5.1. Process Safety Management

GRI103-2, 103-3

We are fully aware of our responsibility to create a safe working environment and ensure compliance of our operations with industrial, fire and road safety requirements. The management of the Company, its subsidiaries, entities and branches sees employee life and health as their priority. We consider occupational, industrial, fire and road safety to be key to the efficient management of our production activities.

We are guided by the Process Safety Management System Development Strategy for 2021—2030Approved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 368 dated September 9, 2020..

    Strategic goals:
    • improving the Integrated System of Process Safety Management (ISPSM) to maintain a safe production environment and minimize damage to the life and health of employees, equipment and the environment;
    • ensuring the sustainable development of Gazprom within the established process safety parameters.
    Process Safety Documentation
    • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
    • Occupational, Industrial, Fire and Road Safety Policy of PJSC GazpromApproved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 416 dated September 17, 2019;
    • Key safety requirements of PJSC GazpromApproved by PJSC Gazprom’s Decree No. 274 dated August 30, 2016.;
    • PJSC Gazprom’s Process Safety Management System Development Strategy for 2021–2030.

    Process Safety Management


    Gazprom has in place the ISPSM, which is integrated into its business process management,

    with STO Gazprom 18000.1-001-2021 Integrated System of Process Safety Management. Key Provisions being the primary regulationApproved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 2 dated January 12, 2021. The ISPSM establishes a uniform procedure to manage process safety in accordance with applicable laws, latest scientific and technological solutions, and corporate requirements, while also taking into account geographic, production and other conditions characteristic of each PJSC Gazprom subsidiary, entity or branch.

    ISPSM goals:
    • achieving the targets and fulfilling the commitments under the Occupational, Industrial, Fire and Road Safety Policy of PJSC GazpromApproved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 416 dated September 17, 2019;
    • preventing accidents and minimizing (eliminating) process safety risks;
    • providing a consistent description of ISPSM requirements, elements, management procedures and interrelationships to employees and defining a communication procedure for structural units and employees within the system;
    • ensuring ISPSM integrity in case of potential changes of internal and external factors and the Company's operating environment;
    • proper system performance and continuous improvement.

    To assess compliance with ISPSM operation and safety requirements, we established a multi-tier corporate control framework.

    Corporate control over compliance with process safety rules
    ISPSM audit (PJSC Gazprom’s Administration) Assesses the ISPSM performance
    Gazprom Gazobezopasnost and Gazprom Gaznadzor Monitor compliance with process safety requirements at Gazprom facilities
    Gazprom Gazobezopasnost Monitors compliance with well blowout prevention requirements
    Gazprom Gaznadzor's construction inspection and construction control by the customer and contractor Control construction and reconstruction safety

    In 2020, PJSC Gazprom received a certificate of ISPSM compliance with ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. Requirements with Guidance for Use. In 2021, the certification authority conducted a surveillance audit that confirmed ISPSM functioning and development in line with the continuous improvement concept, as well as its compliance with ISO 45001:2018.

    Employees Covered by the ISPSM

    The ISPSM covers PJSC Gazprom, its core subsidiaries specializing in natural gas, gas condensate and oil production, treatment, transportation, processing, distribution, and storage, as well as subsidiaries, entities and branches responsible for the functioning of the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia.

    In 2021, the ISPSM included PJSC Gazprom’s Administration and 95 subsidiaries, entities and branches. The total headcount of the companies covered by the ISPSM is 323,000 people.

    The ISPSM does not cover the companies of the Gazprom Group’s oil and electric power businesses, as well as representative offices abroad.

    For the full list of subsidiaries, entities and branches covered by the ISPSM, see Appendix


    ISPSM coverage, thousand employees
    Indicator 2019 2020 2021 Change 2021/2020, %
    Number of employees (including contractors) whose work and/or workplace are under ISPSM control 319 318 315 –0,9

    Contractor work and workplaces located on the subsidiary’s premises are under ISPSM control and included in the system’s audit within the timeframe established by STO Gazprom 18000.3-004-2020 Integrated System of Process Safety Management. Organizing and Conducting Audits.

    In accordance with this corporate standard, PJSC Gazprom structural subdivisions and gas production, transportation, processing and storage subsidiaries are subject to regular (at least once every three years) inspections, while other PJSC Gazprom subsidiaries and branches are audited at least once every five years. Over five years, all employees (including contractors) whose work and workplace are covered by the ISPSM undergo auditing.

    PJSC Gazprom and its 57 subsidiaries with a total headcount of 271,000 employees were certified for compliance with ISO 45001:2018.

    Information on occupational safety spending across the Gazprom Group, 2019−2021, RUB million
    Item 2019 2020 2021
    Companies covered by the ISPSM 17,565 16,677 12,825
    Oil business companies(1)
    Power generation companies 1,626 1,843 1,915
    Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat 187 212 209
    (1) Data not available as of the report date

    Process Safety Goals

    Gazprom’s goals in occupational, industrial, fire and road safety are toIn accordance with PJSC Gazprom’s Occupational, Industrial, Fire and Road Safety Policy.:

    • create a safe working environment and protect the lives and health of the employees;
    • reduce the risks of accidents and incidents at hazardous facilities;
    • reduce the risks of road accidents related to production activities;
    • ensure fire safety.

    Strategic KPIs in process safety are an integral part of indicators set forth by the Long-Term Development Program of PJSC Gazprom (the Gazprom Group).

    STO Gazprom 18000.1-003-2020 Integrated System of Process Safety Management. Setting Goals, Developing Action Plans and Monitoring Their Implementation regulates goal-setting in process safety, progress monitoring, and the procedure for drafting action plans to achieve those goalsApproved by order of PJSC Gazprom No. 26 dated January 24, 2020.

    Sergey Pavlov

    Head of Directorate

    Sergey oversees the operation of the Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS), gas transportation and supply, both domestically and internationally. He also monitors gas quality as well as emergency response measures and recovery at PJSC Gazprom’s production sites.

    5.1. Process Safety Management ›

    Supply Safety Control