5.3. Gazprom Group and Local Communities

Gazprom Group and Local Communities

Gazprom actively cooperates with stakeholders across its footprint, implements charity projects, builds long-term partnerships with authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local organizations, and communities.

Gazprom’s Cooperation with the Regions

81 Russian regions

are covered by agreements with Gazprom


Documents regulating interaction with the regions:

  • Regulation on the Regional Policy Commission of PJSC Gazprom;
  • Regional Policy Concept of PJSC Gazprom.Approved by resolution of the OJSC Gazprom Management Committee on May 22, 2003.
GRI203-1, 203-2, 413-1

azprom’s cooperation with the regions is governed by the Regional Policy Concept. The document sets forth a multi-level system of relations between the Company and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that is based on cooperation agreements. They take into account both PJSC Gazprom’s strategic interests in the regions and the Company’s responsibility for environmental protection and impact on local communities and indigenous peoples.

In 2020, the Gazprom Group continued its interaction with public and municipal authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Existing forms of partnership were improved, and steps were taken to find new ones.

At the end of 2020, the Company had 81 perpetual cooperation agreements with the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as fixed-term agreements with St. Petersburg, the Komi Republic, the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, and Leningrad Regions.

As part of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the Company interacted with the government agencies in the deployment of observation facilities (special cooperation agreements with the governments of the Amur, Volgograd, and Novosibirsk Regions were made to ensure safe quarantine and transit of Amur GPP’s staff), monitoring of hospital stock levels in public health facilities, including for employees of gas transportation and gas production organizations, as well as on-site PCR testing and vaccination.

PJSC Gazprom has been implementing a major support program of St. Petersburg development. It is a comprehensive program encompassing the Company’s core activity (gas infrastructure expansion, public transport migration to methane, etc.) and providing for urban improvement of the historic city center, implementation of restoration projects, and support of culture and sports facilities. Such approach is aimed at developing comfortable urban environment, creating opportunities for holistic personal growth, and promoting qualitative growth of the regional economy.

St. Petersburg urban improvement program includes designing, paving, and repair of pavements, city streets, and squares, including reconstruction of traffic management facilities, hardscaping, replacement of doors, reconstruction of street lighting, and architectural highlighting.

St. Petersburg urban improvement program in numbers since 2007:

  • over 70 streets, parks, embankments, and squares;
  • over 11,000 lights and flood lamps (including more than 2,000 LED lighting fixtures used for outdoor lighting);
  • eight architecture awards.

Only in 2020, the area of St. Petersburg landscaped by Gazprom reached about 40,000 m2, over 28,000 m2 of pavements were laid, over 9,000 linear meters of granite curbs were installed, over 300 shrubs and trees were planted.

In 2020, Gazprom also implemented the following infrastructure and social development projects under cooperation agreements with the regions:

St. Petersburg:

  • construction of a multifunctional sports ground and a school stadium in the Nevsky District;
  • construction of a school stadium in the Smolyachkovo town, Kurortny District.

Leningrad Region:

  • construction of a sports and fitness complex in the city of Tikhvin;
  • construction of a sports and fitness complex in the city of Svetogorsk;
  • construction of a school stadium in the Zimititsy town, Volosovsky District.

Vologda Region:

  • construction of a sports and fitness complex with a swimming pool and an outdoor stadium in the city of Babayevo;
  • construction of a multifunctional sports complex in the Sheksna town;
  • overhaul of hockey ground in the city of Gryazovets;
  • overhaul of the Gryazovets Art School building at the Children and Youth Center;
  • roof construction for skating-rink in the Nyuksenitsa village.

Komi Republic:

  • overhaul of six departments and auxiliary facilities of Ukhta Town Hospital No. 1;
  • overhaul of Ukhta Interterritorial Maternity Hospital.

Some social projects focused on sports are included in the Gazprom for Children Program implemented in 73 Russian regions since 2007.

Under its social and economic agreements with governments of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Gazprom Neft provides financing for construction and reconstruction of infrastructure facilities, provides charity support, and supports indigenous minorities.

In the reporting year, 17 new social and economic agreements with constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal districts were made, four addenda to existing agreements were signed.

The key projects of Gazprom Neft in 2020 included strengthening of social partnership with the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area, support of the Orenburg Region development, expansion of social cooperation with districts of the Tomsk and Omsk Regions, and a cooperation agreement with the Government of Yakutia with regard to supplying the region with high-tech bitumen materials.

