We are the future
Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Report 2021

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National Development Goals and UN SDGs
Gazprom facilitates the achievement of the national development goals of the Russian Federation until 2030 and the targets of Russia’s national projects until 2024, which are aligned with the global UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Investment Projects
The Gazprom Group’s investment projects have a major impact on the growth of regional economies and substantially contribute to infrastructure development. They also have a considerable social effect by providing jobs for residents of Russian regions.
GRI 102. General Disclosures
GRI 103. Management Approach
GRI 201. Economic Performance
GRI 203. Indirect Economic Impacts
GRI 204. Procurement Practices
GRI 205. Anti-corruption
GRI 206. Anti-competitive Behaviour
GRI 207. Tax
GRI 302. Energy
GRI 303. Water and Effluents
GRI 304. Biodiversity
GRI 305. Emissions
GRI 306. Waste
GRI 307. Environmental Compliance
GRI 401. Employment
GRI 403. Occupational Health and Safety
GRI 404. Training and Education
GRI 405. Diversity and Equal Opportunity
GRI 406. Non-discrimination
GRI 411. Rights of Indigenous Peoples
GRI 413. Local Communities
GRI 416. Customer Health and Safety
GRI 419. Socioeconomic Compliance