3.1. Climate Action
As part of the most recent climate agenda, world’s leading energy providers are reviewing their long-term strategies, choosing to reduce their carbon footprint and achieve carbon neutrality. Being a global leader in energy and an environmentally responsible company, PJSC Gazprom rises to the challenge and draws up its measurable targets and action plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
As a state-owned company, PJSC Gazprom is guided by the climate goals set by the Russian Federation and aligns its low-carbon development activities with the Low Carbon Social and Economic Development Strategy of the Russian Federation to 2050Approved by Russian Government Decree No. 3052-r dated October 29, 2021.
PJSC Gazprom’s business model is largely in line with the global shift to a low-carbon economy, since the Company’s core operations include production, transportation, storage, processing and use of natural gas, the most lowcarbon of the existing fossil fuels.
The Gazprom Group’s carbon footprint is currently one of the lowest among major oil and gas companies, due to natural gas prevailing in its product portfolio, as well as the Group’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Per unit GHG emissions of large oil and gas companies in 2020, according to the TPI, g of CO2 equivalent / MJ
Documents Regulating Gazprom Group’s Climate Action
- Environmental Policy of PJSC GazpromApproved by Resolution of the Management Committee of OJSC Gazprom No. 21 dated May 25, 2015
- PJSC Gazprom’s Concept of Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement until 2030
- Roadmap for the Greenhouse Gas Management System at the Gazprom Group looking forward to 2030
- Comprehensive Environmental Program of PJSC Gazprom for 2020–2024
Climate Action Management
The Group’s policy on climate management is based on the guidelines of sustainable development and social responsibility to future generations.
Gazprom Group’s Approach to Climate Protection
- Deployment of the best available technologies to reduce unit GHG emissions and the carbon footprint;
- Achievement of top-level environmental and energy performance in business processes and their compliance with the best global practices;
- Improvement of the Group’s energy management and environmental management systems;
- Setting corporate environmental targets to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas (including methane), and allocation of necessary resources to their achievement;
- Compulsory inclusion of environmental aspects and risk assessment in planning, design and implementation of investment projects;
- Operational environmental control and monitoring, keeping corporate records of GHG emissions;
- Improving PJSC Gazprom’s reputation and competitiveness on the energy market;
- Gas infrastructure expansion in Russian communities;
- Comprehensive development of the market for natural gas as vehicle fuel;
- Participation in international environmental programs and projects aimed at curbing GHG emissions, protect climate and achieve sustainable development goals;
- Fostering research and innovation in climate protection to boost energy efficiency, use renewable and secondary energy sources, and reduce the carbon footprint.
Climate Action Management Bodies
The Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee is in charge of climate action. Climate-related issues are considered at the meetings of the Gazprom Management Committee and taken into account by the Board of Directors when approving the Long-Term Development Program of PJSC Gazprom (the Gazprom Group), Innovative Development Program of PJSC Gazprom, etc.
Climate change issues:
- Climate-related risks;
- Climate targets (KPI);
- Measures to reduce GHG emissions.
The Coordinating Committee for Sustainable Resource Management of PJSC Gazprom coordinates activities, taking a comprehensive approach to introducing the best available technologies in business and reducing unit GHG emissions.
An annual benchmark of the actual energy and environmental efficiency indicators (KPI3 and KPI4) across Gazprom’s gas operations versus the 2018 baseline shows outperformance against targets.
Up-to-date quantitative indicators for Scope 1 GHG emissions are annually submitted and consolidated across all Gazprom Group companies as part of corporate environmental reporting.
Progress against PJSC Gazprom’s climate targets is tracked in the course of the Company’s reporting activities as it prepares its Environmental, Annual, and Sustainability reports. The actual results under these targets are posted on the Company’s website and in other public sources, in addition to being submitted to PJSC Gazprom’s Coordinating Committee for Rational Use of Natural Resources.
Control and Accounting of GHG Emissions
All Gazprom Group companies perform control and accounting of GHG emissions using the same procedure, which is based on the Methodological Guidance on the Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Entities Engaging in Business and Other Activities in the Russian FederationApproved by Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment No. 300 dated June 30, 2015.