In 2020, Gazprom Neft’s social investments under the social and economic agreements totaled RUB 1.59 billion.

Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat fulfills its obligations to develop areas located next to its facilities. For example, RUB 5.5 million was allocated in 2020 for road maintenance in Salavat.

Gazprom Group and Indigenous Minorities

RUB 257 million

was allocated by the Gazprom Group to support indigenous minorities in 2020

GRIOG 12, OG 9

Indigenous minorities belong to the Local Communities group of the Gazprom Group’s stakeholders. Preservation of their native habitats and traditional way of life is one of the Company’s priorities in dealing with indigenous peoples.

Documents regulating interaction with indigenous minorities:

  • Regional Policy Concept of PJSC Gazprom;
  • Environmental Policy of PJSC Gazprom;
  • Code of Corporate Ethics of PJSC Gazprom.

Gazprom follows four key principles of interaction with indigenous minorities:

  • Partnership
    Long-term partnership relations with associations of indigenous minorities and administrations of municipal districts
  • Specifity
    Factoring in the specifics of the economic and social development, use of natural resources by indigenous minorities
  • Eqality
    Equal cooperation and mutual interests in dealing with common objectives
  • Social responsibility
    Gazprom’s involvement in solving social issues of indigenous minorities

The Gazprom Group identifies the potential ethnological impact at the stage of planning construction works in the areas populated by indigenous minorities, and develops mitigation steps.According to Federal Law No. 49-FZ dated May 7, 2001 “On the territories of traditional nature management of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation” and other federal laws on subsoil user activities; Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation No. 639 dated September 20, 2019 “On Approval of Rules for Preparing Technical Design Documentation for Hydrocarbon Field Development”. Thus, Gazprom implements its projects taking into account where and how the indigenous peoples live, with no relocation programs being developed.

When designing the Bovanenkovskoye field’s infrastructure, Gazprom Dobycha Nadym LLC gained unique experience of arranging crossings of its utility lines by reindeer herds. As a result of active cooperation with reindeer herders, indigenous public organizations, and representatives of local authorities 22 crossings were designed to allow animals and sledges to easily cross the field along special low-sloped banks or thanks to overhead utility lines. The crossings are used twice a year. The migration usually involves about 100 people and over 8,000 animals.

Lack of amenities is one of the main problems for nomadic indigenous minorities. The Gazprom Group’s medical units provide emergency aid and hospital care to tundra people, arrange consultations by specialist physicians at Bovanenkovo health center.

Preservation of indigenous traditions and culture include arrangement of dialogues with public consultations, researches and other activities to provide systemic social support to the communities. The Company regularly cooperates with associations of indigenous minorities such as Yamal for Posterity!, Yamal, and Vozrozhdeniye social movement.

The main interaction mechanisms include:

  • grants for postgraduate studies, tutorship;
  • scholarships; free services and works;
  • sponsorship for gifted children to participate in international contests and festivals;
  • organizing national festivals, such as Reindeer Herders’ Day, Fishermen’s Day.

In 2020, Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC provided scholarships to two sponsored students from among indigenous minorities. Four students from among indigenous minorities graduated from universities and were employed by the subsidiary.

In 2020, Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC employed 17 representatives of indigenous minorities.

Gazprom Neft also operates in regions inhabited by indigenous minorities. The Company’s approaches to indigenous minorities are governed by the Policy for Interaction with Indigenous Minority Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East.

Cooperation with indigenous minorities in 2020:

  • economic agreements between subsidiaries and representatives of indigenous families leading a traditional way of life within the license blocks;
  • medical aid, air medical service call;
  • transportation of indigenous minorities to the places of living, help with overnight accommodation (with due account of epidemiological restrictions);
  • support based on one-time requests (provision of food, fuels and lubricants, construction materials, and equipment).

In 2020, no violations involving rights of indigenous minorities were identified across the Gazprom Group’s license blocks. No complaints about the business operations were submitted by indigenous minorities.


No significant disputes with local communities or indigenous peoples were recorded in the reporting period.

Plans for developing cooperation with indigenous minorities

In 2021, comprehensive work with indigenous minorities will continue, in particular, support of the agricultural sector in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area (reindeer herding, fishing), targeted aid, payment for education of students from among indigenous minorities, cooperation with non-profit organizations and associations of indigenous minorities.

