Stakeholder Engagement Practices

Stakeholder Stakeholder significance
for the Gazprom Group
Interests of the stakeholder Key engagement mechanisms Requests
and proposals received
by the Gazprom Group in 2023
The Gazprom Group’s responses
to the stakeholders’ requests
and proposals adopted or developed in 2023
Stakeholder engagement in 2023
and investors
In an effort to attract
funds from Russian
institutional and private
investors, PJSC Gazprom
pays significant attention
to improving the efficiency
of its corporate governance
framework and complying
with the listing rules
of Russian stock exchanges.
  • Development
    of the Gazprom Group’s
    Business and growth
    of its capitalization
  • Consistently solid dividends
  • Respect for shareholder rights
  • Transparency and openness
    of the Gazprom Group

PJSC Gazprom’s
approach to protecting
the rights and interests
of shareholders
and investors

PJSC Gazprom’s Corporate
Governance Framework
enables the shareholders
to exercise their rightsvand protect their interests,
allows maintaining
an open dialog with
them and responding
to their requests.

  • Holding General
    Shareholders Meetings
  • Enabling communication
    with the Corporate
  • Developing PJSC Gazprom’s
    website in three languages
  • Responses to written
    inquiries from shareholders
  • Hot line (telephone)
    for shareholders
  • Web pages dedicated
    to the ADR conversion
    and Eurobond exchange
  • PJSC Gazprom profiles
    in social networks
    and communities
In 2023, inquiries received
from shareholders
and investors related to:

  • exchanging Eurobonds
    for Russian bonds;
  • receiving coupon payments
    on Eurobonds through
    foreign clearing systems;
  • receiving missed dividends;
  • ADR conversion;
  • PJSC Gazprom’ financial

  • Information support for Russian
    investors on the ongoing
    Eurobond replacement process
  • Handling investor inquiries
    about missed dividends
  • Information support on ADR
    conversion for investors
  • Publishing the 2022 IFRS
    financial statements,
    the disclosed consolidated
    interim condensed financial
    statements for the six months
    of 2023 and the Issuer’s Report
    for the six months of 2023.
  • Reviewing the matter
    «On the Follow-Up of Measures
    to Improve the Relations with
    PJSC Gazprom’s Shareholders
    and Investors» at the meeting
    of PJSC Gazprom’s Board
    of Directors.

A significant number of investment companies
and banks have resumed analytical coverage
of PJSC Gazprom’s shares.

PJSC Gazprom’s channel in Pulse, the largest social
network for investors, was among the top five most
popular in terms of subscribers (58,000 people).

In November 2023, seven bond issues of Gazprom
Capital were transferred from the third to the second
tier of the list of securities admitted to trading. This
led to the removal of restrictions for certain Russian
institutional investors to participate in the acquisition
of such bonds in the primary and secondary markets.

PJSC Gazprom was named the winner of the Cbonds
Awards 2023 in the Issuer of the Year nomination.

Results of efforts to protect the rights and interests
of PJSC Gazprom’s shareholders and investors:

  • 0 violations of investors’ rights;
  • 0 conflicts of interest;
  • 0 instances of using insider information;
  • over 97% of the Eurobonds the rights to which
    are recorded by Russian depositaries were replaced
    by PJSC Gazprom’s bonds issued under Russian
    laws.Estimate by GPB, PJSC Gazprom’s corporate broker.

Media The Gazprom Group makes
up-to-date and reliable
disclosures to the general
public about its operations.
The media play an important
role in this process
and Gazprom constantly
cooperates with them.
  • Quick, reliable
    and comprehensive updates
    on the Gazprom Group’s
  • Press releases and news
  • Briefings, media scrums,
    management interviews
  • Press tours to the Gazprom
    Group’s production sites
  • Explanations, comments,
    and answers to journalists’
  • Participation in joint projects
    with the media
  • Holding of events
    for representatives
    of the blogger community
  • Implementation
    of the Gazprom Group’s own
    special projects
In 2023, the key topics
of media inquiries included
PJSC Gazprom’s current
operating and financial
performance and future
plans, implementation
of major investment projects,
participation in the social
and economic development
of the regions of operation,
including gas infrastructure
expansion programs
for Russian regions.
In the reporting year, media
relations were conducted
on a regular basis by special
units of PJSC Gazprom
and the Gazprom Group entities.
Inquiries were received through
communication channels
convenient for journalists
and promptly processed. Answers
and comments were prepared
by relevant business units and top
management of the Gazprom

Posted some 400 official press releases and messages
in PJSC Gazprom’s Telegram channel.

