Employee Development

National projectsScience and Universities, Education

To reaffirm its industry leadership, the Gazprom Group actively seeks to engage talents and provide pathways for them to build up their expertise, develop new skills, and progress in their professions. To facilitate this, the Group has designed and now executes a variety of educational programs.

Material topic 5

Social benefits and non-financial motivation of the employees at the Gazprom Group

The Gazprom Group’s Training System


The Gazprom Group has put in place the Continuous Vocational Education and Training System for PJSC Gazprom’s personnel. A key instrument within this system is the annual centralized Skills Upgrading and Professional Retraining Schedule for Managers and Specialists of PJSC Gazprom, its subsidiaries and entities. Additionally, subsidiaries adopt their own training plans for work-study centers and educational institutions in the regions of operation.

Employees’ professional capabilities are aligned with the production requirements and the Gazprom Group’s growth strategy thanks to consistent training throughout professional life based on specially designed educational programs harnessing learning aids, various simulators, and in-house training and production resources.

Gazprom continues to take part in building a national system of qualifications based on professional standards. In 2023, seven professional standards drafted by PJSC Gazprom were enacted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. During the reporting year, the Company came up with four draft professional standards, with another three standards earmarked for development in 2024.

Reflecting the necessity for hands-on training in line with the latest production requirements, in 2023 the Group approved the Program for the Upgrade of Training and Production Resources of PJSC Gazprom Entities. This program outlines steps intended to cultivate a workforce skilled in safe working practices and digital competencies, in addition to augmenting IT infrastructure, with a particular focus on import substitution.

Implementation of training programs at the Gazprom Group

Gazprom Group Indicators34MED31
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Change
2023/2022, %
Average duration of all types of training per employee of the Gazprom Group by training group, hours:
• managers, specialists, and other white-collar staff 51 58 56 —3
• blue-collar staff 71 71 77 +8
Total duration of employee training of the Gazprom Group
by gender, thousand hours:
28,638 30,609 32,299 +6
• male 23,669 25,428 26,891 +6
• female 4,969 5,181 5,408 +4
Number of employees covered by the Gazprom Group’s skills
upgrading and professional retraining programs, thousand
The number of employees who completed training is stated in man-courses (where one person received training twice, they are counted
twice, etc.).
466.4 559.2 594.7 +6
• managers, specialists, and other white-collar staff who
participated in further professional training programs
250.1 299.7 290.0 —3
• blue-collar staff who participated in professional training 216.3 259.5 304.7 +17
Number of the Gazprom Group’s employees who completed
training in process safety
Data on managers, specialists, and other white-collar staff who completed pre-certification training in industrial safety, occupational
health, etc. The number of employees who completed training is stated in man-courses (where one person received training twice, they
are counted twice, etc.).
141,955 177,219 173,687 —2
Number of the Gazprom Group’s employees who completed
training in corporate ethics
229,891 30,865 131,153 +425

In the reporting year,


Gazprom Group employeesThe number of employees who completed training is stated in man-courses (where one person received training twice, they are counted twice, etc.). received targeted training in digital transformation.

PJSC Gazprom designed and deployed an online system to familiarize employees with legislative and internal documents pertaining to the abuse of insider information and market manipulation. This initiative helps build up employee awareness by providing employees with a brief course on requirements for the protection of insider information, and test their knowledge.

For more details on the Gazprom Group’s personnel training in combating corruption, see the Anti-Corruption Training subsection.

For more details on the Gazprom Group’s personnel training in environmental protection, see the Environmental Training of Employees subsection.


For more details on the Gazprom Group’s personnel training in process safety, see the Training in Process Safety subsection.

For more details on the Gazprom Group’s personnel training in corporate ethics, see the Corporate Ethics Training subsection.

Young Talent Training and Onboarding

Recognizing the importance of prompt onboarding for new hires or those transitioning to new roles is crucial for building a strong team capable of tackling complex challenges and executing expansive projects.

The Regulation on Students and Young Talent Management at PJSC Gazprom’s Subsidiaries and EntitiesApproved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 310 dated June 9, 2015 (as amended). defines the fundamental principles for the onboarding of young professionals at Gazprom Group entities.

The Company arranges the onboarding of young talents by running dedicated onboarding programs that integrate mentoring from both young professionals and seasoned employees.

These programs serve to introduce newcomers to the Company’s cultural ethos and bolster their professional capabilities in line with their professional roles. The purpose is to identify and nurture potential talent for future development within PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries.

