Index of Sustainable Development Standards and Recommendations in the Report

Information contained in this Report has been prepared by the Gazprom Group to reflect the following:

  • Guidelines of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development for the preparation of sustainable development reporting
  • RUIE recommendations for the application of base performance indicators in corporate non-financial reporting

Standards recommended by national regulators for non-financial disclosure, including:

  • Global Reporting Initiative’s Universal Standards for Sustainability Reporting
  • Global Reporting Initiative’s Oil and Gas Sector Standard for Sustainability Reporting
  • standards of the Sustainability Reporting Standards Board

Sustainability Management

Key approaches and documents

Board of Directors


Environmental Protection

Investments in environmental protection

Environmental violations

GHG emissions


Pollutant emissions




Report on Compliance with RUIE Recommendations

Compliance with the RUIE recommendations set out in the opinion of the RUIE Council on Non-Financial Reporting, ESG Indices, and Sustainability Ratings as regards the Group’s Social Impact Report for 2022 for public assurance purposes

RUIE recommendation Compliance Report sections
Include information on specific matters submitted for consideration of the Board of Directors meetings Complied with

The Report contains resolutions of the Board of Directors regarding sustainability matters submitted for consideration of the Board of Directors meetings:

Expand the scope of disclosures describing responsible business practices Complied with

The Report discloses data on the economic effect of the Group’s import substitution by activity, share of procurement from Russian companies, information on digitalization of procurement, including the creation of the Group’s Counterparty Portal and updating the procurement section on the Group’s website:

Provide more detailed disclosure on risk management, including description of risk mitigants introduced by the Company Complied with

The Report describes the Gazprom Group’s environmental, process safety, procurement, HR, IT and IS, quality management, import substitution risks, and risks related to sanctions and sales markets:

The Report describes measures taken to mitigate risks in various areas:

Instead of simply stating the fact that key documents have been updated, focus more on their content to describe what specifically has been updated in a document, what an update or a new document is about, and what the new tasks and priorities are Complied with

The Report contains a list of key documents governing various aspects of sustainability, which includes a short description of documents, their purpose and goals, as well as the key changes introduced to the documents in the reporting year:

Cover implementation of the Digital Transformation Strategy and changes introduced to it, as well as specific projects to implement digital technologies across the Gazprom Group Complied with

The Report describes implementation of the Digital Transformation Strategy in the reporting year along with specific projects aimed at introducing digital technologies in various areas of the Group’s operations:

Disclose the corporate policy, basic principles and approaches to sustainability management as regards biodiversity preservation of the corporate center and subsidiaries of the Group Complied with

The Report contains information on the Arctic biodiversity conservation program launched in early 2024 and describes charitable projects on biodiversity run by PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries:

Complement the available data on the Company’s comprehensive contribution to the social and economic development of regions of operation with information on the outcome of completed projects as well as longterm social effects for specific target groups and regions at large Complied with

The Report contains information on the Group’s key investment projects in Russian regions, gas infrastructure expansion and additional gas infrastructure expansion results, projects to support indigenous minorities, and outcome of charity and volunteering projects:

Include information on key requests and proposals initiated by stakeholders in their interaction with the Company during the reporting period, as well as on the Company’s response. Also focus on the Company’s key stakeholder list in terms of it possible expansion by adding suppliers to reflect the importance of a sustainable supply chain and responsible management thereof Complied with

The Report contains information on stakeholders’ requests, including requests of local communities and indigenous minorities, investors and shareholders, media, educational, research and non-governmental organizations, government bodies and local authorities, employees, business partners (including suppliers, contractors, strategic international partners), consumers, and market regulators, as well as measures taken by the Group in response:

Self-Assessment of the Gazprom Group’s Compliance with Recommendations of GOST R ISO 26000-2012 Guidance on Social Responsibility in Relation to the Report