Gazprom Group GHG emissions (Scope 1), mmt of CO2 equivalent
Item | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | Change 2021/2020, % |
Total Gazprom Group GHG emissions (Scope 1), incl.: | 236.45 | 210.32 | 243.28 | 15.7 |
PJSC Gazprom, incl.: | 117.09 | 100.97 | 119.87 | 18.7 |
production | 15.01 | 14.27 | 17.95 | 25.8 |
transportation | 93.65 | 77.61 | 93.09 | 19.9 |
processing | 5.99 | 6.83 | 5.90 | –13.6 |
underground storage | 1.33 | 1.13 | 1.66 | 46.9 |
Other | 1.11 | 1.13 | 1.27 | 12.4 |
The increase in Scope 1 GHG emissions observed in 2021 had to do with the improvement in the Group’s operating results on the back of the recovery in natural gas consumption and sales following the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as with the declining production at brownfields (the launch of booster compressor stations) and pre-commissioning at greenfields. At the same time, PJSC Gazprom managed to reduce methane emissions by 40,000 tons year-on-year in 2021, which was primarily thanks to the gas saving measures taken during repairs on the linear sections of gas trunklines. Today, the Gazprom Group has one of the smallest carbon footprints among oil and gas majors. At PJSC Gazprom, methane emissions in gas production, transportation and underground storage equal 0.02% of the gas produced, 0.19% of the gas transported and 0.03% of the gas in storage, respectively.
Gazprom Group GHG emissions (Scope 2), mmt of CO2 equivalent
Item | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | Change 2021/2020, % |
Total Gazprom Group GHG emissions (Scope 2), incl.: | 13.8 | 11.79 | 12.4 | 5.2 |
PJSC Gazprom, by key types of activities, incl.: | 6.08 | 4.77 | 4.7 | –1.5 |
production | 0.35 | 0.30 | 0.35 | 16.7 |
transportation | 3.33 | 2.42 | 2.47 | 2.1 |
processing | 2.34 | 2.01 | 1.83 | –9.0 |
underground storage | 0.06 | 0.04 | 0.05 | 25.0 |
Gazprom Group GHG emissions (Scope 3)The calculation of all possible emissions stemming from the use of the Gazprom Group products involved accounting for all the GHG emissions under the CDP (the Use of Sold Products category), and following the Methodological Guidance approved by Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment No. 300 dated June 30, 2015. To assess the СО2 equivalent of fossil methane (CH4) emissions, the conversion factor of 6 was used, mmt of CO2 equivalent
Item | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | Change 2021/2020, % |
GHG emissions (Scope 3) by type of sold products | ||||
Gas | 930.09 | 872.11 | 932.48 | 6.9 |
Oil and gas condensate | 83.84 | 74.16 | 77.94 | 5.1 |
Other energy resources | 140.61 | 132.23 | 140.33 | 6.1 |
Total | 1,154.54 | 1,078.50 | 1,150.75 | 6.7 |
PJSC Gazprom’s specific GHG emissions (Scope 1), kg of CO2 equivalent / ton of reference fue
Item | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | Change 2021/2020, % |
Production | 27.8 | 29.56 | 32.56 | 10.1 |
Transportation | 119.5 | 107.60 | 114.72 | 6.6 |
Processing | 96.26 | 119.14 | 93.65 | –21.4 |
The Gazprom Group Russian entities’ specific GHG emissions (Scope 1), kg of CO2 equivalent / toe of sold products
Item | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | Change 2021/2020, % |
The Gazprom Group’s gas business | 259 | 239 | 253 | 5,9 |
Gazprom Neft | 218 | 218 | 220 | 0,9 |
Gazprom Energoholding | 3,737 | 3,490 | 3,552 | 1.8 |
Specific GHG emissions (Scope 3) for the Gazprom Group’s sold products, kg of CO2 equivalent / boe of sold products
Item | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | Change 2021/2020, % |
Specific GHG emissions (Scope 3) | 301.6 | 301.4 | 301.2 | –0.07 |
Building Sustainable Development Scenarios
The Gazprom Group has been engaging in R&D to draft sustainable development scenarios for PJSC Gazprom through 2050, given the low-carbon trends in the global economy. These activities included a comprehensive analysis of low-carbon strategies of global energy companies from among the Group’s peers and partners and creation of high-potential R&D solutions to adapt PJSC Gazprom to such low-carbon trends. The work on the sustainable development scenarios is slated to complete in 2022, and in 2023 they will serve as groundwork for PJSC Gazprom’s Climate Strategy through 2050 that will determine long-term targets and strategic approaches in GHG emission reduction. The strategy will take into account the specific nature and conditions of the national economy, key expectations and responsibilities placed on PJSC Gazprom, and low-carbon trends in the target markets.
