Employee Сare

The Gazprom Group highly values the work of its employees, timely responds to their queries and encourages them to further improve work efficiency by applying comprehensive social programs. The Group cares for the families and children of its employees. The Group’s contribution to family welfare supports the country’s demographic development, and the increase of birth rate and life expectancy.

Material topic 5

Social benefits and non-financial motivation of the employees at the Gazprom Group

Social Programs

Social Benefits

National projectsDemography, Healthcare, Culture

The Gazprom Group seeks to strengthen its reputation as a socially responsible employer and attract the best personnel by constantly expanding and improving its social support system for employees. The Gazprom Group’s social policy results in higher employee motivation for efficient and long employment. The policy is based on long-term social programs aimed at achieving employer goals such as attracting and retaining properly qualified and experienced employees.


Key focus areas of the social policy

Social payments made to all Group staff, as well as to certain staff categories (in particular, employees with family responsibilities, employees who have multichild families and children with disabilities, and others).

Medical care provided to employees, former employees (retirees) of Gazprom Group entities, and members of their families under voluntary medical insurance (VMI) contracts and under direct contracts with healthcare institutions.

Personal insurance. In addition to compulsory social insurance, the Gazprom Group’s employees enjoy accident and health insurance coverage where insured risks are disability or death as a result of an accident or disease, as well as a newly diagnosed critical illness.

Housing is provided under a corporate program, which is co-funded by both employees and the employer and uses mortgage loans. This program helps the Gazprom Group entities retain their HR potential in the long run.

Non-governmental pension insurance, which comprises payments from GAZFOND.

In 2023, all social programs of the Gazprom Group continued without any cost cuts.

For more details on non-governmental pension insurance for the Gazprom Group’s employees, see the Pensions subsection.

Voluntary personal social insurance provided to employees working under an employment contract  Information provided for PJSC Gazprom, its representative offices, branches, and subsidiaries involved in core business activities and infrastructure entities included in PJSC Gazprom’s budgeting. 2 Temporary employment refers to fixed-term employment contracts
Personal insurance coverage Full-time
employment Temporary employment refers to fixed-term employment contracts. If their term is less than three years, life insurance is not provided. If their term is less than two months, medical services (voluntary medical insurance) are not provided.
employment Part-time employment as per Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The benefits are not provided under civil law agreements for the purchase of services.
Life insurance Extends to executives of PJSC Gazprom’s Administration and subsidiaries engaged in core operations and provides additional insurance coverage against the risk of the employee’s death or injury. O X O
Medical services O X O
Injury and disability compensation O O O

Caring for families

The Gazprom Group seeks to contribute to the Demography national project. To that end, we provide social support for employees with family responsibilities.

Said social benefits and payments include lump sum financial assistance for employees upon their first marriage and the birth of a child (or adoption and guardianship of a child).

Employees on a leave to care for children up to three years of age receive monthly allowance.

The Gazprom Group provides financial aid to employees with multi-child and disadvantaged families and children with disabilities, as well as employees who are single parents. Children of deceased (or killed) employees receive financial assistance, including financial support to cover university education. Moreover, good grades make them eligible for monthly allowance paid by PJSC Gazprom.

We take care of employee children’s recreation and development by reimbursing expenses on health resort tours, kindergarten services, and vocational classes.

Employees who have families with children get an increased housing benefit from the Gazprom Group. Employees with multi-child families have a priority right to enhance their living conditions. In addition, the Gazprom Group provides financial support to multi-child families for partial repayment of the principal mortgage debt, including additional support at the birth of the next child.

Employees with families can go on a full-family vacation to 64 corporate resorts, including 11 designated for children’s recreation.

44 % of the personnel

have childrenThe data refers to employees’ children aged up to 18 and university students aged up to 24 (if the latter are supported by their parents).

23,000 families

of the employees are multi-child

33,900 employees

received housing benefits in the form of mortgage subsidies in 2023

including 2,500 employees

with multi-child families

137,500 people

spent time at the Gazprom Group’s health resorts in 2023


The Gazprom Group has in place non-governmental pension plans for its employees under the corporate pension program. They are implemented in line with pension contracts signed by PJSC Gazprom’s entities with Non-State Pension Fund GAZFOND. The program provides social guarantees to employees after retirement through paying additional non-governmental pensions upon meeting certain requirements.

This classic corporate pension arrangement covers employees who have worked at PJSC Gazprom’s entities for at least 15 years and by the time of retirement are entitled to receive an old-age pension.

Under the new pension schemes, pension capital may be calculated using additional parameters such as the retired employee’s position and achievements. Pension programs are implemented depending on the entity’s financial position, including with the employee’s co-financing.

Social guarantees for PJSC Gazprom’s retirees are based on payments by PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries. Such payments are harmonized across the Group, with some of them reflecting the employment period.

