Charity and Volunteering

Preserving national values, creating sports opportunities for children and adults across Russia, developing culture and art, and improving regional infrastructure are all important aspects of PJSC Gazprom's operations. The Gazprom Group provides significant support to the population in the regions of operation and creates ample opportunities for their development and well-being.

Material topic 3

The Gazprom Group's social projects

Principle 5: Accelerated infrastructure development

National projectsDemography, Housing and Urban Environment, Healthcare, Culture, Education

Charity Management

>4,500 charity and sponsorship initiatives

were funded by the Gazprom Group in 2023

The charitable and sponsorship activities of PJSC Gazprom and the Gazprom Group entities aim to contribute to the public good and address the most pressing objectives of social and economic development in the countries and regions of operation.

Material topic 11

Interaction with local communities in the Gazprom Group’s areas of operations

Key sponsorship and charity objectives

  • Promote the government’s social policies to support sustainable social and economic development in Russia and the regions where the Gazprom Group operates;
  • contribute to addressing some of the most pressing social issues, thus enhancing public stability;
  • foster a favorable environment for the Gazprom Group’s core operations and build a positive public image.

Relevant efforts are governed by PJSC Gazprom’s Regulation on Sponsorship and Charitable ActivitiesApproved by resolution of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom No. 2775 dated July 12, 2016 (as amended)., which sets out the key goals and objectives of the Gazprom Group in the realm of charity and sponsorship, the guiding principles and priority areas, and competencies of PJSC Gazprom’s governing bodies in allocating sponsorship and charitable assistance.

Key tools to implement charity initiatives

Targeted charity and sponsorship

Cooperation agreements with regional authorities

Volunteering support

Own social projects

Social project selection criteria


Targeted approach

Social relevance

The Gazprom Group entities decide whether to take part in projects based on the importance of such projects for local communities, as well as their relevance and potential positive impact on local development or improvement of living standards.

Management of the Gazprom Group’s charity and sponsorship projects

Decisions on participation in social investment projects and events fall within the remit of the Chairman of the Management Committee.

The decision on providing support to social projects is made by the management of the Gazprom Group entities.

PJSC Gazprom has a dedicated business unit (Department) responsible for planning, setting, and managing targets, control and provision of relevant details on charity activities to stakeholders. Some social investment projects and programs fall within the remit of the Department responsible for the information policy.

In 2023, PJSC Gazprom’s Board of DirectorsResolution of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom No. 3902 dated April 3, 2023. reviewed materials on the implementation of social programs, sponsorship and charitable activities of the Gazprom Group in 2022. The Board of Directors took note of the presented information and instructed the Chairman of the Management Committee to ensure further progress on social programs and sponsorship and charitable activities.

For more details on the Gazprom Group’s engagement with vlocal communities, see Appendix.

Number of charity and sponsorship initiatives funded by the Gazprom Group

For more details on the Gazprom Group’s charity and sponsorship regulations, see Appendix.

RUB 54.88 billion


PJSC Gazprom's сharity spending in 2023

PJSC Gazprom’s charity support broken down by area, %
Type of costs 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022, p. p.
Support of sports development (including sports facilities construction under the Gazprom for Children program) 44.68 52.67 30.86 –21.81
Urban infrastructure improvement in PJSC Gazprom’s regions of operation 35.05 18.04 37.68 +19.64
Culture support 1.54 2.91 3.74 +0.83
Education support 8.00 5.59 15.68 +10.09
Spiritual values support 4.52 2.99 2.20 –0.79
Other (support for healthcare, science, socially vulnerable groups, and other aspects) 6.20 17.80 9.84 –7.96

Gazprom for Children Project

The Gazprom Group makes every effort to provide children and teenagers in Russian regions with opportunities for harmonious intellectual, spiritual, and physical development. To achieve this goal, PJSC Gazprom has been running Gazprom for Children, the Gazprom Group’s largest social project, since 2007. This project aims to promote sports and a healthy lifestyle, and boasts unprecedented scale covering 74 out of 89 Russian regions across all federal districts.

By creating sports infrastructure and building coaching competences, the Gazprom Group raises awareness about sports and makes them more accessible. Over the lifetime of the project, hundreds of thousands of children and teenagers have been provided with an opportunity to do sports at multifunctional and specialized sports facilities, visit modern pools and ice rinks, and take part in competitions at new stadiums and playgrounds. Sports facilities have been put in place in both major cities with long-standing sporting traditions and remote sparsely populated areas that previously lacked adequate physical education infrastructure.

Among other things, these new sports spaces are designed to meet the needs of children and teenagers with limited mobility, to foster affection for sports and to raise awareness about the importance of physical education for an exciting and fulfilling life, thus laying the foundation for future sporting achievements.

Number of facilities as part of the Gazprom for Children project in 2007–2023 (cumulatively)
Gazprom Group Indicators6

Government Relations

In the Gazprom for Children project, PJSC Gazprom is guided by the principles of social partnership. The concept of the structure slated for construction is determined in collaboration with local authorities and takes into account the need of each location for sports facilities, as well as the type and level of planned competitions.

PJSC Gazprom respects the interests of all project stakeholders, while also monitoring compliance with relevant agreements and commitments by all parties involved. The Gazprom for Children project draws extensive support from regional administrations, local authorities, and government bodies, and is funded by PJSC Gazprom as part of its charitable activities.

Contribution to Sports Promotion

As the project is implemented in localities of different sizes, from small settlements to large cities, healthy living has now become accessible to all generations. More than 265 thousand children can engage in different types of sports daily at sports facilities built over the project lifetime.

The Gazprom for Children facilities are equipped to the highest standards. Thanks to their design solutions, these facilities are ideal for hosting local, nationwide, and international competitions, which gives a boost to the regional economy.

Advanced sports infrastructure makes cities more attractive and comfortable, preventing migration of younger generations to large cities.

Luzhniki, Russia’s largest stadium, is not big enough to accommodate all the children visiting sports facilities built under the Gazprom for Children project. It would take at least three such stadiums to house all these people.

The place where stars are born

Gazprom develops facilities where champions are made. Built under the Gazprom for Children project, St. Petersburg’s Ice Arena became the base for the figure skating club of Tamara Moskvina, a legendary figure skating coach and Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. She nurtured four pairs who became Olympic champions from 1984 to 2002, opened a sports club, and trained young figure skaters for the 2022 Olympic Winter Games held in Beijing.

Many prominent figure skaters have chosen the Ice Arena as their training ground, including two star pairs coached by the one and only Tamara Moskvina – Anastasia Mishina and Aleksandr Galliamov (world champions in 2021), and Alexandra Boikova and Dmitry Kozlovsky (European champions in 2020).

