1.1. Gazprom Group Profile

Gazprom is a global vertically integrated energy company, one of the world’s oil and gas majors. We have been working consistently and efficiently in the interests of Russia and its people.

As a pillar of gas supply security, the Gazprom Group meets both seasonal and peak gas demand within the United Gas Supply System (UGSS) and in certain constituent entities outside of it, while also consistently contributing towards achieving the National GoalsDecree No. 474 of the President of the Russian Federation On the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation through 2030 dated July 21, 2020. defined by the President of the Russian Federation.

Guided by the Energy Security Doctrine of the Russian FederationSet by decree No. 216 of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2019. (the “Doctrine”), PJSC Gazprom remains focused on the energy security of Russia and its strategic partners, prioritizes domestic energy supplies, supports technological self-sufficiency along with unity, reliability, stewardship and security of the Unified Gas Supply System. The Group makes efforts to unify the gas infrastructure in the west and east of our country, ensures substantial tax, customs and other payments to the state budget and promotes the rational use of natural resources and energy efficiency.

The Group’s core lines of business
  • geological exploration and production of gas, gas condensate and oil;
  • gas transportation and underground storage;
  • hydrocarbon feedstock processing, gas and petrochemistry;
  • sales of gas, gas condensate, oil, and refined hydrocarbon products;
  • generation and marketing of heat and electric power.

The Group’s parent company is PJSC Gazprom

Name and legal form of the company Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom
Head Office 2/3 Lakhtinsky Avenue, Bldg. 1, St. Petersburg, 197229, Russian Federation
PJSC Gazprom’s form of incorporation Private property with a state-owned stake. The Russian Federation controls the majority stake in PJSC Gazprom directly and indirectly (over 50%).

Gazprom is a reliable gas supplier to Russian and foreign consumers. The Company owns the world’s largest gas transmission system (GTS) reaching 178,200 km in length within Russia. Although Gazprom sells more than a half of its gas domestically, the Company continues to be a reliable gas exporter under contracts with FSU and non-FSU customers.

Gazprom Group’s Scale of Operations

Hydrocarbon reserves and production

No. 1 worldwide

in explored reserves of natural gas

No. 1 worldwide

in explored reserves life of natural gas


No. 1 worldwide

in gas production

No. 2 countrywide

in oil and gas condensate productionIncluding the Group’s share in oil and gas condensate production by associated organizations and joint ventures.

Hydrocarbon processing

Russia’s No. 1

in gas processing

Russia’s No. 2

in primary processing of oil and stable gas condensate

Gas transportation

No. 1 worldwide

in the length of the GTS


Russia’s No. 2

in installed electric capacity

Russia’s No. 1

in combined electricity and heat generation


Russia’s No. 1

in installed heat capacity

Russia’s No. 1

in heat generation