Published twelve interviews with the top executives
of Gazprom Group entities.

Organized over 50 trips for journalists to the Gazprom
Group’s production assets and facilities.

Sent about 900 explanations, comments and answers
to journalists’ questions.

Held 56 events for the media and bloggers.

Media made 5,400 publications about PJSC Gazprom’s

Local communities,
The Gazprom Group
entities operate in all
Russian regions, employ
local residents, procure
products and services
from local businesses.
Their work greatly
contributes to the prosperity
of the Gazprom Group’s
  • Local infrastructure
  • New jobs
  • Local business development
  • Social investments and charity
  • High level of process
    and environmental safety
    in Gazprom Group entities

PJSC Gazprom’s approach
to protecting the rights
and interests of local
communities, including
indigenous minorities

PJSC Gazprom respects
the labor and safety rights
of local communities
and the rights of indigenous
people to preserve
their traditional habitat,
cooperates with
indigenous communities
and maintains a dialog
with local communities,
provides them with social
and charitable support.

  • Participation in city
    and region development
  • Open public hearings
    (including on environmental
    impact assessment)
  • Charity
  • Volunteer activities
    in the regions of operation
  • Support of indigenous
In 2023, the Gazprom Group
received requests from local
communities regarding:

  • improvement of the urban
    environment, construction
    of sports and cultural
    facilities, support
    for the initiatives of local
    residents, and assistance
    to socially disadvantaged
  • organization and financial
    support of projects
    for the development
    of indigenous culture
    and traditions;
  • financial assistance
    to religious organizations;
  • support of socially
    vulnerable population
    groups by providing
    financial assistance
    for treatment,
    rehabilitation, purchase
    of medical equipment
    and other needs.

Gazprom Group management
reviewed the requests
received, including on the basis
of proposals from the Gazprom
Group entities, and made
decisions to support or refrain
from participating, in particular
financially, in projects.

RUB 461.1 million was spent for sponsorship
of indigenous minorities support

More than 265,000 people can enjoy the sports
facilities built as part of the Gazprom for Children

Removed 500 tons of metal scrap and 504 tons
of other legacy waste of the first geological exploration
from indigenous territories in Yamal.

Opened three halls of the exhibition «Peter the Great
Gallery» at the State Hermitage Museum.

Continued the restoration works in Chinese Palace
in Oranienbaum for the Peterhof State Museum

Organized the restoration of paintings by Karl Bryullov,
Victor Borisov-Musatov, Valentin Serov, Konstantin
Korovin, Zinaida Serebriakova, and other artists
in the State Russian Museum.

Organized Epiphany-Day skating on the ice rink
in the Flagshtock social space for 250 children from
orphanages and boarding schools, as well as children
under guardianship

Results of efforts to protect the rights and interests
of local communities (including indigenous minorities)
by PJSC Gazprom:

0 violations involving the rights of indigenous
minorities were identified across the Group’s footprint.

74 projects to support indigenous minorities were
implemented by the Gazprom Group in 2023.

Over 2,500 jobs were created by facilities built as part
of the Gazprom for Children project in 2022–2023.

