Procedure for Defining Material Topics


The Gazprom Group’s Report has been prepared in accordance with the reporting principles set out in the GRI Standards.


The topics reflected in the Report, as well as their form of presentation, are defined with due consideration of stakeholders’ opinions and sustainability context, as well as the necessity of completeness and accuracy of the data presented and their comparability against previous years.

For the Report 2020 preparation, the materiality of topics was established on the basis of their importance for stakeholders, as well as the Gazprom Group’s strong impact observed within a topic. The material topics were defined using a three-stage process.


Stage 1. Compiling a list of potential material topics to be included in the Report

  • Non-financial statements of leading Russian and international public companies, media publications, the Social Charter of the Russian Business, GOST R ISO 26000:2012 National Standard, and the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact were analysed.
  • Recommendations of the Council on Non-Financial Statements of the RUIE along with comments and proposals of FBK LLC regarding the Report for 2019 were taken into account, as well as questions and recommendations resulting from the public consultations on the Report for 2019, and information requests received from stakeholders.
  • A list of potential material topics corresponding to the Gazprom Group’s significant impacts on the economy and management, environmental protection, and interaction with society (personnel, population, and local communities in the Gazprom Group’s areas of operation) was compiled.
Stage 1 outcome.

The list of potential material topics was updated, with 28 topics included.


Stage 2. Surveying stakeholder groups’ representatives and Task Force members

  • An online survey of stakeholder groups was run with automatic result processing. The survey covered 1,745 respondents (representatives of nine stakeholder groupsRepresentatives of the “Foreign regulators of energy markets” stakeholder group did not participate in the survey), who were proposed to rank each topic using a three-point importance scale. 
  • The significance of the Gazprom Group’s actual impact within potential material topics was assessed by Task Force members using expert judgements. The activity involved 24 Task Force members. 
  • The survey results formed the basis for developing a materiality matrix.
Stage 2 outcome.

Ranked lists of material topics compiled with the help of stakeholder groups and Task Force members.


Stage 3. Developing a materiality matrix. Defining material topics

  • The significance of the Gazprom Group’s impact within the material topics is shown along the vertical axis.
  • The topic importance for stakeholder groups is shown along the horizontal axis.
Stage 3 outcome.

Developing a materiality matrix.

The topics in the upper right-hand quadrant of the matrix were identified as the priority topics mandatory for disclosure. With due account for the need to focus on the most material topics, the threshold value for a topic to be included in this quadrant was increased from 2 to 2.4 points.


Materiality matrix
Importance of topics for stakeholder groups
No. Topic Stakeholder groups with most interest in the topic (prioritized by extent of interest)
1. Gazprom Group's procurement system and procurement localization 4, 3, 6
2. Gazprom Group’s economic performance 2, 1, 5
3. Innovations and R&D at the Gazprom Group 4, 6, 1, 2
4. Gazprom Group's efforts in replenishment of hydrocarbon reserves 3, 1, 5
5. Quality management 8, 6, 4
6. Gazprom Group's participation in political activities and international initiatives 7, 6, 3
7. Compliance with social, economic and environmental requirements of the law 6, 9, 7
8. Compliance with anti-trust and monopoly laws 9, 4, 8
9. Anti-corruption practices at the Gazprom Group 2, 7, 3
10. Emissions management at the Gazprom Group 7, 2, 6
11. Waste handling at the Gazprom Group 6, 7, 2
12. Gazprom Group’s efforts to maintain acceptable water quality in the Group’s areas of operations 2, 3, 6
13. Gazprom Group’s efforts to preserve biodiversity 6, 7, 4
14. Energy saving and energy efficiency at the Gazprom Group 2, 6, 1
15. Disturbed land remediation by the Gazprom Group 7, 3, 6
16. Gazprom Group's presence in the labor market and employment impact 1, 6, 9
17. Freedom of association and collective bargaining 5, 6, 1
18. Training and education for employees and prospective employees 6, 5, 3
19. Social benefits and non-financial motivation of the employees at the Gazprom Group 5, 6, 1
20. Equal opportunities for all employees of the Gazprom Group 2, 5, 1
21. Respect of human rights 2, 6, 9
22. Interaction with local communities in the Gazprom Group’s areas of operations 9, 6, 7
23. Indigenous peoples in the Gazprom Group’s areas of operations 2, 9, 4
24. Gazprom Group's social projects 7, 6, 9
25. Natural gas vehicle fuel market development 9, 3, 6
26. Gas infrastructure expansion in the Russian Federation 3, 9, 1
27. Occupational health, industrial, and fire safety at the Gazprom Group 5, 6, 2
28. Ensuring safer work of suppliers and contractors 4, 6, 8
Stakeholder groups legend:

1 — Shareholders

2 — Investors

3 — Media

4 — Business partners

5 — Personnel

6 — NGOs and educational institutions

7 — Local communities

8 — Consumers

9 — Government and local authorities

Disclosure of material topics in the Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Report 2020
Topics Sections
Economy and Management
[2] Gazprom Group’s economic performance (GRI 201, GRI 207) About the Gazprom Group
[3] Innovations and R&D at the Gazprom Group About the Gazprom Group
[26] Gas Infrastructure Expansion in the Russian Federation In Dialogue with the Society
[4] Gazprom Group's efforts in replenishment of hydrocarbon reserves (GRI OG1) Appendix 3
[5] Quality management (GRI 416) About the Gazprom Group
[7] Compliance with social, economic and environmental requirements of the law (GRI 307, GRI 419) Responsibility for the Well-Being of Our Planet
Appendix 1
[8] Compliance with anti-trust and monopoly laws (GRI 206) Appendix 1
[9] Anti-corruption practices at the Gazprom Group (GRI 205) About the Gazprom Group
[10] Emissions management at the Gazprom Group (GRI 305) Responsibility for the Well-Being of Our Planet 1, 2
[11] Waste handling at the Gazprom Group (GRI 306, GRI OG7) Responsibility for the Well-Being of Our Planet
[12] Gazprom Group’s efforts to maintain acceptable water quality in the Group’s areas of operations (GRI 303, GRI OG5) Responsibility for the Well-Being of Our Planet
[13] Gazprom Group’s efforts to preserve biodiversity (GRI 304) Responsibility for the Well-Being of Our Planet
[14] Energy saving and energy efficiency at the Gazprom Group (GRI 302) Responsibility for the Well-Being of Our Planet
[15] Disturbed land remediation by the Gazprom Group (GRI 304) Responsibility for the Well-Being of Our Planet
HR Management
[20] Equal opportunities for all employees of the Gazprom Group (GRI 405, GRI 406) In Dialogue with the Society
Appendix 5
[18] Training and education for employees and prospective employees (GRI 404) In Dialogue with the Society
[19] Social benefits and non-financial motivation of the employees at the Gazprom Group (GRI 401) In Dialogue with the Society
Social Policy and Community Investment
[21] Respect of human rights (GRI 412, GRI 410) About the Gazprom Group
[22] Interaction with local communities in the Gazprom Group’s areas of operations (GRI 413) In Dialogue with the Society
[24] Gazprom Group's social projects (GRI 203) In Dialogue with the Society
Health and Safety
[27] Occupational health , industrial and fire safety at the Gazprom Group (GRI 403) In Dialogue with the Society
[28] Ensuring safer work of suppliers and contractors (GRI 403, GRI 414) In Dialogue with the Society