Message from the Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee

Dear friends,

This year, we have changed the name of our Sustainability Report to the Gazprom Group’s Social Impact Report. In it, we provide more details on our social programs and contribution to Russia’s social and economic development, an approach which is in line with the Gazprom Group’s mission and sustainability goals.

In 2022, amid global changes in energy markets, Gazprom remained reliable and efficient, ensuring smooth operation and development of its unique production system for uninterrupted gas supply to consumers.

For three decades running, PJSC Gazprom’s priority has always been to improve the availability and accessibility of natural gas, above all for people in Russia. In line with this vision, we launch new fields, expand our gas transportation system, and develop underground storage facilities.

On top of that, we carry out large-scale gas infrastructure expansion across the vast territories of Russia. PJSC Gazprom is actively implementing five-year programs for gas supply and infrastructure development in 72 Russian regions. As a result, in 2022 alone, residents of hundreds of localities gained access to pipeline gas, leading to major improvements in the quality of their everyday life, while industrial consumers were in turn incentivized to enhance their production efficiency. Our strategic goal is to cover all Russia with gas infrastructure wherever technically feasible by 2030.

In locations where pipeline gas is already available, Gazprom constructs free gas connections up to the borders of land plots that have not been provided with gas yet, with more than half a million households receiving access to gas by the end of 2022. Starting March 2023, the gas infrastructure expansion program covers socially important medical and educational institutions.

The Gazprom Group makes a significant contribution to the Russian economy, having paid over RUB 5 trillion to budgets of all levels in 2022. The share of Russian-made materials and equipment in the Group’s centralized procurement reached 99%, with more than a half of Gazprom’s suppliers represented by small and medium-sized businesses.

Human health depends to a great extent on the condition of the environment and purity of the air and water. In strict compliance with environmental standards set forth by Russian laws and regulations, Gazprom is engaged in efforts to enhance energy efficiency: in the reporting year alone, we saved more than 4 bcm of gas and 400 million kWh of electricity for our own process needs. We take a responsible approach to process safety and are committed to innovations.

The Gazprom Group consistently strengthens its human resource potential. We offer decent salaries and social security, along with training and development opportunities. Hundreds of thousands of our employees undergo annual professional training, retraining, and skills upgrading courses.

2022 saw over 115,000 employees of the Gazprom Group take part in volunteering initiatives. In 2022, just like during the COVID-19 pandemic, we focused on the area where support was most needed — humanitarian aid.

In the reporting year, the Gazprom Group provided funding to some 4,000 social projects, including those aimed at preserving the traditional way of life of indigenous minorities of the North.

I would like to make a special mention of our Gazprom for Children social project. In 2022, we celebrated its 15th anniversary and opened the 2,000th sports facility. The program allows people in 74 Russian regions to regularly engage in physical training and sports in close vicinity to where they live.

Dear friends,

These and many other initiatives of Gazprom are designed to benefit people in Russia, make their lives more comfortable, and unlock development opportunities for present and future generations.