Key Focus Areas and Outcomes in 2023

>24,500 young athletes

were given a chance to do sports in 2023 under the Gazprom for Children project

Key sports benefiting from the Gazprom Group’s assistance as part of the Gazprom for Children project
  • Swimming
  • Ice hockey, figure skating, mass skating
  • Basketball, volleyball, soccer, badminton
  • Martial arts
  • Physical training and fitness

In 2023, a total of 116 facilities were commissioned in the Central, North-Western, Southern, North Caucasian, Volga, Siberian, and Far Eastern Federal Districts:

  • construction of 86 multifunctional sports grounds and 11 school stadiums;
  • creation of 9 sports and fitness complexes accessible to children with limited mobility;
  • refurbishment, upgrade, and reconstruction of 9 sports facilities and 1 cultural facility.

Creation of New Jobs

~2,500 jobs

were created by facilities built as part of the Gazprom for Children project in 2022–2023Pursuant to the design documentation.

Such large-scale infrastructure projects require a significant number of human resources. By building sports complexes and stadiums, PJSC Gazprom creates new jobs at both construction and post-commissioning stages. The Gazprom for Children project provides employment opportunities for a wide range of professionals, from builders and engineers to the sports facilities’ instructors, coaches, and maintenance personnel.

16 Years of Running the Gazprom for Children Project


sports, educational, social, and cultural facilities were built


outdoor flatworks (school stadiums and multifunctional sports grounds) were constructed


social facilities were renovated

116 facilities


2023 projects


children can engage in different types of sports daily at sports facilities built over the project lifetime

Krasnodar Territory
Martial Arts Academy for Sochi

In January, Martial Arts Academy, a unique sports complex with a total area of over 63,500 m2, was put into operation in the Sirius federal territory (Krasnodar Territory). It has become Russia’s biggest facility designed for training national judo and sambo teams. Built in 2.5 years, the complex is also the largest facility constructed under the Gazprom for Children project.

As part of the development, the Olympic Ice Cube Curling Arena was reconstructed into a Competition Center with a total area of 17,500 m2. Additionally, a new 46,000 m2 versatile sports and training facility was built. It includes one of the world’s largest judo halls (53 × 48 m), which boasts a floor furnished with twelve floating tatamis to minimize potential injuries. Another hall of similar dimensions can be transformed for multiple sport competition uses.

The complex

is 2.5 times

bigger than the Lokomotiv Stadium in Moscow


The facility can accommodate


spectators during competitions

Novgorod Region
Stadium for a gymnasium in Veliky Novgorod

A new school stadium with a modern lighting system was built in Veliky Novgorod. It boasts athletics grounds with three running tracks, a long jump pit, and a workout area, and has a futsal, volleyball, and basketball court. For the safety of athletes and spectators, the stadium is equipped with protective nets.

2,822 m2

total area of the stadium

Up to 240 people

per day can be housed by the stadium

Republic of Tatarstan
Reconstruction of an equestrian sports center for the settlement of Bogatye Saby

In August, the equestrian center of the Sabantuy sports school in the Sabinsky District of the Republic of Tatarstan opened its doors to visitors following reconstruction.

The center built in 2015 needed to be expanded. During the renovation started in 2022, new buildings were added to the facility: a warm-up arena connected to the existing stable with a new heated passage, and an additional stable of more than 650 m2 with individual stalls for 26 horses. Additionally, a two-story utility building was constructed. All new buildings are integrated with the existing equestrian sports center.

>650 m2

floor area of the center’s additional stable

Belgorod Region
Sports and recreation center with an ice rink for the settlement of Maisky

In March, PJSC Gazprom completed the construction of a sports and recreation center with an ice rink in the settlement of Maisky (Belgorod Region). Local residents voted to name it “Victory”. The more than 6,500 m2 three-story building boasts an ice rink of 1,800 m2, a multipurpose sporting facility, a hall for martial arts, aerobics and choreography, and a gym. In addition to providing space for figure skating, hockey, aerobics, wrestling, and team sports drills, the center is planned to be used as a venue for various competitions.

1,800 m2

ice arena area

Voronezh Region
Dynamo Stadium for Voronezh

In June, PJSC Gazprom completed the overhaul of Dynamo Stadium. Thanks to the renovation, the stadium could resume football, athletics, cycling, artistic gymnastics, freestyle wrestling and judo drills, as well as physical education and sports events for children and teenagers.

6,000 m2

total area of refurbished running tracks

Yaroslavl Region
New sports and recreation center with a swimming pool for Pereslavl-Zalessky

In February, PJSC Gazprom opened a sports and recreation center with a swimming pool and a multipurpose hall. The center has a sporting facility with a playground, a warm-up area, and two pools (for swimming and training). The sports center is designed for table tennis, badminton, volleyball, basketball, futsal, and swimming classes. It is accessible for people with limited mobility.

>4,000 m2

total area of the new sports center

Astrakhan Region
New building of the Orthodox Gymnasium for Astrakhan

In November, PJSC Gazprom opened a new building of the Orthodox Gymnasium named after Hieromartyr Joseph, Metropolitan of Astrakhan, and Benefactress Vera Zhilkina. The gymnasium occupies the Governor-General's House, a building of cultural prominence classified as a monument of federal significance, which was reconstructed under the Gazprom for Children project.

>2,500 m2

total area of the facility

84 pupils

from grades 5 to 11 can pursue their studies in the new building

PJSC Gazprom’s pavilion at RUSSIA EXPO hosts Q&A sessions to raise awareness about the Gazprom for Children project and to promote healthy lifestyle, physical culture, and sports.

The sessions were attended by special guests, including such sports stars as Tamara Moskvina, Viktor Sidelnikov, Arina Averina and Dina Averina, Nikita Nagorny, and sports journalist Georgy Cherdantsev.

The number of facilities built under the Gazprom for Children project

Major Charitable Projects Implemented in 2023

Infrastructure Improvement in the Gazprom Group’s Regions of Operation

180 improvement projects

completed in 2023

In the reporting year, the Gazprom Group continued its strategic and practical efforts to bring about improvements in cities, towns, and villages and develop urban infrastructure. For example, PJSC Gazprom contributed to proposals on the development of cities in the Russian Far East and implementation of the Siberian Federal District’s 2035 Social and Economic Development Strategy. Subsidiaries continue to provide ongoing assistance to local administrations in preserving cultural heritage sites, monuments, and memorials, and cleaning streets, roads, and territories around social establishments from garbage and snow.

