Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement system at the Gazprom Group
GRI102-21, 102-43

Engagement methods

Examples of engagement in 2021


Press releases

Press conferences, briefings, management interviews

Press tours to PJSC Gazprom’s production sites and gas transportation infrastructure facilities

Explanations, comments, and answers to journalists’ questions

  • Published over 230 official press releases on PJSC Gazprom website.
  • Held six press conferences and briefings.
  • Published 14 interviews with the top management of PJSC Gazprom.
  • Arranged 14 press tours to PJSC Gazprom’s production sites and gas transportation infrastructure facilities.
  • Provided about 800 answers, explanations, and comments provided to media representatives.
  • Held eighteen special events with media attendance as part of the Friends of St. Petersburg project.
  • 50 Architectural Ensemble episodes about PJSC Gazprom’s program for comprehensive improvement of St. Petersburg were aired on Radio Zenit.
  • Conducted tours of Gazprom Arena, the Chinese Palace, the Catherine Palace and the Alexandrinsky Theater for bloggers and quiz winners. Released a series of articles and radio programs covering the tours.
  • At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, attended by media representatives and federal TV channels, signed agreements with the leading museum facilities: a cooperation agreement with the Tsarskoye Selo State Museum and a letter of intent with the State Hermitage Museum.
  • Signed a cooperation agreement with the Peterhof State Museum Reserve aimed at preserving the cultural heritage and developing the museum. Minister of Culture Olga Lyubimova was present at the signing ceremony.
  • 30 stories about Gazprom’s charitable projects in St. Petersburg were broadcast in the Best Morning program on NTV channel. The Company also partnered with NTV to create a special section on the channel’s website dedicated to PJSC Gazprom’s social responsibility initiatives.

Educational and scientific institutions

Participation in industry events for young people

Setting up special classes/departments at secondary schools

Organization of work experience practice for students

Carrying out R&D projects for PJSC Gazprom

Participation in the creation of innovative scientific and technical centers

Conducting promising research in hydrogen energy

  • Participated in industry events for young people (young scientists, professionals, and students of Russian and international universities).
  • Set up Gazprom classes in secondary schools and opened specialized departments in Russian universities.
  • Organized work experience practice for students of secondary vocational education institutions and higher education institutions at the Gazprom Group entities.
  • Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas developed an integrated solution to increase working gas volume and reduce time for starting up cyclic operation of underground gas storage facilities in structurally complicated water formations.
  • Participated in designing the concept for an innovative scientific and technical center for energy and oil and gas production at the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (Primorskaya Dolina Science and Technology Center).
  • Conducted intensive hydrogen production research (joint projects with the Russian Academy of Sciences).


Financial support for charitable, environmental and other initiatives of NGOs

Open public hearings

Joint biodiversity conservation projects in the Arctic

Participation of the Gazprom Group employees and their families in joint volunteer campaigns and events

  • Participated in the activities of professional communities (RUIE, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Russian Gas Association (Union of Oil and Gas Companies), etc.).
  • Supported the Russian Geographical Society (RGO): holding of the Geographical Dictation international educational campaign; creation of RGO’s restoration workshop to help preserve and restore various artefacts (manuscripts, books, maps, etc.); holding of the Most Beautiful Country photo contest; providing grants for environmental projects and programs.
  • Participated in the joint development of the Biodiversity Preservation Program in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and other biodiversity initiatives (RGO, Marine Mammal Council).
  • Supported the National Underwater Research Center (NURC) projects (surveying the bottom of the Neva River, Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Sea to detect hydroacoustics anomalies, creating a virtual 3D museum of artefacts raised from the bottom, and publishing books on historical facts uncovered by NURC researchers).
  • Gazprom Group employees and their families participated in such projects as the all-Russian Best Eco-Volunteer Team contest, Green Spring national environmental clean-up, national Bike to Work Day, international contest Environmental Culture. Peace and Harmony, and #TogetherBrighter All-Russian Energy Conservation Festival.

