1.3. Consumers of Gazprom’s Core Products

Gazprom’s core production assets are located in Russia. The Company also has production operations in the FSU and non-FSU countries.

Main consumers of natural gas in Russia, %
Main heat consumers(1), %
Main electricity consumers(1), %
petroleum gas (LPG) in Russia(2), %

(1) Data on Gazprom Energoholding Group.
(2) Data on Gazprom GNP Holding.

Domestic supplies of natural gas direct to consumers are made via Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, which is a 100% subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom. The Gazprom Group supplies gas to Russian consumers via 53 regional gas supply companies and three gas distribution companies, which enter into contracts and collect payments from end users, including households.

For details on sales of hydrocarbons, refined products, electricity and heat energy, see the Trends and Developments in Global Energy Markets section and the Marketing sections of Gazprom Annual Report 2022.

Customer satisfaction monitoring

Gazprom monitors customer satisfaction on a regular basis and uses two independent methods. The first one is based on the analysis of survey data from Gazprom’s customers across all lines of business. The second one is the calculation of the customer satisfaction index for gas business (including gas motor fuel business segment) and power generation business. Over 52,000 customers were interviewed to calculate the indicators.

In 2021, the average customer satisfaction index based on the first method stood at 9.39 (using a 10-point scale for the first time). The monitoring results in 2022 will be summed up after the Gazprom Group entities report on performance of their Quality Management Systems (QMS) in 2023.

Gazprom Group’s customer satisfaction (gas business) in 2021

The Gazprom Group also calculated STI2 to provide customer satisfaction indices for various businesses. All of them exceeded the target values.


customer satisfaction index for the power generation business stood at


customer satisfaction index for the gas business stood at


customer satisfaction index for the NGV fuel business stood at


against the target


against the target


against the target

To build a positive public image and strong reputation, PJSC Gazprom develops the Gazprom Group’s corporate and retail brands both in the Russian Federation and abroad. As of the end of 2022, PJSC Gazprom owns about 1,000 trademarks protecting the Company’s key brands around the world, with more than 100 trademarks operating across Russia.