Occupational Health

The Gazprom Group views the health and life of people as the greatest value and makes every effort to minimize injury risks and threats to the health of employees and contractors working at its facilities and production sites.

Material topic 4

Health and process safety at the Gazprom Group and contractors

The ISPSM and the system for managing process, fire and road safety include the occupational health and safety (OHS) management system, which complies with the Labor Code of the Russian FederationLabor Code of the Russian Federation No. 197-FZ dated December 30, 2001. and applicable laws and regulations, and covers all employees of PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries.

Material topic 7

The Gazprom Group’s legal compliance

Prevention of Occupational Injuries


In 2023, PJSC Gazprom, its subsidiaries, entities and branches had 44 occupational accidents, which resulted in 57 injuries, including 11 fatalities. The year-on-year rise in injuries was due to an increase in the number of traffic accidents caused by third parties and a group workplace accident.

The key types of workplace accidents in the reporting year included traffic accidents, falls and injuries suffered by employees engaged in high-hazard operations.

We investigated injuries as required by Russian laws, identified root causes and worked out measures to prevent future process safety incidents.

Types of accidents in 2023The data is provided for gas business companies covered by the ISPSM, excluding low-pressure pipeline networks and distribution of petroleum products.
Workplace injury rates
BRRUIE3.1.5, 3.1.6
Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Injury frequency rateNumber of work-related injuries requiring one or more days off work in the reporting year / average headcount × 1,000. 0.13 0.12 0,173The data is provided for gas business companies covered by the ISPSM, excluding low-pressure pipeline networks and distribution of petroleum products.
Injury severity rateTotal number of work days lost / total number of incidents. 68.19 67.87 76,6The data is provided for gas business companies covered by the ISPSM, excluding low-pressure pipeline networks and distribution of petroleum products.
Injured 42 39 57The data is provided for gas business companies covered by the ISPSM, excluding low-pressure pipeline networks and distribution of petroleum products.
Fatalities 5 6 11The data is provided for gas business companies covered by the ISPSM, excluding low-pressure pipeline networks and distribution of petroleum products.
Number of fatalities related to the activities of third-party contractors at the Company’s facilities 11 18 14
Number of work-related severe or permanent injuries by contractors (excl. fatal injuries) 17 29 22

The injury frequency rate in 2023 increased by 44.2% due to a higher number of workplace accidents and associated injuries. The injury severity rate rose by 12.9% due to a higher number of workplace accidents.

Number of injuries and fatalities as a result of incidentsInjuries requiring one or more days off work and fatal injuries. in the Gazprom Group, persons
Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Gas business companiesThe data is provided for gas business companies covered by the ISPSM, excluding low-pressure pipeline networks (gas distribution) and distribution of petroleum products.
injured 42 39 57
incl. fatalities 5 6 11
Oil business companies
injured 70 45The Gazprom Neft data includes the subsidiaries of Gazprom Neft as well as the joint ventures under its operational control in Russia and abroad.45 The Gazprom Neft data includes the subsidiaries of Gazprom Neft as well as the joint ventures under its operational control in Russia and abroad.
incl. fatalities 3 0 0
Power generation companies
injured 3 7 Including the Gazprom Teploenergo Group.15 Including the Gazprom Teploenergo Group.
incl. fatalities 0 1 0
Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat
injured 2 1 0
incl. fatalities 2 0 0

The year-on-year rise in injuries was due to an increase in the number of traffic accidents caused by third parties and a group workplace accident.


Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)Number of lost time injuries / total man-hours worked × 1,000,000., Gazprom Group
Gazprom Group Indicators29.1
Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Gas business companies 0.08 0.08 0.102
Gas business companies (low-pressure pipeline networks)The data refers to the Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group.No data was collected.No data was collected.0.204
Gas business companies (distribution of petroleum products) No data was collected.No data was collected.0.369
Oil business companies 0.36 0.338 0.323
Power generation companies 0.05 0.086 0.191

Higher LTIFR in the Group’s gas business and power generation companies in 2023 was driven by an increased number of lost time injuries. Lower LTIFR in the Group’s oil business companies is attributable to an increase in the number of man-hours worked.

Fatal accident rate (FAR)Number of fatalities / total man-hours worked × 100,000,000., Gazprom Group
Gazprom Group Indicators29.2
Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Gas business companies 0.99 1.18 1.963
Gas business companiesThe data refers to the Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group.No data was collected.No data was collected.1.927
Gas business companies (distribution of petroleum products) No data was collected.No data was collected.12.309
Oil business companies 3.80 0The Gazprom Neft data includes the subsidiaries of Gazprom Neft as well as the joint ventures under its operational control in Russia and abroad.0The Gazprom Neft data includes the subsidiaries of Gazprom Neft as well as the joint ventures under its operational control in Russia and abroad.
Power generation companies 0 1.23Including the Gazprom Teploenergo Group.0Including the Gazprom Teploenergo Group.
Gazprom Neftekhim SalavatThe data refers to Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat LLC. 12.96 0 0

In the reporting year, the fatal accident rate in the Group’s gas business companies increased by 66.4% year-on-year due to group accidents involving fatalities.

