other conditions characteristic of each subsidiary.

Key ISPSM elements
PJSC Gazprom’s ISPSM structurePJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries, entities and branches.
Corporate control over compliance with process safety rules

Development and enhancement activities with respect to ISPSM and each of its elements were guided by the Process Safety Management Development Strategy of PJSC Gazprom for 2021–2030Approved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 368 dated September 9, 2020. (the “Strategy”). The Strategy requirements were fulfilled in accordance with the measures of PJSC Gazprom's Target Process Safety Enforcement Program for 2022–2025Approved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 50 dated February 7, 2022..

The operation and continuous improvement of the ISPSM helps ensure PJSC Gazprom's sustainable development in line with the set process safety indicators and maintain a safe working environment at each workplace.

In 2023, PJSC Gazprom’s Board of Directors reviewed occupational health, safety and environmental practices and approved the Company's efforts towards occupational, industrial and fire safety, and environmental protectionApproved by resolution of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom No. 3944 dated June 9, 2023..

636,420 people

number of employees covered by the ISPSM


The ISPSM covers PJSC Gazprom, its core subsidiaries specializing in natural gas, gas condensate and oil production, treatment, transportation, processing, distribution, and storage, as well as subsidiaries responsible for the functioning of the Unified Gas Supply System.

The organizations covered by the ISPSM include the Administration and 15 branches of PJSC Gazprom, 79 subsidiaries and entities, and four subholding companies: the Gazprom Neft Group, Gazprom Energoholding, the Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group, and the Gazprom GNP Holding Group.

As of December 31, 2023, employees covered by the ISPSM totaled 636,420Including the Gazprom Teploenergo Group. peopleIncluding employees dismissed on December 31, 2023..

The ISPSM does not cover the Gazprom Group’s representative offices outside Russia.

ISPSM coverage, thousand employees

ISPSM Improvement in 2023

New process safety documents and plans were adopted in 2023, including those resulting from accident investigations. These include action plans to prevent accidents and ensure safety at the Group's facilities, standard operational safety rules, and some guidelines.

ISPSM Compliance with Industry Standards

In line with STO Gazprom 18000.1-004-2020 Integrated System of Process Safety Management. Organizing and Conducting AuditsApproved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 94 dated March 2, 2020., PJSC Gazprom’s structural units and subsidiaries engaged in the production, transportation, storage and processing of gas undergo process safety audits at least once every three years. The rest of PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and entities are subject to audits at least once every five yearsIn line with STO Gazprom 18000.1-004-2020 Integrated System of Process Safety Management. Organizing and Conducting Audits..

Over five years, all employees (including contractors) whose work and/or workplace are covered by the ISPSM undergo auditing.

External ISPSM audits

The ISPSM complies with GOST R ISO 45001-2020Occupation Health and Safety Management Systems. Requirements with Guidance for Use. national standard. PJSC Gazprom and 63 of its subsidiaries with a total headcount of over 588.5 thousand people passed the certification.

>588,500 people

from among employees of PJSC Gazprom and 63 of its subsidiaries passed the certification

The data is based on the headcount of the gas subsidiaries of the core business, distribution of petroleum products, low-pressure pipeline networks, oil and electric power businesses, including employees dismissed on December 31, 2023.

Number of the Gazprom Group entities that underwent audits of the Integrated System of Process Safety Management (ISPSM)
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022, %
External audits for compliance with GOST R ISO 45001-2020. 57 59 63 +6.8
Headcount of the Gazprom Group subsidiaries and entities certified for compliance with GOST R ISO 45001-2020, thousand people

The data is based on the headcount of the gas subsidiaries of the core business, distribution of petroleum products, low-pressure pipeline networks (gas distribution), oil and electric power businesses, including employees dismissed on December 31, 2023.

Number of the Gazprom Group entities certified for compliance with GOST R ISO 45001-202

Corporate control over compliance with process safety rules

Internal audits of compliance with legislative and corporate requirements are conducted as part of corporate control over compliance with process safety requirements at the Gazprom Group’s facilities.

Corporate control includes a multi-tier framework consisting of administrative production control over compliance with process safety requirements, corporate inspection control, and ISPSM audits.

Administrative production control over compliance with process safety requirements focuses on preventing potential accidents, as well as conducting self-assessment and evaluation of the activities of structural units and branches to manage process safety risks.

Corporate inspection control is aimed at monitoring compliance with industrial, fire and occupational safety requirements, as well as controlling the remedy of violations identified after inspections by state supervisory authorities.

The ISPSM is audited by PJSC Gazprom's structural unit with authorization in industrial safety. The audit verifies ISPSM performance (effectiveness) in subsidiaries. Heads of PJSC Gazprom's dedicated structural units conduct on-site inspections of core subsidiaries to assess the management of key process safety risks.

