
Headcount as of the end of the reporting period by employment contract type, thousand people
2020 2021 2022
Fixed-term employment contractIndefinite-term employment contractFixed-term employment contractIndefinite-term employment contractFixed-term employment contractIndefinite-term employment contract
31.2 446.4 32.7 446.5 31.5460.7
Headcount as of the end of the reporting period by employment contract type and gender, thousand people
2020 2021 2022
Fixed-term employment contract Indefinite-term employment contract Fixed-term employment contract Indefinite-term employment contract Fixed-term employment contractIndefinite-term employment contract
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female MaleFemaleMaleFemale
17.3 13.9 324.9 121.5 18.5 14.2 324.0 122.5 17.514.0334.2126.5
Headcount as of the end of the reporting period by region, thousand people
Federal district / foreign countries 2020 2021 2022 Change 2022/2021, % Comments
Far Eastern Federal District 8.6 10.2 12.2 +19.6 The increase was driven by:
  • the implementation of strategic investment projects in gas production, processing and transportation;
  • increased headcount of paramilitary units at the Amur GPP.
Volga Federal District 86.6 86.6 88.2 +2.1
North-Western Federal District 67.7 70.7 72.9 +3.1 The increase was driven by:
  • the implementation of PJSC Gazprom’s investment program, including Gas Supply Development and Gas Infrastructure Expansion Programs for Russian regions;
  • increased number of the Gazprom Group entities involved in IT projects and retail sales of oil products.
North Caucasian Federal District 12.2 12.2 12.2 +0.8
Siberian Federal District 25.4 26.0 27.9 +7.3 The increase was driven by:
  • the implementation of a strategic investment project in gas transportation;
  • increased number of the Gazprom Group entities involved in retail sales of oil products.
Urals Federal District 130.5 129.5 133.3 +2.9 The increase was driven by:
  • inclusion of new entities into the Gazprom Group starting 2022;
  • increased number of the Gazprom Group entities involved in retail sales of oil products.
Central Federal District 73,.3 72.1 73.7 +2.2
Southern Federal District 42.3 42.0 42.9 +2.1
Foreign countries 31.0 30.2 28.9 –4.3 The decrease was due to the liquidation of the Gazprom Germania Group.
Headcount as of the end of the reporting period by employment type and gender, thousand people
2020 2021 2022
Full-time employment Part-time employment Full-time employment Part-time employment Full-time employmentPart-time employment
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female MaleFemaleMaleFemale
341.4 132.9 0.8 2.5 341.5 134.1 1.0 2.6 350.4136.31.34.2

No information is collected on headcount of employees with fixed-term employment contracts or employees broken down by employment type (full-time/part-time) by region.Introduction of additional analytics for this metric will require extensive efforts related to changes in reporting forms.

Number of new hires, thousand people
Indicator 2020 2021 2022 Change 2022/2021, %
New hires 68.3 79.8 81.4 +2.0

The increase was due to hiring by subsidiaries engaged in strategic investment projects in gas production and transportation, as well as by Gazprom VNIIGAZ (organization and staffing measures) and Gazprom Podzemremont Urengoy (production program expansion).

Number of new hires by age group
Age 2020 2021 2022
thousand people % thousand people % thousand people%
Under 30 y.o. 22.7 33.2 26.4 33.1 30.237.1
30 to 40 y.o. 22.9 33.6 25.0 31.3 24.730.4
40 to 50 y.o. 14.3 20.9 17.7 22.1 16.920.7
50 y.o. or more 8.4 12.3 10.7 13.5 9.611.8
Number of new hires by gender
Gender 2020 2021 2022 Change 2022/2021, %
thousand people % thousand people % thousand people%
Male 43.8 64.2 50.2 62.9 53.065.1 +5.6
Female 24.5 35.8 29.6 37.1 28.434.9 –4.1

The changes in gender statistics are negligible.

Number of new hires by region
Federal district / foreign countries 2020 2021 2022
thousand people % thousand people % thousand people%
Far Eastern Federal District 2.4 3.6 3.0 3.8 3.34.0
Volga Federal District 8.8 12.9 12.7 15.9 13.216.2
North-Western Federal District 11.8 17.3 15.6 19.6 14.517.8
North Caucasian Federal District 1.2 1.7 1.1 1.4 1.31.6
Siberian Federal District 5.5 8.0 5.7 7.1 5.77.0
Urals Federal District 16.7 24.4 19.2 24.1 20.425.1
Central Federal District 9.0 13.2 10.7 13.4 11.313.9
Southern Federal District 4.8 7.0 6.1 7.6 6.47.9
Foreign countries 8.1 11.9 5.7 7.1 5.36.5
Number of quitters, thousand people
Indicator 2020 2021 2022 Change 2022/2021, %
Quitters 65.3 73.3 68.4 –6.7

The decrease was associated with optimization of the structure of Gazprom Neft Group companies engaged in wholesale and retail sale of oil products.

Quitters headcount broken down by gender
Gender 2020 2021 2022 Change 2022/2021, %
thousand people % thousand people % thousand people%
Male 39.2 60.1 46.1 62.9 43.864.1 –5.0
Female 26.1 39.9 27.2 37.1 24.635.9 –9.6

The changes in gender statistics are negligible.

