1.1. Gazprom Group Profile

GRI102-1, 102-10, 102-2, 102-3, 102-4, 102-5, 102-7

Gazprom is a global vertically integrated energy company.

As a pillar of gas supply security, the Gazprom Group meets both seasonal and peak gas demand within the United Gas Supply System (UGSS) and in certain constituent entities outside of it, while also consistently contributing towards achieving the National GoalsDecree No. 474 of the President of the Russian Federation On the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation through 2030 dated July 21, 2020 defined by the President of the Russian Federation.

Guided by the Energy Security Doctrine of the Russian FederationSet by Decree No. 216 (Section 7) of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2019 (the “Doctrine”), PJSC Gazprom upholds government interests by prioritizing domestic energy supplies (clause 23 of the Doctrine), supports technological unity, reliability, stewardship, continuity and security of the Unified Gas Supply System (clause 27zh of the Doctrine), and ensures substantial tax, customs and other payments to the national budget (clause 21zh of the Doctrine).

The Group’s core lines of business:

  • geological exploration and production of gas, gas condensate and oil;
  • gas transportation and underground storage;
  • hydrocarbon feedstock processing, gas and petrochemistry;
  • sales of gas, gas condensate, oil, and refined hydrocarbon products;
  • generation and marketing of heat and electric power.

The Group’s parent company is PJSC Gazprom.

For more details on business processes within the Gazprom Group’s gas, oil and power generation businesses, see PJSC Gazprom Annual Report 2021


Name and legal form of the company Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom
Head Office 2/3 Lakhtinsky Avenue, Bldg. 1, St. Petersburg, 197229, Russian Federation
PJSC Gazprom’s form of incorporation Private property with a state-owned stake. The Russian Federation controls the majority stake in PJSC Gazprom directly and indirectly (over 50%).

There were no significant changes in the share capital structure in the reporting period. For more details on PJSC Gazprom’s share capital structure as of December 31, 2021, see Appendix 3 to PJSC Gazprom Annual Report 2021.

The Gazprom Group carries out its operations in more than 20 countries and supplies its products to over 100 countries worldwide.

For more details on the Gazprom Group’s geography of operations, see PJSC Gazprom Annual Report 2021.


Gazprom Group’s Scale of Operations


share in global gas reservesIncluding the share in reserves of organizations in which Gazprom has investments classified as joint operations



share in Russian gas reservesIncluding the share in reserves of organizations in which Gazprom has investments classified as joint operations



share in the total oil and stable gas condensate processing in the Russian Federation



share in Russian oil and gas condensate productionIncluding the share in production volumes of entities where the Group has investments classified as joint operations


share in the installed electric capacity of the power plants included in the Unified Energy System (UES) of the Russian Federation



share in electric power generation in the Russian Federation



share in Russian oil and gas condensate productionIncluding the share in production volumes of entities where the Group has investments classified as joint operations


share in the total gas processing in the Russian Federation