Gas Infrastructure Expansion in Russian Regions

RUB 56.0 billion

was allocated to gas infrastructure expansion in Russian regions in 2020


gas penetration rate across Russia as of the beginning of 2021

66 regions

took part in the Regional Gas Infrastructure Expansion Program as of the end of 2020

Gas infrastructure expansion in Russian regions is one of PJSC Gazprom’s priorities. Use of natural gas instead of other sources of fuel such as coal, wood, etc. by industrial facilities and households allows to reduce pollutant emissions and substantially improve human well-being, supports more efficient operation of social infrastructure facilities, and promotes social and economic development of regions.

Management of Gas Infrastructure Expansion

PJSC Gazprom expands the gas infrastructure according to the Program for Gas Infrastructure Expansion in Russian Regionsin partnership with the Government of the Russian Federation and regional authorities. Gazprom is responsible for the construction of inter-settlement gas pipelines, while local authorities oversee the construction of intra-settlement distribution networks and preparation for gas receiving. PJSC Gazprom’s involvement in gas infrastructure expansion in the regions is defined by the Concept of PJSC Gazprom Involvement in Regional Gas Infrastructure Expansion.

To align its gas infrastructure expansion efforts with those of local authorities, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC prepares annual Synchronization Plans of gas infrastructure expansion Programs implementation. Gas infrastructure facilities are included in the Schedules following regional government proposals supported by guarantees of preparing the consumers for gas receiving. The documents are drafted based on consumer readiness for gas receiving using the previously built facilities as well as the fulfillment of payment obligations with regard to previously supplied gas.

The mid-term planning is based on the Programs for Gas Supply and Gas Infrastructure Expansion in Russian Regions, while the list and deadlines of the respective activities are specified in the annual Synchronization Plans.

Results of Implementing the Programs for Gas Infrastructure Expansion in 2020

The approved Program for Gas Infrastructure Expansion in Russian Regions for 2020 covered 66 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC allocated RUB 39.3 billion for the program as part of its investment program. Additionally, under the Investment Program of PJSC Gazprom pipeline branches and gas distribution stations were built to expand gas infrastructure and supply in the regions. The Company allocated RUB 16.7 billion (including VAT) for these purposes in 2020. In total, Gazprom invested RUB 56 billion in the reporting period to expand gas infrastructure and supply in Russia’s regions.

In 2020, a total of 141 inter-settlement gas pipelines with a length of 2,190 km were built in 39 regions. This made it possible to bring gas to 200 localities and 63,100 homes.

As of December 31, 2020, gas penetration rate across Russia totaled 71.4%, including 73.7% in cities and towns and 64.8% in rural areas.

Plans for implementation of gas infrastructure expansion and gas supply Programs

In 2020, PJSC Gazprom prepared Gas Supply and Gas Infrastructure Expansion Programs for 2021—2025As per decision of the PJSC Gazprom Board of Directors No. 3330 dated October 22, 2019. for 67 regions of the Russian Federation. All Programs were approved by the heads of respective constituent entities of the Russian Federation and Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Management Committee of PJSC Gazprom.

The Gazprom Group’s investments in the implementation of the Programs in 2021–2025 are estimated at RUB 526.1 billion.

The Group intends to build over 24,000 km of gas pipelines (2.5 times expansion versus 2016–2020) and bring gas to 3,600 localities (2.7 times growth versus 2016–2020). Two investment projects aimed at developing off-grid gas supply in the Tomsk and Sakhalin Regions using natural gas liquefaction technologies will be implemented as part of the programs of gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion in constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2021–2025.

Stakeholder Engagement in Gas Infrastructure Expansion

In 2020, the Company arranged off-site meetings of the task force members to sign the Programs involving heads of the regions (the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Komi Republic, Republic of Mari El, as well as the Arkhangelsk, Bryansk, and Smolensk Regions).

The Company maintained relations with federal authorities, including the Executive Office of the President of the Russian Federation, the Executive Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy and the State Duma Committee on Energy of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. The cooperation is primarily focused on developing draft regulations and supporting legislative initiatives to eliminate existing administrative barriers for implementation of the gas infrastructure expansion program, optimizing the process of connecting consumers to gas distribution networks, reducing the time and cost to design, construct, reconstruct, and overhaul gas pipelines and gas distribution networks.

Charitable Initiatives and Sponsorship

Charitable activities and social projects are implemented on the basis of the Regulation on Sponsorship and Charitable Activities.

