1.7. Quality Management System

GRI103-2, 103-3

Documents Regulating Quality Management at the Gazprom Group

  • Quality Assurance Policy of PJSC Gazprom1
  • Regulation on the Quality Management System of PJSC Gazprom2
  • STO Gazprom 9000-2018 Management Systems. Quality Management Systems. Main Provisions and Glossary
  • STO Gazprom 9001-2018 Management Systems. Quality Management Systems. Requirements

The Quality Management System of PJSC Gazprom contributes to operational excellence and provides a solid basis for sustainable development initiatives.


Quality Management Process


The Gazprom Group controls the quality of its products (works, services) at all stages of their life cycle. Quality Management Systems (QMS) were introduced at PJSC Gazprom and across the Gazprom Group to enhance quality management performance.

The QMS of PJSC Gazprom was certified for compliance with the ISO 9001:2015 international standard. At the moment, the QMS of PJSC Gazprom covers subsidiaries engaging in the following operations:

  • production, transportation, processing and storage of natural gas, gas condensate, and oil; construction of new gas supply facilities; expansion, reconstruction, technical upgrade, overhaul and diagnostics of the existing facilities
  • metrological support of hydrocarbon production and supply
  • design and expert review of field development projects; drilling of wells; construction of new facilities; expansion, reconstruction and technical upgrade of existing facilities, commissioning of completed facilities under the established procedure
  • prospecting, exploration and appraisal works; development of gas, gas condensate, oil and oil, gas and condensate fields
  • natural gas supply and sale; electricity and heat generation; sale of CNG and LNG as a vehicle fuel The overall structure of the QMS of PJSC Gazprom includes 13 departments of PJSC Gazprom, as well as 11 gas production subsidiaries, 19 gas transportation subsidiaries, 2 gas processing subsidiaries and 28 subsidiaries involved in other operations.
Structure of PJSC Gazprom’s QMS

As part of the QMS, procedures for managing substandard products were developed. When substandard quality products are detected, the Gazprom Group companies will promptly inform customers. In such instances, products with unidentifiable or questionable status are classified as noncompliant.

Substandard product management process includes:

  • identification of such products;
  • corrective action as required;
  • product reverification;
  • analysis of causes of noncompliance to enable corrective action.

The reporting period saw no legal incidents with the Gazprom Group’s products affecting consumer health and safety.


Compliance with International Standards

60 companies of the Gazprom Group were certified for compliance with the ISO 9001:2015 international standard, with two of them — Gazprom Mezhregiongaz and Gazprom Energoholding — certified in the reporting year.


Control of the Supplier Performance Quality

To ensure a high quality of products, works, and services, PJSC Gazprom recommends that its suppliers implement QMS systems based on the STO Gazprom 9000 corporate standards.

These standards provide for stricter requirements compared to similar international and national standards, and introduce additional requirements to ensure the quality of products, works and, services taking into account the nature of the safe operation of PJSC Gazprom’s facilities.

As of December 31, 2021, 166 suppliers of materials and equipment, works, services, and 14 subsidiaries of the Gazprom Group certified their QMS for compliance with STO Gazprom 9001.

Consumers Categories of Gazprom’s Core Products


Gazprom’s core production assets are located in Russia. The Company also has production operations in the FSU and non-FSU countries. The Gazprom Group supplies its products to over 100 countries.


Domestic supplies of natural gas direct to consumers are made via Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, which is a 100% subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom. The Gazprom Group supplies gas to Russian consumers via 53 regional gas supply companies and 3 gas distribution companies, which enter into contracts and collect payment from end users, including households.


For more details on the structure of natural gas sales of the Gazprom Group, see the Marketing Section of the PJSC Gazprom Annual Report 2021.


Main consumers of natural gas in Russia, %
Main consumers of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), %
Main heat consumers, %
Main electricityIn the regulated market consumers, %
Main consumers of gaseous helium, %

Customer Satisfaction Monitoring

To ensure a sustained high quality of products, Gazprom monitors customer satisfaction on a regular basis. In 2021, customer satisfaction was monitored using the two independent methods:

  • Method 1. Analysis of data obtained by collecting feedback from the customers of PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries across all lines of business.
  • Method 2. Calculation of the customer satisfaction index for the following lines of business: gas business, power generation business, NGV fuel business.

Based on 2020 results, the average customer satisfaction index in line with Method 1 remained at a high level of 4.80 (using a 5-point scale).

The results of customer satisfaction monitoring in 2021 will be summed up after subsidiaries and entities of PJSC Gazprom report on performance of their quality management systems in 2022 (it will be the first time that a 10-point scale will be used for customer satisfaction assessment).

[Translate to en:] Удовлетворенность потребителей (для газового бизнеса), 2019–2020 гг.

In 2021, STI2 were calculated for the first time:


customer satisfaction index for the power generation business



customer satisfaction index for the gas business



customer satisfaction index for the NGV fuel business