Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement system at the Gazprom Group

Engagement methods

Examples of engagement in 2022


Press releases

Press conferences, briefings, management interviews

Press tours to PJSC Gazprom’s production sites and gas transportation infrastructure facilities

Explanations, comments, and answers to journalists’ questions

Participation in joint projects with the media

Holding of events for representatives of the blogger community

Launch of PJSC Gazprom’s own special projects

Implementation of educational and cultural projects

  • Posted 550 press releases and messages in the Company’s Telegram channel.
  • Held three press conferences.
  • Published four interviews with the Company’s executives.
  • Organized seven trips for journalists to Gazprom’s production assets and facilities.
  • Sent 800 comments, explanations, and replies to inquiries to journalists.
  • Organized 34 events for the media and bloggers.
  • Held Friends of St. Petersburg, a festival of creative and educational projects.
  • Completed a major historical and cultural project to celebrate the 350th anniversary of Peter the Great’s birth.
  • PJSC Gazprom’s YouTube channel published the Professionals, a series of videos about the Company’s employees of different professions from various regions, and How It Works, a series of popular science documentaries providing an easy-to-understand insight into Gazprom’s main production processes.

Educational and scientific institutions

Participation in industry events for young scientists, specialists and students of Russian and international universities, school students

Implementation of Gazprom Classes in schools, opening of specialized departments in Russian universities

Work experience practice for students of secondary vocational education institutions and higher education institutions at the Gazprom Group entities

Internship programs for academic staff at production facilities

Support of research institutions in medicine and healthcare

  • Implemented the Gazprom Classes project in 26 Russian schools.
  • Held the Gazprom Industry Olympiad for Schoolchildren.
  • Organized PJSC Gazprom’s Student Olympiad.
  • Young professionals from over 50 subsidiaries and entities of the Gazprom Group, students and young teachers from nine secondary vocational and higher education institutions took part in the 14th All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists, Specialists and Students — New Technologies in the Gas Industry.
  • 27 Gazprom’s specialized departments operate at Russian universities.
  • PJSC Gazprom’s job fairs were held at partner universities.
  • 16,870 students of secondary vocational and higher education took internship at the Gazprom Group entities.
  • 272 teachers from secondary vocational and higher education institutions completed internships at the Gazprom Group entities in 2022.
  • Launched Immersion in Science, an online lecture course, which enables young employees to obtain the necessary information about legislative changes, rules for writing scientific articles and theses.
  • Five employees of the Group received grants to prepare their PhD/doctoral theses after they won PJSC Gazprom’s grant competition.
  • Support was provided to Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology (high-tech medical equipment was purchased and support was provided for research to develop effective methods for diagnosing and treating severe diseases).


Financial support for charitable, environmental and other initiatives of NGOs

Open public hearings

Joint biodiversity conservation projects in the Arctic

Participation of the Gazprom Group employees and their families in joint volunteer campaigns and events

  • Provided charitable support to the Penetrating the Heart charitable foundation and the Children’s Village — SOS Pushkin.
  • Provided support to the conservation program for recovering and preserving the population of the Amur leopard in its natural habitat.
  • Provided support to the Amur Tiger Center (for purchasing vehicles, opening an administrative facility for the hunting supervision service, and continuing the construction of a nature museum in Ussuriysk).
  • Organized meetings with the leaders of indigenous minority associations to discuss social and charitable support.
  • Held public hearings on the development project for Kamennomysskoye-Sea field in the Gulf of Ob involving leaders of indigenous minority associations and heads of three regional associations of the Yamal for Posterity! social movement.
  • Rendered financial support to the research projects of the Russian Geographic Society in the Arctic.
  • The Gazprom Group conducted volunteer campaigns to support refugees from the area of the special military operation staying in Russian regions.
  • Volunteers of the Group organized environmental campaigns in the regions of operation.
  • Provided financial aid to the FOOTHOLD civil society foundation which staged an I Am An Engineer contest for school and university students and young professionals

Shareholders and investors

Holding General Shareholders Meetings

Meetings of the senior independent director with representatives of investment funds

Communications with the corporate secretary

Responses to written inquiries from shareholders

Hot line (telephone) for shareholders

Visits to the Group’s production facilities

Sustainability sessions, webinars, and meetings with investors

Group or personal calls and meetings with institutional and major Russian private investors