Developing Methods to Monitor and Cut Methane Emissions
PJSC Gazprom participates in the development of modern ways to monitor GHG emissions, which include methane. In the reporting year, experts from Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Gazprom Space Systems, and Gazprom Transgaz Moscow conducted an experiment to measure methane concentrations in the atmosphere following gas release at PJSC Gazprom’s production facilities. The measurements were done in the surface-layer atmosphere using spacecraft-mounted satellite gas analyzers.
The following initiatives are in place to reduce methane emissions:
- increasing energy efficiency and reducing the loss of gas, including the replacement of centrifugal compressors with electric ones;
- ramping up electricity generation from renewable energy sources;
- cutting unregulated emissions through focused efforts to find and repair leaks.
Methane emissions from PJSC Gazprom’s business activity and production process, 2020–2021, thousand tons
Segment | 2020 | 2021 |
Production | 47.72 | 59.84 |
Transportation | 952.65 | 897.34 |
Processing | 1.25 | 1.10 |
Underground storage | 16.63 | 19.98 |
Other | 2.43 | 2.80 |
Participating in GHG Emissions Lawmaking
Experts from PJSC Gazprom and Gazprom VNIIGAZ took part in drawing up the legislative framework for the draft law On Limiting Greenhouse Gas EmissionsFederal Law No. 296-FZ On Limiting Greenhouse Gas Emissions dated July 2, 2021 came into force on December 30, 2021, new rules and regulations, and draft Russia’s 2050 Development Strategy with Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions devised by the Ministry of Economic DevelopmentStrategy approved by resolution of the Russian Government No. 3052-r dated October 29, 2021.
Complying with Disclosure Recommendations
Despite there not being any mandatory requirements, the Gazprom Group companies follow the recommendations of the TCFD in their strategic planning, corporate governance, risk assessment, and disclosures in terms of corporate reporting. The Group discloses information on climate risks and opportunities that may affect its financial standing.
Hydrogen Energy Development
Globally, hydrogen energy is considered as one of the key areas for implementing decarbonization programs and achieving carbon neutrality.
PJSC Gazprom collaborates with state authorities and scientists to develop the hydrogen energy industry in the Russian Federation (in accordance with the Concept of Hydrogen Energy Development in the Russian Federation, the Letter of Intent (LoI) between the Government of the Russian Federation and PJSC Gazprom aimed at advancing the development of hydrogen energy and decarbonization of the industry and transport using natural gas (hi-tech area of activity), signed on October 13, 2021, as well as the Road Map established in furtherance of the said LoI).
PJSC Gazprom identified priority areas for the development of hydrogen energy based on natural gas:
- development of technologies of hydrogen generation from natural gas without carbon dioxide emissions;
- assessing in a comprehensive manner the impact of hydrogen on the integrity and stability of the gas supply system;
- producing and using methane-hydrogen fuel in GPU gas turbine engines;
- creating infrastructure at gas processing facilities to ensure hydrogen supplies to potential consumers.
