Key Indicators Reviewed Independently

Key indicators reviewed independently and disclosed in the Report based on the Recommendations on Disclosure by Joint Stock Companies of Non-Financial Information Pertaining to Their Activities (Letter of the Bank of Russia No. IN-06-28/49 dated July 12, 2021)
Indicator Calculation and disclosure methodology Report Section
Energy intensity indicators of core operations Energy intensity of PJSC Gazprom’s core operations:
  • gas production, kg of reference fuel per thousand m3
  • gas transportation, kg of reference fuel per mcm•km
  • underground gas storage, kg of reference fuel per thousand m3
  • gas processing, kg of reference fuel per ton of reference fuel
Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency
Fuel and energy savings as a result of relevant savings programs Fuel and energy savings resulting from the Gazprom Group’s energy saving programs, million GJ:
  • natural gas
  • electric power
  • heat
Energy Saving Technologies
Volume of air pollutant emissions Air pollutant emissions across the Gazprom Group, thousand tons:
  • hydrocarbons (including methane)
  • carbon oxide
  • nitrogen oxides
  • sulphur dioxide
  • volatile organic compounds
  • solids
  • other gaseous and liquid substances
Managing Pollutant Emissions
Volume of waste generated, waste handed over for recycling, neutralization, storage or otherwise treated
  • Gazprom Group companies’ waste generation by hazard class, thousand tons
  • Waste sent for recycling, thousand tons
  • Waste sent to neutralization, storage or otherwise treated, thousand tons
Waste Handling
Water consumption structure The Gazprom Group’s water consumption structure by source type, mcm:
  • from surface sources
  • from ground water sources
  • from public water supply utilities
  • from other water supply systems

Water used, mcm:
  • production purposes
  • utility and drinking purposes
  • other
Reduction in Water Consumption
Area of disturbed and remediated lands
  • Area of lands disturbed during the year, ha
  • Disturbed lands remediated during the year, ha
Remediation of Disturbed Land and Restoration of Natural Landscapes
For employees: number of fatalities as a result of work-related injuries Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injuries, employees Prevention of Occupational Injuries
Number of fatalities related to the activities of third-party contractors at the Company’s facilities Number of fatal accidents related to the work of third-party contractors at the company’s facilities Prevention of Occupational Injuries