Shareholders and investors

Holding general shareholders meetings

Meetings of the senior independent director with representatives of investment funds

Enabling communication with the corporate secretary

Developing PJSC Gazprom’s website in three languages with additional information

Holding annual Investor Days and other regular events involving shareholders in various formats

Written inquiries from shareholders

Hot line (telephone) for shareholders

Investor visits to production sites

ESG sessions, webinars and meetings with investors on sustainability and low-carbon economy matters

  • In 2021, the annual General Shareholders Meeting was held in absentee voting format due to the pandemic.
  • In November 2021, Senior Independent Director Viktor Martynov held an online meeting with representatives of major investment funds.
  • To facilitate interaction with shareholders and investors, the contact information of the structural unit heads acting as the corporate secretary was posted PJSC Gazprom’s website.
  • Additional information on various aspects of the Group’s operations is published on PJSC Gazprom’s website in Russian, English and German.
  • In 2021, the annual Investor Day was held online and included an ESG session.
  • In 2021, PJSC Gazprom held conference calls on the Group’s consolidated financial statements under the IFRS, attended by the Company’s management.
  • The Company interacted with investors and analysts at investment conferences and during 1-on-1 meetings (mainly in video and teleconferences).
  • Shareholders and investors sent written inquiries to the Group’s e-mail address and by mail. All inquiries were duly considered as prescribed by the Group’s by-laws.
  • In 2021, communication with shareholders concerned various issues relating to share ownership, including the holding of the annual General Shareholders Meeting, dividend payments, and inheritance rights.
  • A Hot Line number for shareholder inquiries on any issues of concern is available on PJSC Gazprom’s website. On average, the Group receives over a hundred shareholder calls and dozens of written inquiries per month.
  • In 2021, Gazprom held over 80 online meetings with more than 260 Russian and international institutional investment funds.
  • In 2021, the following events were organized for investors:
    • a visit to the Gazprom Group production facilities in the Amur Region;
    • an ESG session as part of PJSC Gazprom’s Investor Day;
    • a PJSC Gazprom webinar on the hydrogen market outlook;
    • a meeting with investors to present the interim sustainable development scenarios for PJSC Gazprom through 2050 in the context of the global trend towards low-carbon economy;
    • participation in the International Business Congress “ESG Financing Tools and Their Importance for Oil and Gas Companies in the Next Decade”;
    • an ESG session and a webinar on the dynamics of the gas market in Europe as part of the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum.

Business partners

Cooperation agreements

Joint coordinating committees and task forces

Participation in conferences and forums

Interaction with industrial unions and associations

In 2021, Gazprom signed over 60 documents with Russian and foreign partners with a view to developing the gas processing segment, ensuring gas supply and expanding gas infrastructure across Russian regions, broadening the application area of NGV fuel, providing the Company’s sites with domestic high-tech products, as well as pushing forward cooperation in R&D.

The Company also interacted with a number of partners:

  • licensors, as part of discussions regarding the construction of new hydrocarbon processing facilities;
  • suppliers about raw material pricing;
  • transportation companies about pricing for transportation services and execution on full train shipments;
  • Non-Profit Partnership Council for Organizing Efficient System of Trading at Wholesale and Retail Electricity and Capacity Market, Council of Electricity Producers and Strategic Electricity Investors and Hydropower of Russia associations about electric power industry development.

Personnel interaction


Workshop meetings

Regular meetings of workforce with the management

Skills upgrading programs

Sports contests

  • Conference on performance results under the General Collective Bargaining Agreement Hereinafter the General Collective Bargaining Agreement of PJSC Gazprom and Its Subsidiaries for 2019–2021.
  • Workshop meetings among employees on HR management.
  • Regular meetings of representatives of the workforce and the management to resolve relevant issues.
  • Employee training under skills upgrading adaptation programs.фSports events at the Gazprom Group entities (sports contests between subsidiaries, GTO fitness tests).

Local authorities

Presentations on the Gazprom Group’s activities to senior local government officials

Cooperation agreements

Financial support of municipal initiatives

Joint drills and trainings

  • Held meetings on gas infrastructure expansion and signed cooperation and social partnership agreements with municipal administrations and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • Financed initiatives aimed at social and economic development of the Purovsky District of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area.
  • Participated in table-top civil defense exercises with federal executive authorities, government authorities of the entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities and organizations on development and implementation of civil defense measures in the Russian Federation.


Agreements with regions of the Russian Federation

Participation in events hosted by the government and specialist non-profit organizations: parliamentary hearings, councils, round tables and task force meetings

Submission of data to federal authorities

Participation in the development of road maps and expert reviews of draft laws, including preparation of proposals, comments and amendments

Joint drills and trainings

  • Signed cooperation agreements and memoranda with constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Republic of Tatarstan, Amur Region, Astrakhan Region, Volgograd Region, St. Petersburg, and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area).
  • Developed and approved synchronization plans for 2022 gas infrastructure expansion in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kamchatka Territory, Khabarovsk and Primorye Territories, Amur Region, Irkutsk, Sakhalin Region.
  • Participated in discussions and meetings on the rollout of socially oriented and economically efficient gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion system, additional gas expansion in localities, as well as safe operation of gas equipment in the housing and utility segment.
  • Interacted with federal executive authorities regulating the heat market (Federal Antimonopoly Service, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Construction, and Ministry of Economic Development).
  • Participated in the development of projects under an agreement to build a common gas market within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
  • Participated in task force meetings of the State Council of the Russian Federation on the energy industry and of the Ministry of Construction on technical regulations, Expert Council and Committees meetings of the State Duma, Municipal Services Commission meetings of the Public Council of the Ministry of Energy.
  • Participated in nation-wide table-top exercises held by the EMERCOM of Russia in cooperation with the governance bodies and forces of the National Emergency Management System to prepare for the spring flooding, protect localities and economic and social infrastructure from wildfires, as well as work out emergency response to industrial disasters.

