Message from the Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee


Dear friends!

As a globally significant energy company, Gazprom always conducts business in a considered and responsible way. We appreciate the importance of our work for millions of people both in Russia and around the world, and we maintain a constant focus on the interests of the nation and society as a whole.

Natural gas is our bread and butter, and it is in high demand. People need affordable gas to heat their homes, schools and kindergartens. They need economical and eco-friendly NGV fuel for their cars. In industry, gas helps expand production to create new competitive products and generate jobs. Gas is a driver of economic and social development in regions and rural communities.

That is why we always do our utmost to ensure the gift of gas is enjoyed by the maximum amount of consumers.

Gazprom’s priority in the Russian market in 2021 was to reach new consumers by expanding the construction of gas networks. Many communities, such as Tsiolkovsky and Svobodny in the Amur Region, were connected to the gas grid for the first time. By the end of 2021, over half a million households had applied for additional gas infrastructure expansion connection to an existing gas network — we are consecutively fulfilling every order.

As for exports, I would note growing Russian gas supplies to China via the Power of Siberia pipeline. At the request of our Chinese partners, in 2021, PJSC Gazprom delivered more gas than contractually obliged. At the start of 2022, we entered into a second long-term contract with CNPC, which will create a gas supply route in the Far East.

We strive to use natural resources across the gas supply chain as efficiently and effectively as possible while minimizing waste and emissions by adopting cutting-edge technologies. For example, in 2020–2021, we saved more than 1 bcm of gas during pipeline repairs by adopting new mobile compressor stations.

By effectively developing the NGV fuel market in Russia, we are making a positive contribution to the environment. Over ten years, Gazprom’s gas filling network has doubled in size to 386 filling stations. Ever more public transport, municipal, and freight vehicles are turning to NGV fuel. Gazprom itself has converted over half of the compatible corporate fleet to methane fuel.

A responsible attitude to the environment is a cornerstone of our corporate culture. In 2021, Gazprom Group companies organized over 3,000 environmental awareness events, including tree planting and clean-up of riversides and lakes. These events saw the participation of thousands of Gazprom employees together with their families.

We are also committed to strengthening partnerships with the regions where we operate. In 2021, we supported numerous sports, cultural and charity projects. We commissioned 84 new facilities throughout Russia as part of the Gazprom for Children initiative. This included 11 sports and recreation centers for both amateur and professional athletes. We also completed urban infrastructure development initiatives. One particular highlight in 2021 was the opening of the Park of the 800th Anniversary of Nizhny Novgorod. And, of course, we continued to work closely with local communities, including the indigenous minorities of the North.

The bedrock of all these initiatives is Gazprom’s employees. We highly value their work and therefore offer ample opportunities for professional development and consistent salary growth. At Gazprom, quality medical care is a key priority, as demonstrated by our voluntary insurance programs. Furthermore, we strictly adhere to the principles of occupational health and safety.

In 2021, the Gazprom Group continued to take steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including voluntary vaccination and revaccination. By the end of the year, almost 93% of the employees of PJSC Gazprom and key subsidiaries had been vaccinated.

Dear friends!

Gazprom consistently upholds the key principles of sustainable growth. Environmental and social responsibility, support for local communities, and strengthening of human capital have been and always will be the keystone of Gazprom’s corporate values and foundation for the Company’s long-term success.