In 2023, 952 individuals took part in PJSC Gazprom’s onboarding programs.

The curriculum of PJSC Gazprom’s School of Young Specialists was expanded with new sections on IT and the latest process solutions actively employed at PJSC Gazprom’s production sites.

To effectively integrate young talents into production and research activities, PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries have 54 Councils of Young Scholars and Specialists in place. These councils organize roundtable discussions, applied research conferences, and various sports and cultural events.

The Gazprom Group’s promising young talents can advance their professional skills through an internship program tailored for them, known as the Internship Program for Young Professionals at the Gazprom Group’s Production Facilities. This program includes diverse modules reflecting the Gazprom Group’s strategic business sectors and bespoke internships at its production sites along with sessions aimed at cultivating personal, commercial, and leadership competencies. The final part of the program requires that interns present their graduation projects to an expert panel from PJSC Gazprom’s Administration. In 2023, 13 individuals successfully completed their internships within this program.

PJSC Gazprom annually extends grant support to young researchers at its subsidiaries and entities. The grants are conferred in a competitive selection process, with winners receiving funding to pursue postgraduate and doctoral studies.

952 individuals

took part in PJSC Gazprom’s onboarding programs

54 Councils of Young Scholars and Specialists

are in place at PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries

From October 23 to October 27, 2023, the 15th All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists, Specialists and Students — New Technologies in the Gas Industry was convened at Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. The event drew young talents from PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and entities, and players of the broader Russian oil and gas industry. They presented 250 research papers spanning 15 conference categories. PJSC Gazprom’s young professionals topped nine out of 15 categories, in addition to claiming an award in one out of three special nominations.

Moreover, Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan played host to a workshop meeting of chairmen at the Councils of Young Scientists and Specialists of PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and entities, while also hosting the final stage of the Gazprom Group’s Best Young Employee competition.

In 2023, Gazprom VNIIGAZ, PJSC Gazprom’s main scientific organization, made available the online lecture course Immersion in Science, which allows young employees to obtain the necessary information about the application of cutting-edge technology, research-related legislative changes, rules for writing scientific articles and dissertations. The total number of attendees exceeded 2,000.

Collaboration with Higher Education Institutions

Gazprom Group Indicators44

18 partner universities

23 specialized departments

16,651 pupils

took part in the Gazprom Industry Olympiad for Schoolchildren

4,888 university students

participated in the Student Olympiad of PJSC Gazprom

The collaboration between the Gazprom Group and academic institutions is entrenched in a long-standing tradition focusing on the joint execution of innovative science and technology projects, and the enhancement of conditions for the superior professional training.

To attract young professionals, PJSC Gazprom runs multiple career guidance initiatives such as Gazprom Classes, Gazprom Industry Olympiad for Schoolchildren, and Gazprom Student Olympiad. The Company also holds Forums for Gazprom Classes students and its sponsored students.

The Gazprom Group is committed to identifying outstanding students and offering them career opportunities upon graduation. To this end, Gazprom Days and job fairs are organized at universities, where students can gain insights into Gazprom subsidiary operations, discover current and forthcoming job openings, and secure internship invitations to the Company’s production sites. In 2023, 19 job fairs took place in academic institutions.

The Company assesses regional labor markets and monitors trends in the demographics and migration of employees with secondary vocational and higher education qualifications. These insights guide subsidiaries in pinpointing candidates for targeted training programs and organizing internships for students and academic staff at PJSC Gazprom’s production facilities. In 2023, 11,229 students of higher education institutions took an internship at PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and entities.

To uphold the caliber of professional expertise in the Company’s core business lines, 18 partner universities have been selected through expert review. These institutions are situated in key academic locations, including St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tomsk, Kazan, Ufa, Ukhta, Yakutsk, Tyumen, and Innopolis. This collaboration is stratified based on potential interaction benefits and alignment with the Gazprom Group’s technological focus, coupled with the universities’ research prowess, operational excellence, and financial stability. 13 institutions carry the title of anchor university, and five are distinguished as PJSC Gazprom’s special partner universities.

11,229 students

Gazprom Group Indicators40

of higher education institutions took an internship at the Gazprom Group subsidiaries and entities in 2023

Number of students who studied under employer-sponsored training agreements with the Gazprom Group entities

In 2024, the Gazprom Group is set to sign 295 employer-sponsored training agreements within the quota allocated for its entities.