There are projects in progress aimed at developing innovative technologies for hydrogen production from natural gas without CO2 emissions based on plasmadriven methane pyrolysis, methane pyrolysis in molten metal, and a project for the production and use of methane-hydrogen mixtures for internal energy needs. Studies of optimal ways of hydrogen transportation are underway. The Company is also considering the use of carbon dioxide capture technologies for conventional hydrogen production from natural gas.
In 2021, to create and pilot innovative low-carbon technologies in production, storage, transportation and use of methane-hydrogen mixtures and hydrogen produced from natural gas, we set up a dedicated unit, Gazprom Hydrogen, which functions as a design office.
PJSC Gazprom’s Coordinating Committee for Rational Use of Natural Resources established an expert group named "Development of Hydrogen Energy and Decarbonization of the Industry and Transport Using Natural Gas".
During the reporting year we implemented the following Road Map activities:
- developed a methodology for the comprehensive assessment of environmental and economic indicators of hydrogen production technologies;
- assessed the technical limitations and the potential to reduce the carbon footprint of Gazprom’s core activities through the use of methane-hydrogen fuel;
- together with Gazprom Nedra assessed the potential geological reservoirs in the Nadym-Pur-Taz Region which are suitable for CO2 capture and storage projects;
- developed a preliminary design project (technical proposal) for a pilot hydrogen filling station.
We actively cooperate with Asia-Pacific countries in the field of hydrogen energy and decarbonization of industry and transportation using natural gas.
Russian NGV Fuel Market
Expanding the Russian NGV fuel market is one of PJSC Gazprom’s key sustainable development projects. PJSC Gazprom’s gas filling network is present in 63 constituent entities of the Russian Federation across eight federal districts. Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo, the single operator representing the Gazprom Group in the development of the NGV fuel market in Russia, manages the largest retail network of gas filling facilities and controls over 70% of methane consumption as a motor fuel. The operation of NGV vehicles can significantly improve the environmental situation on a national scale.
In 2021, compressed natural gas sales at the Gazprom Group’s filling stations reached 948 mcm, allowing to reduce GHG emissions by 1.8 mmt of CO2 equivalent. Over the last nine years methane has helped reduce greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 10.4 million tons of CO2 equivalent.
NGV fuel
Specific GHG emissions due to the use of natural gas as a motor vehicle fuel are 1.7 times lower than in the case of diesel, and 2 times lower than in the case of gasoline (throughout the entire fuel life cycle — from extraction to production).
The use of natural gas in transport also improves air quality with harmful emissions reduced three and six times as compared to diesel and gasoline, respectively. Emissions of the substances most detrimental to people’s health — solid particles — are almost completely absent.
For more details on the NGV fuel market development in Russia, see PJSC Gazprom Annual Report 2021.
Benefits of Transitioning to NGV
According to Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo calculations, public transport and municipal vehicles in St. Petersburg emit an average of 28,000 tons of pollutants a year. This accounts for about 6% of total pollution produced by vehicles in the city.
Thanks to transition to NGV fuels, total pollutant emissions by municipal and public vehicles will decrease by 18,900 tons per year (4%), while emissions of solid particles will shrink by around 300 tons (28%) annually. According to experts, the potential reduction of economic costs borne by the Government of St. Petersburg in implementation of the proposed measures totals around RUB 5.8 billion a year.
Transitioning these means of transport to methane will annually save dozens of people from premature death from cardiovascular, respiratory and cancerous diseases. Financial savings of the compulsory health insurance program from the conversion of the entire fleet of public transport and municipal vehicles in St. Petersburg to gas will total RUB 155.8 million a year.
Konstantin Dvoryanchikov
Chief Engineer at Kirinsky Gas Production Directorate, a branch of Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Konstantin contributed to reducing emissions and saving natural gas during repairs of a comprehensive gas treatment unit’s process equipment, which allowed using freed-up gas for internal process needs.
3.2. Climate Action ›Energy Efficiency for Climate Protection

Improving Energy Efficiency
As an environmentally oriented global energy company, the Gazprom Group is committed to conserving energy resources and enhancing the energy efficiency of its operations.
