About the Report


The Gazprom Group’s Social Impact Report 2022 (previously the Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Report, the “Report”) highlights the Gazprom Group’s contribution to the country’s economic development, well-being of its employees and local communities, and environmental protection.

The 2022 Report is the eleventh sustainability report of the Gazprom Group. The previous Report was published in June 2022.

Report name

The Gazprom Group’s Social Impact Report 2022

Reporting period

From January 1 to December 31, 2022 (calendar year)

Reporting cycle


Reporting standards, indicators, principles

Recommendations of the Bank of Russia on Disclosure by Joint Stock Companies of Non-Financial Information Pertaining to Their Activities

Reference performance indicators of the Council on Non-Financial Statements of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE)

PJSC Moscow Exchange's ESG Best Practice Guide for Issuers

Targets adopted as part of Russia’s development goals and national projects (programs)

Independent professional auditor’s assurance


Public assurance

Council on Non-Financial Statements of the RUIE

Sustainability Reporting

From 2021, the Gazprom Group’s Social Impact Report has been part of documents provided to the annual General Shareholders Meeting of PJSC Gazprom.

Regular and timely publication of Reports enables Gazprom to:

  • confirm the Company’s transparent and comprehensive approach in the area of social responsibility, environmental protection and corporate governance;
  • update the disclosed information based on the audience’s needs;
  • build stakeholder confidence;
  • ensure external evaluation and analysis of material non-financial information (in particular by government agencies, investment community, rating agencies, and media);
  • increase the Group’s appeal as a responsible employer, user of natural resources, partner and taxpayer.

Approach to Presenting Indicators

For comparability purposes, the Report shows the majority of key indicators for a three-year period (2020–2022). Disaggregated data provided throughout the Report may not add up precisely to the relevant totals presented in other reports due to rounding.

The terms “PJSC Gazprom” and the “Company” used in the Report refer to the parent company of the Gazprom Group — Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom (Open Joint Stock Company Gazprom or OJSC Gazprom before July 17, 2015).

“The Gazprom Group”, “the Group” or “Gazprom” mean PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries and entities.

The Report includes information about the Gazprom Group companies in line with the scope of IFRS consolidated financial statements. Due to the existing differences in data gathering and consolidation, certain groups of disclosures may have their individual boundaries.

Similarly, the Gazprom Neft Group and Gazprom Neft mean PJSC Gazprom Neft, its subsidiaries and entities, Gazprom Energoholding means Gazprom Energoholding LLC and its subsidiaries, and Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat means Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat LLC and its subsidiaries.

The Report is approved by relevant structural units and the Chairman of PJSC Gazprom’s Management Committee and then reviewed by the Sustainable Development Committee of PJSC Gazprom’s Board of Directors.

Report Publication and Distribution

The Report is publicly available in the Russian and English languages on the Company’s website and is also available in an interactive version.

Procedure for Defining Material Topics

The Company has a Task Force made up of PJSC Gazprom’s various structural units and subsidiaries to coordinate activities on focal sustainable development areas and engage with stakeholders. The Task Force works to improve the preparation process and streamline disclosures in the Report.

Material topics are those reflecting material impacts the Group has or may have on the economy, environment and local communities.

The material topics were selected in several stages.

  1. Following consultations with experts and the Company’s performance analysis, the Task Force made a list of the Group’s actual and potential impacts. Due to the considerable number and wide range, the impacts were grouped by topic, which served as a basis to put together a list of potential material topics.
  2. To determine material topics to be disclosed in the Report, the Company staged an online survey covering 2,141 stakeholder representatives (ten groups, excluding foreign regulators of energy markets) and 24 Task Force members.

The respondents were invited to assess the degree of impact for each topic on the scale from 1 to 3 (from less to more significant).

The results were used to compile a ranged list of impacts and corresponding topics. Priority (material) topics were those with an average score of above 2.4.