The Gazprom Group’s charitable activity is aimed at selfless and gratuitous involvement in ensuring the public good and meaningful contribution to addressing urgent, high-priority issues and objectives of social and economic development in the countries and regions of the Group’s operation.

Management of the Gazprom Group’s Charity and Sponsorship Projects

In the reporting year, the Company implemented multiple charity projects scheduled for 2020, as well as humanitarian projects required due to the coronavirus pandemic.

For more details on charity projects during the pandemic, see Section 2.4 Stakeholder Engagement during the Pandemic

For more details on social investments in the regions of the Gazprom Group operation, see Subsection Gazprom’s Cooperation with the Regions

Charity Spending of the Gazprom Group


Over the last five years, PJSC Gazprom and the Gazprom Group subsidiaries and entities included in PJSC Gazprom’s budgeting system implemented more than 250 and over 10,000 charity projects, respectively.

RUB 28.8 billion

spent by PJSC Gazprom on charity in 2020

PJSC Gazprom’s charity spending, 2017–2020, RUB million
Gazprom’s charity spending in 2020

RUB 6.4 billion

Gazprom Neft’s social investments in 2020

RUB 28.6 million

Gazprom Energoholding’s charity spending in 2020

Gazprom Energoholding’s charity spending in 2020

RUB 32 million

Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat’s charity spending in 2020

Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat’s charity spending in 2020

Gazprom Group’s Cooperation with Non-Profit Organizations

Most of the social cooperation of the Gazprom Group companies is maintained with non-profit organizations (NPOs) of different types. This is due to the active role the NPOs play in social life of the Russian society by pulling together individual efforts and engaging the business community in achieving socially useful goals.

One example of PJSC Gazprom cooperation with NPOs is Russia — My History, an important social and cultural project covering the whole country. Since 2016, PJSC Gazprom and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have been co-financing the creation of historical parks where the history of the country and its regions is represented in a multimedia format using state-of-the-art technologies. 2020 saw the launch of multimedia sites in Pyatigorsk and Vladivostok. Since 2017, the Company has co-financed the construction of 23 historical parks, 22 of which are already open to the public.

Plans for cooperation with NPOs

In 20212022, the construction of the Pskov multimedia site will continue. It is also planned to create a historical park in Kaliningrad.

Major Charity and Sponsorship Projects in 2020

Over 250

charity projects were carried out by Gazprom in 2016–2020

Over 10,000

projects were carried out by the Group’s subsidiaries and entities in 2016-2020

Restoration of historical and cultural sites

PJSC Gazprom continued cooperation with the Tsarskoe Selo State Museum and Heritage Site. Since 2016, the Company has been supporting the restoration works in of the Palace Chapel of the Resurrection at the Catherine Palace. In 2019, the church was opened to visitors. As the icons were lost during the war, the museum specialists are restoring icons for the church. The works are expected to be completed in 2022.

In 2020, the project on conservation and restoration of the interiors of the Palace Chapel of the Resurrection at the Catherine Palace, Tsarskoe Selo State Museum and Heritage Site, became a winner of 2020 Golden Trezzini Awards for Architecture and Design in the Best Implemented Restoration/Reconstruction Project category.

In 2020, the interior reconstruction of the Lyons Hall continued. It is planned to restore fireplaces faced with Carrara marble and decorated with lazurite, gold-plated cast bronze pieces, sculptural compositions, and chandeliers; balcony architraves from lazurite decorated with cast bronze pieces; encrusted doors; wall mirrors in lazurite frames decorated with cast bronze pieces; mirror tables from lazurite. The works are expected to be completed in 2021.

As part of their cooperation, in 2019–2020 Gazprom and the Peterhof State Museum Reserve continued the comprehensive restoration works in the Chinese Palace, unique cultural monument of federal importance. The Plaster Chamber was completely restored, the works in the Big and Small Chinese Studies, the Small Antechamber continued, and restoration of the Chinese Bedroom commenced. A total of 11 out of 17 rooms of the Chinese Palace have been restored by now. The entire set of works is expected to be completed in December 2024.

In addition, an equestrian monument of Peter the Great, renovated with the support of Gazprom, was officially opened in the Alexandria Park of the Peterhof State Museum Reserve in 2020. The original memorial monument was subsequently returned to the park's historical space.

Support of theater

PJSC Gazprom supports the leading theaters of St. Petersburg, giving them the opportunity to turn their creative plans into reality, arrange tours in Russia and abroad, showing the best works of Russian theaters.

