The Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Indicators

Assessment indicators of contributing to the social and economic development of Russian regions

No.In accordance with the list of indicators to assess the Gazprom Group’s progress in sustainable development approved by order
of PJSC Gazprom No. 354 dated September 21, 2023.
Indicator 2022 2023 Change
Factors analysis of changes
1 The Gazprom Group’s share in Russia’s
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)Defined as the ratio of the Gazprom Group’s added value to the GDP of the Russian Federation calculated by means of a production
method as a sum of added values generated across economic sectors. The calculation uses Gross Domestic Product data from
the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service (
5.1 % 2.9 % —2.2 p.p.
2 Number of localities connected
to PJSC Gazprom’s gas pipelines under
the Gas Supply Development and Gas
Infrastructure Expansion Programs Until
2025.Disclosure of this indicator implies providing information on the number of localities connected to PJSC Gazprom’s gas pipelines
on an accrual basis.
780 1,192 +52.8 %
4 Total mandatory payments, RUB billion 5,384 3,528 —34.5 %
6 Number of facilities built as part
of the Gazprom for Children projectDisclosure of this indicator implies providing information on the number of commissioned facilities on an accrual basis.
2,015 2,131 +5.8 %
7 Number of cooperation agreements with
Russian regions
81 81 0
8 Number of employees who participated
in volunteering campaigns
115,584 155,656 +34.6 %
9 Share of small and medium-sized
businesses in the total number
of counterparties
60.3 % 61.0 % +0.7 p.p.
10 Share of electronic procurement in total
bidding and marketing research processes
99.3 % 99.2 % —0.1 p.p.
11 Economic benefit of import substitution,
RUB billion
24.7 35.6 +44.1 % The change in the figures
for 2023 as compared
to 2022 is due to an increase
in the effect of import
substitution mainly
due to the procurement
of domestic equipment for gas
14 Savings due to bidding for contracts
and marketing research, RUB billion
35.6 41.5 +16.6 %
15 Volume of contracts with SME suppliers,
RUB billion
468.2 391.8 —16.3 %
16 Share of goods, works, and services
procured from Russian organizations
in total procurement of goods, works,
and servicesThe indicator is calculated as a ratio of the amount of procurement of goods, works, and services from Russian organizations
by the Group to the total amount of procurements of goods, works, and services by the Group in the reporting period.
, %
98.8 % 98.5 % —0.3 p.p.
17 R&D investments, RUB billion 30.01 31.7 +5.6 %
18 Number of patents obtained in the calendar
327 400 +22.3 %

Indicators for assessing corporate governance achievements

No.In accordance with the list of indicators to assess the Gazprom Group’s progress in sustainable development approved by order
of PJSC Gazprom No. 354 dated September 21, 2023.
Indicator 2022 2023 Change
Factors analysis of changes
19 Indicators from the list of target (planned), threshold and maximum values of PJSC Gazprom’s key performance
indicators (KPIs) for application in the year-end bonus system for PJSC Gazprom’s executivesApproved by resolution of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom No. 3756 dated May 13, 2022.
19.1 Total shareholder return —37.36 % —1.60 % +35.76 p.p. Market conditions stabilized
compared to 2022, but adverse
factors prevented a positive
return on shareholder
investments in 2023.
20 Customer satisfaction index for the gas
businessSecond-level STI; STI ID approved by resolution of PJSC Gazprom No. 273 dated July 22, 2022.
86.03 % 85.49 % —0.54 p.p.
21 Customer satisfaction index for the NGV
fuel (gas business)Second-level STI; STI ID approved by resolution of PJSC Gazprom No. 273 dated July 22, 2022.
89,94 % 91,59 % +1,65
22 Customer satisfaction index for the power
generation businessSecond-level STI; STI ID approved by resolution of PJSC Gazprom No. 273 dated July 22, 2022.
86,95 % 87,73 % +0,78 p.p.

Indicators for assessing environmental protection and energy efficiency achievements

No.In accordance with the list of indicators to assess the Gazprom Group’s progress in sustainable development approved by order
of PJSC Gazprom No. 354 dated September 21, 2023.
Indicator 2022 2023 Change
Factors analysis of changes
23 Mitigation of environmental impacts,
RUB million
747.34 646.23 —101.11 / —13.5 % The notable reduction
is attributable to obtaining
permits for the Gazprom Group
24 Lower fuel and energy consumption
due to higher energy efficiency and energy
saving, million GJ
167.4 162.1 —3.2 % The change in the indicator
was influenced by the level
of natural gas savings targets
in PJSC Gazprom’s core
operations achieved in 2023,
which is 7.4% lower than
the level of 2022.
25 Associated petroleum gas (APG) utilization
94.2 % 94.7 % +0.5 p.p. Growth due to the launch
of a compressor station
at the Pestsovoye oil and gas
condensate field.
27 Number of active gas filling stations
of the Gazprom Group and Gazprom
Gazomotornoye Toplivo in Russia
423 464 +9.7 %
28 Lower greenhouse gas emissions
due to the sale of CNG as motor fuel, mmt
of CO2 equivalent.
0.53 .,00 +88.7 %

