Glossary of Abbreviations and Code Names used in the Report

ADR American depositary receipt
AEPS Automated Electronic Procurement System of PJSC Gazprom
AGFS Automotive gas filling station
APG Associated petroleum gas
BAT Best available technologies
boe Barrel of oil equivalent
CNG Compressed natural gas
CNG filling station Automobile gas-filling compressor station
Company PJSC Gazprom
CS Compressor station
DCA Designated conservation area
EMS Environmental management system
ESG Environmental, Social, Governance
FSU countries Countries located in the former Soviet Union territory other than the Russian Federation
Gazprom Neft Group, Gazprom Neft PJSC Gazprom Neft and its subsidiaries
Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat LLC and its subsidiaries
Gazprom Energoholding Gazprom Energoholding LLC and companies consolidated under its management (PJSC Mosenergo, PJSC MOEK, PJSC TGС-1 and PJSC OGK-2)
Gazprom, the Gazprom Group, the Group A group of companies consisting of PJSC Gazprom (parent company) and its subsidiaries and entities
GCF Gas and condensate field
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GHG Greenhouse gases
GPP Gas or gas condensate processing plant
GPU Gas pumping unit
GTS Gas transmission system
HIF Hazardous industrial facility
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
IS Information security
ISPSM Integrated System of Process Safety Management
IT Information technologies
ITS Technical reference book
KPI Key performance indicator
LNG Liquefied natural gas
LPG Liquefied petroleum gases
MCS Mobile compressor station
Media Mass media
MET Mineral extraction tax
NGV fuel Natural gas vehicle fuel
NPO Non-profit organization
OGCF Oil and gas condensate field
OHS Occupational health and safety management system
PJSC Gazprom and its key subsidiaries PJSC Gazprom and its gas production, transportation, processing and underground storage subsidiaries
QMS Quality Management System
R&D Research and development
RD Administrative document
Report The Gazprom Group’s Social Impact Report
RES Renewable energy sources
RMICS Risk management and internal control system
RUIE Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
SLCA Special labor conditions assessment
SME Small and medium-sized enterprises
STI Strategic target indicator
STO Corporate standard
toe ton of oil equivalent
Ton of reference fuel Ton of reference fuel (coal equivalent) equal to 877 m3 of natural gas, 0.7 tons of oil and gas condensate
UGS Underground gas storage
UGSS Unified Gas Supply System
VAT Value-added tax
VMI Voluntary medical insurance
VR Virtual reality