Held traditional contest of reindeer breeders
and Fisherman’s Days in the Yamalo-Nenets
Autonomous Area.

and scientific
To maintain its technological
leadership and develop
the country’s scientific
and technical potential,
the Gazprom Group invests
in science and education
and cooperates with
universities and research
  • Obtaining financial and other
    types of support for research
    and development
  • Internships and traineeships
    for students and teachers
    at the Gazprom Group entities
  • Joint educational programs
  • Participation in industry
    events for young scientists,
    specialists and students
    of Russian and international
    universities, school students
  • Implementation of Gazprom
    Classes in schools, opening
    of specialized departments
    in Russian universities
  • Work experience practice
    for students of secondary
    vocational education
    institutions and higher
    education institutions
    at the Gazprom Group
  • Internship programs
    for academic staff
    at production facilities
  • Support of research
    institutions in medicine
    and healthcare
In 2023, the Company
received requests from
educational and research
institutions regarding:

  • financial support;
  • internships
    and traineeships;
  • joint educational projects.

Gazprom Group management
reviewed the requests
received, including on the
basis of proposals from
the Gazprom Group entities,
and made decisions to support
or refrain from participating,
in particular financially,
in projects.
PJSC Gazprom’s donation was used to purchase
a unique confocal scanning microscope with
the highest possible resolution for Dmitry Rogachev
National Research Center of Pediatric Hematology,
Oncology and Immunology, as well as to finance
the following research projects:

  • Development of Innovative Approaches to Treat
    Acquired Aplastic Anemia in Children;
  • Assessing the role of molecular genetic alterations
    in the clinical course of inherited pediatric AML/MDS
    predisposition syndromes.

More than 500 students from 21 Russian universities
took part in the First Heat Generation Championship.

Three research projects were included in the R&D
Program of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil
and Gas.

The Gazprom Group continued to partner with 18

11,229 students completed internships
at Gazprom Group entities.

3,623 graduates of secondary vocational and
higher education institutions were employed at the
Gazprom Group entities.

NGOs Public organizations
and charitable foundations
implement environmental
protection and biodiversity
conservation programs,
organize cultural
and education campaigns,
and provide support
to vulnerable groups.
The Gazprom Group shares
these goals and supports
the activities of NGOs.
  • Receiving charitable support
    from the Gazprom Group
  • Taking into account
    the opinions of local
    communities, including
    indigenous minorities,
    on the Gazprom Group’s new
  • Joint charity and volunteering
  • Financial support
    for charitable, environmental
    and other initiatives
    of NGOs
  • Open public hearings
  • Joint biodiversity
    conservation projects
    in the Arctic
  • Participation of the Gazprom
    Group employees and their
    families in joint volunteer
    campaigns and events
In 2023, the Gazprom Group
received requests from NGOs

  • funding of charitable
    programs aimed
    at environmental
  • organization and financial
    support of projects
    for the development
    of indigenous culture
    and traditions;
  • financing of patriotic
    and sports projects,
    programs to popularize
    the Russian language
    and preserve cultural
  • support for local
    communities and socially
    vulnerable population

Gazprom Group management
reviewed the requests
received, including on the basis
of proposals from Gazprom Group
entities, and made decisions
to support or refrain from
participating, in particular
financially, in projects.

Over 4,500 charity and sponsorship project were
funded by the Gazprom Group.

Support was provided to the environmental program
for preserving the population of the Amur tiger
in its natural habitat.

The Gazprom Group supported projects of the YAMINE
Charity Foundation for the treatment and rehabilitation
of severely ill children and children with disabilities
in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area.

including market
The Government controls
more than 50% of shares
in PJSC Gazprom, being
its largest shareholder.
The Gazprom Group
takes into account
the interests of the state
and makes a significant
contribution to the country’s
  • Russia’s energy security
  • Gas infrastructure expansion
    and development in Russian
  • Development of the national
    oil and gas industry, import
  • Gazprom Group’s participation
    in international cooperation
  • Agreements with regions
    of the Russian Federation
  • Intergovernmental
    commissions with other
  • Participation in events
    hosted by the government
    and specialist non-profit
    and industry organizations:
    parliamentary hearings,
    councils, round tables
    and task force meetings
  • Submission of data
    to federal authorities
  • Participation
    in the development of road
    maps and expert reviews
    of draft laws, including
    preparation of proposals,
    comments and amendments
  • Joint drills and trainings
In 2023, the Gazprom Group
received requests from
government authorities

  • gas infrastructure
  • financing of social, sports,
    infrastructure projects and
  • entering into agreements,
    of investment and repair
  • different aspects
    of the operation and
    regulation of markets.