  • Permgaztechnologia supported a project to erect gas lanterns and a park sculpture of Professor Sobolevsky in Perm's downtown to mark the city’s 300th anniversary and raise awareness about historical heritage.
  • Vostokgazprom supported a project to landscape the embankment of the Ob River (including a garden square) in the village of Kargasok (Kargasok District, Tomsk Region). Now, the village has a new public space for cultural events with a total area of 3,200 m2.
  • In 2023, PJSC Gazprom continued design and survey efforts in the settlement of Zhigalovo (Irkutsk Region) to construct two residential buildings for social purposes as required by the comprehensive development and improvement project at the Kovyktinskoye field.

Space for outdoor activities

In 2023, Gazprom Dobycha Nadym started the design of landscaping solutions to improve the embankment of Lake Yantarnoye in Nadym (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area). The project involves restoration of the lake's ecosystem and hydrological characteristics, clean-up of lakebed sediments, and construction of treatment facilities to improve the lake’s environmental health. The architectural concept of the new embankment provides for the construction of recreational areas, sports and playgrounds, a bicycle path, and a boat station. It will give local residents an opportunity to spend more leisure time outdoors throughout the year.

Culture Support

>540 culture support projects

completed in 2023

PJSC Gazprom attaches great importance to cultural education for people of all generations. The Gazprom Group entities also support artists (musicians, actors, painters, including young talents) by offering them an opportunity to participate in exhibitions and tours and to demonstrate their artistic achievements to people around the country.

  • On an annual basis, Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk provides assistance to the Breath of Baikal international opera music festival held in Irkutsk since 2011. The festival’s guests include music stars from Mongolia, as well as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, and Irkutsk. The event also hosts a qualifying round for one of the most famous and prestigious international vocal contests – Hans Gabor Belvedere Singing Competition for opera singers. The festival aims to stimulate the creativity of young performers in the Irkutsk Region by offering master classes by renowned vocalists and teachers.
  • In August 2023, Gazprom Transgaz Moscow provided support to the 2nd iteration of the Ornamental Thread international visual arts festival held in Ryazan. The festival program included an immersive exhibition, a theater play premiere, creative activities for children and youth, shows, concerts, and workshops.
  • Gazprom Transgaz Samara organized a tour of the Samara Art Theater across rural areas and small towns of the Samara, Ulyanovsk, and Orenburg Regions, with actors presenting children's plays and productions for adults based on the stories of Vasily Shukshin. The event drew a total audience of over 9 thousand people.
  • Sakhalin Energy fosters a social and cultural life in the Sakhalin Region. Since 2021, the company has been running the Sakhalin II project in collaboration with artists, art curators, and cultural institutions with reliance on the support provided by the regional government. The project aims to bring together artists and develop the local art community. As part of the project, in 2023 Sakhalin Regional Art Museum hosted the Power of Energies exhibition featuring works by more than 30 art figures, including painters, musicians, choreographers, and dancers.  Later on, the works were exhibited in Moscow.
  • In 2023, Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat sponsored events held to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the city of Salavat. The city's park of culture and recreation hosted performances by professional and amateur artists, as well as the National Symphony Orchestra.

Support for Education and Culture


>880 education support projects

completed in 2023

Contributing to the development of educational institutions and rendering support to educational events and initiatives are important aspects of PJSC Gazprom's charitable activities. The Gazprom Group entities help schools and kindergartens create modern learning spaces, while also providing innovators with opportunities to bring their unique projects into life. 

  • In the Year of Teachers and Mentors, Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg provided financial support to the Classwork competition held among schools of the Orenburg Region to unlock the creative potential of educators, promote patriotism, and increase children's awareness about the gas industry and blue-collar jobs.
  • In 2023, Gazprom Nedra developed children's playgrounds and sports facilities in two kindergartens of Ust-Uda (Irkutsk Region) and provided financing for the purchase of equipment for the local sports school.
  • In the Amur Region, Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk contributes to improvements in the educational environment for children. In 2023, the company financed refurbishment of a sports hall and a library, purchases of equipment for local schools and an orphanage, and equipment replacement at the Amur Technical College. Furthermore, the company helped organize additional training at the center of inclusive education, with a Dedicated Camp Shift and a media center launched, and the Sensor Garden psychotherapeutic space opened at a specialized corrective orphanage to facilitate the adaptation and rehabilitation of children with special needs.
  • PJSC Gazprom supported the construction of a secondary school for 520 students in the settlement of Zhigalovo as part of the comprehensive development and improvement project at the Kovyktinskoye field.
  • Gazprom Pererabotka supported universities from five regions (Kazan, Tyumen, Moscow, Ufa, and Astrakhan) by financing the renovation of classrooms, purchases of equipment for the Oil and Gas Chemical Technology Department of the Astrakhan State Technical University, and educational programs under the Chief Process Engineer School project.
  • In 2023, PJSC Gazprom financed the publication of a two-volume collection “300 Years of the Russian Academy of Sciences” to mark the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia and the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The book's print run amounted to 10,530 sets.

Support of Spiritual Values

350 spiritual values support projects

completed in 2023

By preserving historical monuments, the spiritual and cultural heritage of Russia's multiethnic and multiconfessional community, and fostering historical memory, knowledge, and respect for the spiritual feats of our ancestors, the Gazprom Group contributes to strengthening the nation's value priorities and sense of unity with the country, its rich history, and culture.

  • PJSC Gazprom financed restoration of the historical interior of the Church of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in St. Petersburg’s Twelve Colleges building to mark the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg State University.
  • Gazprom Mezhregiongaz financed the design, construction, and installation works for the technical upgrade of a boiler room to provide heating and create comfortable conditions for monks, pilgrims, and tourists at the Sanaksar Monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God where the relics of St. Fyodor Ushakov, a holy righteous warrior, are kept. The project aims to develop the Arzamas–Diveyevo–Sarov pilgrimage and tourist cluster in the Republic of Mordovia.

In collaboration with the Healthcare Department of the Tomsk Region, Vostokgazprom equipped a floating clinic designed to provide health checkup services to the residents of localities in the north of the Tomsk Region. People living in remote and hard-to-reach areas got an opportunity to undergo medical examination with specialized healthcare professionals. The company's funds enabled a team of doctors to perform medical checkups on a specially rented riverboat during six weeks.