Number of graduates hired by the Gazprom Group entities

Gazprom Group Indicators41
Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Total number of hired graduates, including:2,9663,4953,623
• graduates of higher education institutions 2,030 2,163 2,097
• graduates of secondary vocational institutions 936 1,332 1,526

The Gazprom Group actively recruits students to join its workforce through student squads, facilitated by a strategic partnership agreement between PJSC Gazprom, Gazstroyprom, and the Russian Student Squads All-Russian Youth Public Organization (RSO). The participation rate in construction squads at Gazprom Group facilities has surged, recording a 2.4-fold increase in the reporting year compared to 2022.

In 2023, over 3,000 university students from across Russia took part in 19 labor projects hosted by 112 construction and service student squads. These projects spanned the Chayandinskoye, Kovyktinskoye, Urengoyskoye, and Zapolyarnoye fields, the Power of Siberia gas pipeline, and various social and tourist facilities owned by PJSC Gazprom.

Comprehensive preparation for the labor season was ongoing all year long, with both managers and participants of labor projects engaging in extensive training programs and sessions. In 2023, seven secondary vocational and higher education institutions partnered with PJSC Gazprom to organize vocational training for student squad members in blue-collar professions. A total of 852 students received training across 29 worker professions.

In 2023, the Gazprom Group expanded its collaboration to the service sector, where over 80 students gained work experience at hotel and tourist facilities operated by Gazprom Group entities.

Gazprom Group Indicators43
Headcount of student squads engaged at PJSC Gazprom’s production facilities

As part of the Third International Construction Championship, held in St. Petersburg in October 2023, the first Forum of PJSC Gazprom’s Student Squads took place. The event saw participation from over 170 university students who worked at the Gazprom Group’s sites in 2023 as part of student squads. The Forum awarded the outstanding students of PJSC Gazprom’s squads for their work achievements during the period. Students also explored career opportunities within PJSC Gazprom, visited the Gazprom Group’s facilities in St. Petersburg, and engaged in a strategic team building session on Designing the Space of Shift Camps arranged by the Russian Student Squads organization.

Gazprom Classes

To provide early career guidance to school students in the Gazprom Group’s regions of operation, the Gazprom Group runs the Gazprom Classes initiative. We arrange various team building and career guidance training sessions along with sports and cultural events for the students of Gazprom Classes. The most talented students motivated for a successful professional career undergo selection for targeted education in areas that meet the needs of the Gazprom Group entities.

As of September 1, 2023, the Gazprom Classes project was supported by 21 entities of the Gazprom Group and covered 29 schools in six federal districts of Russia.

The Gazprom Class initiative broadened its outreach in the reporting year, welcoming a new cohort in the Astrakhan Region at Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan. Supported by Gazprom Pererabotka, the Gazprom Class of 2023 adopted a network format, enabling a mix of students from diverse localities to come together in a single classroom. This approach facilitated simultaneous young talent training for multiple regions, including the Khanty-Mansi — Yugra Autonomous Area, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, Komi Republic, Astrakhan, and Orenburg Regions.

In April 2023, together with Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, we held the Stepping Stones competition for research projects of Gazprom Classes students by using online capabilities. The participants hailed from a variety of Gazprom’s educational programs, including Gazprom Classes, Gazprom School, Gazprom School St. Petersburg, Gazprom Vocational School Novy Urengoy, and Matlashov Gazprom College in Volgograd. The Technological Breakthrough: from Conception to Application competition featured five key sections: Engineering Solutions in the Oil and Gas Industry; Chemical Technology; Digital Economy, Social Technology Management; Technosphere Environmental Safety (in the Oil and Gas Industry); and Energy Saving and Alternative Energy. A panel of experts from eleven university partners of PJSC Gazprom assessed over 60 projects from 95 young innovators.

In May 2023, Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University collaboratively organized the sixth Forum of Gazprom Classes students held in St. Petersburg. The event offered a range of R&D, career guidance, cultural, and sports activities for the attendees. The Meeting drew 150 participants, including students from dedicated classes, Gazprom School, Gazprom School St. Petersburg, Matlashov Gazprom College in Volgograd, and Gazprom Vocational School Novy Urengoy, along with representatives from PJSC Gazprom’s partner universities.

Plans are underway to hold the Stepping Stones competition for research projects of Gazprom Classes students and the Forum of Gazprom Classes students in 2024.

29 schools

Gazprom Group Indicators39

participate in the Gazprom Classes project

For more details on the Gazprom Classes project, scan the code.