Biodiversity Preservation

Biodiversity Preservation Management

The gas industry is not among the most significant sources of impact on biodiversity. Nevertheless, the Gazprom Group recognizes the significance of flora and fauna conservation and is committed to contributing to biological balance and compensating for possible environmental damage.

The Group's biodiversity conservation efforts fall under the purview of PJSC Gazprom’s Coordinating Committee for Rational Use of Natural Resources. The Committee oversees business units of PJSC Gazprom's Administration, and subsidiaries and affiliates of the Gazprom Group in the context of biodiversity preservation.

When planning all its projects, the Gazprom Group factors into the need to prevent adverse impacts on marine and terrestrial ecosystems; in the course of project implementation, the Group constantly monitors and minimizes the risks of adverse impacts on highly vulnerable natural environments and the environments that need to be protected and preserved as a matter of crucial importance.

Material topic 14

The Gazprom Group’s efforts to preserve biodiversity and land

The Gazprom Group monitors designated conservation areas and sites with a special environmental status located on the territories affected by its activities. In 2023, PJSC Gazprom’s facilities operated in the vicinity or in the following designated conservation areas (DCAs):

  • Anyuysky, Kislovodsky, Losiny Ostrov, Mariy Chodra, Meshchyora, Nechkinsky, Nizhnyaya Kama, Orlovskoye Polesye, Pleshcheevo Ozero, Pripyshminskie Bory, Russky Sever, Samara Bend, Sengiley Hills, Sochinsky, Ugra, and Khvalynsky national parks;
  • Klyazminsky, Muromsky, Oksky, Priazovsky, Ryazansky, Saratovsky, Severo-Ossetinsky, Tarusa, Kurgalsky, Utrish, and Khekhtsirsky state nature reserves and federal reservations;
  • some regional DCAs.

The Group performs its activities in DCAs in full compliance with the national environmental protection legislation and land use terms and conditions specified for a relevant DCA.

The reporting year saw no significant direct or indirect impact of the Gazprom Group entities’ operations on vulnerable ecosystems and biodiversity.

The Gazprom Group’s expenses on biodiversity preservation and protection of designated natural areas, RUB million
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022, %
Total, incl.:702.70991.442,545.20+156.7
• protection and replacement of fish reserves 183.82 415.87 1,562.28 +275.7
• protection and rational use of forest resources 248.96 202.35 686.41 +239.2

Higher expenditure on biodiversity conservation and protection of natural areas in 2023 was due to a large number of voluntary and compensatory activities following the construction of facilities.

Biodiversity Preservation Measures

Gazprom applies modern technological solutions to mitigate the environmental impact of its production operations, including monitoring of designated conservation areas or sites with a special environmental status located on the territories potentially affected by Gazprom Group entities.


95 million fish of various species

released by the Gazprom Group entities into water bodies in 2023

The Gazprom Group's Key Projects on Biodiversity Conservation

Conservation of rare animal species

Jointly with the Amur Tiger Population Research and Preservation Center, Gazprom Group is working to preserve the population of the Amur tiger, a rare predator species in Russia.

Fish stock replenishment

Gazprom Group subsidiaries continue implementing environmental projects aimed at restoring fish populations. In 2023, Gazprom Group entities released 95 million fish species, including highly valuable ones, into Russian water bodies.

Bird protection

The Gazprom Group applies various technologies to ensure that the diversity of bird species living in the areas where its entities operate is not disturbed. To that end, the Group uses bird protective devices and establishes buffer zones where operations and movement of vehicles are prohibited for the duration of the nesting season for the birds of prey and the period when their nestlings begin flying (zones of this kind are also used during repair works at the facilities). Helicopter routes are set to avoid any harm to nesting sites. In addition, Gazprom implements bioengineering initiatives, including artificial roost sites and nesting tree protection measures.

Support for scientific projects

Gazprom Group subsidiaries provide financing to the projects implemented in the Arctic. Among other things, these projects seek to monitor island ecosystems, preserve populations of rare marine mammal species and the polar bear within DCAs in the northeastern part of the Barents Sea.

Arctic biodiversity conservation program

Recognizing the importance of the Arctic region as regards biodiversity, Gazprom strives to preserve the northern nature. To protect the regional nature balance, in early 2024 the Gazprom Group approved the program for biodiversity conservation during production and field development in the areas of PJSC Gazprom's operations on the Arctic continental shelf of the Russian FederationApproved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 53 dated February 13, 2024..

The program's key goals are to:
  • monitor biodiversity in the areas of PJSC Gazprom's operations on the Arctic continental shelf, in territorial waters, inland sea waters, and contiguous zone of the Russian Federation;
  • prevent and mitigate negative impacts on biodiversity, as well as plan and implement measures aimed at compensating environmental damage;
  • create an effective management system for biodiversity conservation, sustainable use, and restoration;
  • increase the efficiency and effectiveness of biodiversity conservation and restoration in the areas of PJSC Gazprom's operations on the Arctic continental shelf, in territorial waters, inland sea waters, and contiguous zone of the Russian Federation;
  • raise environmental awareness, promote environmental education, foster care for the environment, and ensure rational use of natural resources.