For example, the Company is the primary sponsor of the Saint Petersburg Lensoviet Theatre. Thanks to the cooperation, the theater presented the premieres of Duck Shooting and Without a Dowry plays in 2020. The Company supports the National Drama Theater of Russia (Alexandrinsky Theater). In 2020, it financed the Ukhta tour of the Alexandrinsky Theater.

PJSC Gazprom also provided support to the following projects:

  • the Golden Mask theater festival in Moscow. The Company’s support allowed nine theater companies from St. Petersburg to take part in the festival and made it possible to show three festival plays in St. Petersburg;
  • the VIII International Festival of Contemporary Choreography Context. Diana Vishneva;
  • theatrical productions of the Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theater in Vladivostok. In 2020, the theater was able to make an impressive ballet production, One Thousand and One Nights, amidst the lockdown;
  • the White Nights of St. Petersburg international music festival.

Support of socially vulnerable groups

Support for socially vulnerable groups, as well as the development of various children’s and youth’s talents are among the priorities of Gazprom’s charitable activity fully maintained in 2020. Below is just a small number of projects implemented by the Group companies in this area.

Charity support was provided to GAOORDI Association of Non-Governmental Organizations of Parents to Children with Disabilities in Saint Petersburg: funding of the programs on social protection of children with disabilities, young people with lifelong disabilities and their family members; support in health examination, rehabilitation treatment, and respective expenses, purchase of special equipment.

Almost RUB 2 million was spent on projects of Children’s Village – SOS Pushkin private social service entity: Family Hearth, Theater House, Football Life, and Bright Village.

As part of a joint project of Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy LLC and Yamine charity fund, The Future Together – the Good for Children, the targeted support of almost RUB 11.5 million was provided to children with disabilities residing in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area. Over 3,000 children from the North (indigenous minorities, boarding school students, low-income families) received New Year presents in 2020 thanks to the events arranged by PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries.

Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC allocated RUB 8.7 million to the sponsored schools and pre-school institutions in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area. Gazprom Transgaz Volgograd LLC and Gazprom Inform LLC donated 249 computers and peripherals to 26 rural schools in the Volgograd Region to create and upgrade their computer science rooms. Gazprom Transgaz Surgut LLC sponsored outfitting of the Social Services training room in the Surgut remedial school.

In 2020, Gazprom Transgaz Moscow LLC together with the Gift to an Angel charity foundation implemented Special Parent School online project in the Kaluga, Ryazan and Tula Regions where the company operates. The project involved parents and foster parents of children with cerebral palsy and other motor disorders, as well as specialists working with special children. During the project, they visited online conferences with a physical therapist and a rehabilitation therapist, received private consultations and personal recommendations of a speech therapist, support from psychologists, as well as permanent access to a virtual account with practical video lessons and instructions for home exercises developed by specialists.

Gazprom Transgaz Nizhny Novgorod LLC in cooperation with the Nizhny Novgorod Department of the Russian Children’s Foundation implemented Stitches to Success charity project in the result of which 30 boarding school students got a profession of tailor — fashion designer.

In 2020, Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat allocated RUB 1.7 million under the New Generation program to purchase laptops as memorable gifts for outstanding and honours students. The company also provided funds to replace window units in Salavat kindergarten No. 1.

Gazprom Transgaz Samara LLC supported Silver Good International Mini-Grant Competition for groups of activists from among ‘silver’ volunteers of the Samara Region and non-profit organizations from neighboring countries. The subsidiary will provide funds to implement seven out of twelve winner projects aimed at elderly people integration into social life and self-fulfillment.

Charity support for socially important events and projects

In spite of the difficult epidemiological situation, the Gazprom Group companies сontinued providing charity support for important environmental protection, social, and cultural initiatives in 2020. They include:

  • support to two non-profit organizations — the Amur Tiger Population Research and Preservation Center and the Eurasian Center for Preservation of Far Eastern Leopards — which implement projects aimed at preserving and increasing the population of rare animal species included in the Red Book of Russia;
  • underwater examination of sunken tanker T-12 by the Underwater Research Center of the Russian Geographical Society to examine the ship and develop the emergency response plan aimed at preventing possible oil spill in the Baltic Sea;
  • Development of Innovative Approaches to Treat Acquired Aplastic Anemia in Children project implemented by Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology;
  • the Russian Academy of Education’s competition for young educational scientists held in 2020 (including payments to the winners and laureates);
  • arranging and holding the Victory concert on Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd in June 2020;

the Memory Garden international event when 27 million trees were planted in memory of those killed during the Great Patriotic War.