Indicators for assessing process safety achievements

No.In accordance with the list of indicators to assess the Gazprom Group’s progress in sustainable development approved by order
of PJSC Gazprom No. 354 dated September 21, 2023.
Indicator 2022 2023 Change
Factors analysis of changes
29 Indicators provided for by PJSC Gazprom’s Process Safety Management System Development Strategy for 2021—2030
29.1 Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR):
  • Gas business companies
  • 0.08 0.102 +27.5 % Increase in the number of lost
    time injuries
  • Gas business companies (low-pressure
    pipeline networks)The data refers to Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group.
  • 0.204
  • Gas business companies (distribution
    of petroleum products)
  • 0.369
  • Oil business companiesThe Gazprom Neft data include the subsidiaries of Gazprom Neft as well as the joint ventures under its operational control in Russia
    and abroad.
  • 0.338 0.323 —4.4
  • Power generation companiesIncluding Gazprom Teploenergo.
  • 0.086 0.191 +122.1
    29.2 Fatal accident rate (FAR)
  • Gas business companies
  • 1.18 1.963 +66.4 % Group accidents involving
  • Gas business companies (low-pressure
    pipeline networks)The data refers to Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group.
  • 1.927
  • Gas business companies (distribution
    of petroleum products)
  • 12.309
  • Oil business companiesThe Gazprom Neft data include the subsidiaries of Gazprom Neft as well as the joint ventures under its operational control in Russia
    and abroad.
  • 0 0 0
  • Power generation companiesIncluding Gazprom Teploenergo.
  • 1.23 0
  • Gazprom Neftekhim SalavatThe data refers to Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat LLC.
  • 0 0 0
    29.3 Occupational disease rate (ODR)
  • Gas business companies
  • 0.021 0.023 +9.5 % Higher number of occupational
    diseases identified for the first
    time in the reporting year.
  • Gas business companies (low-pressure
    pipeline networks)The data refers to Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group.
  • 0
  • Gas business companies (distribution
    of petroleum products)
  • 0
  • Oil business companiesThe Gazprom Neft data include the subsidiaries of Gazprom Neft as well as the joint ventures under its operational control in Russia
    and abroad.
  • 0 0
  • Power generation companiesIncluding Gazprom Teploenergo.
  • 0.012 0
  • Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat
  • 0.062 0.062
    30 Occupational health spending, RUB million 23,472.46 26,882.57The data is provided for entities covered by the ISPSM. +14.5 %
    31 Industrial safety spending, RUB million 8,851.96 17,806.48 The data is provided for entities covered by the ISPSM. +101.2 %

    Indicators for assessing employee development achievements

    No.In accordance with the list of indicators to assess the Gazprom Group’s progress in sustainable development approved by order
    of PJSC Gazprom No. 354 dated September 21, 2023.
    Indicator 2022 2023 Change
    Factors analysis of changes
    32 Headcount, thousand people 492.2 498.1 +5.9 / +1.2 % The increase
    in the Gazprom Group’s
    headcount in 2023 was driven
    by the implementation
    of strategic gas processing
    projects, reorganization of gas
    distribution companies within
    Gazprom Mezhregiongaz
    Group, commissioning of major
    liquid hydrocarbon production
    33 Staff turnover, % 5.9 6.7 +0.8 p.p. The reasons for increased staff
    turnover are the relocation
    of PJSC Gazprom’s
    subsidiaries to St. Petersburg
    and restructuring in Gazprom
    Neft Group entities.
    34 Number of employees who participated
    in professional development (for bluecollar staff), skills upgrading and retraining
    programs by employee category, thousand
    559.2 594.7 +6.0 %

    Compulsory training required
    for admission to work at HIF.

    Adoption of regulations
    regarding training
    or establishing
    additional requirements
    for the organization
    of compulsory training.
    35 Payroll expenses, RUB billion 953.70 1,096.70 +15.0 %
    36 Social expenses, RUB billion 38.80 50.90 +31.2 %
    37 Number of employees, retirees,
    and members of their families insured under
    VMI programs
    592,043 598,494 +1.1 %
    38 Personal insurance expenses, RUB billion 16.9 17.8 +5.3 %
    39 Number of schools participating
    in the Gazprom Classes projectOJSC Gazprom’s order No. 256 On Approving the Regulations on the Organization and Operation of Specialized Gazprom Classes dated
    June 5, 2014 (as amended).
    26 29 +11.5 %

    The network format
    of the project (this format
    gathers students from different
    regions in a single training
    class and subsequently
    provides simultaneous training
    of young professionals
    for several regions).
    Increase in the number
    of regions where the Gazprom
    Classes project is present
    (Southern Federal District).

    40 Number of students who completed
    internships at the Gazprom Group entities
    10,533 11,229 +6.6 % The number of university
    students who completed
    internships grew on the back
    of an increase in internships
    at PJSC Gazprom’s
    anchor universities
    (mainly due to an increase
    in internships at Gazprom
    Mezhregiongaz Group
    and Gazprom Pererabotka
    41 Number of graduates of secondary
    vocational and higher education institutions
    who were hired by the Gazprom Group
    3,495 3,623 +3.7 % Increase in employment
    of graduates with secondary
    vocational education.
    42 Number of partner universities
    of PJSC Gazprom
    18 18
    43 Number of members of the Russian Student
    Squads employed at PJSC Gazprom’s
    production facilities
    1,235 3,016 +144 % Increase in the number
    of projects (construction
    and services).
    44 Number of school and university students who took part in:
  • the Gazprom Industry Olympiad
    for SchoolchildrenThe procedure is defined by the Regulation on the Gazprom Industry Olympiad for Schoolchildren .
  • 15,915 16,651 +4.6 % Increase in the number
    of participants (participants
    from other countries can also
    solve the Olympiad tasks).
  • the Student Olympiad of GazpromThe procedure is defined by the Regulation on the Student Olympiad of Gazprom .
  • 3 949 4,888 +23.8 % Increase in the number
    of participants (a new
    direction, Technosphere
    Safety, included in the list
    of Olympiad subjects).
    45 Number of employees who took part
    in professional skills competitions
    3,787 4,221 + 11.5 % Increase in the number
    of professions/roles, for which
    professional skills competitions
    are held.