Results of the floating clinic expedition in the Tomsk Region in 2023:


lab tests conducted

2,832 people

did health checkups, including 500 children

2 persons

sent for treatment to inpatient facilities in the regional capitals

Healthcare Support

>120 healthcare support projects

completed in 2023

The Gazprom Group entities help residents in the regions of operation maintain and strengthen their health by prioritizing healthcare programs and initiatives.

  • PJSC Gazprom supports the projects of Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology as part of financing innovative clinical research for the effective treatment of children. In 2023, PJSC Gazprom purchased a unique confocal scanning microscope enabling scientists to monitor previously unknown processes in healthy and pathological cells in order to improve diagnostics and treatment going forward. The device’s state-of-the-art optical system allows imaging fixed and live cells with the highest possible resolution.
  • Severneftegazprom supported projects of the Yamine Charity Foundation for the treatment and rehabilitation of severely ill children and children with disabilities in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area.

Long journey to victory

Since 2017, Gazprom Transgaz Nizhny Novgorod has been funding the regional stage of the World Children's Winners Games held in the Nizhny Novgorod Region. This is a three-day sports competition for children who have been receiving inpatient treatment in an oncological dispensary for several years. A long fight against oncology warrants social, physical, and psychological rehabilitation for affected children.

The Winners Games are an annual festive and creative rehabilitation event held in the form of sports competitions for children aged 7 to 17 who are in remission or undergoing maintenance therapy. Parents come to the competitions together with their children to support the participating teams.

The competitors are accompanied by medical workers, volunteers, and professional athletes. In a safe and controlled environment and in the company of their fellow fighters against the disease, children acquire social adaptation skills after prolonged forced isolation. They bond with each other and see new opportunities. The Gazprom Group is confident that this experience will motivate children to return to active life as soon as possible, while also reducing the risk of relapse.

5 disciplines
  • Athletics
  • Chess


  • Swimming
  • Football
  • Shooting

The competition is hosted by the Lastochka recreation center in the Nizhny Novgorod Region (a branch of the PJSC Gazprom) and is sponsored by the Gazprom Group jointly with the Nizhny Novgorod Cancer Research Center Foundation.


>300 people

participated in the Winners Games in 2023

Support of Sports

890 sports support projects

completed in 2023Including sports facilities constructed under the Gazprom for Children project.

The Gazprom Group entities focus on creating sports infrastructure across regions of operations, providing funding to sports clubs, and holding memorable events.

The Last Game on Lake Baikal

On March 8, 2023, a friendly hockey match was held on the ice of Lake Baikal. The event was sponsored by Gazprom Invest and attended by world-class sports stars. Vyacheslav Fetisov, the UN Goodwill Ambassador for the Arctic and Antarctic, is the mastermind behind this match designed to raise awareness about the conservation of Lake Baikal and to promote environmental education, sports, and healthy lifestyles.

The Last Game is a series of hockey competitions, which involves sports celebrities and is backed by the UN Environment Program (UNEP).

Organizers of the match equipped a pitch with ice barriers and seating for 400 spectators some 100 km away from Irkutsk.

The hockey stars competing on Lake Baikal included Olympic champions and Stanley Cup winners such as Alexei Kasatonov, Valery Kamensky, Alexander Yakushev, Alexei Zhamnov, and Andrei Kovalenko. Irina Rodnina, a figure skating icon, also went to Irkutsk to join them. During the match, the hockey stars played against the Irkutsk Region’s team.

  • In 20203, PJSC Gazprom provided sponsorship assistance to the North Palmyra Trophies international team tennis tournament, which aims to support Russian athletes and overcome the international isolation of Russian sports (in addition to Russian tennis players, participants included sportsmen from Serbia, Bulgaria, France, Spain, etc.).
  • Gazprom Transgaz Ufa supports sports and promotes volleyball in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The company sponsors a ski marathon and a volleyball tournament for teenagers.
  • Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg provided financial support to the Russian Society of Saving on Water (VOSVOD), interregional public organization of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, to implement a water safety, environmental protection, and healthy lifestyle awareness program for children and youth. As part of this program, 43 classes were held in educational facilities for children, and 85 events were staged to teach children swimming and rescue techniques in public waterside recreation areas. As a result, over 5 thousand children and teenagers mastered swimming and learned water rescue techniques. These activities helped expand the water safety, environmental protection, and healthy lifestyle awareness capacities of VOSVOD for children and youth, while also enhancing the water rescue system in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.
  • In the Stavropol Territory, the Gazprom Group is actively promoting martial arts, in particular, Shotokan, one of the Japanese karate styles. Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol supports participation of the Shotokan Transgaz Stavropol sports club in competitions of various levels, including the Russian Championship and Cup.

Since 2012, Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan has been providing assistance to the regional Automobile Sports Federation in organizing the Gold of Kagan bajaCross-country off-road automotive competition featuring a looped route.. In April 2023, the 2023 edition of the Gold of Kagan rally raid (2nd stage of the Russian Championship) was held with support from the company. In 2023, the company expanded cooperation with sports organizations, becoming a partner of the 5th stage of the Astrakhan 2023 Russian Rally Raid Cup and the Governor's Cup, a regional rally raid competition.

The Gold of Kagan rally raid saw:

41 crews

in automotive sports categories

823 km

of high-speed sections in steppes and deserts

Over 1,000 km

of tracks in total



By supporting the Gold of Kagan, PJSC Gazprom promotes eco-friendly fuels: the car piloted by the Gazprom Group’s representative is equipped with a hybrid engine powered by compressed gas.

Support for Socially Vulnerable Population Groups

>400 projects

implemented in 2023 to protect socially vulnerable population groups

The Gazprom Group provides assistance to socially vulnerable population groups, including low-income citizens and people with special needs. Particular emphasis is placed on targeted support for children with cerebral palsy.

  • In 2023, Gazprom Dobycha Krasnodar acquired rehabilitation equipment for a kindergarten in Krasnodar under the Assistance to Disabled Children program. It will help adapt 165 children with disabilities to living in the urban environment.
  • The Gazprom Group entities assist the regional charitable foundation Illustrated Books for Little Blind Children in publishing books for children with visual impairments.

For more details on the engagement of the Gazprom Group with non-governmental organizations, see Appendix.

  • Under the Kind Horse project, Gazprom Transgaz Saratov financed the purchase of special-purpose equipment for children with disabilities receiving equine-assisted therapy in the Saratov Region.
  • Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg supported a project staging the Beware of the Street! show for children from orphanages and specialized institutions in St. Petersburg.

For more details on charity environmental projects, see the Charity Environmental Projects subsection.

