5.4. Atmospheric Air Protection

Key Documents
  • Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2035
  • Environmental Policy of PJSC GazpromApproved by resolution of the Management Committee of OJSC Gazprom No. 21 dated May 25, 2015.
  • Comprehensive Environmental Program of PJSC Gazprom for 2020–2024


Managing Air Pollutant Emissions

Management of air pollutant emissions is part of PJSC Gazprom’s corporate environmental protection and climate strategy.

The planned/target indicators in this area are set in line with the type of the Company’s operations based on significant environmental aspects. In 2022, PJSC Gazprom approved its 2023–2025 targets using the 2018 performance as the baseline.

Significant environmental aspects of the Company’s emissions management:

  • methane emissions associated with trunkline repairs;
  • methane emissions during purging of process equipment;
  • nitrogen oxide emissions during compressor station operation.

To control air pollutant emissions, the Gazprom Group has in place an operational environmental monitoring (OEM) system The system helps the Group obtain data on the state of environment in the areas affected by the Company’s production facilities, analyze the environmental conditions when conducting business operations, plan environmental protection measures and monitor their implementation.

The OEM system structure enables us to control the atmospheric air quality in localities and on the borders of sanitary protection zones; noise impact; radiation background; quality of surface and ground water, bed sediments; state of geology, soil and snow cover; waste and effluents.

The Gazprom Group’s measures to reduce emissions:

  • gas pumping using mobile compressor stations;
  • the use of hot tapping;
  • blowing gas from the sections under repairs into neighboring active pipelines;
  • conducting well surveys without releasing natural gas into the air;
  • the use of multi-component surfactants to better remove reservoir fluids from well bottomholes;
  • APG flaring reduction (discontinuation).
Air pollutant emissions across the Gazprom Group, thousand tons
Indicator 2020 2021 2022 Change 2022/2021, %
Hydrocarbons (including methane) 1,266.42 1,193.49 1,048.24 −12.2
Carbon monoxide 550.66 642.07 540.64 −15.8
Nitrogen oxides 284.22 341.60 270.02 −21.0
Sulfur dioxide 171.97 169.72 150.45 −11.4
Volatile organic compounds 117.22 107.82 109.90 +1.9
Solids 53.57 50.05 34.16 −31.7
Other gaseous and liquid substances 1.60 1.56 1.84 +17.9

PJSC Gazprom, Gazprom Neft, Gazprom Energoholding and Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat do not use ozone-depleting substances on an industrial scale.

APG Flaring Reduction

Reducing the amount of APG flared is an important step on the Group’s way to reduce harmful emissions and its carbon footprint. The Company’s goal is to achieve an APG utilization rate of 95%. The Gazprom Group is consistently moving towards this figure by developing and introducing APG utilization methods at its facilities. These include APG transportation and supply to gas processing plants, the UGSS of the Russian Federation, processing, generation of heat and electricity to meet the Group’s internal needs, and injection into the gas cap to maintain reservoir pressure. In 2022, the APG utilization rate at PJSC Gazprom’s gas production subsidiaries was 98.4%.

PJSC Gazprom’s gas production subsidiaries fully implemented measures to increase the APG utilization and achieved a utilization level that meets the requirements of the Russian Government’s resolution No. 1148 dated November 8, 2012.

At the same time, the requirements of the said resolution for the maximum permissible value of the flaring and/or APG dispersion indicators do not apply to the development of subsurface sites with a depletion of 0.01 or less, as well as within three years after the date the specified indicator is exceeded.

Currently, the fields of the kind include the En-Yakhinskoye and Orenburgskoye oil and gas condensate fields.

APG utilization across the Gazprom Group’s assets in Russia1
Indicator 2020 2021 2022 Change 2022/2021
APG utilization, % 91.6 90.1 94.7 +4.6 p.p.
APG flaring across the Gazprom Group, mcmGas flared during scheduled preventive maintenance of gas processing facilities is included in the volume of APG production (utilization). 1,643.2 2,338.4 2,352.72 +0.6%

1 Taking into account production at fields operated by PJSC Gazprom or its core subsidiaries under subsoil use licenses and developed by Gazpromneft-Zapolyarye in accordance with long-term risk service agreements signed in 2018–2020.