Headcount of participating retired employees of the Gazprom Group’s entities, thousand people

141,800 employees

received pensions under non-governmental pension agreements with Non-State Pension Fund GAZFOND in 2023

Corporate Healthcare System and Medical Insurance

598,494 people

Current employees of the Gazprom Group and their families, as well as retired employees of the Gazprom Group and their families insured under VMI programs


Protecting the health and maintaining long active life expectancy of its employees is a key goal for the Gazprom Group. We provide comprehensive medical care to the Group’s current and retired employees, as well as their family members. The Gazprom Group’s employees are eligible for preventive health examinations, including annual screenings. We also create healthy lifestyle environment.

The center of accountability in the Gazprom Group’s corporate healthcare management system is the Directorate of PJSC Gazprom, which develops and applies uniform medical care principles, monitors healthcare quality and ensures compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

In 2023, we continued implementing the Comprehensive Action Plan for Medical Care Development at the Gazprom Group for 2022—2025Approved by resolution of the Management Committee of PJSC Gazprom No. 39 dated October 20, 2022.. In 2023, as an important milestone in the development of the corporate healthcare system, subsidiaries determined the key focus areas for medical services or departments serving as centers of accountability in the field. In addition, PJSC Gazprom developed targets for the corporate healthcare system and organized training for the Group’s medical workers at Gazprom Corporate Institute’s occupational healthcare department.

The Gazprom Group signs VMI contracts with insurance companies, which arrange and pay for medical services and preventive measures at designated medical organizations, or, if it is not possible, at third-party healthcare institutions, with their list defined by the VMI ProgramThe list and scope of medical services under the VMI contract.. The scope of services is set out in the VMI Programs. Insured employees, retirees, and members of their families receive outpatient and inpatient care, as well as health resort and rehabilitation treatment under medical indications. VMI can also cover antenatal care and obstetric services in line with the national trend to protect maternity and childhood. VMI Programs also provide for immunity-strengthening activities, such as vaccination against flu and other viral diseases.

In the reporting period, an insurance company partnering with the Gazprom Group monitored healthcare quality under VMI contracts for the management of PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries and reported the monitoring results to PJSC Gazprom.

+26,900 people

increase in the number of the Group’s employees who underwent medical screening in 2023 (up 20.3%)

Number of the Gazprom Group’s employees, retirees, and members of their families insured under VMI programs

Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Change
2023/2022, %
Number of the Gazprom Group’s employees insured under VMI
programs as of the end of the reporting period
306,010 313,049 316,232 +1.0
Number of family members of the Gazprom Group’s employees
insured under VMI programs as of the end of the reporting period
158,150 171,599 173,120 +0.9
Number of the Gazprom Group’s retirees (former employees)
and their family members insured under VMI programs
as of the end of the reporting period
105,261 107,395 109,142 +1.6

Key objectives of the Gazprom Group’s healthcare system

  • Perform mandatory health check-ups prescribed by the Russian laws;
  • perform medical screenings, monitoring, and other types of preventive health examinations;
  • implement programs to prevent occupational diseases;
  • organize health resort treatment and employee vacations.

Payments made by the Gazprom Group’s entities for rehabilitation treatment and targeted preventive initiatives under VMI contracts, RUB million

Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Change
2023/2022, %
Rehabilitation treatment 4,888.0 5,393.9 5,634.9 +4
Targeted preventive initiatives 131.0 198.7 221.6 +12

The rise in rehabilitation treatment expenses in 2023 was mainly due to its increased cost. The growth in the Gazprom Group’s expenses in relation to targeted preventive initiatives was in large part driven by the higher cost of preventive health examinations held at PJSC Gazprom’s infrastructure organizations and branches.

In 2023, the Gazprom Group’s spending on maintaining the healthcare infrastructure and health resort facilities, as well as purchases of similar services from third-party organizations, increased to RUB 23.1 billion due to the salary and social payment indexation and expenditures related to the overhaul and maintenance of healthcare and rehabilitation facilities. Expenditure on health insurance programs for employees rose to RUB 17.8 billion.

In the reporting year, 159,154 employees of PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries underwent medical screeningThe data refers to 88 organizations, including PJSC Gazprom’s branches, subsidiaries, and entities., up 20.3% year-on-year. This increase was attributable to the implementation of initiatives to prevent cardiovascular and oncological diseases in Gazprom Group entities, as well as raising employee awareness about medical screening.

In 2023, 72,793 people received rehabilitation treatment as part of the Gazprom Group’s VMI contracts.

The Company scheduled the purchase of medical equipment for 32 subsidiaries in 2024.

For more details on the Gazprom Group’s corporate healthcare and employee personal insurance regulations, see Appendix.