Path to Big-Time Sports

In Perm, Gazprom Transgaz Tchaikovsky supported the Perm Territory’s 21st Sports Festival for Disabled Children. Among the young athletes were children with musculoskeletal disorders, hearing and vision impairments, Down syndrome, respiratory, digestive, kidney, and endocrine system diseases. The kids took part in running, long jump, darts, checkers, chess, archery, and other competitions. For some of them, participation in the competitions marked the starting point of a real sports career as Paralympians.


children with disabilities and special needs aged 7 to 17 took part in the festival held in Perm

The Gazprom Group entities help forcibly displaced adults to settle in a new location, while also supporting underage refugees by giving them an opportunity to grow harmoniously alongside their peers from peaceful regions.

With the support from Gazprom Transgaz Moscow, 50 children from the Lugansk People's Republic spent their May holidays in Moscow. They enjoyed an extensive cultural program, visiting iconic places in Moscow and the Moscow Region and attending a concert by the Symphonic Orchestra of the Russian Ministry of Defense headed by Sergey Durygin, an honored artist of Russia.

Contributing to St. Petersburg Development

The Gazprom Group is making substantial efforts to conserve the unique historical and cultural heritage of St. Petersburg. The idea is to revitalize the traditions of Russian art patronage
while shaping a modern comfortable cityscape.

The Gazprom Group is making substantial efforts to conserve the unique historical and cultural heritage of St. Petersburg. The idea is to revitalize the traditions of Russian art patronage while shaping a modern comfortable cityscape. The Gazprom Group is committed to preserving St. Petersburg’s treasures for future Russian generations. There is a concerted drive to transform the city into a contemporary, livable metropolis that stays true to the vision of its founder, Peter the Great, the first Russian Emperor.

PJSC Gazprom and the Government of St. Petersburg have a cooperation agreement in place, which has led to further collaborative arrangements.

A roadmap of cooperation between the St. Petersburg Government and PJSC Gazprom on social and economic development was drafted and approved in June 2022. This includes the initiation of 64 major projects across ten different fields to be implemented in St. Petersburg with the active involvement of PJSC Gazprom in the medium to long term. In 2022–2023, alongside the above projects, PJSC Gazprom launched another twelve socially impactful initiatives.

PJSC Gazprom's focus spans the full gamut of community life, from educational and medical domains to the conservation of historical and cultural sites and the erection of new national landmarks. Additionally, PJSC Gazprom is a patron and organizer of festivals that bring together dozens of thousands of people from across the nation.

Urban Improvement

>100 city streets, parks, embankments, and architectural assemblies

successfully renovated since 2007

>19,000 lights


PJSC Gazprom has been running a major program designed to improve St. Petersburg cityscape since 2007, focusing on preserving its historical and cultural heritage, while also fostering a contemporary and comfortable urban environment. The program spans multiple districts, targeting the Tsentralny, Admiralteysky, Petrogradsky, Vasileostrovsky, and Moskovsky districts.

Implemented jointly with the Government of St. Petersburg, this project is a facet of a broader social and economic development initiative.

Key projects since the program's inception include upgrading the illumination of architectural highlights, optimizing the city’s street lighting with an eye on economic and energy efficiency, replacing obsolete fixtures with modern ones that resonate with St. Peterburg’s aesthetics, and transitioning to energy-saving LED technology. Upgrades utilizing durable and safe-to-use granite include refreshing sidewalks, curbs, constructing ramps and dished water channels, along with adding decorative lawn fences and benches. The cityscape has been greened with trees and shrubs, complemented by lawn restorations.

In 2023, St. Petersburg’s comprehensive improvement program was honored with the 1st place in the Best Project to Improve Energy Efficiency in Construction and Renovation category at the Competition of Implemented Projects aimed at energy conservation and enhancing energy efficiency.

2023 Highlights

Refurbishing public spaces
  • The northern bank of Lakhta Harbor has seen improvements, as has the southern embankment by the Lakhta Center. Refurbishments were also completed in some parts of Kronverksky Avenue, Moyka River Embankment, English Embankment, and Obukhovskoy Oborony Avenue.
  • New lighting fixtures now illuminate Malaya Morskaya, Vosstaniya, Pestelya, Klenovaya, Dumskaya streets; Suvorovsky, Moskovsky, and Ligovsky avenues; Manezhnaya, Preobrazhenskaya, and Palace squares; Petrovskaya, Petrogradskaya, Kutuzova, Voskresenskaya, Admiralteyskaya, Palace, and English embankments, and other locations.
  • Illumination enhancements for architectural ensembles and street lighting were completed for Dekabristov and Bolshaya Morskaya streets, Zagorodny Avenue, Voskresenskaya Embankment, Betancourt Bridge, Alexander Garden, Nakhimovsky Park, the boulevard along Petrovskaya Embankment, Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater building, Cabin of Peter the Great, Apartment Building of R.G. Vege, Church of the Epiphany on Gutuevsky Island, and more.
  • Artistic lighting has been installed on the cable-stayed bridge over the Petrovsky Fairway.
  • A concept for Eco-Gallery, a versatile public center designed to emulate a tropical forest near the Lakhta Center, received approval.
Cultural projects
  • Thanks to the support of the Gazprom Group, the State Hermitage Museum's Peter the Great Gallery unveiled three additional exhibition spaces. The Gallery’s collection now features artworks and decorative items from the eras of Anna of Russia and Elizabeth of Russia. The public has access to displays showcasing the epoch of groundbreaking reforms introduced by Peter the Great and his female successors who made invaluable contributions to the emergence of modern Russia and the flourishing of Russian science and art.
  • On February 28, 2023, a memorial plaque was installed with support from PJSC Gazprom on the historical front of the Winter Palace of Peter the Great within the State Hermitage’s complex, marking the location where the emperor spent his final years.
  • An ongoing exhibition, celebrating the creations of esteemed porcelain artist Inna Olevskaya, an Honored Artist of Russia and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, was inaugurated in the State Hermitage’s General Staff Building, backed by PJSC Gazprom.
  • The State Russian Museum, with support from PJSC Gazprom, conducted comprehensive restoration of Konstantin Makovsky's Fête during Shrovetide on Admiralty Square in St Petersburg and its antique frame.
  • In September 2023, the State Russian Museum enrolled the support of PJSC Gazprom to launch an extensive restoration project for artworks from the branch of the Taganrog Museum of Art, which sustained damage during a rocket explosion. In total, there are 22 damaged art pieces, including paintings by Victor Borisov-Musatov, Valentin Serov, Konstantin Korovin, Zinaida Serebriakova, and other artists.
Developing city infrastructure
  • PJSC Gazprom successfully completed the construction of a new fitness and recreation center in the Nevsky District, featuring an Olympic-size 50-meter swimming pool. This sizeable facility is part of the Gazprom for Children program and can accommodate approximately 850 individuals per day.
  • A new gas filling station commenced operations on Vaneyeva Street in the Nevsky District, bringing the total number of stations to 14.
  • Work is ongoing to renovate the Chernyshevskaya metro station.