The Gazprom Group’s top
management reviewed
the requests received, including
on the basis of proposals from
the Gazprom Group entities,
and made decisions to support
or refrain from participating,
in particular financially,
in projects.

The Gazprom Group entities
jointly with government
authorities held meetings
on interaction in implementing
plans and joint activities.

2,131 facilities were built as part of the Gazprom
for Children project in 2023.

Signed four cooperation agreements with constituent
entities of the Russian Federation.

Participated in the development of a program
(roadmap) with the governments of the constituent
entities of the Russian Federation.

Roadmaps were signed with the governments
of the Penza and Saratov Regions.

Prepared 163 replies to requests from government
agencies on the Amur Gas Processing Plant project.

Prepared 46 replies to requests from government
authorities on gas infrastructure expansion
in constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Prepared eight replies to requests from government
authorities on international cooperation
and contributed to the update and development
of professional standards.

The Gazprom Group took part in 15 intergovernmental
commissions with other countries.

The Gazprom Group prepared more than
200 documents on international cooperation in gas
supply to friendly countries and implementation
of international projects in response to requests from
government authorities.

PJSC Gazprom and the Russian Ministry of Industry
and Trade signed an agreement of intent on interaction
and cooperation for import substitution of construction
and road building equipment.

Local authorities The Gazprom Group
places special emphasis
on the development
and safety of communities
where the Gazprom Group
entities operate, cooperates
with local authorities,
and supports their initiatives.
  • Entering into cooperation
    agreements with Gazprom
    Group entities
  • Obtaining financial
    and organizational support
    for social and cultural
  • Presentations
    on the Gazprom Group’s
    activities to senior local
    government officials
  • Cooperation agreements
  • Financial support
    of municipal initiatives
  • Joint drills and trainings
In 2023, the requests
received by the Gazprom
Group from local authorities
related to cooperation
agreements with
municipalities in the regions
of operations.
The Gazprom Group’s top
management reviewed
the requests received, including
on the basis of proposals from
the Gazprom Group entities,
and made decisions to support
or refrain from participating,
in particular financially,
in projects.
Signed eight cooperation agreements with municipal
administrations of constituent entities of the Russian
Personnel Personnel
is the Gazprom Group’s
core value, as they
are key to its prosperity.
The Gazprom Group
provides them with decent
remuneration and social
benefits, ensures workplace
safety, offers development
and training opportunities,
respects their opinions
and considers their interests
in decision-making.
  • Decent remuneration
    and social benefits
  • Comfortable and safe working
  • Training, development,
    and career progression
  • Equal rights and opportunities

PJSC Gazprom’s
approach to protecting
the rights and interests
of its personnel

Gazprom attracts the best
talent and provides them
with decent remuneration
and social benefits, pays
special attention to training
and development programs,
including for young
professionals, as well as early
career guidance for potential
employees, and ensures
safe working conditions.

  • Conferences
  • Workshop meetings
  • Skills upgrading programs
  • Corporate events
    for the Gazprom Group’s
In 2023, the Gazprom Group
received requests from
employees of its entities

  • personnel participation
    in corporate events,
    competitions, contests,
    and festivals.

The Gazprom Group’s top
management reviewed
the requests received, including
on the basis of proposals from
the Gazprom Group entities,
and made decisions to support
or refrain from participating,
in particular financially,
in projects.

260 projects were submitted to the 14th Contest
of Public Relations and Mass Media Services
of PJSC Gazprom subsidiaries with 36 of them

Indexed salaries in the Gazprom Group by 2% in 2023.

Increased medical screening coverage of the Gazprom
Group employees by 22.6% (with the introduction
of preventive programs).

Increased corporate medicine spending by 7%.

33,900 employees received housing benefits
in the form of mortgage subsidies in 2023.

137,500 people spent time at the Gazprom Group’s
health resorts in 2023.

11,229 students of higher education institutions took
an internship at Gazprom Group entities.

