2.1. HR Management

People are the Gazprom Group’s core value. Their motivation, satisfaction with working conditions, and social well-being are of paramount importance for the Company's development. Gazprom recruits the best staff and provides its employees with decent salaries and social security, monitors workplace safety, and pays special attention to training and development programs.

Material topic 6

Gazprom Group’s legal compliance


headcount as of December 31, 2022

Material topic 7

Gazprom Group's presence in the labor market and employment impact

RUB 953.7 billion

payroll expenses

Material topic 8

Social benefits and non-financial motivation of the employees at the Gazprom Group

RUB 38.8 billion

social expenses

Material topic 9

Training and education for employees and prospective employees

Key Documents

  • HR Management Policy of PJSC Gazprom, its Subsidiaries and Entities
  • Comprehensive Program for Improvement of HR Management at PJSC Gazprom, its Subsidiaries and Entities in 2021–2025

The HR Management Policy of PJSC Gazprom seeks to establish effective personnel management based on social partnership principles. The Policy’s key goal is to maximize return on investment in talent by doing the following:

  • maintaining a status of the preferred employer;
  • comprehensively motivating each employee to achieve the Company's goals;
  • creating and developing an unbiased and efficient framework to assess the personal contribution of each employee.

In order to improve personnel management of PJSC Gazprom, its subsidiaries and entities, the Comprehensive Program for Improvement of HR Management at PJSC Gazprom, its Subsidiaries and Entities (the “Program”) is subject to update and approval every five years. This helps build a competitive, highly professional, responsible, and cohesive team aimed at effectively addressing urgent challenges faced by PJSC Gazprom in the current economic, social and political environment.

Focus areas
  • headcount planning;
  • recruiting and assessment;
  • employee training and development;
  • staff motivation;
  • social policy;
  • expenditure management, reporting, and performance assessment;
  • information support and corporate communications.

We set KPIs for each focus area of the Program. Their achievement is reviewed annually when operating results of the Group are assessed.

Material topic 12

Equal opportunities for all employees of the Gazprom Group

Equal Rights of Employees

The General Collective Bargaining Agreement of PJSC Gazprom – one of Russia's largest employers – provides for equal rights and opportunities for all employee categories.

The Gazprom Group ensures equal remuneration for men and women in positions requiring the same professional expertise and competencies. The ratio of fixed and variable remuneration is the same for both genders.

Share of employees in the Management Committee, %
Indicator 2020 2021 2022
male 85.7 85.7 85.7
female 14.3 14.3 14.3
under 30 y.o.
30 to 40 y.o.
40 to 50 y.o. 21.4 14.3 14.3
over 50 y.o. 78.6 85.7 85.7
Headcount as of the end of the reporting period
Indicator 2020 2021 2022 Change 2022/2021, %
Списочная численность на 31 декабря отчетного года, тыс. чел. 477.6 479.2 492.2 2.7
incl.: Share of the Gazprom Group’s employees by category, %Change 2022/2021, p.p.
male 76.0 75.9 75.7 –0.2
female 24.0 24.1 24.3 +0.2
under 30 y.o. 4.0 3.6 3.6 0.0
30 to 50 y.o. 69.7 69.8 69.3 –0.5
over 50 y.o. 26.3 26.6 27.1 +0.5
Specialists and other white-collar staff33.434.234.4+0.2
male 58.7 58.7 58.7 0.0
female 41.3 41.2 41.2 0.0
under 30 y.o. 12.5 11.9 11.9 0.0
30 to 50 y.o. 68.5 68.0 67.4 –0.6
over 50 y.o. 19.0 20.1 20.7 +0.6
male 78.8 78.6 78.8 +0.2
female 21.2 21.4 21.2 –0.2
under 30 y.o. 15.0 13.9 13.8 –0.1
30 to 50 y.o. 57.0 57.1 56.7 –0.4
over 50 y.o. 28.0 29.0 29.5 +0.5

An increase in the Group’s headcount in the reporting year is due to strategic projects in gas processing and transportation, the implementation of PJSC Gazprom's investment program, the reform of the investment and forecasting business unit, as well as the launch of major liquid hydrocarbon production projects and the development of import substitution at the Gazprom Neft Group.