Support for St. Petersburg's community activities

In 2023, PJSC Gazprom sponsored numerous significant social events in St. Petersburg, including:

  • free ice skating and coaching for children from orphanages, boarding schools, economically disadvantaged and large families, and children with disabilities (especially from centers for family education support, centers for the social rehabilitation of children with disabilities and special needs, and social care centers for family and children);
  • co-organizing events with the Hockey for Children charity foundation;
  • hosting free weekly ice-skating master classes in the “Mom, Dad, I are a Sports Family” series;
  • staging free regular ice performances and shows for all visitors at the Flagshtock public space’s rink;
  • holding collaborative events with the Committee for Youth Policy (Student Day) and the Committee for Labor and Employment (Labor Summer);
  • hosting the Summer without the Internet festival.

>215,000 individuals

took part in these events

Bolshaya Lakhta

Supported by PJSC Gazprom, a new city seafront is taking shape around the area of the multifunctional Lakhta Center, Gazprom Arena, and Flagshtock public space, with comprehensive improvements underway along the shoreline of St. Petersburg’s 300th Anniversary Park.

Flagshtock public space

Gazprom is creating and furthering new hubs for comfortable city leisure activities, including the Flagshtock public space adjacent to Gazprom Arena, along the Gulf of Finland near the Lakhta Center.

Since 2022, this public space has played host to a 2,900 m2 outdoor ice rink, offering organized community skating sessions on a smaller adjacent ice arena. In the reporting year, the ice rink’s area quadrupled to 11,400 m2, allowing for over 1,000 visitors to ice skate at a time. Plans are underway to enlarge the arena to 28,000 m2, with the facility poised to become the world's biggest skating rink.

Until 2023, this location boasted the tallest flagpole in Russia and Europe, measuring 105 m in height. It was capable of hoisting a colossal 20 × 30 m flag.

Flagshtock public space

In 2023, three record-breaking 179.5 m tall flagpoles were erected off the shoreline near St. Petersburg’s 300th Anniversary Park, flying the historical banners of the Russian Empire, the USSR, and the State Flag of the Russian Federation. These flagpoles, now a highlight among St. Petersburg's attractions, symbolize the enduring legacy of Russia's history and the ongoing vitality and spirit of successive generations.

This installation of flagpoles in the Gulf of Finland is unprecedented worldwide, marking the first time structures of this height have been constructed over water. The project demanded intricate engineering, innovative design solutions, and cutting-edge construction techniques.

A grand ceremony for raising the flags, attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin, took place on June 17, 2023. The event celebrated three notable anniversaries: 165 years of the Russian Empire's flag, 100 years of the Red Banner, and 330 years of Peter the Great's tricolor.

Recognition in the Russian Book of Records
  • The world’s tallest trio of flagpoles
  • The largest State Flag of the Russian Federation deployed on a flagpole

The project provides for the improvement of the adjacent beach area and the creation of sports and leisure infrastructure. A Water Sports Base will be established at the foundation of the flagpoles offering equipment to rent for standup paddleboarding, wakeboarding, and surfing. Reconstruction efforts on the beachfront are underway to support the GTO fitness standards.

179.5 m

of total height, including the foundation, above sea level

27 granite benches,

including those equipped with wireless chargers

>5,000 m2

of granite paving

~430 m

of shoreline reinforcement

60 x 40 m

size of each flag

1 charging station

for electric vehicles

Cultural and Artistic Endeavors

The Gazprom Group has been championing St. Petersburg's Art Fair 1703 since 2022, the region's pre-eminent initiative fostering contemporary art.

In June 2023, PJSC Gazprom unveiled the fair's second season, orchestrating a significant cultural venture that propels contemporary art appreciation, cultivates collectorship, and promotes artistic community. The fair grants a broad audience access to current artistic practices, interactive thematic discussions, lectures, and meetings with experts, gallery owners, artists, and art curators.

Kicked off in 2022, the project now features in St. Petersburg International Economic Forum’s cultural festival, St. Petersburg Seasons. Over the two years, the fair has burgeoned into a year-round cycle of activities and evolved into an open, cost-free educational program of contemporary art.

PJSC Gazprom sponsors the project, backed by the St. Petersburg Committee for Culture and the Manege Central Exhibition Hall.

St. Petersburg's Art Fair 1703 was the first event of this kind in the region. As mandated by PJSC Gazprom, participation for galleries is free of charge.

In 2023, for the first time, an international art gallery, Ambidexter from Istanbul, Turkey, joined the fair, alongside Russian galleries from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, and Kaluga.

Art Fair 1703

>15,000 visitors

(+50% year-on-year) of Art Fair 1703 at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall

>1,500 artwork

by 200 artists

38 participating

contemporary art galleries

>150 works


VK Fest 2023

For the second consecutive summer, in 2023, Gazprom proudly served as the general sponsor of VK Fest.

VK Fest stands out as Russia's most extensive open-air urban festival, attracting tourists and providing a unified platform for youth with common interests from across the country. The festival emphasizes sports, education, charity, and wholesome recreation.

Festival locations:
  • St. Petersburg
    (the principal venue in St. Petersburg’s 300th Anniversary Park)
  • Vladivostok
  • Novosibirsk
  • Sochi
  • Moscow

Strategically sited on the park's summit (the observation hill), the Gazprom Group's pavilion spotlighted the Friends of St. Petersburg social project. A three-story mirror cube featuring thematic areas and an observation deck, the pavilion’s design was a gesture towards “Reflection,” the core theme for the major Friends of St. Petersburg festival held in autumn 2023.

Visitors enjoyed master classes led by experts from the Tsarskoselskaya Amber Workshop, contests on St. Petersburg's history, and a special VR feature film “The Chinese Palace: Legacy of the Empress” funded by PJSC Gazprom.

The second floor showcased “Frames of the Looking Glass”, a bespoke digital installation by media artist Artyom Moroz. This featured a panoramic video of St. Petersburg's views filmed from the Lakhta Center's observation deck exclusively for VK Fest attendees. The guests had an opportunity to travel visually through the city's vibrant panorama and voyage through time, from dawn to dusk, by merely touching an interactive time acceleration control.