Improving energy efficiency is one of our priorities that underpins the Group’s technological advance, limits potentially negative impacts associated with climate change and enables us to consolidate the economic efficiency of our operations. Activities to improve energy efficiency rely on federal legislative requirements, the principles of rational use of resources, and the obligations set forth in the Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Policy of PJSC GazpromApproved by resolution of the Management Committee of PJSC Gazprom No. 39 dated October 11, 2018.
The Gazprom Group is committed to improving energy efficiency throughout the life cycle of its production facilities. All investment projects to construct and reconstruct the Group’s facilities undergo expert review for compliance with requirements, including those related to energy efficiency.
PJSC Gazprom is the only Russian company that boasts its own environmental and energy inspection bodies in charge of monitoring the compliance of its subsidiaries and contractors with legislative requirements, corporate standards and regulations on energy saving and environmental protection, and ensuring corporate control over energy consumption efficiency.
This is a three-year program covering production, trunkline transportation, underground storage, processing, distribution of natural gas, power and water supply to the Unified Gas Supply System facilities and the operation of UGSS power-generating equipment.
The Program’s short-term priorities include lower natural gas and electricity consumption associated with compression and prevention of gas bleeding during repairs at UGSS facilities.
To achieve the Program targets, the Group will do the following:
- take steps to construct new facilities with energy efficiency indicators on a par with global counterparts;
- upgrade gas pumping units, which will significantly cut fuel gas consumption and GHG emissions;
- introduce technologies and solutions to streamline the operation of energy equipment at UGSS facilities and reduce gas losses;
- implement natural gas saving measures, perform well surveys without releasing gas into the atmosphere, use mobile compressor stations (MCS) for natural gas evacuation during repairs, detect and eliminate gas leaks on process equipment.
As part of its Energy Management System (EnMS), PJSC Gazprom approved the following corporate energy targets for 2021–2023:
- improve PJSC Gazprom’s energy efficiency
- save fuel and energy resources in natural gas production, transportation, underground storage, processing and distribution;
- develop, roll out, prepare for certification, maintain and improve PJSC Gazprom’s EnMS in line with ISO 50001:2018.
Energy performance indicators used to assess 2021 achievements are:
- reduction in specific consumption of fuel and energy in production – at least by 1.2%;
- natural gas savings – 3,741.32 mcm;
- electric power savings – 374.78 million kWh;
- heat savings – 176.53 Gcal;
- certification of conformity within the scope and perimeter of PJSC Gazprom’s EnMS (international certificate) – certificate confirmed in line with the EnMS scope and perimeter.
The target is to reduce specific consumption of fuel and energy for trunkline needs (under comparable operating conditions) by 12% by 2024 and by 17% by 2035 versus the 2018 level.
Achievement of the 2020–2022 Corporate Energy Targets by PJSC Gazprom in 2021, %
Corporate Environmental Target | Baseline (2018) | 2020 | Actual(2021) | Target(2021) | Target(2022) | Reason for change |
Reduce specific consumption of fuel and energy in transportation | 100 % | —10.8 % | +1.8 % | —1.2 % | —1.2 % | The 1.8% increase versus the 2018 baseline was caused by higher key production indicators: the volume of transportation operations increased by 2.2%, gas transportation volume — by 12.4%. As a result, taking into account the non-linear dependence of fuel gas consumption for product transportation, gas compression costs increased. |
Natural gas savings, mcm | 2,951.9 | 3,273.8 | 4,009.0 | 3,741.3 | 3,179.9 | Excessive actual fuel and energy savings versus the target are due to more efficient measures and, primarily, additional volumes of natural gas preserved during repairs on the linear section of gas trunklines. |