2024 will see the launch of the program, including drafting regulations and guidelines, setting biodiversity conservation targets, integrating biodiversity requirements into the business processes of Gazprom Group entities, as well as raising employee awareness and involving them in biodiversity conservation efforts.

Remediation of Disturbed Land and Restoration of Natural Landscapes

During geological exploration, oil and gas production and transportation, land may be polluted and its fertility may be reduced. The Gazprom Group follows the required remediation and rehabilitation procedures to put the disturbed or polluted land back into economic use.

Land-related impact is not a significant environmental aspect for the Group. Nevertheless, Gazprom takes measures to enhance the reliability of pipeline systems, which has a positive impact on the preservation of soils and other components of the natural environment. To rehabilitate polluted land, the Group utilizes mechanical cleaning, humic substances, ion-exchange substrate, rhizosphere bacteria, and algae-based revegetation methods, as well as microbiological agents to clean up hydrocarbon contamination.

These methods seek to prevent erosive processes, stabilize landscapes, and restore vegetation through the use of available materials, including recycled drilling waste and geotextiles, and plant growth stimulators. Specially selected strains of soil microflora help fix the topsoil, including slopes of embankments and structures, while also increasing the speed and intensity of root formation and plant growth. During construction and reconstruction of the Gazprom Group’s facilities, remediated soils are checked for conformity to environmental standards by running soil, geobotanical, agrochemical, and other assessments.

In 2023, MOEK planted more than 4,200 trees and 2,000 shrubs in the course of landscaping following repair/installation of heat networks. This is comparable to the green area of the Vorontsovsky Park in the south-west of Moscow. In addition, more than 1,270,000 m2 of land was restored or newly landscaped, which is approximately the size of the Victory Park.

Programs for construction and repair of heating networks provide for mandatory territory improvement (laying of asphalt, renovation of curbs, planting of trees and shrubs, restoration of lawns, etc.). In addition, to compensate for plants falling within the construction area, trees and shrubs are planted in abundance.

4,200 trees and 2,000 shrubs

planted in the course of landscaping following repair or installation of heat networks

Remediation is taking place as necessary and in due time. No accumulation of harm to land resources has been detected.

Disturbed and remediated land across the Gazprom Group, ha
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022, %
Lands disturbed during the year 19,809.45 35,597.15 33,683.61 –5.4
• including polluted lands 65.79 75.94 50.2 –33.9
Disturbed lands remediated during the year 17,199.40 15,053.12 33,447.84 +122.2
• including polluted lands 78,08 77.19 59.21 –23.3

Land remediation volumes more than doubled in 2023 due to the timely mining and reclamation of previously disturbed land during capital repairs, investment construction, and survey works.

Our Clean Novy Urengoy

Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg employees took part in an environmental marathon to clean and green Novy Urengoy. The three-year project started in 2021 and included cleaning and planting of trees and shrubs, elimination of unauthorized landfills in the forest tundra, reclamation and restoration of soil cover, and disposal of waste tires. More than a hundred city enterprises joined the action. Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg was an active supporter of the initiative since its announcement.

In 2023, the company held eight tundra cleaning events in the vicinity of Novy Urengoy, with 9 tons of waste sent for recycling. The cleaning was carried out by employees of the Shift Settlement Department branch. In addition, the company's employees took part in city clean-up days.

During the three years of the project, more than 20 events have been held to eliminate unauthorized dumps. In total, the campaign resulted in 105 tons of waste removed from the territories adjacent to the city.

8 clean-up events

in the tundra held by the company in the vicinity of Novy Urengoy in 2023

105 tons of waste

removed from the territories adjacent to the city in three years

Charity Environmental Projects

>120 environmental projects

were implemented in 2023

  • PJSC Gazprom supports events aimed at preserving the Don steppes and reproducing endangered and red-listed animals. Gazprom financed the construction of additional semi-free range enclosures for wild and endangered animals and restoration of the steppe ecosystem of the Western Manych valley in the Rostov Region.
  • Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta sponsors the creation of a wildlife preserve in the Paraskiny Lakes, a unique natural monument, and the arrangement of an eco-trail jointly with the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Komi Republic. The project seeks to establish special routes and tourist areas, and raise environmental awareness of local communities.
  • Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy financed the environmental clean-up of territories near the Marre-Sale polar meteorological station, the opening of the YamalEcoDom public space, as well as the Open Zoo children's environmental station in Novy Urengoy. The company helped the Verkhne-Tazovsky State Nature Reserve improve its equipment and technical infrastructure.
  • PJSC Gazprom sponsored the creation of a tourist shelter in the Bikin National Park in the village of Krasny Yar (Pozharsky District, Primorye Territory) as part of a program to preserve the population of the Amur tiger in its natural habitat, implementation of ongoing programs to support hunting supervision services in tiger habitat regions, and annual support of hunting farms to set up a reserve fodder bank.