Web pages dedicated to the ADR conversion and Eurobond exchange

Company profiles in social networks and communities

  • Annual General Shareholders Meeting (held on June 30, 2022) and Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting (held on September 30, 2022).
  • Held four online meetings with investors on sustainable development.
  • Individual work was performed with the largest holders of PJSC Gazprom’s ADRs regarding their conversion. To speed up conversion of ADRs into shares, the Company developed a simplified form for opening securities accounts for conversion, published press releases and management comments, and created a dedicated ADR conversion website in English and German.
  • The Company established direct dialogue with Russian and international investors on the Eurobond exchange program, and issued press releases and management comments.
  • Organized 25 online meetings with representatives of more than 60 investment funds.
  • Conducted active communications with private investors through specialized social networks and communities such as Pulse (Tinkoff Investments), Profit (BCS) and Smart-Lab.

Business partners

Cooperation agreements

Joint Coordination Committees and Task Forces between PJSC Gazprom and foreign partners

Participation in conferences and forums

Interaction with industrial unions and associations

Execution of natural gas sales contracts

  • Over 60 documents were signed with Russian and international partners (including agreements, memoranda and roadmaps) in the areas of gas processing, gas supply, and gasification of Russian regions, use of NGV fuel, import substitution, and R&D cooperation.
  • Events with partners from the Central Asia, Middle East, and Asia Pacific were held in 2022.
  • The Group participated in business forums and industry conferences, including the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum; the China Business Forum; the 11th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum; Russian Gas 2022 — Turn to the East (the 20th Anniversary International Forum of the Russian Gas Association, a Union of Oil and Gas Companies); the Russian Energy Week 2022 International Forum; the Russian International Energy Forum 2022, and other events.
  • Elena Burmistrova, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee of PJSC Gazprom, General Director of Gazprom Export, spoke at the China Business Forum.
  • The Company cooperated with the Russian Gas Association (Union of Oil and Gas Companies), the Non-Profit Partnership Council for Organizing Efficient System of Trading at Wholesale and Retail Electricity and Capacity Market, and the Hydropower of Russia Association.
  • A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between Gazprom and QazaqGaz (Republic of Kazakhstan) to conduct joint research in order to determine the possibility of ramping up gas supplies from the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate fields and increasing the complexity factor of gas processing at the Orenburg GPP.
  • In 2022, gas supplies to FSU and non-FSU countries, as well as to China, continued.
  • The Company organized joint projects with Russian cultural and educational institutions (the Committee for the State Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments, Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture, State Hermitage Museum, State Russian Museum, Tsarskoye Selo State Museum, Peterhof State Museum Reserve, St. Petersburg Repin Academy of Fine Arts, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Kremlin State Historical and Cultural Museum, Vladimir K. Arseniev Museum of Far East History, Underwater Research Center of the Russian Geographic Society).
  • On September 15, 2022 PJSC Gazprom and Almaz-Antey Air and Space Defense Corporation signed an Agreement on Cooperation in Developing Equipment for Gas Processing and Helium Production setting the following priorities for joint efforts:
    • developing proposals for mutual cooperation and organizing production of items by the parties;
    • preparing feasibility studies for each area of cooperation and creation of financing mechanisms, including the use of state support;
    • developing proposals for other areas of cooperation.



Workshop meetings

Regular meetings of workforce with the management

Skills upgrading programs

Sports contests

Corporate events for the Group’s employees

  • Held regular conferences on performance results under the General Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  • As part of the conferences summarizing the results of the General Collective Bargaining Agreement, meetings between the representatives of employees and management were held to address pressing issues.
  • Taking into account the opinions of Gazprom Workers’ Union members, 11,917 local regulations were adopted.
  • Conducted consistent employee training under skills upgrading adaptation programs.
  • Held the Gazprom Spartakiada Games and corporate sports competitions.
  • PJSC Gazprom’s corporate teams took part in competitions under the nation-wide Homo Ambulans program to promote physical activity.
  • Organized the first corporate competition to choose the best occupational safety officers.
  • Opened the 1st Environmental Camp for 150 children of employees at PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries.
  • Held Peter the Great’s Fair Family Festival to celebrate the 350th anniversary of Peter the Great’s birth.
  • Conducted communications with employees via 60 corporate newspapers, four magazines, one TV program, three in-house TV channels, and three radio stations.