Electricity savings, million kWh | 364.2 | 305.9 | 377.8 | 374.8 | 405.3 | |
Heat savings, thousand Gcal | 235.9 | 251.9 | 185.8 | 176.5 | 159.0 | |
Certification of conformity within the scope and perimeter of PJSC Gazprom’s EnMS (international certificate) | No certificate. | Certificate confirmed in line with the EnMS scope and perimeter. | Certificate confirmed in line with the EnMS scope and perimeter. | Certificate confirmed in line with the EnMS scope and perimeter. | Certificate confirmed in line with the EnMS scope and perimeter. | Bureau Veritas, an international certification body, confirmed the conformity of PJSC Gazprom’s EnMS with ISO 50001:2018. The EnMS certification covers production and treatment of natural gas and gas condensate, transportation of natural gas, energy, heat and water supply, operation of the powergenerating equipment at the UGSS facilities, and underground gas storage. Targets achieved. |
Energy consumption by the Gazprom Group, million GJ
Indicator | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | Change 2021/2020, % |
Total energy consumption at the Gazprom GroupThe sum of the lines, except for the line indicating own production («Own electricity, heating, cooling and steam production») less electricity, heating, cooling and steam sold | 2,857.4 | 2,590.8 | 3,102.5 | 19.8 |
Total energy consumption from nonrenewable sources at the Gazprom GroupFrom the table below | 3,616.1 | 3,287.5 | 3,917.0 | 19.1 |
Total energy consumption from renewable sources at the Gazprom Group | 3.3 | 7.4 | 8.6 | 16.2 |
Electricity, heating, cooling and steam purchased for consumption by Group companies | 204.9 | 188.4 | 197.7 | 4.9 |
Own electricity, heating, cooling and steam productionOwn production for internal needs | 127.3 | 123.0 | 123.2 | 0.2 |
Electricity, heating, cooling and steam sold | 966.9 | 892.5 | 1,020.8 | 14.4 |
The Group’s energy consumption and purchases increased because of higher production volumes in 2021. Electricity sales increased by 14.4% due to the recovery in consumer demand. Energy consumption from renewable sources increased due to the substitution of conventional generation with solar power plants.
Total heat and electricity consumption by the Gazprom Group (for internal process needs)
Energy type | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | Change 2021/2020, % |
Electric power, thousand kWh | 39,968,999.9 | 36,182,406.7 | 38,422,954.3 | 6.2 |
Heat, GJ | 188,375,575.4 | 180,968,527.2 | 182,596,941.9 | 0.9 |
Total energy consumption from non-renewable sources at the Gazprom Group, million GJ
Energy type | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | Change 2021/2020, % |
Crude oil fuels (gasoline, jet kerosene, fuel oil, LNG) | 323.2 | 367.2 | 407.4 | 10.9 |
Natural gas | 3,148.9 | 2,811.9 | 3,409.3 | 21.2 |
Coal | 144.0 | 108.4 | 100.3 | –7.5 |
Other resources | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total from non-renewable sources | 3,616.1 | 3,287.5 | 3,917.0 | 19.1 |
In 2021, higher consumption of energy from crude oil fuels came on the back of a change in domestic logistics. The consumption of energy from natural gas increased due to the redistribution among resources used for generation.
In 2021, the Group consumed much more solar energy due to the commissioning of additional solar power capacities. The increased consumption of energy produced by hydro power plants became possible due to structural changes in energy supply.
Decline in specific consumption of natural gas for internal process needs during transportation, % vs 2011
The Group sees a steady decline in the specific consumption of natural gas for internal process needs during transportation.
The 2011–2020 target was 11.4% versus 2011, with the actual reduction in specific consumption during this period reaching 27.3%.
In 2021, product transportation volume increased by 11.4% versus 2011, while the specific consumption rate was 16.7% lower due to achieved energy efficiency improvements. Slower reduction in specific consumption of natural gas relative to 2020 is due to the growth of all production indicators, which required the utilization of additional gas transmission facilities.