During VK Fest 2023, representatives from varied streams of the Friends of St. Petersburg project played key roles in the pavilion’s activities.

  • A team of 26 Friends of St. Petersburg volunteers provided assistance to attendees over the two-day event. Specialized training was provided for some volunteers to lead art mediations for “Frames of the Looking Glass”.
  • The “Creative Bureau” contributors reported the festival’s events through both the project’s website and its social media channels.

200,000 attendees


34 million

views of online streams (+48%)


thematic areas across five cities


66 hours

of the festival’s time span


volunteers from Friends of St. Petersburg

assisted attendees at VK Fest

>50,000 guests

visited the Gazprom Group’s pavilion during the event

Friends of St. Petersburg

Project achievements to date:

>2,500 active participants

211 master classes

Since 2020, PJSC Gazprom has been spearheading Friends of St. Petersburg, a multifaceted social project. This initiative builds upon the Company’s extensive patronage activities within St. Petersburg.

Its mission is to contribute to maintaining St. Petersburg’s cultural heritage and historical identity, fostering values among residents, particularly the youth.

PJSC Gazprom’s project nurtures a distinct creative environment within the city, and endorses vocations in art restoration, urban planning, and museum professions. It perpetuates the legacy of Leningrad's celebrated art restoration practices. The initiative supports the development of skills among students and young professionals and engages the wider community in volunteer activities that safeguard and evolve the city's historical and cultural identity.

The project concept has been ratified by PJSC Gazprom’s management and enjoys the backing of the Committee for State Control, Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments.

Key focus areas

Mentoring Program

The initiative arranges professional master classes and an integrated course for students from relevant universities, hosted by premier art restoration entities and endorsed by the Committee for State Control, Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments

Creative Bureau

The project’s media hub and social media, an analytical center focused on public opinion surveys regarding urban matters. New and experienced editors, columnists, journalists, and bloggers contribute content about St. Petersburg and its cultural and historical endeavors


This initiative offers quests, custom tours, educational programs, and historical podcasts featuring input from top professionals in art restoration, architecture, museum activities, and urban planningм


An initiative fostering volunteering pursuits within the cultural sector, intertwined with the broader, collaborative efforts of everyone involved in the city’s cultural activities


Hands-on research activities enable students and young professionals in architecture, urban planning, and associated fields to apply their skills


An annual celebration amalgamating creative and educational events within the city

Project highlights in 2023

Mentoring program

In 2023, an array of events took place, including:

  • master classes led by experts from the State Russian Museum, some taking place in the museum’s in-house restoration workshops;
  • dedicated master classes within the Revival of Masterpieces of the Taganrog Museum of Art project, allowing St. Petersburg university students to engage in art restoration;
  • a three-month interdisciplinary course providing insights into large-scale restoration projects like the Zubov Wing of the Catherine Palace and the Triangle Square in Tsarskoye Selo.

45 events

visited by more than 400 attendees in 2023

Creative Bureau

In 2023, the Gazprom Group joined forces with St. Petersburg State University's Clinic of Communication Projects to launch the School of New Media in culture for students from St. Petersburg universities majoring in Journalism and Public Relations. They took part in master classes led by established media figures and produced over 60 articles and interviews, featured on the project’s media portal and in partner media outlets.

>200 individuals

are involved in the School of New Media


In 2023, three segments of the Immersion program were unveiled, spotlighting major cultural landmarks such as the Peter and Paul Fortress, Tsarskoye Selo (beneficiary of Gazprom-supported restoration efforts) and Poltava, a 54-gun ship of the line reconstructed at a St. Petersburg shipyard with financial assistance from the Gazprom Group.

3 million

cumulative audience of the three intellectual quest programs


The Friends of St. Petersburg volunteer movement is a burgeoning area of collaboration with the city’s cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, exhibitions, and festivals. Volunteers' efforts are increasingly woven into the fabric of St. Petersburg's cultural landscape. Their assistance to museums and at cultural events, particularly as mediators at exhibitions, contributes to the conservation and enrichment of the city’s cultural identity.

>700 volunteers

participated in the Volunteers initiative in 2023

On December 5, 2023, RUSSIA EXPO witnessed the introduction of a training course for volunteer mediators. This initiative piqued the interest of numerous regional cultural institution representatives


2023 saw a unique cultural and research event – a laboratory dubbed "Architectural Lighting and Light Installations as Methods for Engaging with the Historical Environment".

Young talents' extensive and meticulous work culminated in an audiovisual installation called "Shadow of Someone's Shade". This immersive experience used projections of light and shadow, neon artistry, and architectural lighting to tell the story of St. Michael’s Castle through the lens of Russian 19th and 20th century literature. The performance accompanied by a soundtrack of composer Oleg Gudachev, blossomed into a large-scale urban event and became a cornerstone of the 2023 Friends of St. Petersburg festival.

22 young professionals

[Translate to en:]

участвовали в работе «Лаборатории» в 2023 г.



In October 2023, under the aegis of PJSC Gazprom, St. Petersburg hosted the second annual Friends of St. Petersburg city festival. Reflecting PJSC Gazprom’s dedicated and creative contribution to the preservation and revitalization of the city’s historical and cultural heritage, the festival's theme – Reflection – was conceptualized.

The digital installation, "Frames of the Looking Glass" by media artist Artyom Moroz, premised the idea that the external world mirrors the internal one, heralding the onset of the Friends of St. Petersburg festival. During two days, guests received holographic postcards as an invitation to the festival.

>250 events

featured by the festival

Festival activities such as exhibitions, concerts, master classes, tours, and expert-led discussions in culture, architecture, and urban planning took place at 38 venues across the city. Noteworthy locations included sites under PJSC Gazprom’s patronage, such as Tsarskoe Selo, Peterhof, the State Hermitage Museum, the Peter and Paul Fortress, and the Kunstkamera. All events were accessible after registration on the festival’s website.

>37,000 free tickets


In 2023, the Friends of St. Petersburg project secured prominent accolades and awards from the leading communications companies.

Crowned as the Best Cultural Project

Best Social Projects in Russia
Category winner for Culture, Art, Religion

Winner in the Best Social Projects category

Second Degree Diploma for Integrated Improvement of St. Petersburg

Silver Archer
Winner in the Cultural and Educational Projects nomination

Proba Awards
Shortlisted for Public Enlightenment and Education

Creating the Future Competition
Winner of the Leadership Team accolade for volunteerism in the Friends of St. Petersburg’s cultural sector Magazine Award: Petersburg of the Future
The Friends of St. Petersburg Festival was named the local history festival of the year

Developing Corporate Volunteering

Many of the Gazprom Group's employees view volunteering as an integral part of their lives. Apart from meeting their professional responsibilities, Gazprom Group staff generously support those in need, foster patriotism, engage in blood donation events, and advocate environmental conservation and animal welfare.


