Opinion Issued Following Public Consultations


PJSC Gazprom (the “Company”) proposed that we assess the information disclosed in the Gazprom Group’s Social Impact Report 2023 (the “Report”) for alignment with stakeholder expectations, along with the quality of the Company’s response to the recommendations and proposals received from stakeholders during the Report preparation.

Report assessment procedure

We read the draft Report provided by the Company, asked questions and offered feedback during dedicated online Public Consultations. In the course of the Public Consultations, we received the required comments and the table on how the Company took into account our recommendations and proposals. We provide assessment of the above information only.

We are unaware of any facts that may compromise the reliability of information disclosed in the Report. Yet, it should be noted that reviewing the collection and analysis system for the reported information and its reliability is beyond the scope of this assessment. Besides, the assessment does not purport to confirm the extent of the Report compliance with any reporting and/or operational standards.

When assessing the Report, we expressed our opinion as independent experts, not representatives of the company that employs us. We confirm our independence and objectivity in respect of the Report assessment.  We did not receive any remuneration from the Company for taking part in the Public Consultations.

The results of our work are presented in this Opinion issued following the Public Consultations. The Opinion contains judgements on which we have come to an agreement. The Company may use it for corporate and  stakeholder communication purposes by publishing the original version without any changes.

Disclosure alignment with stakeholder expectations

The Report presents the list of material topics jointly defined by the Company’s representatives and a wide range of stakeholders. We believe that the selected material topics reflect the key interests of stakeholders.

In our opinion, all material information presented in the Report is sufficient for the stakeholders to gain an understanding of the Gazprom Group’s current state and development prospects.

The disclosure is well-balanced as it presents both the positive aspects of the Company’s performance and the challenges it faces along with the ways of tackling them.

The Company’s response to stakeholder recommendations as part of the report preparation

To take into account information queries from a wide range of stakeholders in the best possible way, the Company surveyed 3,114 representatives of such stakeholders. The results served as a basis for the final list of  aterial topics to be reflected in the Report.

Additionally, the Company held Public Consultations on the draft Report enabling us as stakeholder representatives to comment on the Report’s contents. The Company recorded all proposals and recommendations  received during the Public Consultations, analyzed them and provided the information on how they will be taken into account in preparing the Report, which proves that the dialog was constructive.


We agreed to give a positive opinion on the Report in terms of its format and disclosure scope. The Company prepared an informative and well-structured report that meets our expectations.

We highly appreciate the Company’s initiative aimed at interacting with stakeholders in preparing the Social Impact Report more extensively, and recommend that the Company should continue close cooperation on this issue with representatives of the target audiences of the Report, while also continuously improving the applied frameworks and tools.

Public Consultations: signatures of participants
Full name Position Signature
Professor at Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
President of the Global Energy Association
Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Director at Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Member of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy
General Director of Fuel and Energy Communications Development Center
Expert on business environmental responsibility at the Nature and People fund, member of the RUIE Council on Non-Financial Reporting, ESG indices and Sustainability Ratings
Chairman of the Gazprom Workers’ Union Interregional Organization
Sustainable Development Director at SIBUR
Chair of the Visit Youth Leisure Center (Svobodny, Amur Region) and the Public Council of Amur GPP
Head of the Integrated Reporting Committee, Director of the Finance Department at Sberbank
Chairman of the Management Board of Yamal Regional Social Movement of Indigenous Minorities “Yamal”