There are no significant changes in the gender structure of personnel; the share of women among executives has been growing each year.

The increase in the share of employees over 50 years old is due to the natural ageing of personnel and the pension reform in Russia in 2019–2028.

The Gazprom Group entities strictly comply with the requirements of Russian laws on job quotas for persons with disabilities. To this end, the Group formalizes employment relations with such employees for any jobs or enters into agreements for the employment of people with disabilities with third-party organizations or sole proprietors.

Employees with disabilities and employees raising children with disabilities enjoy additional benefits and guarantees.

For more details on headcount and other indicators, see Appendix

0 cases

collective labor disputes in the Gazprom Group in 2022

The Gazprom Group seeks to ensure proper respect for employees’ labor rights.

The notice period for significant changes in labor conditions is at least two months. The notice provisions are included in the General Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Shift Personnel

56,700 people

number of shift workers in the reporting year

The territories where Gazprom operates include remote regions of Siberia, the Russian Far North and offshore areas. In the reporting year, the number of shift workers operating in adverse weather conditions at fields located far away from populated areas amounted to 56,700 people.

Gazprom invests efforts in making the work of shift personnel in harsh conditions as comfortable as possible: Group entities bring shift workers from the meeting point to the place of work and back, improve the infrastructure of shift personnel camps to provide them with comfortable accommodation, high-quality medical care and the necessary social services, and strictly monitor compliance with work and rest schedules.

Shift personnel structure(1)
Indicator December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021 December 31, 2022 Change 2022/2021
Roster of employees of the entities which use the shift system, thousand people 231.7 225.2 233.9 +3.9 %
Headcount of shift staff, thousand people, incl.: 51.8 53.9 56.7 +5.2 %
people working in the Far North and equivalent areas 47.6 50.2 52.9 +5.4 %
Relative share of shift staff in the roster of the Gazprom Group entities which use the shift system, % 22.4 23.9 24.2 +0.3 п. п.

(1) Average headcount of the Gazprom Group entities.

Growth in the average headcount of shift workers in 2022 by 2,800 people (or +5.2%) resulted from the commissioning of new facilities relying on shift personnel in remote areas, particularly in the Russian Far North.

Financial Incentives for Employees

The Company implements the PJSC Gazprom Employee Remuneration Management Policy, which establishes unified approaches to remuneration within the Gazprom Group. Salary depends on qualifications, business skills, the complexity of work, working conditions, and the performance of the assigned tasks.

The Policy provides for the fixed part of remuneration (salaries / tariff rates) and the variable part (extra payments, allowances and bonuses). Linked to the remuneration system, the fixed part constitutes up to 70% of the remuneration.

The remuneration systems used by the Gazprom Group entities provide for:

  • setting salaries and tariff rates based on qualifications and business skills;
  • monthly performance bonuses;
  • extra payments, allowances depending on working conditions and the amount of work performed;
  • one-off bonuses for launching new production facilities, introduction of new equipment, energy savings;
  • year-end performance bonuses.

Remuneration for work performed under non-standard conditions, including overtime, is paid in accordance with labor laws and other documents containing labor regulations.

Average monthly salary, RUB thousand

In order to maintain the level of real remuneration under Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, salaries and wages are indexed annually for employees of PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries.

In the reporting year, the average monthly salary at the subsidiaries responsible for the core operations of PJSC Gazprom (gas production, processing, transportation, and underground storage) amounted to RUB 127,300.

In 2022, the average monthly salary went up 18.75% year-on-year.

Social Benefits

The Gazprom Group has developed and implements an extensive social support program for its employees. This strengthens the Company's image as a responsible employer, helps retain human resources and hire new talent possessing the required qualifications.