Local communities


Participation in city and region development programs

Public councils at the Group’s companies in the regions of operation

Open public hearings (including on environmental impact assessment)

Volunteer activities in the regions of operation

Support of indigenous minorities

  • Financed medical treatment, rehabilitation and examinations of people with disabilities and seriously ill children.
  • Purchased specialized medical equipment (machine rehabilitation equipment for use at home, regular and power wheelchairs).
  • Provided financial support to the St. Petersburg Association of Non-Governmental Organizations of Parents to Children with Disabilities in implementing programs aimed at social integration of disabled children, young people with lifelong disabilities and their family members.
  • Upgraded existing equipment, purchased new lab equipment and renovated space for advanced training of a talent pool from among promising students of School No. 1 in Svobodny (Amur Region).
  • In 2021, the Public Council of the Amur GPP Construction project in Svobodny (Amur Region) held four meetings to provide an update on the progress made, environmental initiatives and related monitoring procedures, the Company’s HR policy and employment of the region’s residents, local aid, development of the city’s social infrastructure and construction of a new residential neighborhood Alexeevsky.
  • In 2021, the Gazprom Group arranged 3,290 environmental initiatives, with 2,820 territories of over 7,000 ha cleaned up and over 450,000 young trees and shrubs planted by Group employees.
  • 79,760 Group employees took part in volunteer activities in 2021.
  • Held national celebrations (Reindeer Herders’ Day and Fishermen’s Day) and provided financial support to associations (Yamal for Posterity!, Yamal, and Vozrozhdeniye) and local communities of indigenous minorities.


Customer satisfaction monitoring procedures

Development of remote services, expansion of communication channels

Claims management system

Marketing incentives to encourage consumers’ equipment and vehicle conversion to natural gas

  • In 2021, Gazprom conducted a comprehensive assessment of consumer satisfaction with services of PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and affiliates, receiving and processing over 27,000 questionnaires. The assessment was based on a consumer survey. The average level of satisfaction was high (7.91 on a 10-point scale).
  • In 2021, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group’s gas selling companies (RGCs) were assigned a set of requirement for their single-window services.
  • At RGCs, a web platform for data integration was developed and launched, enabling online exchange of information between RGC accounting systems, personal customer account and state information system of municipal services. The platform also ensures quick reporting to the state information system of municipal services regarding payment delays (if any) on the part of natural gas consumers, as required by Russian laws.
  • In 2021, twelve customer centers in seven gas distribution organizations (GDOs) were opened and renovated; 43 customer centers in 14 GDOs were joined with gas equipment stores; 193 customer centers in 41 GDOs changed their working hours to provide visitors with more options.
  • During the year, 17,194 vehicles were converted to natural gas under marketing programs.
  • 22,955 customer requests submitted to the Hot Line of the Gazprom CNG filling station network were processed.

1 For information on consumer categories of the Gazprom Group’s key products, see subsection Consumers Categories of Gazprom’s Core Products

Foreign regulators of energy markets

Submission of necessary reports to relevant agencies and regulators

Participation in economic and energy forums and gas and energy conferences

Participation in public consultations on legislative initiatives, changes to the energy market regulations and introduction of new rules and regulations regarding the energy market operation

  • Submitted reports on the terms of signed gas supply contracts, including related addenda, transactions carried out via the Gazprom Export Electronic Trading Platform, and secondary-market agreements regarding transportation capacities sublease, as well as on actual gas supplies to EU countries to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and Energie-Control Austria (E-Control)
  • Participated in the European Gas Conference, Flame Conference, Baker Hughes Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg International Gas Forum, WEC World Energy Leaders’ Summit, etc.
  • Participated in public consultations held by energy market players (transmission operators, national regulators and other entities) regarding the requirements for information exchange, interaction between gas transmission operators, new standards of gas quality, prescriptive technical specifications, technical and commercial conditions for natural gas transportation and storage, regulation and taxation of energy exports and imports and anti-monopoly laws.