2.2. Social Partnership

Employer-employee relations in the Gazprom Group are based on social partnership, mutual interests recognition, equal treatment, and compliance with labor laws and other regulations ensuring an optimal balance of interests of all parties for efficient delivery on Gazprom's objectives and performance of its commitments.

Key Documents

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation
  • Labor and employment legislation in the countries where PJSC Gazprom operates
  • Industry Agreement for 2020–2022 covering companies involved in oil and gas production and the construction of dedicated facilities
  • General Collective Bargaining Agreement of PJSC Gazprom and its Subsidiaries for 2022–2024
  • Collective agreements and other local regulations of the Gazprom Group subsidiaries

Collective Bargaining Agreement

General Collective Bargaining Agreement of PJSC Gazprom and its Subsidiaries is signed for a three-year period and forms the key element of the system regulating social and labor relations between the employers and employees. The Agreement outlines uniform social obligations for the Group subsidiaries engaged in the production, transportation, processing, storage and sale of gas.

Gazprom Workers’ Union

The Gazprom Group recognizes the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and Federal Law No. 10-FZ dated January 12, 1996 On Trade Unions, their Rights and Guarantees of their Activities.

Over 392,000 people

are members of Gazprom Workers’ Union as of the end of 2022

The interests of the Group’s employees are represented by the Gazprom Workers’ Union Interregional Organization and its member organizations. The Gazprom Workers’ Union is one of Russia's largest industrial trade unions.

Gazprom Workers’ Union Activities in 2022

In the reporting period, the Gazprom Workers’ Union kept cooperating with the employer on current labor issues. The Company adopted nearly 12,000 local regulations taking into account the opinion of the union and elective bodies of organizations within its structure.

Throughout the reporting year, the Union exercised trade union control over compliance with labor laws and other social and labor matters, as well as matters concerning safe working environment and employee health and safety.

To that end, structural units of the Gazprom Workers’ Union employ 15 legal and 30 technical labor inspectors, 172 officers in charge of rights protection and over 8,000 occupational safety officers.

Number of the Gazprom Workers’ Union organizations
Total membership in the Gazprom Workers’ Union organizations

In 2022, the Union continued to set up and consolidate trade union organizations at the Gazprom Group entities. As a result, eleven new trade union organizations joined the Gazprom Workers’ Union.

The increase in the total member headcount at trade unions was partially due to the creation of new and integration of existing trade unions within the Gazprom Workers’ Union.

As a result, 79.7% of employees of the Gazprom Group entities are members of the Gazprom Workers’ Union organizations.

Results of inspections conducted by the Gazprom Workers’ Union organizations
Indicator 2020 2021 2022
Inspections conducted by trade union organizations 539 491 529
incl. comprehensive checks of all issues relating to labor regulations 277 261 283
Claims reviewed 3,877 4,019 5,465
incl. substantiated 1,167 1,324 1,402
partially substantiated 78 92 98
Employees and non-working retirees met in-person 10,448 11,108 12,374
Inspections of the state of occupational safety 305 429 349
Written claims from employees concerning the violation of their occupational safety rights 11 25 5
Violations identified 464 1,860 2,159
Notices issued to eliminate the violations of the labor legislation 135 220 182

The employee claims mostly concerned the clarification of certain provisions of labor laws, the collective bargaining agreement and local regulations regarding social and economic interests, labor relations, housing, pensions, as well as the provision of social benefits, guarantees and compensations, medical care and health support, and measures to prevent coronavirus disease.

In 2022, the Gazprom Workers’ Union coordinated the participation of the Gazprom Group corporate teams in competitions held as part of the nation-wide Homo Ambulans program to promote physical activity launched by the National Health League with the support from the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation under the Sports is a Way of Life national project. Over 90 corporate teams uniting more than 2,200 people took part in the competitions.

For more details on social partnership development projects implemented by the Gazprom Workers’ Union in 2022, see Appendix