Key social benefits
  • Social payments paid to all Group staff, as well as to certain staff categories (employees of the Group entities located in the Far North or equivalent areas, young professionals, employees who have multi-child families and children with disabilities, and others).
  • Medical care provided to employees, former employees (retirees) of the Gazprom Group entities, and members of their families under voluntary medical insurance (VMI) contracts and under direct contracts with healthcare institutions.
  • Personal insurance. In addition to compulsory health insurance (CHI), the Gazprom Group concludes VMI contracts for employees, former employees (retirees), and members of their families. In addition to compulsory social insurance, the Gazprom Group's employees enjoy accident and life insurance coverage. In line with the approved list of insurance risks, payments are made to employees or their heirs.
  • Housing is provided under a corporate program which is co-funded by both employees and the employer and uses mortgage loans. This program helps the Company retain its HR potential in the long run.
  • Non-governmental pension insurance of employees relies on the corporate pension system, which provides for additional payments upon retirement.
Voluntary personal social insurance provided to full-time, part-time, and temporary employees working under an employment contract(1)
Personal insurance coverage Full-time employment Temporary employment(3) Part-time employment(4)
Life insurance(2) + +
VMI + +
Injury and disability compensation (accident and disease insurance agreements) + + +

In 2022, all social programs of the Gazprom Group continued without any cost cuts.

(1) Information provided for PJSC Gazprom, its representative offices, branches and subsidiaries involved in core business activities and infrastructure entities included in PJSC Gazprom’s budgeting.

(2) Temporary employment refers to fixed-term employment contracts. If their term is less than three years, life insurance is not provided. If their term is less than two months, medical services (voluntary medical insurance) are not provided.

(3) Part-time employment as per Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The benefits are not provided under civil law agreements for the purchase of services.

(4) Extends to executives of PJSC Gazprom’s Administration and subsidiaries engaged in core operations and provides additional insurance coverage against the risk of the employee’s death or injury.

Non-Governmental Pension Insurance

141,600 people

received pension under non-governmental pension agreements in 2022

Non-governmental pension insurance for employees at the Gazprom Group entities relies on pension agreements signed with Non-State Pension Fund GAZFOND. This pension arrangement covers employees who have worked at PJSC Gazprom’s entities for at least 15 years and by the time of retirement are entitled to receive an old-age pension. Employees receive these payments upon retirement.

Headcount of participating retired employees of the Gazprom Group’s entities, thousand people

In 2022, over 141,600 people were granted pensions under relevant agreements, up 1.2% year-on-year.

Corporate Healthcare System and VMI

592,000 people

were insured in 2022 under voluntary medical insurance programs at PJSC Gazprom, its subsidiaries and entitiesIncluding retirees and family members.


Gazprom Group properties provided health resort treatment services in 2022

RUB 16.9 billion

spent on personal insurance programs in 2022Expenditures of PJSC Gazprom, its 15 branches and 79 budgeted subsidiaries, entities and representative offices on voluntary medical insurance, accident and disease insurance, and life insurance.

PJSC Gazprom takes care of employee health and provides employees, retirees, and members of their families with high-quality medical services, conducts annual medical screenings, and encourages healthy lifestyles.

Key regulatory documents governing the organization of medical care at the Gazprom Group:

  • General Collective Bargaining Agreement of PJSC Gazprom and Its Subsidiaries;
  • Regulation on Voluntary Medical Insurance at PJSC Gazprom, its Branches, Subsidiaries, and Infrastructure Organizations of PJSC Gazprom;
  • Regulation on the Procedure for Medical Screening of employees of PJSC Gazprom’s Administration, Directors of Branches, Representative Offices, and Subsidiaries of PJSC Gazprom.

