5.6. Waste Handling

Key documents

  • Master Plan for Production and Consumption Waste Management at PJSC Gazprom’s Facilities in Various Regions of Russia
  • Environmental Policy of PJSC Gazprom
  • Comprehensive Environmental Program of PJSC Gazprom for 2020–2024

Waste Handling

Hydrocarbon production growth, especially in the Far North, and expanding gas transmission network of the oil and gas facilities lead to an increase in waste generation and a greater environmental impact of waste disposal sites.

Tackling this challenge is a key environmental priority for Gazprom. As part of the relevant activities, the Group’s focus areas include:

  • making the most use of waste through its recovery and recycling for subsequent use in production;
  • adopting the best available technologies for waste minimization and zero waste solutions.

On top of that, we have been working towards reducing the hazard level of waste by introducing a phased ban on the burial of non-separated or non-processed waste, as well as the waste that can be used as feedstock.

To decrease the share of waste sent for burial, the Group optimizes its activities and leverages the best available technologies in waste disposal and neutralization.

Waste that may not be buried is handed over for recycling or neutralization.

Waste production by hazard class, %

The status of achieving the Corporate Environmental Target is evaluated annually.

All Gazprom companies have implemented sorting procedures for wastes of Hazard Classes I–V, which helps increase the share of waste sent for recycling.

According to the environmental hazard classification, the bulk of the Group’s waste belongs to Hazard Class IV (low-hazard) or Hazard Class V (almost non-hazardous). These two classes account for 69.7% and 26.1%, respectively, of the total waste generated by the Group. These types of waste are typically either recycled or handed over for safe placement.

Hazard Class I and II waste is handed over for neutralization or recycling. Its share is 0.03% of the total waste generated.

Hazard Class III is represented, inter alia, by some of the oil-contaminated waste (that with a share of petroleum products greater than 15%). Such waste is also handed over for neutralization or recycling.

The Company’s Waste Handling Target: reduce the share of buried waste versus the baseline level (38.28%).

24.84 p. p.

progress against the Corporate Environmental Target for reducing the share of buried wasteThe Corporate Environmental Target for 2020–2022 to reduce the share of buried waste versus the 2018 baseline level (38.28%).

Innovative Approach to Waste Handling

The Gazprom Group has been adopting the best available and innovative technologies aimed at minimizing waste generation and burial and increasing the share of waste sent for recycling.

To mitigate the environmental impact of drilling waste, we employ the following dedicated design solutions:

  • use of low-toxic drilling muds;
  • pit-free drilling method;
  • drilling waste recycling technologies to produce mineral construction materials for field pre-development.

Waste Handling Monitoring

All the Group’s waste placement facilities are listed in the relevant state register. We monitor the environment and contamination levels at waste disposal sites and within the area of their environmental impact. Production and consumption waste is managed in compliance with environmental requirements, waste generation standards and disposal limits.

Monitoring of Contractor Waste Handling

The Gazprom Group has stringent waste management requirements on its suppliers and contractors. During the procurement stage, bidders are checked for the availability of necessary waste handling licenses and the appropriate equipment and technical infrastructure. Every contract includes compliance obligations related to the Environmental Policy of PJSC Gazprom. PJSC Gazprom’s Environmental Inspectorate and construction monitoring services are among those who regularly monitor the handling of waste produced by contractor companies at the Group’s construction sites.


For more details on waste handling, see Appendix 6.