In 2008, Gazprom launched the Eternal Flame project to provide gas supplies to memorials located in Russia’s Hero Cities. Since 2013, the Company has been working on the gasification of memorial complexes, transition from gas cylinders to network-based gas supply, restoration of monuments honoring fallen soldiers in over 1,300 Russian cities.

In March—June 2020, PJSC Gazprom arranged the Eternal Flame. Eternal Memory social and awareness raising project, a part of the Eternal Flame project to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Victory. It was aimed at raising awareness, in particular among the young generation, about the deeds of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

The project included development of a special web page with unique content. In the section devoted to a specific war memorial with the Eternal Flame, the participants of the project posted personal stories about their relatives with photos keeping the memory and sharing it with next generations. The posted stories and photos were used to create the online Eternal Memory Wall for the living and future generations.

The cross-platform approach made it possible for the project to encompass Russia and former Soviet Union, as well as different generations.

In 2020, the project received two significant awards:

  • the first place in Social and Environmental Initiative category at the 6th All-Russian MediaTEK Contest of Mass Media, Press Offices of Fuel and Energy Companies, and Regional Administrations in 2020. The contest is supported by Russia’s Ministry of Energy;
  • prize in the Best Social Project category of KonTEKst contest held by the FEC Communications Development Center and the Russian Public Relations Association (RPRA).

Plans for implementation of charity projects

In 2021, Gazprom plans to continue with the current long-term projects and respond to new requests.

Due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation, the following projects were postponed to 2021:

  • creation of theater and exhibition space and cultural environment in the Lakhta Center;
  • tour of the Alexandrinsky Theater to the cities of Belgrade (Serbia), Irkutsk, Tomsk, and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

In 2021, it is also planned to commence a series of dramatic plays about great rulers of the Russian Empire with the support of PJSC Gazprom.The first play set by Valery Fokin, the Artistic Director of the Alexandrinsky Theater, will be dedicated to Emperors Alexander II and Alexander III.

Volunteering in the Gazprom Group

Volunteering has been ingrained in the corporate culture of the Gazprom Group. Employees of the Group are actively involved in various charity projects.

In 2020, the volunteer efforts were focused, among other things, on supporting people most vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic (see Section 3 “Response to COVID-19 Pandemic and its Consequences”).

In 2020, a new form of corporate volunteering, #GAZ_active, involving 60 people was introduced at Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk LLC. The volunteers delivered food and medicine to those in need, provided targeted aid to people in hardship.

In the reporting period, the Call of the Heart charity project of Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta LLC aimed at voluntary fundraising for people in need attracted 1,600 employees of the subsidiary. RUB 1.2 million was raised.

One of the remarkable examples of the targeted support in 2020 was fundraising for the Syrtsev family from Yugorsk (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area — Yugra). Employees of Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk LLC helped to raise RUB 150 million, and in March—April 2020 the company arranged for the Syrtsevs a trip to the U.S. to provide treatment to little Yuliana Syrtseva.

Volunteering is an important part of the Home Towns social investments program and corporate culture of Gazprom Neft covering 36 cities and localities. In 2020, over 3,000 volunteers from Gazprom Neft took part in 126 events.

At the end of 2020, Gazprom Energoholding launched the corporate volunteering development project to mark the Power Engineers’ Day and the New Year. Under #DobroPomoshch-TGK-1 initiative, the office and plant employees prepared New Year presents for those in need — children with disabilities in hospitals and elderly people in nursing homes. In spite of the difficulties due to remote work, over 200 people supported the initiative. Such volunteering projects will continue in 2021.

Support of Sports

Gazprom for Children

39 sports facilities

were commissioned by the Gazprom Group under the Gazprom for Children program in 2020


Since 2007, when the Gazprom for Children program was launched, the Company has constructed 1,859 various sports facilities in Russia.

In 2020, Gazprom put into operation seven sports and fitness complexes, one culture and exhibition center, 20 multifunctional sports grounds, three school stadiums, seven stadiums (after overhaul); constructed a stadium with a football field in the city of Valdai (Novgorod Region).

For the number of social facilities commissioned in 2020 with a breakdown by region (federal districts of the Russian Federation), see Appendix

The program encompassed 17 Russian regions (63 localities).

