4.2. Charity and Volunteering

The Gazprom Group is engaged in a wide range of charity and volunteering activities that form a significant part of its corporate social responsibility. The Group supports socially vulnerable groups, sponsors sports projects, implements inclusive programs, and runs initiatives aimed at promoting spiritual and cultural values.

Material topic 4

The Gazprom Group’s social projects

Charity Management

The Gazprom Group supports a broad array of activities in line with PJSC Gazprom’s Regulation on Sponsorship and Charitable ActivitiesApproved by resolution of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom No. 2775 dated July 12, 2016.. When selecting social projects for support, the Group takes into account their social significance, public relevance and targeted outreach. The final decision is made by the management of the Gazprom Group’s companies.

The Group companies decide whether to take part in infrastructural projects based on the importance of such projects (and facilities to be built or modernized under them) for local communities, as well as their relevance and potential positive impact on local development or preservation of cultural heritage.

Decisions on PJSC Gazprom’s participation in social investment projects and events fall within the remit of the Chairman of the Management Committee.

The Company has a dedicated business unit (department) for planning and setting targets for charity activities, ongoing management and monitoring of their implementation, as well as provision of relevant analytics and other details to stakeholders.

Number of charity and sponsorship initiatives funded by the Gazprom Group

Over 3,900

charity and sponsorship initiatives were funded by the Gazprom Group in 2022.

The key tools to implement charity initiatives include:

  • cooperation agreements with regional authorities;
  • own social projects;
  • targeted charity and sponsorship;
  • volunteering support.
Management of the Gazprom Group’s Charity and Sponsorship Projects
PJSC Gazprom’s charity support broken down by area, %
Type of costs 2020 2021 2022 Change 2022/2021
Support of sports development (including sports facilities construction under the Gazprom for Children program) 52.46 44.68 52.67 +7.99 p. p.
Urban infrastructure improvement in the Company’s regions of operation 20.75 35.05 18.04 —17.01 p. p.
Culture support 3.22 1.54 2.91 +1.37 p. p.
Education support 7.46 8.00 5.59 —2.41 p. p.
Spiritual values support 3.05 4.52 2.99 —1.53 p. p.
Other (support for healthcare, science, socially vulnerable groups, and other aspects) 13.06 6.20 17.80 +11.6 p. p.

Gazprom for Children Project

The Gazprom for Children project (the “Project”) is the Company’s major social initiative aimed at promoting sports and a healthy lifestyle among the younger generation on a scale unparalleled in Russia. As part of the Project, Gazprom builds and renovates sports and fitness facilities, as well as sports grounds and stadiums where children engage in various sports and unlock their talents.

Number of facilities as part of the Gazprom for Children project in 2007–2022 (cumulatively)

Gazprom for Children Project takeaways from the 15 years since launch

A total of 2,013 various facilities in Russia were covered by the Project’s scope between 2007 and 2022, including:


sports, educational, social and cultural facilities were built

1,760 outdoor flatworks

(school stadiums and multifunctional sports grounds) were constructed

73 sports facilities

were renovated

More than 250,000 children

can engage in different types of sports every day

74 out of 89

Russian regions were covered by the Project across all federal districts: Central, North-Western, Southern, North Caucasian, Volga, Urals, Siberian and Far Eastern

The Project spans across 74 Russian regions:

  • Central Federal District — 672 facilities
  • North-Western Federal District — 352 facilities
  • Southern Federal District — 255 facilities
  • North Caucasian Federal District — 119 facilities
  • Volga Federal District — 254 facilities
  • Urals Federal District — 96 facilities
  • Siberian Federal District — 141 facilities
  • Far Eastern Federal District — 124 facilities

Value Generated by the Project

Gazprom helps promote mass participation in sports and make it accessible. The Group constructs sports facilities in villages, small towns and large cities alike. They are equipped to the highest standards and can host local, national and international competitions. Hundreds of children are introduced to a healthy lifestyle and begin practicing their favorite sports.