In addition, the Gazprom Group is subject to ongoing monitoring by trade unions and occupational safety officers to ensure compliance with process safety requirements.

Hazard and Risk Identification

PJSC Gazprom has approved STO Gazprom 18000.1-002-2020 Integrated System of Process Safety Management. Hazard Identification and Risk Management for Process Safety PurposesApproved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 37 dated January 30, 2020..

In 2023, the assessment identified no critical risks related to process safety in PJSC Gazprom. The Company identified 21 process safety risks, including seven significant risks:

  • the risk of injury in a road accident;
  • the risk of injury as a result of exposure to extreme temperatures;
  • the risk of hazardous substances release with subsequent fire at HIFs of gas trunklines;
  • the risk of injury as a result of falling, collapsing, falling objects, materials, earth;
  • the risk of injury to employees exposed to moving, flying or rotating objects and parts;
  • the risk of injury to a worker due to a fall at different heights;
  • the risk of loss of containment in process equipment and technological devices at HIFs of gas trunklines.

For each risk, the Company developed management measures, response methods, and mitigants.

Risk Management Measures in Process Safety

The Gazprom Group manages process safety risks within the framework of the ISPSM. The risks are assessed in each subsidiary. Measures are developed to mitigate the key risks. The results of hazard identification and risk assessment are used to define process safety goals for PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries.

Incident Investigation

PJSC Gazprom thoroughly investigates each incident, identifies its causes in due time, and develops recommendations to prevent similar incidents in future. Incident investigation is regulated by laws and STO Gazprom 18000.1-008-2019 Integrated System of Process Safety Management. Analysis of Incident Root Causes. Procedure for Identification and Development of Preventive MeasuresApproved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 208 dated May 31, 2019 (as amended)..

To investigate an incident, PJSC Gazprom creates a committee to take a record of the circumstances of the incident, collect data about the incident and all the associated events, analyze the available materials and identified causes, and prepare an investigation report. Experts review the submitted materials to assess the completeness and reliability of the collected data, correctness of the analysis and conclusions about the causes of the incident. Upon completion of the investigation, prevention measures are developed and implemented. Employees of PJSC Gazprom's structural units and branches are also informed of the investigation findings.

Incident response process flow chart for occupational health, industrial, fire and road safety

(1) Approved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 208 dated May 31, 2019 (as amended).

Participation of personnel in ensuring process safety

The Gazprom Group has adopted a procedure for informing each employee about the process safety policy and objectives, as well as about each employee's personal responsibility and contribution to the ISPSM performance and improvement. Employees receive information about the requirements of ISPSM regulations applicable to their activities, learn about the actual and potential consequences of non-compliance. Personnel are made aware of the accident investigation procedure, risks, possible process safety incidents, and the actions to be taken by employees when they occur.

The Group has authorized occupational safety officers representing the interests of employees on process safety issues.

Methods of Raising Employee Awareness of Process Safety

  • Information stands;
  • instructions on safe practices;
  • videos on safe practices;
  • reviews of accidents and incidents that occurred during the past month;
  • video reconstructions of severe accidents;
  • workplace legal reference systems for persons responsible for industrial safety;
  • communication, notification and location systems for the personnel working at HIFs.

PJSC Gazprom uses various ways to draw employees' attention to process safety. In 2023, Gazovaya Promyshlennost (Gas Industry) journal published a special issue dedicated to process safety at PJSC Gazprom.

Training in Process Safety

Training of the Gazprom Group personnel in process safety forms the foundation for a safe working environment and preventing accidents. Training and professional development programs have been developed for each employee category at both the Gazprom Group's internal professional training centers and specialized educational organizations.

Types of Training Programs

Digital learning tools

Computer programs and models, interactive training courses, videos, webinars and online training helps train employees in a convenient format and track their performance.

In-person training programs

Further professional training programs implemented by organizations of PJSC Gazprom’s Continuous Vocational Education and Training System in various formats (training sessions, business games, etc.).

Regular knowledge assessment

Testing ensures that employees have complete understanding of the rules and regulations and that their process safety qualifications are adequate.

Practical trainings and demonstrations

Enabling employees to safely practice operations and the use of special equipment, evacuation and first aid.

The Group organizes occupational safety training for personnel at its own educational organizations, including Gazprom Corporate Institute. In the reporting year, the Group's employees received process safety training in 33 programs and 20 e-courses. In 2023, the Institute developed a professional development program for building a system of psychological support for the personnel responsible for process safety. The training is centered around developing the competencies of employees of subsidiaries and entities who provide psychological support to colleagues responsible for process safety. The program is scheduled to start in 2024. In the reporting year, the total number of the Gazprom Group employees who completed training in process safety reached 173,687Data on managers, specialists, and other white-collar staff who completed pre-certification training in industrial safety, occupational health, etc. The number of employees who completed training is stated in man-courses (where one person received training twice, they are counted twice, etc.)..