Agreements with regions of the Russian Federation

Intergovernmental commissions with other countries

Participation in events hosted by the government and specialist non-profit organizations: parliamentary hearings, councils, round tables and task force meetings

Submission of data to federal authorities

Participation in the development of road maps and expert reviews of draft laws, including preparation of proposals, comments and amendments

Joint drills and trainings Environment

  • The Group participated in the review of draft laws and preparation of proposals in the realm of environmental protection.
  • Participated in the development of the action plan (road map) for cooperation between the Ministry of Construction of Russia and PJSC Gazprom in 2022.

International cooperation

  • Development and expansion of intergovernmental cooperation with partners from the Central Asia, Middle East, and Asia-Pacific continued.
  • Assistance was provided in holding a concert on the occasion of the Day of Russia in Minsk in June 2022, organized at the initiative of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus.

Regional development

  • The Group’s management participated in meetings and discussions of state authorities (the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly, Executive Office of the Government, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Construction, Federal Antimonopoly Service, Ministry of Natural Resources, Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, etc.) on the development of gasification and gas supply in Russia.
  • Four new cooperation agreements were signed with Russian regions.
  • Meetings and working group meetings were held with regional governments of the Urals, Siberian, and Far Eastern Federal Districts to address issues arising during the implementation of PJSC Gazprom’s investment projects in the context of creating the Eastern Gas Supply System.
  • Meetings were held and cooperation was established with regional governments to resolve issues related to the construction of the Volkhov—Murmansk gas trunkline.
  • Meetings were arranged at the level of deputy co-chairs of the Interdepartmental Council to implement the Cooperation Agreement between St. Petersburg and Gazprom.
  • A roadmap of cooperation between the St. Petersburg Government and PJSC Gazprom on social and economic development was drafted and approved.
  • Assistance was provided to the 6th St. Petersburg International Labor Forum organized by the city’s government.

HR management and process safety

  • A cooperation agreement was signed with the Federal Environmental, Industrial, and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostekhnadzor).
  • A cooperation agreement was signed with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, aimed at implementing joint activities, developing information exchange between the parties, as well as methodological and R&D collaboration in occupational safety.

Local authorities

Presentations on the Gazprom Group’s activities to senior local government officials

Cooperation agreements

Financial support of municipal initiatives

Joint drills and trainings

  • The Gazprom Group provided support for various events as part of cooperation agreements with municipalities in 2022.
  • Financial and organizational support was provided for cultural events and traditional competitions of indigenous minorities.
  • The Group supported the program of the Murmansk Region’s Government and the Murmansk Region’s Committee for Youth Policy: Youth Day 2022 — Career Space.

Local communities


Participation in city and region development programs

Public councils at the Group’s companies in the regions of operation

Open public hearings (including on environmental impact assessment)

Volunteer activities in the regions of operation

Support of indigenous minorities

  • Continued the comprehensive improvement program in St. Petersburg.
  • Meetings were held with representatives of indigenous people and leaders of indigenous associations in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area and other regions, and charitable assistance was rendered to NGOs of indigenous people.
  • A social and cultural project #ReadZhigalovo Local Stop project was implemented in the Irkutsk Region.

ConsumersFor information on consumer categories of the Gazprom Group’s key products, see subsection 1.3.

Customer satisfaction monitoring procedures

Development of remote services, expansion of communication channels

Claims management system

Marketing incentives to encourage consumers’ equipment and vehicle conversion to natural gas

  • A comprehensive assessment of customer satisfaction with the Group companies’ services was conducted, which showed high satisfaction — 9.39 on a 10-point scale.
  • Online services for consumers were developed.
  • Training sessions and workshops were held for the employees of the Group companies who interact directly with consumers.

Foreign regulators of energy markets

Electronic reports using dedicated platforms

  • Regularly submitted reports which cover the terms of signed gas supply contracts, including related addenda, and secondary-market agreements regarding transportation capacities sublease to the European Union (EU) countries to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and Energie-Control Austria (E-Control).