Energy intensity of core operations
Indicator | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | Change 2021/2020, % | Reason for change |
Gas production, kg of reference fuel per thousand m3 | 19.99 | 20.99 | 23.13 | 10.2 | Natural gas and electricity consumed for internal process needs of production operations are taken into account to calculate the indicator. The increase was due to a 7.5% year-on-year rise in total production and a decrease in formation pressure at key fields. |
Gas transportation, kg of reference fuel per mcm•km | 26.97 | 24.86 | 28.34 | 14.0 | Natural gas and electricity consumed for internal process needs of gas trunkline transportation are taken into account to calculate the indicator. The growth was due to an increase in the main production indicators: 2.2% in product transportation and 12.4% in the volume of gas transported. |
Underground gas storage, kg of reference fuel per thousand m3 | 8.20 | 7.04 | 7.74 | 9.9 | Natural gas and electricity consumed for internal process needs of natural gas injection and withdrawal are taken into account to calculate the indicator. The rise was due to a 66% increase in injection volumes and a 28% increase in withdrawal. The total polytropic work performed by GPUs at underground gas storage stations increased by 73% compared to the previous year. |
Gas processing, kg of reference fuel per ton of reference fuel | 50.53 | 50.45 | 49.75 | –1.4 % | Natural gas, electricity and heat consumed for internal process needs of natural gas and liquid hydrocarbons processing are taken into account to calculate the indicator. The lower figure is due to a 9.2% decrease in the volume of processed feedstock, a subsequent drop in the consumption of key resources, and energy-saving measures. |
Energy Saving Technologies
The Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement Program of PJSC Gazprom sets out key relevant measures for all types of activities with a focus on enhancing (maintaining) the energy efficiency of production processes and reducing fuel and energy consumption, including by minimizing energy losses.
PJSC Gazprom leverages technologies that have proven to be highly effective:
- using distribution stations to deliver gas to customers;
- blowing natural gas from the section under repairs into an active pipeline;
- using gas from a compressor shop’s process pipelines for internal needs;
- process solutions to reduce gas losses during operation and repair of wells.
One of the most successful energy-saving projects is installing MCSs to prevent methane release during gas trunkline repairs. In 2021, this technology was widely used at all gas transportation subsidiaries, making it possible to achieve targets for the year and additionally save more than 1 bcm of gas in 2020–2021.
The key contributor is gas trunkline transportation. During trunkline repairs in 2021, the Company stopped the release of over 1.71 bcm of gas (28.10 mmt of СО2 equivalent), including more than 744 mcm (12.23 mmt of СО2 equivalent) by means of MCSs versus the target 700 mcm.
To accelerate the introduction of new energy-saving technologies and relieve CAPEX burden, PJSC Gazprom is actively working to attract more investments under energy service agreements. Currently, the following large-scale projects are running based on the energy service concept:
- Construction of a turboexpander power unit at the Dobryanka-2 gas distribution station;
- replacement of removable flow parts of centrifugal compressors;
- replacement of the existing lighting with energy efficient appliances.
Total investments in these most significant projects exceed RUB 6 billion, with the economic effect for the Group expected to reach almost RUB 27.5 billion throughout the equipment life cycle.
Fuel and energy savings resulting from the Gazprom Group’s energy saving programs
Indicator | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | Change 2021/2020 |
Natural gas, mcm | 3,888.2 | 3,819.7 | 4,778.6 | 25.1 % |
Natural gas, million GJ | 131.6 | 129.3 | 161.7 | 25.1 % |
Electric power, million kWh | 738.9 | 677.7 | 653.0 | –3.6 % |
Electric power, million GJ | 2.66 | 2.44 | 2.35 | –3.6 % |
Heat, thousand Gcal | 580.2 | 649.6 | 786.5 | 21.1 % |
Heat, million GJ | 2.4 | 2.7 | 3.3 | 22.2 % |
Fuel and energy, million GJ | 136.7 | 134.4 | 167.4 | 24.6 % |
Reduction factorShare of fuel and energy economy under energy saving programs in total energy consumption, % | 4.8 | 5.2 | 5.4 | 0.2 p.p. |
As the scope of data collection expanded in the reporting period, the approach to converting electricity savings from kilowatt-hours to joules changed (a direct approach with 1 million kWh equaling 0.0036 GJ was applied). To account for the change, the indicators for the periods preceding the reporting period were retrospectively recalculated.