Atmospheric Air Protection

Managing Pollutant Emissions

Gazprom makes every effort to reduce pollutant emissions from hydrocarbon production, processing, and transportation. Emissions management is part of its corporate environmental protection and sustainability strategy, which reflects provisions of the Russian Energy Strategy through 2030 and the Russian Ecological Doctrine.

The planned/target indicators are set for each type of PJSC Gazprom’s operations based on significant environmental aspects. In the reporting year, PJSC Gazprom identified its significant environmental aspects.

Material topic 17

Emissions management at the Gazprom Group

Significant environmental aspects of PJSC Gazprom’s emissions management
  • Methane emissions associated with trunkline repairs;
  • nitrogen oxide emissions during compressor station operation.

Gazprom reduces its pollutant emissions by relying on mobile compressor stations to pump gas. In addition, it uses hot tapping and technology of blowing gas from the sections under repairs into neighboring active pipelines. Gas production subsidiaries conduct well surveys without releasing natural gas into the air and make use of multi-component surfactant compositions to better remove reservoir fluids from well bottom holes, which helps reduce gas emissions into the air. To cut down on its nitrogen oxide emissions, Gazprom applies selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides from waste gases.

OEMC system structure

The Gazprom Group regularly monitors methane emissions and controls gas leaks – this is the responsibility of PJSC Gazprom’s Environmental Inspectorate.

Gazprom makes active use of mobile environmental laboratories that have cutting-edge analytical equipment to monitor atmospheric air, physical environmental factors, meteorological parameters, as well as industrial emissions from various sources. Lab personnel conduct visual surveys of the territories where the Gazprom Group's facilities are located using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Photos and videos obtained by UAVs make the monitoring process faster and more effective and also ensure coverage of rough terrains.

For more details on the Gazprom Group’s efforts to monitor  methane leaks, see the Reductions in Methane Emissions subsection.

Air emissions across the Gazprom Group, thousand tons
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022, %
Hydrocarbons (including methane) 1,193.49 1,048.24 1,125.77 +7.4
Carbon monoxide 642.07 540.64 556.03 +2.8
Nitrogen oxides 341.60 270.02 262.85 –2.7
Sulfur dioxide 169.72 150.45 125.12 –16.8
Volatile organic compounds 107.82 109.90 99.19 –9.7
Solids 50.05 34.16 42.38 +24.1
Other gaseous and liquid substances 1.56 1.84 2.11 –13.6

The slight uptick in air pollutant emissions in the reporting year was due to increased electricity generation by OGK-2, as well as the expansion of the Gazprom Neft Group's reporting perimeter.


reduction in air pollutant emissions of the Gazprom Group in 2021–2023

APG Flaring Reduction


Gazprom Group Indicators25

APG utilization level across the Gazprom Group in 2023

Flaring of associated petroleum gas (APG) is linked to high emissions of GHG and pollutants. Minimizing APG flaring remains an important environmental challenge for the oil and gas industry. The Gazprom Group continues its efforts to cut down on flaring and is gradually progressing towards its corporate target (95% APG utilization). The Gazprom Group's investment projects that make a contribution to this goal include transportation and supply of APG to gas processing plants and the UGSS of the Russian Federation, APG processing, generation of heat and electricity for the Gazprom Group’s internal needs, and APG injection into the gas cap to maintain reservoir pressure. In 2023, APG utilization level across fields of the Gazprom Group was 94.75%, an increase of 0.55 p.p.

APG utilization across the Gazprom Group’s assets in Russia(1)
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022
APG utilization, % 90.1 94.2 94.7 +0.5 p.p.
APG flaring across the Gazprom Group, mcm 2,338.4 1,498.6 1,588.2 +6.0%

(1) Taking into account production at fields operated by PJSC Gazprom or its core subsidiaries under subsoil use licenses and developed by Gazpromneft-Zapolyarye in accordance with long-term risk service agreements signed in 2018–2020.