Requirement/recommendation Compliance Comment Report section
Stakeholder identification and relations are the key element of corporate social responsibility Complied with The Gazprom Group’s Social Impact Report contains a list of stakeholders and describes stakeholder relations. Stakeholder Engagement Practices appendix
Stakeholder relations include dialog between the organization and one or more stakeholders Complied with The Gazprom Group’s Social Impact Report contains a description of stakeholder relations. Stakeholder Engagement Practices appendix
From time to time, the organization should publish reports on its social responsibility performance for affected stakeholders Complied with The Gazprom Group’s Social Impact Report is published annually on the Group’s website and is available to the general public.
When providing reports to its stakeholders, the organization should include [in them] information about its goals and performance as regards the key topics and relevant challenges in the domain of social responsibility. The organization should describe how and when stakeholders were involved in the report preparation process Complied with The Report describes the process of determining material topics with the involvement of stakeholders. About the Report appendix
The scope and scale of the report should be aligned with the size and nature of operations of the organization Complied with The Report covers companies included in the Gazprom Group and describes their social activities.
The level of detail [of disclosure in the report] may be subject to the organization’s experience in preparing respective reports Complied with The Report contains detailed information on the Group’s social activities.
The report should describe mechanisms for decisionmaking on challenges identified in the report, as well as ways to address the challenges Complied with The Report describes how the Gazprom Group reduces its impacts, and contains information on the Gazprom Group’s contribution to Russia’s social and economic development.

Sustainability Management

The Gazprom Group’s People

Process Safety

Local Development

Environment and Environmental Policy

The report should set out performance goals and results of the organization and describe its products and services in the context of sustainability Complied with The Report includes strategic goals on sustainability and describes progress against them in the reporting year.

Sustainability Management

The Gazprom Group’s People

Process Safety

Local Development

Environment and Environmental Policy

The report can be published in various formats depending on the nature of operations of the organization and the needs of its stakeholders Complied with The Report is published as a hard copy and electronically on the Group’s website.
Additional information on reports regarding social responsibility can be obtained from reporting initiatives and tools (on a global, national or sectoral level) Complied with The Report complies with national and international standards and recommendations on sustainability.

About the Report appendix

Index of Sustainable Development Standards and Recommendations in the Report appendix

Reports on social responsibility performance should be consistent internally [with previous reports] and as compared to reports of similar organizations Complied with The Report is consistent with the Group’s reports for previous years and peer reports.
The report should contain an explanation as to why no data is available on certain matters to demonstrate the organization’s efforts to disclose material topics Complied with The Report contains comments regarding changes and omissions.
A stringent and scrupulous process should be in place to verify the accuracy and reliability of source data and information in general Complied with Source data is collected by relevant units of PJSC Gazprom and are verified by their heads and then by members of the working group responsible for the Report preparation. After a draft version of the Report has been made, the data is once again verified by heads of respective units. Reports undergo external validation with respect to key sustainability indicators, as well as independent public assurance by the RUIE to assess the completeness and relevance of the disclosed information.
The validation process should include persons not involved in the report preparation, whether within the organization or outside of it Reports undergo external validation with respect to key sustainability indicators. Key Indicators Reviewed Independently appendix
A statement on validation should be published as part of the report Complied with Since 2021, the Gazprom Group’s Social Impact Report has been part of documents provided to the annual General Shareholders Meeting of PJSC Gazprom. The Report is approved by relevant units and the Chairman of PJSC Gazprom’s Management Committee and then reviewed by the Sustainable Development Committee of the Board of Directors and then by the Board of Directors. Reports undergo external validation with respect to key sustainability indicators.

About the Report appendix

Key Indicators Reviewed Independently appendix

Stakeholder groups should be engaged to determine whether the report reflects matters that are relevant and important for the organization, is aligned with the needs of stakeholders and fully covers the matters it addresses Complied with About the Report appendix
Additional steps taken to achieve transparency: provision of information in a [way] and form that makes it easily verifiable Complied with The Report contains links to sources of data.
The report should contain a statement on compliance with reporting recommendations of external organizations Complied with The Report reflects information contained in the Guidelines of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development for the preparation of sustainable development reporting, RUIE recommendations for the application of base performance indicators in corporate non-financial reporting, as well as standards recommended by national regulators for non-financial disclosure.

About the Report appendix

Index of Sustainable Development Standards and Recommendations in the Report appendix