For financing under the program with a breakdown by region, see Appendix

The projects under the Gazprom for Children program are implemented by the Gazprom Social Initiatives Support Foundation, which monitors the projects throughout the implementation period.

The major social facilities commissioned in 2020 include a multipurpose center with a skating rink in Astrakhan, an ice arena in Tula, a sports and fitness complex with a skating rink in Svetogorsk (Leningrad Region), and a multifunctional sports ground in the Tissi-Akhitli village (Tsumadinsky District of the Republic of Dagestan).

Plans for the implementation of the Gazprom for Children program

The program’s goals for the foreseeable future remain unchanged — to set up sports and fitness infrastructure available to Russian people. In 2021–2025, it is planned to finance construction (reconstruction) of 157 sports facilities, including 69 capital construction projects, 80 outdoor flatworks, and 8 other facilities, in 29 Russian regions under the Gazprom for Children program and other PJSC Gazprom’s charity programs.

Football for Friendship

The year 2020 saw the eighth season of Football for Friendship, an international Gazprom’s program for children aged 12, including those with disabilities, aimed at promoting healthy lifestyle, well-being for all at all ages, and universal human values. The program is supported by FIFA, UEFA, national football associations, and the leading football clubs of the world.

In the reporting year, the major events of the Football for Friendship program included:

  • Stadium is Where I Am weekly online program: eight world famous professional freestylers and players taught various techniques and tricks with a ball; 21 series of the program gathered over 435,000 participants and over 3.7 million viewers;
  • a series of public talks about the UN Sustainable Development Goals when young participants, experts, and stars discussed the current environmental problems and the role of football in the future (over 20,000 participants and 1 million viewers).

The final event of the season initially scheduled for May was postponed to the end of the year 2020 and held online. The Football for Friendship digital platform was developed. It comprised the Football for Friendship World multiplayer football simulator. Over 100 football academies from around the world presented their projects to support and train young athletes at the annual International Football for Friendship Forum. The season was closed by the online Football for Friendship World Championship organized on the platform of the new online game.

The final event set a world Guinness record for the largest online football workshop in the world — over 10,000 participants from 104 countries. During the entire season, over 1 million people took part in the program events.

The Football for Friendship program became the winner in Cross Cultural Campaign category of the ICCO Global Awards (UK), and received Eventiada IPRA award for the support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the Best Campaign Supporting Healthy Lives and Promoting Well-being for All at All Ages category.

Cooperation with Sports Federations

In 2020, Gazprom maintained fruitful cooperation with the Russian Olympic Committee and Russian sports federations (rhythmic gymnastics, volleyball, swimming, biathlon, kayaking and canoeing, billiards), the Russian Biathlon Union, and the Russian Football Union.

Using the funds granted by PJSC Gazprom, the Russian Olympic Committee and the federations hosted a variety of national championships and sports events, stages of international competitions, and training activities for promising young athletes.

For example, the 3rd Winter Youth Olympic Games for athletes aged 14–18 from 79 countries were arranged in Lausanne in January 2020. For the first time in the history, the Russian team won the unofficial team classification with a record number of medals — 29.

In 2020, PJSC Gazprom continued cooperation with the UEFA as its global partner. Due to the epidemiological situation, the sponsorship rights were mainly exercised online.

In the reporting year, the Company served as a general partner at several chess tournaments organized by the International Chess Federation (FIDE). Gazprom supported the First FIDE Online Chess Olympiad — the largest chess event of 2020, the Online World Youth Rapid Chess Championship, and the First Online Chess Olympiad for People with Disabilities. The most fascinating game of each competition was awarded the Gazprom Brilliancy Prize. Thanks to the partnership with FIDE, meetings of chess grandmaster Daniil Dubov with young chess players from St. Petersburg and chess grandmaster Peter Svidler with FC Zenit fans were arranged.

Support of Business Events

The Gazprom Group companies contribute to maintaining favorable business environment at the national and international levels by sponsoring major forums and congresses.

In January 2020, PJSC Gazprom supported the 11th Gaidar Forum Russia and the World: Goals and Values. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, other business events traditionally sponsored by the Gazprom Group companies were either cancelled or postponed.

Plans for support of business events

In 2021, the Company plans to support a number of important forums

  • the 12th Gaidar Forum ‘Russia and the World: Goals and Values’;
  • Russian Investment Forum in Sochi;
  • the 24th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum;
  • the 6th Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok;
  • the 10th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum;
  • Russian Energy Week 2021 International Forum.