The initiative has a high significance for the economic and social development of Russian regions. Its construction projects help create new jobs, develop related industries and improve local infrastructure. The new sports facilities become points of attraction for local residents and improve their quality of life.

Key Focus Areas of the Project:

  • swimming;
  • ice hockey, figure skating, mass skating;
  • game sports: basketball, volleyball, soccer, badminton;
  • martial arts;
  • physical training and fitness.

Partnership and Cooperation to Maximize Project Efficiency

Decisions to construct or renovate facilities and select their concept as part of the Gazprom for Children project are made in cooperation with government and local authorities based on the needs and requirements of local communities in particular regions of our operation.

The project draws extensive support from regional administrations, local authorities and government bodies. In 2022, local authorities and regional non-profit organizations implemented six initiatives with funding partially provided by PJSC Gazprom.

Project Takeaways from 2022

In 2022, a total of 70 facilities were commissioned in the Central, North-Western, Southern, North Caucasian, Volga, Urals and Far Eastern federal districts:

  • 18 sports and fitness complexes;
  • 1 multifunctional public sports facility (ice hockey rink) in the Yaroslavl Region;
  • 32 multifunctional sports grounds;
  • 14 school stadiums.

In the reporting year, work was completed to overhaul a school stadium in the Amur Region and renovate three soccer fields in the Nizhny Novgorod Region as well as one soccer field and multifunctional running tracks in the Republic of Mordovia.

All Project facilities commissioned in 2022 were adapted for children with limited mobility.

Among particularly important Project achievements in the reporting year were those in Russia’s Far East, with seven new sports facilities built and one facility renovated.

2022 saw the launch of the jubilee 2,000th Gazprom for Children facility — a sports and fitness complex with an ice rink in the Sverdlovsk Region with a total area of over 3,500 m2.

Also in 2022, the Ivanovo Region welcomed the opening of a sports and fitness complex with a total area of more than 6,900 m2. It became the region’s first-ever hockey, figure skating and swimming training venue.

In late 2022, Gazprom opened the world’s most advanced rhythmic gymnastics center with a total area of over 42,000 m2. Built within the Sirius federal territory in the Krasnodar Territory, it is intended for year-round training of gifted athletes from different regions of Russia.

The facility features convenient training, choreography and dance halls, a swimming pool, a medical and rehabilitation center with the state-ofart equipment, and a hotel. It is also home to an interactive museum of the history of Russian rhythmic gymnastics. Boasting an arena with 951-seat spectator stands, it is capable of hosting world-class competitions. Shortly after the opening, the center successfully welcomed the Heavenly Grace International Tournament organized by the Alina Kabaeva Charitable Foundation.

Another facility commissioned in 2022 was a sports and fitness complex in the Amur Region, boasting a total area of over 3,000 m2, the biggest among the region’s sports venues. Featuring 300-seat spectator stands, it can host regional and interregional competitions in various sports.

In 2022, the Gazprom for Children project won the #MYVMESTE International Award acknowledging businesses that lead socially significant initiatives aimed at helping people and improving their quality of life in Russia and globally. A total of 31,719 projects from Russia and more than 50 other countries were nominated for the award. The Gazprom for Children project won the first place in the Responsible Business category.

In 2023, the Group plans to build and renovate more than 100 facilities as part of the Gazprom for Children project.

A total of 1,100 jobs

were created as part of the Gazprom for Children project in 2022

Charitable Initiatives Implemented in 2022

Support for Socially Vulnerable Population Groups


Passport for Life: Orphans Support Project

Gazprom Pererabotka together with the St. Petersburg Administration’s Social Policy Committee and the heads of Family Upbringing Support Centers No. 3 and No. 8 are implementing an innovative project to ensure social adaptation of orphaned children and help them become socialized. The project aims to help the Centers’ students develop a life plan, get adequate education and a profession, and gain relevant experience. At the first stage, 20 apartments for independent living and socialization of students were renovated and equipped for the two Centers. The second stage involved training children in long-term life planning through a game format. At the third stage, a technical school was launched at Center No. 3 to help students get their first professional skills. With the Group’s financial support, six sites were set up and equipped for training students in blue-collar jobs. In 2022, at Gazprom’s initiative, the project was joined by the Work-i Center, which provides direct assistance to graduates of orphanages in finding employment.