In 2022, PJSC Gazprom’s Management Committee adopted the Comprehensive Action Plan for Medical Care Development at the Gazprom Group for 2022–2025. New local regulations on medical care are updated and developed, and we plan to provide additional medical equipment to first-aid posts at production facilities.

Gazprom Group’s Corporate Healthcare System
  • Medical services at workplace (first-aid posts, medical rooms, office physicians)
  • Medical services at corporate healthcare institutions (health units, outpatient clinics)
  • Medical services funded by VMI at third-party healthcare institutions
  • Mandatory health check-ups and medical examinations
  • Medical rehabilitation, health resort treatment, and general health promotion at corporate sanatoriums, preventative clinics, health and recreation centers, and holiday facilities

The Occupational Healthcare and Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Directorate of PJSC Gazprom provides guidance to, coordinates activities of and exercises control over medical care facilities. It analyzes feedback on the quality of medical services from the corporate healthcare system participants. Complaints and reports are reviewed by dedicated committees set up at medical institutions.

Insurance companies partnering with the Gazprom Group under VMI contracts arrange and pay for medical services and preventive measures at corporate medical organizations, or, if it is not possible, at third-party healthcare institutions, with their list defined by the VMI Program. The scope of services is set out in the VMI Programs. Insured employees, retirees, and members of their families receive outpatient and inpatient care, as well as health resort and rehabilitation treatment under medical indications.

Number of the Gazprom Group’s employees, retirees, and members of their families insured under VMI programs
Indicator 2020 2021 2022 Change 2022/2021, %
Number of the Gazprom Group’s employees insured under VMI programs as of the end of the reporting period 301,621 306,010 313,049 +2.3
Number of family members of the Gazprom Group’s employees insured under VMI programs as of the end of the reporting period 150,492 158,150 171,599 +8.5
Number of the Gazprom Group’s retirees (former employees) and their family members insured under VMI programs as of the end of the reporting period 103,250 105,261 107,395 +2.0

In 2022, the number of the Gazprom Group’s employees insured under VMI programs grew by 2.3% vs. 2021, and the number of their family members by 8.5%.

Guided by the fundamental principles of Russia’s Healthcare and Demography national projects, Gazprom pays close attention to disease prevention measures. The measures included:

  • regular medical examinations (check-ups) for certain categories of employees engaged in heavy work and work in harmful and/or hazardous conditions;
  • annual medical screening of employees to identify symptom-free disease forms, determine risk factors, and develop individual health improvement plans, including rehabilitation treatment options;
  • monitoring of patients with chronic diseases;
  • immunity-strengthening activities, such as vaccination against flu and other viral diseases.
Payments made by the Gazprom Group’s entities for rehabilitation treatment and targeted preventive initiatives under VMI contracts, RUB million

In 2022, the volume of payments for targeted preventive initiatives grew by 52% year-on-year.

In the reporting year, 132,298 of the Gazprom Group’s employees had medical screenings; 60,228 employees received health resort and rehabilitation treatment.

In the reporting year, VMI contracts were reviewed and improved for the benefit of the Gazprom Group. The Company took a number of steps to enhance the quality of medical care under VMI Programs as part of the Comprehensive Action Plan for Medical Care Development at the Gazprom Group for 2022–2025.

To deliver against the Strategy for the Development of Healthcare in the Russian Federation until 2025, VMI funds are raised, inter alia, for the prevention of infectious and non-infectious (socially significant) diseases, vaccinations, and medical screenings.

Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles

In 2022, we continued our efforts to promote healthy lifestyles among the Group's employees. The Company pays employees for their membership in sports clubs and reimburses sports-related expenses. Apart from that, the Gazprom Spartakiada Games were held in 2022, and a number of corporate sports competitions were organized.

Since 1996, to promote a healthy lifestyle among employees and keep sports traditions alive, Gazprom Spartakiada Games have been held.