Number of quitters by age group
Age 2020 2021 2022
thousand people % thousand people % thousand people%
Under 30 y.o. 14.5 22.3 18.7 25.4 19.128.0
30 to 40 y.o. 18.5 28.3 21.3 29.1 18.627.1
40 to 50 y.o. 13.0 19.9 14.8 20.2 12.918.9
50 y.o. or more 19.3 29.5 18.5 25.3 17.826.0
Number of quitters and staff turnover by region
Federal district / foreign countries Total quitters, thousand people Incl. due to staff turnover, thousand people Staff turnover, %
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Изменение 2022/2021, п. п.
Far Eastern Federal District 0.9 1.4 1.5 0.3 0.5 0.6 3.3 4.7 5.5 +0.8
Volga Federal District 9.9 11.6 11.3 2.6 3.6 3.7 3.1 4.3 4.3 +0.0
North-Western Federal District 9.6 12.2 12.2 3.5 5.4 5.7 5.3 8.0 8.2 +0.2
North Caucasian Federal District 1.4 1.1 1.1 0.3 0.4 0.4 2.6 3.3 3.4 +0.1
Siberian Federal District 6.4 5.1 4.5 1.7 2.4 2.3 6.7 9.8 9.1 –0.7
Urals Federal District 16.1 17.9 17.2 4.5 5.6 5.2 3.5 4.4 4.1 –0.3
Central Federal District 12.4 11.6 10.1 4.8 6.5 5.6 6.5 9.1 7.9 –1.2
Southern Federal District 4.8 5.9 5.5 1.7 2.5 1.9 4.2 5.9 4.5 –1.4
Foreign countries 3.8 6.5 5.0 1.3 2.7 2.6 4.5 9.3 9.4 +0.1

Reasons behind lower staff turnover:

  • improvement in the labor market in 2021 following gradual lifting of COVID-19 restrictions;
  • reduced activity of employees in the labor market in 2022 on the back of general turbulence and uncertainty in terms of employment.

Staff turnover at PJSC Gazprom is calculated as the ratio of employees who resigned (Clause 3, Article 77 of the Russian Labor Code) or were fired for unauthorized absence and other disciplinary offenses (Article 81 of the Russian Labor Code) to the average headcount (including external part-timers).

Social partnership development projects implemented by the Gazprom Workers’ Union in 2022
Project Why the project is relevant and how it was initiated (at employees’ request / by the workers’ union) Actions taken by the Gazprom Workers’ Union Results
Industry Agreement for 2023–2025 covering Russian companies involved in oil and gas production and the construction of dedicated facilities Expiration of the Industry Agreement for 2020–2022 and the need to amend the document Development of proposals and participation in an industry commission governing social and labor relations with a view to amend the draft document Industry Agreement for 2023–2025 covering Russian companies involved in oil and gas production and the construction of dedicated facilities was successfully signed.
Exercise of employees’ rights to take part in entity management (Articles 52–53 of the Labor Code) Taking into account the opinion of the Gazprom Workers’ Union when adopting local regulations Analysis, discussion and approval of documents by the Gazprom Workers’ Union members The Company adopted 11,917 local regulations taking into account the opinion of the union and elective bodies of organizations within its structure.
Corporate quiz Cracked in Sixty Seconds organized by the Gazprom Workers’ Union Development of employees’ intellectual potential Preparation and holding of the tournament as part of PJSC Gazprom’s 2022 Spartakiada Games in St. Petersburg More than 180 employees of the Gazprom Group took part in the tournament.
Competition to choose the best collective agreements of the Russian oil and gas industry Sharing positive social partnership experience Analysis of collective agreements and social and economic indicators. Involvement in the activities of the competition's commission Subsidiaries of the Gazprom Group are among the competition’s prize winners:
  • 1st place: Gazprom Podzemremont Urengoy and Gazprom Transgaz Kazan;
  • 2nd place: Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy, Gazprom Pererabotka and Gazprom Proyektirovaniye;
  • 3rd place: Gazprom Dobycha Nadym and Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Voronezh.
First corporate competition to choose the best occupational safety officers organized by the Gazprom Workers’ Union Sharing best practices by occupational safety officers, promotion of safe working conditions and occupational health Organizing and holding the competition as part of the Labor Festival jointly with Gazprom Transgaz Ufa Occupational safety officers shared their experience and learned practical skills.
Training in occupational health under a program based on PJSC Gazprom’s Integrated System of Process Safety Management (ISPSM), requirements of corporate standards STO Gazprom 18000 series and GOST R ISO 45001, and ISPSM audit organization and execution Promotion of safe working conditions and occupational health. Need to be aware of, and apply requirements contained in, documents related to PJSC Gazprom’s process safety management system Organizing and holding a seminar jointly with Gazprom Corporate Institute The Group’s employees improved their qualifications and received certificates in process safety.
Creating a single workers’ union framework Building a framework for employee representation in line with the Gazprom Group's governance structure Consistent efforts to take administrative and practical steps with a view to creating new and integrating existing trade union organizations into the Gazprom Workers’ Union New trade union organizations were created and joined the Gazprom Workers’ Union. Some of the existing trade union organizations were integrated into the existing structure. The total membership in the trade union organizations increased.
Corporate meals as an essential part of operational processes Employees’ need for improved availability of meals at the Gazprom Group facilities Discussion of the matter with representatives of the Gazprom Group entities, taking part in inspections, preparing and submitting relevant proposals Proposals on how to improve the quality and availability of corporate meals were developed and submitted to the Gazprom Group.
Gazprom Workers’ Union PRIVILEGE loyalty program Joint project by the Gazprom Workers’ Union and Gazprombank to provide union members with privileges based on their day-to-day consumer patterns and relying on the MIR payment system. The Program continued, including card issuance and distribution, with new partners added and the Gazprom Workers’ Union PRIVILEGE mobile app upgraded 220 thousand people took part in the Program.
MBA in Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Management Training social management professionals from among the Gazprom Group entities’ employees Taking part in putting together participant classes and curriculum The participants embarked on the program's first module in November 2022.
Trade Union Wave Video Series Awareness raising, coverage of the Gazprom Group’s trade union and social policies Making video series available on the Gazprom Workers’ Union website and video sharing platforms, including RuTube In 2022, 39 episodes of the program were released.