Maternity and Childhood Support

For over seven years, employees of Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, a subsidiary of the Gazprom Group, have been providing charitable support to the Alye Parusa children’s rehabilitation center. They run an annual New Year Miracle initiative, with a Christmas tree placed in the company’s office and letters to Santa from the center’s students hung on it. Employees pick the letters and buy gifts that kids had mentioned. The company also provides organizational and financial support to the center. In 2022, this included purchasing equipment to create a developmental environment in the center.

Another charitable project of the company is financing the House of Mercy Shelter in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Its mission is to provide financial and psychological support to mothers in need based on individual rehabilitation and placement programs. Women are helped to apply for documents and benefits, learn new professions, and find employment.

In late 2022, the Gazprom Group organized a New Year’s show at the St. Petersburg State Academic Lensovet Theatre for socially disadvantaged children from different care facilities in St. Petersburg, with gifts given to 600 children who attended the celebration.

In 2022, Gazprom Nedra, part of the Gazprom Group, supported a number of charitable projects aimed at helping adults and children with disabilities.

Financial support was provided by the company to the Krug Creative Association in Moscow, which helps persons with sensory disabilities and mental and intellectual impairment find employment. The association received funds from Gazprom Nedra to pay wages to the students and their tutors.

The company cooperates with the Movement Up and Sunlight federal charitable foundations. In 2022, both organizations received financing from Gazprom Nedra to implement comprehensive rehabilitation programs for children with disabilities, including those with cerebral palsy.

The company also helped purchase medical consumables for Boarding School No. 1 in Peterhof for children with mental disabilities.

Another inclusive project supported by the company is Sensory Garden, which is designed to educate and rehabilitate children with disabilities. The project is hosted by the Moscow Station for Young Naturalists, the oldest in the country.

For details on infrastructure improvements in the regions where the Company operates, see Cooperation with Regions in 2022.

350th Anniversary of Peter the Great’s Birth

In 2022, the Gazprom Group took an active part in preparing and holding celebrations to mark the 350th anniversary of Emperor Peter the Great’s birth. These included a historical exhibition “Thirty Paintings from the Life of Peter the Great. 2022” on the Field of Mars in St. Petersburg, the unveiling of the monument “Peter the Great Rescuing Drowning Sailors near Lakhta”, new permanent exhibitions in the State Hermitage Museum and the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Exhibition “Thirty Paintings from the Life of Peter the Great. 2022”

Together with the Peterhof State Museum Reserve, the State Russian Museum and the St. Petersburg Repin Academy of Fine Arts, Gazprom set up and launched the exhibition “Thirty Paintings from the Life of Peter the Great. 2022”, which served as historical reconstruction of the city festival that took place in St. Petersburg 150 years ago. The pavilions of the exhibition featured digital copies of 14 historical paintings from the collection of the State Russian Museum, as well as 16 modern paintings on historical subjects painted by graduates and teachers of the St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts. Since its opening, the exhibition has been visited by some 500,000 people. Including the online audience, its reach was more than 3.5 million people.

Exhibition “Peter the Great Gallery” at the State Hermitage Museum

As part of the celebrations to mark the 350th anniversary of Peter the Great’s birth, Gazprom supported the launch of a new permanent exhibition at the State Hermitage Museum. Named “Peter the Great Gallery”, it will focus on the history of art and culture in Peter the Great’s Russia. The exhibition will be on display in eleven halls of the Winter Palace Courtyard and will also feature halls dedicated to the Russian culture and art dating back to the rule of Peter the Great’s daughter, Empress Elizabeth, as successor to her father. The State Hermitage Museum’s annual visitor count is approximately 4.3 million people.