The 2022 Spartakiada Games brought together 31 adult teams representing the Gazprom Group entities from Russia and Belarus, as well as 14 student teams from the Company's partner universities. Adult athletes competed in track-and-field athletics, swimming, soccer, kettlebell lifting, volleyball, and chess. Students competed in bodybuilding, track-and-field relay race, and darts. A total of 109 medals were awarded.

Non-financial Incentives

Gazprom Group has a system of state, ministerial, and corporate awards for its employees in place.

In 2022, 4,611 employees and 16 teams received awards for their personal contribution to the energy sector development, outstanding achievements, and many years of diligent work, including:

  • state awards of the Russian Federation – 32 people;
  • presidential awards – 16 people and 1 team;
  • awards from the Russian Ministry of Energy – 1,373 people; other ministries and agencies – 72 people;
  • corporate awards of PJSC Gazprom – 3,118 people and 15 teams.

The Gazprom Group also holds professional competitions as an additional personnel development and motivation tool and the means of promoting professional achievements and best practices.

Since 2018, competitions have been held as part of PJSC Gazprom's Labor (Workmanship) Festival in several core professional disciplines relevant for the Group's subsidiaries once every two years. In 2022, PJSC Gazprom's Labor (Workmanship) Festival was held in eight professional disciplines with the total number of participants exceeding 180 employees from 36 subsidiaries.

PJSC Gazprom’s computer-aided design and information technology competition was held at Gazprom Corporate Institute concurrently with the Festival. It was attended by IT professionals interested in the development and implementation of promising projects in information technology and computer-aided design, professional development, and promotion of creative initiatives.

In August 2022, Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk hosted the offline (final) stage of the Best Young Employee contest, which was attended by representatives from PJSC Gazprom’s 45 subsidiaries and entities.

Personnel Training

The success of the Gazprom Group relies on the professionalism of its employees, who continuously improve their professional expertise, skills and competencies, broaden practical experience and apply it in their work.


managers, specialists, and other whitecollar staff of the Gazprom Group received further professional training


blue-collar staff of the Gazprom Group received professional training


employees of the Gazprom Group underwent online trainingIncluding less than 16 hours of training.

Systematic training of employees throughout their professional career is a critical element of successful talent development. As part of PJSC Gazprom's Continuous Vocational Education and Training System, training relies on pre-designed educational programs using a variety of training materials and learning aids. The programs focus on hands-on personnel training, practicing skills, competencies, and procedures for emergency situations and incidents using mock-ups of production equipment. The subsidiaries and entities adopt their own training plans for work-study centers and educational institutions in the regions of operation.

The Gazprom Group takes an active part in building a national system of qualifications based on professional standards. In 2022, eight professional standards developed by PJSC Gazprom were approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. In the reporting year, the Company drafted six standards and plans to prepare another four drafts by the end of 2023.

Implementation of training programs at the Gazprom Group
Indicator 2020 2021 2022 Change 2022/2021, %
Average duration of all types of training per employee of the Gazprom Group, hours:
managers, specialists, and other white-collar staff 45 51 58 +14
blue-collar staff 63 71 71 0
Total duration of employee training of the Gazprom Group by gender, thousand hours:23,77828,63830,609+7
male 18,902 23,669 25,428 +7
female 4,876 4,969 5,181 +4
Number of employees covered by the Gazprom Group’s skills upgrading and professional retraining programs, thousand people:(1)371.0466.4559.2+20
managers, specialists, and other white-collar staff who participated in further professional training programs 199.4 250.1 299.7 +20
blue-collar staff who participated in professional training(2) 171.6 216.3 259.5 +20
Number of the Gazprom Group’s employees who completed training in process safety(3)97,556141,955177,219+25
Number of the Gazprom Group’s employees who completed training in corporate ethics111,819229,89130,865–86

(1) The number of employees who completed training is stated in man-courses (if one person received training twice, they are counted twice, etc.).