In 2023, the Gazprom Group further advanced its volunteering commitment by adopting the Corporate Volunteering Policy of the Gazprom GroupApproved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 292 dated August 10, 2023. This policy emphasizes instilling a culture of volunteerism amongst employees to address significant social needs and to bolster the image of Gazprom Group entities as socially responsible employers.

Key volunteering principles

  • Unremunerated (participation in volunteering takes place outside working hours and is not paid for)
  • Voluntary (coercion into volunteering is not allowed, volunteers independently select the categories of beneficiaries)
  • Unbiased and impartial (participation in volunteering should not influence the employee’s performance assessment)

The policy determines the core focus areas of volunteering

Environmental protection:
  • Cleaning nature spaces, tree planting
  • Participating in clean-up days, recycling paper
  • Animal care
  • Supporting vulnerable social groups
  • Holding sports and healthy lifestyle events
  • Blood donation
  • Supporting WWII veterans
  • Taking care of memorials
  • Taking part in events dedicated to historical milestones
Culture and education:
  • Preserving and revitalizing cultural and historical heritage


In 2023, a survey among active volunteers within Gazprom Group entities was conducted to identify their needs and insights. Volunteers from 64 subsidiaries and entities took part in this survey, providing valuable data to steer the corporate volunteering program's advancement looking forward.

155,656 Gazprom Group employeesThe total number of employees who participated in all volunteering campaigns (for example, if one person participated in two campaigns, they are counted twice).

Gazprom Group Indicators8

participated in various volunteer activities

1,260 volunteering activities and campaigns

held by the Gazprom Group in 2023

The Gazprom Group boasts over 50,000 active volunteers50,050 active volunteers according to the findings of surveys conducted in subsidiaries and entities. in its ranks – representing more than 10% of its headcount.

Volunteering Projects in 2023

Participation in events by focus area in 2023, % of total volunteers involved
Total number of the Gazprom Group’s employees taking part in volunteer initiatives in 2023, persons

Major Volunteering Projects and Events in 2023

Environmental protection

Gazprom Group volunteers engaged in the clean-up of water bodies, park zones, and urban spaces, and also delivered environmental education lessons at schools.

In 2023, employees of the Gazprom Group entities had a hand in the following initiatives:

4,353 clean-up days


4,051 locations

with an area of >10,400 ha cleaned up

>241,600 trees and shrubs


Results of volunteer environmental campaigns
Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Number of clean-up days 3,290 3,913 4,353
Number of cleaned-up territories 2,820 4,230 4,051
Total cleaned-up area, thousand ha > 7 > 5.5 > 10
Number of planted trees and shrubs, thousand > 450 > 185 > 241

Employees and their families actively participated in the Green Spring nation-wide environmental project, a Vernadsky Non-Governmental Environmental Foundation initiative supported by PJSC Gazprom. This campaign involves community clean-up days and planting trees and shrubs. Over 1 million people, including personnel from more than 30 Gazprom entities and their families, were involved in these clean-up activities during the reporting period. As a result, 66,500 ha were cleaned up and 415,000 tons of waste were collected for recycling and disposal. Among the campaign's winners were:

  • Gazprom Transgaz Belarus;
  • Gazprom Transgaz Yekaterinburg;
  • Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk;
  • Gazprom Transgaz Kazan;
  • Gazprom Transgaz Nizhny Novgorod.

The most creative works of art were presented for the “I Participate in Green Spring” contest came from:

  • Gazprom Transgaz Yekaterinburg (accolades for the Best Video);
  • Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta (honored for Green Spring Through the Lens and the Best Video).
Clean environment

Since 2020, Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg has backed the Baltic Ringed Seal Foundation, committed to preserving rare marine life such as Baltic and Ladoga ringed seals, and focused on rehabilitating young seals for wild living. Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg finances the foundation’s endeavors.

In 2023, employees from Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg and the Baltic Ringed Seal Foundation cleared debris along the shores of the Gulf of Finland near Konnaya Lakhta, collecting 19 bags, or approximately 2 m3 of waste.

Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk developed an interactive approach to fostering environmental awareness among locals through games. In these contests, teams collect and sort waste to earn points, with extra points received for sorting. Nearly 2,000 individuals participated in these eco-competitions in 2023, including 400 from outside the Gazprom Group.


Assisting those in need is a very popular volunteering activity within the Gazprom Group.


  • Gazprom Group employees annually engage in the Donor Day corporate volunteering project, a nationwide initiative fostering a culture of blood donation. Encouraging employee commitment and motivation to donate blood.
  • Since 2016, Gazprom Dobycha Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk volunteers have been providing charitable support to disadvantaged children. In 2023, employees placed letters from children at a social rehabilitation center on the organization's Christmas tree and fulfilled the wishes written in them. An entertainment program was organized for the children, featuring competitions and workshops.
  • In 2023, Gazprom Transgaz Volgograd employees gathered over 100 kg of gifts for children enduring prolonged medical treatments in the Lugansk Region. Over 200 staff members contributed to this endeavor.

>7,100 members

f the Gazprom Workers’ Union

participated in 150 blood donation drives in 2023



Thousands of Gazprom Group volunteers engaged in patriotic events throughout 2023.

Key formats:

  • assisting at humanitarian centers of the People's Front and temporary shelters for refugees;
  • providing care for the injured;
  • producing essential goods.
Memory Watch

September 2023 saw "Memory Watch – 2023. The Battle for the Caucasus," the most extensive patriotic event in the Gazprom Workers’ Union's history. More than 100 employees from 42 Gazprom Group subsidiaries participated.

The event’s goals:

  • preserving the memory of the Great Patriotic War (WWII);
  • honoring the sacrifice of Soviet soldiers;
  • promoting patriotic education within the union;
  • furthering the rescue movement.

The initiative’s most notable achievement was the recovery of 16 Soviet soldiers' remains, who will receive military honors in their burials.

Culture and Education

Gazprom Group volunteers actively contribute to the restoration of historical buildings in their cities and towns and read books to visually impaired children, thus fostering the nation's cultural

Patronage Programs

Annually, Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta runs an extensive patronage program, integrating career guidance, energy conservation, environmental activities, patriotic, sporting, and cultural events. This program has reached out to over 25,000 children across four regions of the company's operation.