Restoration of the painting “Peter the Great at Krasnaya Gorka Lighting a Fire on the Shore to Signal to his Sinking Ships” at the State Russian Museum

In 2022, with the support of PJSC Gazprom, a full cycle of restoration work was completed on the famous painting by Ivan Aivazovsky, “Peter the Great at Krasnaya Gorka Lighting a Fire on the Shore to Signal to his Sinking Ships”, from the collection of the State Russian Museum. Following a comprehensive restoration process, the painting was fully ready for display and was showcased at the exhibition “Seafarer and Carpenter: Peter the Great in Russian Artistic Culture of the 18th and 19th Centuries” held at the St. Michael’s Castle in the summer of 2022. The State Russian Museum receives around 2.3 million visitors each year.

Opening of a Monument “Peter the Great Rescuing Drowning Sailors near Lakhta”

Through the initiative of Gazprom, a monument titled “Peter the Great Saving Drowning Sailors near Lakhta” was unveiled on the northern shoreline of Lakhta Harbor in St. Petersburg, near the Lakhta Center. The monument features Peter the Great emerging from tumultuous waves while supporting two exhausted sailors. It was created by sculptor Stepan Mokrousov-Guglielmi and architect Mikhail Mamoshin.

Project “From the City to the World. The Great Embassy – Designing the Future”

In 2022, PJSC Gazprom collaborated with the Hermitage XXI Century Foundation and the Sparta Cultural Initiatives Foundation to implement a cultural research program “From the City to the World. The Great Embassy — Designing the Future” in St. Petersburg as part of the Friends of St. Petersburg, PJSC Gazprom’s multipurpose social project. The project showcased the interaction between cultural tradition and innovation, demonstrating how new ideas have influenced Russian culture since the era of Peter the Great. It brought together major universities, museums, and over 500,000 remote participants and viewers of educational and public programs. The initiative featured more than 150 events of various formats held across 15 venues in St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Pereslavl-Zalessky and the Leningrad Region. In 2022, the Petropolis exhibition opened at the Peter and Paul Fortress, featuring an exposition set up by creative laboratories of the project participants. The exhibition focused on the development of the Peter and Paul Fortress and the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, showcasing the research insights of its participants into the past, present, and future of St. Petersburg.

Film “Peter the Great: the Last Tsar and First Emperor”

During the Friends of St. Petersburg festival in 2022, Gazprom-Media Holding premiered the film “Peter the Great: the Last Tsar and First Emperor,” with the support of PJSC Gazprom. The film had eight social screenings as part of the festival run in the multimedia park “Russia — My History”. Directed by Andrey Kravchuk, it provides a detailed recreation of historical events that occurred in Russia during the 17th and 18th centuries, including the Battle of Poltava, Battle of Narva, Azov Campaign, Siege of Noteborg, creation of the Russian fleet, beginning of the construction of St. Petersburg, and other significant events. The film crew combined unique decorations and modern computer graphics to recreate the events. Throughout the film, historians and experts discuss the influence of Peter the Great’s policies on contemporary urban planning, governance, and industrial and economic development in Russia.

Exhibition “Tsar Peter Alexeevich. On the Eve of Empire”in Vladivostok

In 2022, PJSC Gazprom and the Moscow Kremlin State Historical and Cultural Museum and Heritage Site launched the exhibition “Tsar Peter Alexeevich. On the Eve of Empire” in Vladivostok, Primorye Territory. The exhibition showcased unique artefacts selected from the collection of the Moscow Kremlin museums, including personal belongings of Peter the Great, as well as items symbolizing his era. As part of the project, the exhibition catalog was released, as well as two additional publications, namely “The Polytechnic Exhibition of 1872 in the Moscow Kremlin” and “Peter the Great and the Award Order System”. The exhibition was visited by some 27,000 residents and guests of the Primorye Territory, its host region.