(2) The number of employees does not include those who received corporate ethics training. In the Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Reports 2020 and 2021, the number of employees trained includes training in the corporate ethics standards: in 2020 – 206,700 people (total number of employees trained – 406,100 people); in 2021 – 353,700 people (total number of employees trained – 603,800 people).

(3) Data on managers, specialists, and other white-collar staff who completed pre-certification training in industrial safety, occupational health, etc. The number of employees who completed training is stated in man-courses (if one person received training twice, they are counted twice, etc.).

The growth in personnel training indicators in 2022 resulted from compulsory training required for admission to work at hazardous production facilities, and from an increase in the headcount. Another factor contributing to the growth of indicators in the reporting year was the adoption of regulatory documents governing training or establishing additional requirements for the organization of compulsory training.

Attracting Young Talent

Gazprom Classes

The Gazprom Group implements the Gazprom Classes project at 26 schools located in five Russian federal districts.

The goal of the project is to provide early career guidance to school students in the regions of operation of the Group.

The most talented students motivated for a successful professional career undergo selection for targeted education in areas that meet the needs of the Group entities.

We arrange various team building and career guidance training sessions along with sports and cultural events for the students of Gazprom Classes. The project’s information platform: https://gazprom-classes.etu.ru/.

In 2022, together with Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, we held the Stepping Stones competition for research projects of Gazprom Classes students. The topic of the competition was: Digital Transformation – The Future Today.

In the reporting period, Gazprom Transgaz Kazan and Kazan National Research Technological University also supported the fifth Forum of Gazprom Classes students, which was attended by 150 students of dedicated classes and students of Gazprom College Volgograd and Gazprom Vocational School Novy Urengoy, as well as representatives of PJSC Gazprom’s partner universities.

In 2023, the Company also plans to hold the Stepping Stones competition for research projects of Gazprom Classes students and the Forum of Gazprom Classes students supported by Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and involving Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg.

Collaboration with Higher Education Institutions


partner universities


specialized departments


students sponsored by the Gazprom Group

By entering into cooperation agreements with 18 partner universities, the Gazprom Group has created conditions for collaborating with educational institutions in ensuring high quality of professional training for young talents who will be hired by the Company.

10,533 students

took internship at the Gazprom Group entities

Support for partner universities includes assistance in coordinating training programs, providing career guidance and organizing student internships. Gazprom managers and senior specialists teach at these educational institutions. The Gazprom Group pays special attention to setting up, equipping and refurbishing laboratories, classrooms, and lecture rooms, research complexes, training grounds, scientific and technical libraries at its partner universities.

The specialized departments established at universities based on Gazprom Group entities enable students to apply theoretical knowledge they gained in practice and contribute to the development of additional competencies. As of the end of 2022, there were 27 specialized departments.

Overall, PJSC Gazprom cooperates with more than 150 universities in providing pro-active training and skills upgrading programs.

In 2022, PJSC Gazprom held another Student Olympiad jointly with partner universities in key subjects related to the Company’s business. Its main goal is to identify students who view the oil and gas industry as a priority for their future professional career.

Annual job fairs at PJSC Gazprom’s partner universities and Gazprom Days enable participating students to learn the specifics of working for the Group, explore internship opportunities and job prospects at Group companies. In 2022, the number of students who completed internships at PJSC Gazprom subsidiaries and entities totaled 10,533, while the number of graduates of secondary vocational and higher education institutions who were hired by the Gazprom Group in the reporting year increased by 18% to 3,495.

PJSC Gazprom holds annual competitions among the sponsored students for personal scholarships rewarding the students of secondary vocational and higher education institutions.

Number of students who studied under employer-sponsored training agreements with the Gazprom Group entities
Number of graduates hired by the Gazprom Group entities
Indicator 2020 2021 2022
Total number of hired graduates, including: 2,153 2,966 3,495
graduates of higher education institutions 1,610 2,030 2,163
graduates of secondary vocational institutions 543 936 1,332

Onboarding of Young Specialists

The Regulation on Students and Young Talent Management at PJSC Gazprom’s Subsidiaries and Entities defines the fundamental principles for the onboarding of young professionals at Group companies.