Gazprom Group Indicators38
Expenditure on health insurance programs for employees, RUB billionExpenditures of PJSC Gazprom, its 15 branches and 86 budgeted subsidiaries, entities, and representative offices on voluntary medical insurance, accident and disease insurance, and life insurance.
Expenditure on preparing and holding healthcare events for employees and their families, RUB billion
Number of the Gazprom Group’s employees who underwent medical screening

Internal Communications

The Gazprom Group maintains a close-knit team, fosters common values, develops and affirms its corporate identity thanks to efficient communication channels and an integrated information environment within the Group. To that end, we use different communication channels to maximize the coverage and engagement of the Gazprom Group’s employees.

The Gazprom Group’s internal communication channels in 2023

256 official social media accounts

maintained by Gazprom Group entities

54 corporate newspapers

3 radio stations

3 TV channels

8 magazines

Ecosystem for development and communications

Gazprom ID platform (GID) is a corporate digital ecosystem of the Gazprom Group aimed at raising employee awareness and engagement.

GID is available as a superapp on all mobile operating systems, and has a web version. It features dozens of advanced online services for life and work just a click away. With GID, Gazprom employees can get information on the Gazprom Group, communicate, learn about the latest news, and take part in charitable campaigns and volunteer activities

GID features

Training and education

  • A system of micro training courses


  • Corporate store

  • Digital bank of achievements


  • News feed, newsletters on corporate events, increasing employee engagement

  • Corporate event calendar

  • Polls and questionnaires

  • User publications and communities

GID is aimed at improving efficiency and transforming the Gazprom Group’s business processes by leveraging digital technologies and developing corporate communications.

Sports at the Gazprom Group

PJSC Gazprom supports national focus on health improvements, places a special emphasis on corporate sports, and encourages its employees to exercise more. We develop corporate sports as part of corporate culture and the Gazprom Group’s social policy in order to strengthen corporate values and traditions and improve team cohesion and psychological microclimate. Sports initiatives contribute to our employees’ health and provide an incentive for better work and performance.

In August 2023, we approved the Corporate Sports Development Program of PJSC Gazprom, its subsidiaries and entitiesApproved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 310 dated August 21, 2023., which envisages an effective corporate sports management system and various sports events for the Gazprom Group’s employees.

Objectives of the Corporate Sports Development Program

  • Promoting physical activity, mass sports and healthy lifestyle as part of corporate culture, developing a regular habit for physical exercise and sports among employees, as well as motivation for leading a healthy lifestyle;
  • creating an environment for physical exercise and sports, organizing and holding physical training and sports events;
  • establishing an efficient corporate sports management system, including for managing corporate sports facilities.

As part of the Corporate Sports Development Program, Gazprom Group companies hold different events to encourage employees to do regular physical exercise and sports. Gazprom Group entities have in place occupational physical training sessions during working hours to enhance employee performance. The Group also organizes weekend hikes, corporate sports festivals, hiking trips, and mass sports events, including for sports enlisted in the Gazprom Spartakiada Games. The Gazprom Group’s employees prepare for, and pass the GTO fitness tests.

The Gazprom Group actively participates in the country’s major sports events. In May 2023, Alexander’s Miles halfmarathon took place in Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl Region. Its goal was to promote healthy lifestyles and engage different social groups in regular physical training and sports.

A total of 1,839 athletes and runners from 38 Russian regions took part in the event. The Gazprom Group boasted the biggest corporate team of 62 people, mainly the employees of Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta. All of the team’s athletes successfully completed the half-marathon, while the strongest of them received awards.

The Gazprom Group’s largest sports event is the Gazprom Spartakiada Games. It has been held since 1996 in the regions where Gazprom subsidiaries operate. It takes place once every two years alternated between the summer and winter sports. Each event is divided into two stages: first, we hold competitions between standalone structural units of Gazprom subsidiaries, then, the final competitions take place between the subsidiaries themselves.

2023 Corporate Highlights

9th corporate Fakel Festival of performing art teams and individual performers from PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and entities

In May 2023, PJSC Gazprom’s Mountain Tourist Center in Sochi, Krasnaya Polyana, hosted the 9th corporate Fakel Festival. It was attended by over 1,200 participants from 38 subsidiaries and entities representing Russia, Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan.

We have held the festival since 2004 to unlock the creative potential of the Gazprom Group’s employees and their families. It is a community of talented, active and dedicated people who preserve multinational culture and pass on the best national traditions to the younger generation.

The Unvanquished – celebration of the Victory Day

On May 9, 2023, as part of the Victory Day celebration, PJSC Gazprom and the Government of St. Petersburg organized the Unvanquished festival at Gazprom Arena. It included the “Black January. Shrove Sunday” rock oratory dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the events described in The Young Guard novel by Alexander Fadeyev, and wartime songs. The festival’s producers chose a combination of three arts: theater, music, and dance. Music was of various genres: from chamber romances accompanied by acoustic guitar and flute to rock arias with the symphony orchestra of Helikon Opera Moscow Musical Theater.

