3.3. Civil Defense

Key documents
  • Federal Law No. 28-FZ On Civil Defense dated February 12, 1998
  • Federal Law No. 68-FZ On Protection of Population and Territories from Natural and Man-Made Disasters dated December 21, 1994
  • Order of PJSC Gazprom dated August 17, 2017 On Approval of the Fundamentals of the Civil Defense Policy of PJSC Gazprom through 2030
  • Order of PJSC Gazprom dated October 18, 2018 On Approval of the Fundamentals of the Policy of Protection of Staff and Inventories from Emergencies of PJSC Gazprom through 2030

Civil Defense System

To better protect the staff and inventories of the Gazprom Group entities against emergencies and terrorist attacks and to ensure protection of local residents and territories against emergencies linked to incidents and accidents at hazardous industrial facilities (HIF) of the Gazprom Group entities, we have in place the civil defense systemCreated and operating in accordance with order of PJSC Gazprom No. 436 dated July 7, 2016..

Structure of civil defense

Managing the civil defense system and its subsystems on the corporate level is the responsibility of the Chairman of PJSC Gazprom’s Management Committee.

On the facility level (subsidiaries and branches), managing civil defense systems falls within the remit of managers of PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and branches (facilities).

Each level of the civil defense system includes:

  • coordination bodies;
  • standing management bodies;
  • day-to-day management bodies;
  • bodies responsible for evacuation;
  • commissions to improve resilience amid war time emergencies.

The key goals of the civil defense system are:

  • development and implementation of regulations and organizational and technical activities to protect the staff and inventories of the Gazprom Group entities from emergencies and hazards arising during or out of military conflicts;
  • development and implementation of targeted and R&D programs aimed at preventing man-made and natural disasters and increasing the resilience of the UGSS and its facilities, which are critical for the sustainable operation of the economy and survival of the population during war;
  • ensuring the readiness for action of control bodies and units, communication and alerting systems, civil defense forces and tools in place to prevent and liquidate emergencies at the Gazprom Group facilities and protect the staff and inventories of the Gazprom Group entities from hazards arising during or out of military conflicts during emergencies and military conflicts;
  • interaction with control bodies and forces of the functional and territorial subsystems of the National Emergency Management System;
  • collection, processing, exchange and provision, in accordance with the established procedure, of data related to protection from emergencies of the staff and inventories;
  • warning employees of threats associated with emergencies or arising during or out of military conflicts;
  • preparation of employees for action during emergencies and provision of training on how to protect themselves from threats arising during or out of military conflicts;
  • prediction and assessment of social and economic consequences of emergencies at UGSS facilities;
  • stockpiling, for civil defense purposes, of materials and equipment, food, medical and other items and provisioning of financial and physical resources for the purposes of liquidation of emergencies at UGSS facilities;
  • corporate oversight in civil defense, protection of the staff and inventories of the Gazprom Group entities against emergencies.

The civil defense system of PJSC Gazprom has all the necessary personnel, physical and financial resources and communication, alert and information systems.

Civil Defense Performance in 2022

In the reporting year, the civil defense system operated in line with the Key Action Plan of the Civil Defense System of PJSC Gazprom for 2022Approved on December 3, 2021, No. 03-221..

To make sure the Gazprom Group employees are ready for emergencies, regular tactic drills, facility-based training sessions and tabletop exercises were held during the year:

  • 509 tabletop exercises involving 25,733 people;
  • 1,574 facility-based training sessions involving 80,852 people;
  • 150 tactic drills involving 19,584 people.

In 2022, task forces comprising PJSC Gazprom’s employees who are experts of the site commission of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation for certification of emergency rescue teams and rescuers of PJSC Gazprom carried out 30 checks to assess the compliance with mandatory certification requirements and the readiness of volunteer emergency response teams for rescue work. During nine meetings, the site commission certified all Gazprom employees who applied for certification. 1,261 rescuers and 30 volunteer emergency response teams received certification. The certification results are testament to the robust system that the Company has in place to train rescuers and emergency response teams.

0 emergencies

reported at the Gazprom Group facilities in 2022


In the reporting year, 7,877 civil defense officers and 299,641 employees of PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries underwent training in various programs in civil defense and emergency protection. All objectives set out in relevant guidelines for the training of management bodies and resources of the civil defense system for 2022 were achieved.

In the reporting year, the amount of fines paid for violations of civil defense and emergency protection procedures decreased by 84%. This reflects the Gazprom Group’s efforts to rectify all violations and improve the performance of its civil defense system.

Administrative fines and non-financial sanctions for failures to comply with civil defense and emergency protection procedures at the Gazprom Group
Indicator 2020 2021 2022 Change 2022/2021, %
Administrative fines paid, RUB thousand 331 759 125 −84
Number of non-financial sanctions 7 6 3 −50