Industrial Safety

The Gazprom Group complies with industrial safety requirements, continuously monitors hazardous industrial facilities (HIFs), and makes sure its assets are fully prepared for a fast response to accidents and incidents.

Accident Prevention

18 in-house emergency rescue teams

As of December 31, 2023, a total of 8,402 hazardous industrial facilities (HIF) were registered in the State Register of Hazardous Industrial Facilities, including:

  • 4,473 at gas business companies;
  • 2,189 at gas business companies (low-pressure pipeline networks)The data refers to Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group.;
  • 251 at gas business companies (distribution of petroleum products);
  • 797 at oil business companiesThe Gazprom Neft data include the subsidiaries of Gazprom Neft as well as the joint ventures under its operational control in Russia and abroad.;
  • 688 at power generation companiesIncluding Gazprom Teploenergo Group.;
  • 4 at Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat.

The Company implements the following programs aimed at cutting accident rate at production facilities:

  • Comprehensive Program for Reconstruction and Re-Equipment of Gas Production Facilities for 2023–2027Approved by resolution of the Management Committee of PJSC Gazprom No. 35 dated September 22, 2022.;
  • Comprehensive Program for Reconstruction and Re-Equipment of Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbon Processing Facilities for 2023–2027Approved by resolution of the Management Committee of PJSC Gazprom No. 50 dated December 8, 2022.;
  • Comprehensive Program for Reconstruction and Re-Equipment of Gas Transportation Facilities for 2023–2027Approved by resolution of the Management Committee of PJSC Gazprom No. 37 dated October 6, 2022..

On top of that, PJSC Gazprom drafts and updates local regulations to improve process control and equipment diagnostics.

The Gazprom Group upgrades and repairs equipment, conducts technical inspections, performs diagnostics and examines the industrial safety of technical devices, buildings and structures, holds personnel training in accident prevention and runs comprehensive accident response drills.

To strengthen industrial safety, the Gazprom Group took the following steps:

  • set up 18 in-house emergency rescue teams;
  • signed agreements with professional rescue teams to prevent well blowout, ensure gas, fire and industrial health and safety, and conduct scheduled gas hazardous and repair activities;
  • stockpiled materials and equipment and created provisions to contain and eliminate accident consequences;
  • improves training and technical aids to prepare its staff for emergency response.

In 2023, PJSC Gazprom’s HIFs covered by the Integrated System of Process Safety Management (ISPSM) saw accidents go down by over one third, with four accidents occurring in the linear part of gas trunklines mainly as a result of corrosion and defects in welded joints.

The number of accidents remained flat year-on-year, with three of them taking place in the linear part of gas trunklines and one occurring due to the loss of integrity at a locking device of the receiver's end closure at cleaning pigs.

Industrial accidents and incidents across the Gazprom Group
Entity 2021 2022 2023
Gas business companiesThe data is provided for gas business companies covered by the ISPSM, excluding low-pressure pipeline networks (gas distribution) and distribution of petroleum products.
accidents 7 6 4
incidents 5 4 4
Oil business companies
accidents 0 2The Gazprom Neft data include the subsidiaries of Gazprom Neft as well as the joint ventures under its operational control in Russia and abroad.0The Gazprom Neft data include the subsidiaries of Gazprom Neft as well as the joint ventures under its operational control in Russia and abroad.
incidents 54The decrease is attributable to changes in the procedure for accounting for, and recording of man-made events. 5The Gazprom Neft data include the subsidiaries of Gazprom Neft as well as the joint ventures under its operational control in Russia and abroad.5The Gazprom Neft data include the subsidiaries of Gazprom Neft as well as the joint ventures under its operational control in Russia and abroad.
Power generation companies
accidents 0 0Including Gazprom Teploenergo Group.1Including Gazprom Teploenergo Group.
incidents 60 22Including Gazprom Teploenergo Group.20Including Gazprom Teploenergo Group.
Gazprom Neftekhim SalavatThe data refers to Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat LLC.
accidents 0 0 0
incidents 2 0 1

Following the investigation of accidents and incidents and review of their root causes, the Company drafted and put in place a mitigation plan. Accident response measures are conducted in line with an action plan approved by each subsidiary. The plan provides for all accident breakout and development scenarios and interaction procedures, while also allocating sufficient task force, materials and equipment, funds, and engineering resources.

Industrial safety expenditures across the Gazprom Group, RUB million
Gazprom Group Indicators31
Entity 2021 2022 2023 Изменение 2023/2022, %
Gas business companies 4,639 6,814.17 5,130.48 –24.7
Gas business companies (low-pressure pipeline networks)The data refers to Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group.No data was collected. 21.18 18.23 –13.9
Gas business companies (distribution of petroleum products) No data was collected. 951.41 11,392.84 +1,097.5
Oil business companiesThe Gazprom Neft data include the subsidiaries of Gazprom Neft as well as the joint ventures under its operational control in Russia and abroad.No data was collected. 368.07 478.82 +30.1
Power generation companies 676 697.12 786.11 +12.8
Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat5The data refers to Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat LLC. 490 459.27 681.66 +48.4

In 2023, gas business companies distributing petroleum products significantly increased their industrial safety expenditures due to the need to spend more on examining industrial safety of buildings, structures and technical devices as part of the Gazprom Group's investment program.

Fire Safety

PJSC Gazprom seeks to timely identify threats arising from wildfires in places where gas production and transportation facilities are located and promptly report them to fire-fighting units of the Gazprom Group’s facilities. To that effect, PJSC Gazprom and Gazprom  Space Systems develop a fire monitoring IT service powered by space monitoring technology.

To prevent fires at facilities, PJSC Gazprom relies on a Fire Safety Organizational and Technological Activities Plan (the “Plan”) drafted in 2023.Approved by order No. 03-241 of Chairman of the Management Committee and Head of Department at PJSC Gazprom on November 29, 2022. As part of this Plan, the Gazprom Group works to improve corporate controls, takes fire prevention measures, monitors the condition of fire-fighting systems, and holds comprehensive fire safety drills for personnel.

Number of fires at the facilities of PJSC GazpromThe data is provided for gas business companies covered by the ISPSM, excluding low-pressure pipeline networks (gas distribution) and distribution of petroleum products.
Entity 2021 2022 2023
Total fires 6 4 2
incl. at production facilities 0 1 0
Fire injuries 2 1 0
incl. fire fatalities 1 0 0
Damage, RUB million 3.6 26.1 81.6

50% reduction

in the number of fires at facilities of PJSC Gazprom in 2023

In 2023, two fires occured at the facilities of PJSC Gazprom due to different reasons, including electrical equipment faults, resulting in no injuries.

0 people

injured by fire

In the reporting year, the Gazprom Group held a fire and rescue sport competition among PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries in Orenburg. Following the competition, PJSC Gazprom set up a corporate team that later topped at the nation-wide competitions of the EMERCOM of Russia, winning the Cup of Fire and Rescue Sport Federation of Russia.

In the reporting year, PJSC Gazprom hosted one of the stages of the Safe Arctic 2023 drills at a fire safety testing site in Novy Urengoy. The participants fought fire at a gas well and prevented well blowout using four different methods.