Exhibition “Imperial Hall: Multinational Russia” at the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences

In the reporting year, Gazprom supported the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences in setting up and running an exhibition dedicated to the peoples of the 18th century Russia. The Imperial Hall of the Kunstkamera served as the centerpiece of the exhibition and a link between the realms of history, science, and anthropology. The Kunstkamera receives an average of some 600,000–700,000 visitors annually

Exhibition “Diving into the Era of Peter the Great”

PJSC Gazprom and the Underwater Research Center of the Russian Geographical Society jointly staged the exhibition “Diving into the Era of Peter the Great” held at the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg. The display featured a unique collection of artefacts, including military items, clothing and household objects, retrieved from the depths of the Baltic Sea as part of research expeditions aimed at locating and exploring sunken ships from the era of Peter the Great. As of January 31, 2023, the exhibition was visited by 14,955 people.

Project “Peter the Great’s Plein Air Painting”

The Gazprom Group marked the 350th anniversary of Peter the Great’s birth with a special project called “Peter the Great’s Plein Air Painting”. It brought together 350 young artists, including 175 students from St. Petersburg’s art schools and 175 children of workers of PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and entities, who gathered at the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress to paint St. Petersburg under the guidance of art teachers from the city’s universities and lyceums.

Family Festival “Peter the Great’s Fair”

The Gazprom Group, supported by the Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg, hosted a major urban festival called “Peter the Great’s Fair”. The pavilions set up at one of the city’s squares showcased products from 60 regions where the Group operates and were styled to resemble the trading rows of the early 18th century. The festival also featured musical performances, traditional fair games and activities, and master classes for visitors. About 15,000 people attended the fair over the course of two days.

15th International Peter the Great Congress

Together with the Russian Ministry of Culture, State Hermitage Museum, Peter the Great Institute, and Likhachev Foundation, Gazprom took part in the 15th International Peter the Great Congress “Not a Wizard, but a Genius...: Peter the Great’s Personality against the Backdrop of an Era”. The jubilee congress aimed to explore various facets of the Russian emperor’s personality. The event featured talks from leading experts studying the Peter the Great era, representing cultural, scientific, and educational institutions from Russia and abroad.


In 2022, the Gazprom Group was the general sponsor of VK Fest 2022, the largest open air festival held simultaneously in three Russian cities — Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Sochi. Gazprom set up three VK Fest zones in St. Petersburg, including an observation and entertainment deck styled as a gas platform, Friends of St. Petersburg project space, where workshops and meetings with St. Petersburg restorers and famous bloggers were held, and a VR zoneVirtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that employs special devices (glasses, helmets, gloves, headphones) to give the user an immersive feel of a virtual world. offering a virtual experience of what the shoreline of the St. Petersburg’s 300th Anniversary Park will look like after the redevelopment. The festival was visited by 175,000 guests, with more than 33 million people joining online.

Support of Culture and Arts

Friends of St. Petersburg Multi-Purpose Social Project

In 2022, Gazprom continued to implement the Friends of St. Petersburg project. Its main mission is to promote the preservation of historical and cultural heritage and the modern development of St. Petersburg. The project is set to shape relevant values among young residents of St. Petersburg, foster the creation of a unique creative environment in the city, and promote professions related to restoration, museum work, and urban development. It also aims to continue the best traditions of the St. Petersburg school of restoration, support the professional growth of young experts, and engage city residents in cultural volunteering.

In 2022, a total of 22,503 students and young professionals took part in the activities of the Friends of St. Petersburg project, with 68 experts speaking at workshops and discussion panels and conducting tours and master classes. The project’s overall reach exceeded 243 million people, with its coverage on the VKontakte social network attracting 3.5 million views. Also, in 2022, the project evolved into a fullyfledged multi-purpose initiative fit for reaching out to the widest possible audience of St. Petersburg residents and guests. The project has a number of key focus areas based on the type of initiatives and their target audience:

  • mentorship — the project’s cornerstone program of workshops and lectures for students of relevant universities and colleges offered by major restoration institutions;
  • laboratory — practical research opportunities for young talents of different professions relevant to the preservation and development of St. Petersburg;
  • creative bureau — the project’s portal and social media platform, as well as an analytical and monitoring center for urban issues, where students work together with curators;
  • volunteering — initiating a cultural volunteering movement able to respond to the needs of the city’s cultural sector;
  • immersion — a dedicated youth educational program about St. Petersburg;
  • Friends of St. Petersburg festival — an annual city festival of creative and educational projects focusing on the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage and the development of St. Petersburg.

