1.6. International Activities

The Gazprom Group is the largest exporter of pipeline gas globally. Over the past year, it has increased gas supplies via the Power of Siberia gas trunkline to China — in 2022, they grew by nearly 50% year-on-year. Gas supplies to the European markets were carried out in line with applicable technological, economic and geopolitical restrictions.

In September 2022, an unprecedented international terrorist attack took place in the Baltic Sea targeting the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 offshore gas pipelines ensuring transit-free exports of Russian pipeline gas to consumers in Europe. This incident caused a grave damage to the European and international energy security and global sustainable development in general, exacerbating the international energy crisis triggered by the reduced consumption of traditional energy sources, insufficient spending on the oil and gas industry in the past years, refusal to purchase natural gas for political reasons, and non-market regulation of foreign trade.

The above terrorist attack must be investigated in accordance with the international law provisions, with participation of all the affected parties and those guilty of the attack brought to justice. The investigation must include an independent assessment of damage to the critical international gas transportation infrastructure, and measures must be taken by the global community to ensure the security and seamless operation of the international energy infrastructure.

The Gazprom Group’s international cooperation priorities
  • diversifying natural gas exports from Russia, including to Asia
  • strengthening ties with companies and government authorities in the CIS, Middle East, Asia and Africa
  • diversifying the range of exported products, expanding the sales geography.

Gazprom is ramping up gas exports to China via the Power of Siberia pipeline. In the reporting period, the supplies were carried out in excess of daily contractual volumes at the request from the buyer.

In 2022, a contract was signed with CNPC providing for the sale of natural gas from Russia to China along the Far Eastern route. In the reporting year, the Gazprom Group was preparing the project for launch.

In 2022, an important milestone was reached as regards potential gas supplies from Russia to China via Mongolia – the Company and its partners in Mongolia approved the results of a feasibility study for the construction of the Soyuz-Vostok pipeline, an extension of the Power of Siberia 2 gas trunkline. In 2022, the Company conducted design and survey works under this project.