As part of the survey, the participants indicated a number of additional relevant impacts of the Gazprom Group to be considered as part of selecting material topics in the next reporting period. Relevant matters will also be taken into account in corporate practices.

List of material topics

No. (descending priority)

Impact and relevant topic


The Gazprom Group’s economic performance
(impact on the national and global economy)


Implementation of gas supply development and gas infrastructure expansion programs in Russian regions
(impact on sustainable energy and heat supply in Russia)


Health and process safety at the Gazprom Group
(impact on health and process safety)


The Gazprom Group’s social projects
(social impact)


Innovations and R&D at the Gazprom Group
(impact on research and technology)


The Gazprom Group’s legal compliance (social, economic, environmental and antimonopoly requirements)
(contribution to minimizing negative impacts)


The Gazprom Group’s presence in the labor market and employment impact
(impact on the labor market)


Social benefits and non-financial motivation of the employees at the Gazprom Group
(impact on the well-being and quality of life)


Training and education for employees and prospective employees
(impact on the professional development and competitiveness of employees)


Interaction with local communities in Gazprom Group’s areas of operations
(impact on local communities)


The Gazprom Group’s procurement system and procurement localization
(impact on the domestic market development and import substitution)


Equal opportunities for all employees of the Gazprom Group
(impact on employee labor rights)


Emissions management at the Gazprom Group
(impact on climate and air)


Anti-corruption practices of the Gazprom Group
(impact on the transparency of the business environment)

Topics that did not meet the required threshold

No. (descending priority)

Impact and relevant topic


Waste handling at the Gazprom Group
(impact on waste generation)


The Gazprom Group’s efforts to preserve biodiversity and land
(impact on biodiversity and land)


Quality management at the Gazprom Group
(impact on consumption)


The Gazprom Group’s efforts to maintain acceptable water quality in regions of operation
(impact on water resources)


The Gazprom Group’s participation in political activities and international initiatives
(impact on social and political life)


Freedom of association and collective bargaining at the Group
(impact on the freedom of association)

Key indicators reviewed independently and disclosed in the Report based on the Recommendations on Disclosure by Joint Stock Companies of Non-Financial Information Pertaining to Their Activities (Letter of the Bank of Russia No. IN-06-28/49 dated July 12, 2021)
Indicator Calculation and disclosure methodology Report page

Energy intensity indicators of core operations

Energy intensity of PJSC Gazprom’s core operations:

  • gas production, kg of reference fuel per thousand m3
  • gas transportation, kg of reference fuel per mcm • km
  • underground gas storage, kg of reference fuel per thousand m3
  • gas processing, kg of reference fuel per ton of reference fuel

Fuel and energy savings as a result of relevant savings programs

Fuel and energy savings resulting from the Gazprom Group’s energy saving programs, million GJ:

  • natural gas
  • electric power
  • heat

Volume of air pollutant emissions

Air emissions across the Gazprom Group, thousand tons:

  • hydrocarbons (including methane)
  • carbon oxide
  • nitrogen oxides
  • sulphur dioxide
  • volatile organic compounds
  • solids
  • other gaseous and liquid substances
Volume of waste generated, waste handed over for recycling, neutralization, storage or otherwise treated
  • The Gazprom Group companies’ volume of waste generated by hazard class, thousand tons
  • Volume of waste handed over for recycling, thousand tons
  • Volume of waste handed over for neutralization, storage or otherwise treated, thousand tons

Water consumption structure

The Gazprom Group’s water consumption structure by source type, mcm:

  • from surface sources
  • from subterranean sources
  • from public water supply utilities
  • from other water supply systems

Water used, mcm:

  • for production purposes
  • for utility and drinking purposes
  • other
Area of disturbed and remediated lands
  • Area of lands disturbed during the year, ha
  • Disturbed lands remediated during the year, ha

For employees: number of fatalities as a result of work-related injuries

Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injuries, employees 90–91

Number of fatalities related to the activities of third-party contractors at the Company’s facilities

Number of fatalities related to the activities of third-party contractors at the company’s facilities 93