The inaugural Friends of St. Petersburg festival took place in 2022, spanning 33 venues across the city, with the State Hermitage Museum, Tsarskoe Selo State Museum, Peterhof State Museum Reserve, State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg Repin Academy of Fine Arts, and Radio House among them. It featured a total of 255 events, including lectures, tours, workshops, and concerts that were attended by more than 21,000 people free of charge.

As part of the project, Gazprom supported the 2nd season of immersive walks in St. Petersburg by SOMNUM. Mental Cinema, which became a highlight of the city’s cultural agenda in 2022. In 2022, the immersive walks were significantly revamped and received new characters and story lines, while still taking place in the historical streets of St. Petersburg, many of which were improved using financing provided by PJSC Gazprom. During the reporting period, the immersive performance was presented 78 times to an audience of a total of 2,100 spectato

Partnership with Peterhof State Museum Reserve

Since 2009, PJSC Gazprom has been a long-standing partner of the Peterhof State Museum Reserve in the restoration of the Chinese Palace in Oranienbaum. At present, thirteen out of the palace’s seventeen rooms have been restored, with the Chinese Bedroom, Dressing Room, Portrait Room, and Catherine II’s Study next on the list. The restoration is projected for completion by 2024.

Partnership with State Russian Museum

PJSC Gazprom has partnered with the State Russian Museum on a number of restoration projects. In 2022, the Company supported the museum in presenting the exhibition “Preserving History. The Russian Museum Restoration Workshops Celebrate Their Centenary”.

Partnership with Tsarskoe Selo State Museum and Heritage Site

In 2022, PJSC Gazprom supported the creation of a VR version of the Amber Room of the Catherine Palace — an exact interactive model of the globally renowned chamber.

Furthermore, progress on the extensive “Catherine the Great’ Private Space” restoration project continued in the reporting year, aiming to recreate the interior of eight of Empress Catherine II’s private rooms in the Zubov Wing of the Catherine Palace. To date, the Zubov Wing has undergone significant renovation, including door and window reinforcement, brickwork restoration, and window carpentry work as well as partial installation of HVAC, video surveillance and security systems, fire alarms, and more. The project is set to continue in 2023.

“Classical Music on Palace Square”

In 2022, PJSC Gazprom served as the principal sponsor of "Classical Music on the Palace Square’, a grand open air concert in St. Petersburg’s main square. The event has become a highlight of the city’s annual celebration of its founding day.

Support of Sports

Gazprom has been a partner of the Russian Olympic Committee for over a decade. In the reporting year, the Company provided financial assistance for the Russian Olympic team to participate in the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China. Gazprom was also instrumental in organizing and hosting a range of mass sports events across Russia, including Winter Sports Day, All-Russian Olympic Day, Olympic Patrol, All-Russian Walking Day, and more.

In 2022, Gazprom Gaznadzor provided charitable support to the Proskurin Torch Football Academy in Voronezh. With the Company’s funds, the academy was able to purchase a bus for its students, as well as medical equipment and supplies, sports gear, and more.

In 2022, Gazprom Transgaz Saratov provided assistance to the Adaptive Sports Club in Saratov by purchasing bicycles for their training sessions. Since 2019, the club has been promoting various sports for children with disabilities in Saratov, providing them with free equipment and gear.

In 2022, PJSC Gazprom became the first-time general partner of the Road of Life 53rd International Winter Marathon, one of the oldest track and field races in Russia. It is held annually since 1970 to mark the end of the Siege of Leningrad (present-day St. Petersburg) from the fascist blockade during World War II.

Honoring the Fallen in World War II

In 2022, PJSC Gazprom championed a federal law that allows for free gas supplies to eternal flame and flame of memory memorials.