Apart from the Gazprom Group’s employees, free invitations to the concert were distributed via district administrations and NGOs in St. Petersburg. Around 17,000 people came to see the concert.

City Family Festival “Peter the Great’s Fair”

In September 2023, Gazprom Arena hosted the City Family Festival “Peter the Great’s Fair” organized by PJSC Gazprom and the Government of St. Petersburg for the city’s residents and guests. Over 15,000 people attended the fair over the course of two days. Laureates of the Fakel Festival representing almost every culture of the multinational Russia performed at the “Peter the Great’s Fair”. The event also featured master classes on creating national souvenirs, entertainment and educational activities for children and adults, and gastronomic exhibitions and fairs with assistance from Gazprom Pitanie branches in different regions across the Gazprom Group’s footprint.

Christmas Postcards Festive Concert

On December 24, 2023, Gazprom Arena hosted a large festive concert Christmas Postcards. Russia’s winter holiday music hits were performed by opera singers accompanied by ballet dancers, popular singers, theater and cinema actors, and the State Symphony Cinema Orchestra led by Sergey Skripka, People’s Artist of Russia. Widely known Christmas and New Year songs in combination with a marvelous exquisite show marked a perfect start for the winter holidays. The concert was attended by 25,000 people, including around 15,000 employees of Gazprom Group entities with families. Part of the invitations were sent to St. Petersburg’s social institutions, veterans, people with disabilities, and university and school students.

Social Partnership


The Gazprom Group recognizes the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and Federal Law No. 10-FZ dated January 12, 1996 On Trade Unions, their Rights and Guarantees of their Activities.

The interests of the Gazprom Group’s employees are represented by the Gazprom Workers’ Union Interregional Organization and its member organizations. The Gazprom Workers’ Union is one of Russia’s largest industrial trade unions.

In 2023, employer-employee relations in the Gazprom Group were based on social partnership, collective bargaining governing social and labor relations, mutual interests recognition, equal treatment, and compliance with labor laws and other regulations ensuring an optimal balance of interests of all parties for efficient delivery on the Gazprom Group’s objectives and performance of its commitments.

Legal regulation of social and labor relations within the Group relies on the labor laws of Russia and other countries of operation, Industry Agreement for 2023–2025 covering companies involved in oil and gas production and the construction of dedicated facilities, General Collective Bargaining Agreement of PJSC Gazprom and its Subsidiaries for 2022–2024, and collective bargaining agreements and other local regulations of the Gazprom Group entities.

In 2023, the Company reported no violations or material risks of violation of employee rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining in the course of operations at the Group’s business units and suppliers. In the reporting period, there were no employee-employer conflicts leading to strikes, halted operations, or collective labor disputes, including those related to violations of the right of freedom of association and collective bargaining.

426,000 people

total membership in the Gazprom Workers’ Union organizations

>12,000 local regulations

were adopted in 2023 taking into account the opinion of trade unions

Number of the Gazprom Workers’ Union organizationsOrganizations within the budgeting scope, and trade unions comprising the Gazprom Workers’ Union.
Total membership in the Gazprom Worker’s Union organizations

In 2023, the increase in the Gazprom Workers’ Union membership was 8.5% year-on-year.

Results of inspections conducted by the Gazprom Workers’ Union organizations

Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Inspections conducted by trade union organizations 491 529 568
• incl. comprehensive checks of all issues relating to labor regulations 261 283 236
Claims reviewed: 4,019 5,465 5,546
• incl. substantiated 1,324 1,402 1,398
• incl. partially substantiated 92 98 101
Employees and non-working retirees met in-person 11,108 12,374 15,092
Inspections of the state of occupational safety 429 349 443
Written claims from employees concerning the violation of their occupational
safety rights
25 5 15
Violations identified 1,860 2,159 1,772
Notices issued to eliminate the violations of the labor legislation 220 182 127

The claims mainly contained requests for clarifications of applicable labor laws, provisions of the general collective bargaining agreement, state and local regulations, including the Regulation on Remuneration and Regulation on Social Guarantees for Retirees. In addition, they concerned labor, housing, and pension relations, as well as social and economic interests of the trade union members.

The Gazprom Workers’ Union and trade unions within its structure provide support for participants of the special military operation, including employees of the Gazprom Group entities, their family members, refugees and residents of the new regions. To that end, trade unions hold charity events, collect voluntary donations, and set up support funds. They also organize the collection of humanitarian aid, volunteering at temporary shelters, and donations of medical equipment, materials and supplies for hospitals. In 2022–2023, we sent over 1,950 tons of supplies and humanitarian aid.

The Gazprom Workers’ Union initiated and coordinated a campaign to join the efforts of the Gazprom Group subsidiaries and trade unions to organize summer recreation for 1,025 children from the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, and the Zaporizhzhia Region.