Dedicated onboarding programs, including those involving mentors from among veteran mentors and industry experts, enable PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries to:

  • reduce the onboarding period for young talent;
  • introduce them to corporate traditions;
  • improve the qualifications of young professionals in line with their professional focus area;
  • select the most promising candidates for planning their further professional development.

In 2022, 170 people took part in workshops under the School of Young Specialists onboarding program.

The Group’s subsidiaries have created the Councils of Young Scholars and Specialists to engage the youth in R&D work and facilitate their effective onboarding. The Councils initiate research workshops, research-to-practice conferences, and sports and cultural events. Reports of conference winners are included in the annual collection of research works named Innovation Potential of Young Scientists and Specialists of PJSC Gazprom. In 2022, 30 conferences of young professionals were held, including one online conference.

In 2022, Gazprom VNIIGAZ, PJSC Gazprom’s main scientific organization, created and implemented an online lecture course Immersion in Science, which allows young employees to obtain the necessary information about research-related legislative changes, rules for writing scientific articles and dissertations.

In the reporting year, PJSC Gazprom held a grant competition for postgraduate and doctoral studies. As a result of the competition, five employees at subsidiaries who are planning to have a PhD or post-doctoral degrees  have been identified. Contracts for grants are being concluded.

Internal Communications

To inform employees and other stakeholders about various aspects of PJSC Gazprom's operations, the Group publishes 60 corporate newspapers and four magazines, broadcasts three in-house TV channels and three radio stations, and airs a TV program.

368 official social media accounts

of the Gazprom Group entities were active as of the end of 2022

Since 2022, the Gazprom Group has been rolling out the Gazprom ID platform (GID).

GID offers a shared communication space that unites employees and businesses of the Gazprom Group entities. GID features a mobile app and a web version that integrates the assets of Gazprom Media Holding and products of PJSC Gazprom’s business systems in core production, finance, insurance, and multimedia, via GID SSO smart authorization service – a single sign-on key. This solution helped 26.6 million users to sign in to partner services.

In the near future, GID will become a platform for moving processes such as employee onboarding, feedback, safety culture, and many others, to the media environment. This effort will be based on the best practices of the pilot subsidiaries, Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk and Gazprom Transgaz Volgograd. GID’s potential exceeds 1 million users.

In 2022, the Company organized zonal tours (southern zone – Orenburg, northern zone – Ufa) of the corporate Fakel Festival of performing art teams and individual performers from PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and entities.

The main objectives of the festival are:

  • preserving the traditions of Russia’s multinational culture, promoting folk art;
  • instilling the corporate culture;
  • enhancing employee creativity;
  • organizing leisure activities, fostering moral and aesthetic development of employees;
  • sharing experience among the teams and establishing cultural and business ties between the participating regions.

The total number of participants in the Orenburg stage exceeded a thousand people from 21 subsidiaries, in Ufa – 930 people from 17 subsidiaries.

Gazprom’s strong environmental awareness and focus on environmental education of the younger generation was confirmed by the first Environmental Camp for children of employees at PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and entities in the Sverdlovsk Region in 2022.

The Environmental Camp was attended by teams from 25 subsidiaries formed in qualifying rounds. Participants were 15–17 years old. A total of 150 participants, including accompanying young professionals of the Group companies, took part in the event.

Throughout the event’s period, the teams worked on the topics received during the draw on the first day. The final stage was the defense of projects covering topical environmental issues. The winning project – The Importance of Protected Areas – designed by the children team of Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk was dedicated to the nature reserves of Yugra and the role of environmental trails in the conservation of flora and fauna in nature reserves. Other finalist projects explored the topics of food waste and plastic recycling, promotion of environmental culture, responsible consumption, and zero-waste production. Special prizes, including individual prizes, were also awarded.