The Company also conducts maintenance, repairs and upgrades of gas equipment at such memorials, while facilitating their gasification and switching from the cylinder gas supply to pipeline gas.

Corporate Volunteering

The Group actively engages its employees in various social and charitable initiatives and campaigns. Each year, the number of volunteers is increasing, and the range of volunteer projects is expanding.

Volunteering Projects in 2022


Gazprom Group employeesThe total number of employees who participated in all volunteering campaigns (for example, if one person participated in two campaigns, they are counted twice). participated in volunteering activities

Environmental Campaigns
  • Employees of Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk joined the city-wide Plant a Tree, Revive the Earth campaign. Over 2,000 volunteers participated in the campaign, planting a total of 5,000 pine seedlings.
  • Employees of Gazprom Dobycha Nadym are actively involved in federal and regional environmental protection projects, including Green Spring, Water of Russia, Clean Shores, Clean Shores of Eurasia, Victory Forest, and Clean Yamal. In 2022, company volunteers worked to clean up the territory of two of the largest production assets (Kharasaveyskoye and Bovanenkovskoye fields), removing over 400 tons of scrap metal and 200 tons of waste.
  • Volunteers from Gazprom Dobycha Krasnodar organized a Saturday clean-up event on Yasenskaya Spit in the Primorsko-Akhtarsky District of the Krasnodar Territory. The company’s volunteer team collected over six tons of waste along the spit’s shoreline.
Patriotic and Humanitarian Programs
  • With the support of trade unions, the Gazprom Group entities actively supported participants of the special military operation, their family members and refugees from the territory affected by the special military operation. The support measures included running charity events, collecting voluntary donations, setting up support funds, organizing recreation for children, collecting humanitarian aid, volunteering at temporary shelters, assisting medical institutions, holding donor events, and more.
  • Employees of Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg launched a fundraising campaign for the World War II veterans from among the company’s retirees living in different regions of Russia. As part of the campaign, employees make voluntary donations to the Social Support Foundation, which keeps the register of veterans and makes annual distributions to each of them.
  • In 2022, the Gazprom Workers’ Union and Gazprom Transgaz Volgograd completed the military and historical campaign “Memory Watch — 2022 Stalingrad Frontier”, with 35 Gazprom Group entities taking part. The participants searched battlefields and recovered the remains of ten Red Army soldiers who had heroically fought and perished at Stalingrad. After the identification procedure, all the fallen servicemen will be buried with honors.
Social Support and Education
  • Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk launched a targeted social support campaign, where each volunteer provides assistance to a specific person. Company employees purchase and deliver groceries to those in need, do minor repairs, and help with other household issues. The company has also installed a Kindness Container to collect items that are then sorted and given to those in need on a weekly basis. Volunteers help people in difficult situations by assisting with document recovery and accompanying them to relatives in other regions after hospitalization.

  • Employees of Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk implemented the Safety and Me social and educational project. The company’s volunteers teamed up with the Vizit youth center in the local town of Svobodny to organize and conduct a series of interactive lectures for schoolchildren on occupational health and safety standards and rules of conduct in emergencies, and also prepared information stands, memos and memorabilia. The project was recognized as one of the best regional volunteering initiatives.
Blood Donation
  • In 2022, the Gazprom Workers’ Union and its structural organizations held more than 140 donor campaigns, which brought together more than 6,700 workers’ union members.
  • In 2022, Gazprom Transgaz Krasnodar held a two-day Give Hope for Life — Become a Donor campaign in the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region, and the Republic of Adygeya. Over 200 people took part in the event. The donated biomaterials were sent to Territorial Clinical Hospital No. 1 and the Clinical Oncologic Center.
  • In 2022, Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk held a traditional blood donation campaign. Over 150 employees visited the regional Blood Center to join the Donor Marathon. The number of company donors is growing every year. Since 2011, when Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk held its first donor event, more than 13,000 blood donations have been made, with donation evolving to become a major part of corporate culture.