Quality Management

Quality Management System

The Gazprom Group controls the quality of its products (works, services) at all stages of their life cycle. Quality Management Systems (QMS) were introduced at PJSC Gazprom and across the Gazprom Group to enhance quality management performance.

Material topic 13

Quality management at the Gazprom Group


Structure of PJSC Gazprom’s QMS

The QMS of PJSC Gazprom was certified for compliance with the GOST R ISO 9001-2015 standard.

For more details on the Gazprom Group’s quality management regulations, see Appendix.

Control of the Supplier Performance Quality


To ensure a high quality of products, works, and services, PJSC Gazprom recommends that its suppliers implement QMS systems based on the STO Gazprom 9000 corporate standards. These standards provide for stricter requirements compared to similar international and national standards, and introduce additional requirements to ensure the quality of products, works, and services taking into account the nature of the safe operation of PJSC Gazprom’s facilities.

As of December 31, 2023, 453 suppliers of goods, works, services, and 35 Gazprom Group entities certified their QMS for compliance with STO Gazprom 9001-2018.

Customer Satisfaction Monitoring

The Gazprom Group places a strong emphasis on maintaining superior product quality through ongoing customer satisfaction monitoring, by measuring and analyzing the second-level STIs — Customer Satisfaction Index.

In 2023, the Group collected feedback from approximately 68,000 customers to calculate these indices. Findings reflected in the table below reveal that all targets had been met.

For more details on the panning system that relies on STIs, see the Mission and Strategy subsection.

Customer satisfaction indices, %

Gazprom Group Indicators20, 21, 22
Second-level STI Actual for 2021 Actual for 2022 Target for 2023Actual for 2023
Customer satisfaction index (gas business) 77.26 86.03 7485.49
Customer satisfaction index in the NGV fuel
segment (gas business)
87.92 89.94 8291.59
Customer satisfaction index (power
generation business)
85.61 86.95 7887.73

Measures to Mitigate Risks of Deteriorating Quality of Products, Work and Services

To mitigate the risk of quality deterioration, the Gazprom Group deploys comprehensive quality controls across all stages of product, work, and service lifecycles. To make these efforts more effective, PJSC Gazprom and Gazprom Group entities have adopted Quality Management Systems (QMSs). As part of the QMS, procedures for managing substandard products were developed. When substandard quality products are detected, Gazprom Group entities will promptly inform customers. In such instances, products with unidentifiable or questionable status are classified as non-compliant. The management of any substandard products includes their identification, rectification, subsequent re-evaluation, and a thorough analysis to pinpoint the origins of non-compliance, thereby facilitating corrective responses.