Number of injuries and fatalities as a result of incidentsInjuries requiring one or more days off work and fatal injuries. in the Gazprom Group, persons
[Translate to en:] Показатель 2021 2022 2023
Мужчины Женщины Мужчины Женщины Мужчины Женщины
Компании газового бизнесаДанные представлены по компаниям газового бизнеса периметра ЕСУПБ, без учета низких сетей (газораспределение) и сбыта нефтепродуктов.
количество пострадавших 39 3 36 3 507
в т. ч. количество погибших 5 0 6 0 110
Компании нефтяного бизнеса
количество пострадавших 62 8 38Данные ПАО «Газпром нефть» указаны по ДО, а также совместным предприятиям под операционным управлением Газпром нефти в России и за рубежом. 7Данные ПАО «Газпром нефть» указаны по ДО, а также совместным предприятиям под операционным управлением Газпром нефти в России и за рубежом.37Данные ПАО «Газпром нефть» указаны по ДО, а также совместным предприятиям под операционным управлением Газпром нефти в России и за рубежом.8Данные ПАО «Газпром нефть» указаны по ДО, а также совместным предприятиям под операционным управлением Газпром нефти в России и за рубежом.
в т. ч. количество погибших 4 0 0 0 00
Компании электроэнергетического бизнеса
количество пострадавших 3 0 6 1 14Данные представлены с учетом показателей Группы Газпром теплоэнерго.1Данные представлены с учетом показателей Группы Газпром теплоэнерго.
в т. ч. количество погибших 0 0 1 0 00
Газпром нефтехим СалаватУказано для ООО «Газпром нефтехим Салават».
количество пострадавших 2 0 1 0 00
в т. ч. количество погибших 2 0 0 0 00

Differences in the numbers of injured male and female workers are due to the statistical difference between women and men working at hazardous industrial facilities.

To reduce accident risks, the Group developed a series of documents, including action plans to prevent workplace incidents, action plans to prevent road accidents and ensure road safety, programs for the reconstruction and re-equipment of the Group’s facilities, etc.

In 2023, PJSC Gazprom held a Contest for the Best Subsidiary by Occupational Health Performance. The winners were selected in three categories: Gas Production, Processing and Storage; Gas Transportation; and Infrastructure Entities.

Occupational health expenditures across the Gazprom GroupThe data is provided for entities covered by the ISPSM., RUB million
RUIE3.1.9Gazprom Group Indicators30MED27
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022, %
Gas business companies 12,825 14,663,4 17,165.78 +17.1
Gas business companies (low-pressure pipeline networks)The data refers to the Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group.No data was collected. 1,867.68 2,139.81 +14.6
Gas business companies (distribution of petroleum products) No data was collected. 95.37 138.35 +45.1
Oil business companies No data was collected. 5,106.71 4,805.30 –5.9
Power generation companies 1,915 1,739.3Including the Gazprom Teploenergo Group.2,633.33Including the Gazprom Teploenergo Group. +51.4
Gazprom Neftekhim SalavatThe data refers to Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat LLC. 209 221.6 255.35 +15.2

Labor Conditions Assessment

1.28 million studies and measurements

of harmful workplace factors conducted as part of OC

To ensure process safety, the Gazprom Group's facilities have implemented special labor conditions assessment (SLCA) and operational labor conditions control (OC).

The SLCA is held once every five yearsPursuant to Federal Law No. 426-FZ On Special Assessment of Labor Conditions dated December 28, 2013.. It is arranged by the subsidiaries’ occupational health services and implemented by expert organizations included in the relevant register. As part of the SLCA, working environment and working process factors are identified to assess their impact on employees.

The OC is held annually by industrial sanitation laboratories of PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and certified third-party laboratories. They identify harmful and/or hazardous workplace factors (if any) and their impact on employees' health.

Based on the SLCA and OC findings, the following steps are taken:

  • Employees are informed about the identified harmful and/or hazardous workplace factors at production sites;
  • initiatives are developed and implemented to improve working conditions, including the provision of individual and collective protective equipment;
  • mandatory preliminary and periodic medical check-ups are held.
Number of Class 3 and 4 workplaces and the number of employees working at such workplaces in entities covered by the ISPSM, 2023
Indicator Class
Number of workplaces 36,066 17,947 775 39 21
Number of employees 66,909 42,554 2,483 73 73

The Gazprom Group collaborates with federal process safety agencies (Rostekhnadzor, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, EMERCOM of Russia, Rostrud, Social Insurance Fund), among other things, to develop relevant regulations.

In the reporting year, PJSC Gazprom took part in the Russian Labor Safety Week 2023 to arrange a dedicated session for discussing the most pressing matters with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. Furthermore, Gazprom Energo hosted a roundtable on preventing injuries and enhancing the reliability of human inputs in the production environment. The Group also organized an onsite meeting of the Science and Technology Council at Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan and the training center of Gazprom Gazobezopasnost.

Occupational Disease Prevention

Key occupational diseases develop in employees exposed to production-related chemical and physical factors or experiencing physical overload and functional overexertion of certain bodily organs and systems.

Whenever an occupational disease is confirmed, the Group conducts an investigation to identify the causes and develop and adopt relevant prevention measures.

0 fatalities

at the Gazprom Group caused by occupational diseases

Occupational disease prevention measures taken by the Group

  • Streamlining the labor process to cut the time of employees’ exposure to production factors;
  • upgrading and replacing obsolete equipment associated with high levels of employee exposure to harmful production factors;
  • providing employees with modern and effective personal and group protective equipment.
Occupational disease rates (ODR)Incident cases of occupational diseases / total man-hours worked × 1,000,000., Gazprom Group
Gazprom Group Indicators29.3
Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Gas business companies 0.019 0.021 0.023
Gas business companies (low-pressure pipeline networks)The data refers to the Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group.No data was collected.No data was collected.0
Gas business companies (distribution of petroleum products) No data was collected.No data was collected.0
Oil business companies 0 0 0
Power generation companies 0 0.012Including the Gazprom Teploenergo Group.0Including the Gazprom Teploenergo Group.
Gazprom Neftekhim SalavatThe data refers to Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat LLC. 0 0.062 0.062

In 2023, the occupational disease rate in the Group’s gas business companies increased by 9.5%, with more incident cases of occupational diseases identified as a result of wider diagnostics coverage and improved diagnostics methods.