The GID corporate mobile app, a shared communication channel for all the Group’s employees, features process safety functionality.

For more details on the GID corporate digital system, see the Internal Communications subsection.

173,687 people

completed training in process safety

146 process safety awards and accolades

In 2023, the Gazprom Group employees received (including 25 federal ones)

Everyone’s responsibility

Group employees are obliged to report any incidents to their immediate supervisor and can also do so via a trade union organization or occupational safety officers. In addition, they can submit suggestions for improving ISPSM components, questions regarding process safety, and any other information on this topic through the following communication channels:

  • by phone;
  • by e-mail;
  • by mail or courier with a “hotline” mark;
  • through a subsidiary’s intranet portal;
  • through a mobile app;
  • by an SMS message from the mobile phone or a text message via a messenger;
  • by hand to the head of the respective unit or to the relevant service.

Any employee who reports an incident, process safety hazards or risks, the actual situation and opportunities for improvement through these channels is protected from pressure, harassment or retaliation. They have every right to refuse to perform work in case of danger to their life and health due to violation of labor protection requirements until such danger is eliminatedSave where otherwise provided by law..

Digital process safety projects

A VR simulator developed by Gazprom ONUTC for taking out a 10 kV switchgear panel on the basis of a safe work permit using VR technology can train electricians and electrician fitters to work safely in power units. The simulator features a 360° photo and video tour and practical VR exercises to ensure maximum immersion in the process. The VR simulator is used to practice the procedure for taking out a 10 kV switchgear panel for repair under a safe work permit and putting it back into operation after repair in compliance with labor protection requirements and safety measures, as well as abnormal and emergency situations.

Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg is piloting computer vision technologies to ensure control over compliance with occupational health and safety requirements, including control of vehicle access to the production facility, as well as personnel access control based on biometric data.

Gazprom UGS and Gazprom Transgaz Ufa tested and successfully implemented remote laser methane detection systems. A laser detector, combined with a camera, not only receives information about the fact of leakage but also localizes it.

Control over Contractor’s Process Safety

The Gazprom Group requires contractors to strictly comply with the applicable rules and standards regulated by the corporate document STO Gazprom 18000.2-015-2021 Integrated System of Process Safety Management. Requirements for Process Safety Management System. Procedure for Interacting with Contractors to Ensure Compliance with Process Safety Requirements at PJSC Gazprom’s FacilitiesApproved by PJSC Gazprom’s resolution No. 269 dated June 7, 2021.. This document sets forth requirements for contractors’ process safety management system, interaction procedure, role distribution and areas of responsibility of all parties at construction, reconstruction and repair sites. It provides separate regulations for stages with potentially high risks associated with the presence of hazardous substances at assets under construction.

All contractor agreements for construction, renovation, diagnostics, maintenance, overhaul and current repair of PJSC Gazprom's facilities include mandatory conditions for meeting the requirements of STO Gazprom.

All accidents involving contractors' employees are investigated in accordance with legal requirements. Contractor agreements provide for the analysis of incident causes and development of preventive measuresAccording to STO Gazprom 18000.4-008-2019..

To make interaction with contractors more efficient, PJSC Gazprom appointed Gazprom InvestA wholly owned subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom. as a single technical customer for implementing its investment projects. To ensure the ISPSM operation and improvement and coordinate interaction with contractors on process safety matters, Gazprom Invest established a Process Safety Commission including first-line managers and a representative of employees. The Commission meets at least once in six months.

Training of Contractor Employees

The Group oversees the implementation of process safety training programs for contractor employees. In the reporting year, more than 110 thousand employees from 37 Gazprom Group’s contractors received process safety training in leadership and behavioral safety audit, process safety culture, risk assessment, VR training in electrical and fire safety, working at heights and hot works. In addition, 7,891 drivers of contractors took the Defensive Driving course.

>110,000 employees

from 37 Gazprom Group contractors received process safety training

Audit of Suppliers in Process Safety

Suppliers are audited in accordance with STO Gazprom 178-2020 Procedure for Comprehensive Audit of Companies Manufacturing or Planning to Manufacture Products for the Needs of PJSC GazpromApproved by PJSC Gazprom's resolution No. 283 dated August 10, 2020.. Comprehensive audits of suppliers are conducted in three stages: desk audit, on-site audit and drafting of a comprehensive audit report. As part of audits of counterparties' management systems, the Company verifies compliance with process safety requirements stipulated by Gazprom standardsSTO Gazprom 18000 series. and contractual terms and conditions.


Aerial monitoring of safety

 To control compliance with process safety requirements at PJSC Gazprom’s construction sites, Gazprom Invest put in place an aerial monitoring system using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). UAV operators receive requests that specify sites, coordinates, and emphases for certain work to be done for aerial surveys and send the drones there. Reports on identified violations are forwarded to contractors, which must eliminate the violations and take measures to prevent such cases in future.