Results of efforts to protect the rights and interests
of PJSC Gazprom’s personnel:

  • In 2023, the Gazprom Group identified no violations
    related to gender, racial, religious, political or other
    forms of discrimination.
  • 0 violations of employees’ rights to freedom
    of association or collective bargaining
    at the Gazprom Group;
  • 0 conflicts between employees and employers
    resulting in strikes, interruption of business
    or collective labor disputes, including conflicts
    pertaining to violation of the human rights to freedom
    of association and collective bargaining;
  • 0 natural or man-made emergencies
    at PJSC Gazprom facilities.
Business partners
The Gazprom Group’s
partners and contractors
play an important role
in the implementation
of its projects set to expand
consumers’ access
to environmentally friendly
energy, enhance energy
security, and ensure
the social and economic
development of Russian
  • Transparency and openness
    of procurements and tenders
  • Compliance with contractual
    obligations, business ethics
    principles, anti-corruption
  • Compliance with anti-trust
    and anti-monopoly laws
    and tender transparency
  • Cooperation agreements
  • Organizing joint
    coordination committees
    and joint working groups
    between PJSC Gazprom
    and its foreign partners
  • Participation in conferences
    and forums
  • Interaction with industrial
    unions and associations
  • Execution of natural gas
    sales contracts
In 2023, the Gazprom Group
received requests
from business partners
of its entities regarding:

  • QMS certification
    for compliance with
    GOST R ISO 9001-2015;
  • agreements and joint
    projects with foreign
    partners, activities of joint
    coordination committees
    and joint working groups;
  • cooperation
    in import substitution
    and technological

PJSC Gazprom reviewed
all inquiries received from
its business partners and, where
necessary, prepared appropriate

453 suppliers of goods, works and services
had their QMS certified for compliance with
STO Gazprom 9001-2018.

Over 150 companies took part in PJSC Gazprom’s
Supplier Day forum as part of the Tatarstan
Petrochemical Forum in Kazan.

Made 16 agreements on cooperation in import

Approved 12 roadmaps for cooperation as part
of import substitution and technological development.

Consumers The Gazprom Group
provides consumers with
high-quality products
and services, monitors their
satisfaction, and develops
new products and services.
  • High-quality products
    and services
  • Streamlined feedback
    and service system

PJSC Gazprom’s approach
to protecting the rights
and interests of consumers

The Gazprom Group seeks
to provide consumers
with top quality products
and services and engages
with them by responding
quickly and responsibly
to their needs.

  • Customer satisfaction
    monitoring procedures
  • Development
    of remote services,
    expansion and creation
    of communication channels
  • Claims management system
  • Face-to-face meetings with
  • Marketing incentives
    to encourage consumers’
    equipment and vehicle
    conversion to natural gas
In 2023, the requests
by the Gazprom Group
from customers related
to the quality of service,
timing and implementation
of gas infrastructure
expansion programs,
as well as the quality
of service at filling stations
and gas filling stations.

The quality of services
was monitored and consumers
were provided with counseling

The Unified Service Center
of Gazprom Gazifikatsiya
processed 30,500 requests,
431,900 incoming calls,
and its operators made
7,500 outgoing calls.

Over 17,000 requests were
processed on the Consulting
support of the Unified Gas
Infrastructure Expansion Operator
Portal and Technical Support
of the Unified Gas Infrastructure
Expansion Operator Portal.

265,000 households connected as part of the gas
infrastructure expansions program in 2023.

482,000 households connected to the gas network
over the course of the program.

43 CNG filling stations commissioned in 2023.

1,023 mcm of CNG sold in Russia in 2023.Including sales through partner facilities.

Foreign regulators
of energy markets
The Gazprom Group
exports its products
to various countries
around the world, complies
with the requirements
of foreign market regulators,
and participates in industry
Obtaining required reports
  • Information disclosure
  • Participation in public
  • Participation in international
    energy conferences
    and forums
  • Electronic reports using
    dedicated platforms
In 2023, the Gazprom Group took part in 44 Russian
and ten foreign forums and conferences.