5.1. Gazprom’s Personnel: Relationship Based on Partnership

Personnel is one of Gazprom’s key resources enabling the Company to achieve its goals and objectives. Gazprom highly values the professionalism and commitment of its employees and seeks to provide them with comfortable and safe working conditions, financial and non-financial incentives, training opportunities and access to medical care. Gazprom has always put social partnership at the heart of its employee engagement, striving to strike the right balance between stakeholder interests in pursuit of the Group’s objectives and responsibilities assumed.


employees headcount as of the end of the reporting period

RUB 807.8 billion

payroll expenses

RUB 40.7 billion

social expenses

For more details on social metrics for 2017–2020, see Appendix

HR Management at the Gazprom Group

Gazprom’s HR policy is aimed at retaining highly skilled professionals who can efficiently deliver on day-to-day and strategic tasks.

For documents governing the social and labor relations in the Gazprom Group, see page 111 the Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Report 2019

Gazprom is among Russia’s largest employers. In 2020, Gazprom was ranked in the top of Universum’s ratings in the following categories: Engineering / Natural Sciences among students, and Business / Commerce and Engineering / Natural Sciences among practicing professionals.

PJSC Gazprom develops and implements consistent HR management approaches in its subsidiaries and affiliates. PJSC Gazprom’s key HR management solutions are applied at the Gazprom Neft Group, Gazprom Energoholding, and Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat.

The key HR management principles are defined in the HR Management Policy of PJSC Gazprom, its Subsidiaries and Entities.

Lyudmila Rimskaya

Head of Division, PJSC Gazprom; supervises the implementation of the non-governmental pension insurance of the Gazprom Group employees. Gazprom’s social programs catering to employees of various ages are essential to ensuring sustainable HR management.

HR Management at the Gazprom Group

The Comprehensive Program for Improvement of HR Management at PJSC Gazprom, its Subsidiaries and Entities in 2016—2020Approved by decree of PJSC Gazprom No. 29 dated February 17, 2016 (as amended by decrees of PJSC Gazprom No. 249 dated August 1, 2017, and No. 169 dated July 12, 2019). is designed to improve the HR management processes. The goals set under the Program have been achieved in full.

In 2020, PJSC Gazprom was to meet the following HR management objectives: efficiency control with respect to the implementation of the HR Management Policy through the KPI system, and identification of comprehensive approaches to providing HR support for the Company’s strategic projects. The above objectives were accomplished in full.

For more details on the Gazprom Group’s headcount, see Appendix

HR Management Plans for 2021

The plan for 2021 is to approve the Comprehensive Program for Improvement of HR Management at PJSC Gazprom, its Subsidiaries and Entities in 2021–2025.

Commitment to Labor Rights at the Gazprom Group


Gazprom undertakes to protect its employees from any forms of discrimination as required by the applicable Russian and international laws. The Gazprom Group tolerates no labor discrimination on the basis of gender, nationality, religion or other grounds. The HR, compensation and social security policies shall not offer any preferences based on nationality, gender, or age. Equal pay and equal remuneration for men and women are ensured for equivalent jobs with the same competence requirements.

Gazprom also adheres to the ILO standards as related to daily working hours and labor conditions, occupational safety, remuneration, social security, and paid holidays.

Social benefits are provided to all employees of the Gazprom Group, as well as to special categories of employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Company’s employees who believe that they are not properly protected against discrimination can apply for protection to the Corporate Ethics Commission.

No cases of discrimination were identified in the Gazprom Group during the reporting period.

Employment of People with Disabilities

The Gazprom Group complies with the government-imposed quota system and employment requirements for people with disabilities. Employees with special needs are entitled to benefits prescribed by the Russian Labor Code subject to their individual rehabilitation plan. In some regions of the Gazprom Group’s operations where compliance with the government quotas is impossible due to the specific character of operations, agreements with third-party organizations are signed to finance the employment of people with disabilities as a way to fulfil the relevant quotas.

Shift Personnel

The Group’s operations cover remote regions of Siberia, the Far North, and Russian offshore areas. As many as 51,800 shift workers are employed at the fields located in remote areas far away from populated localities, in harsh weather conditions.

The Gazprom Group’s shift personnel,(1) 2017–2020, thousand people
Indicator As of December 31, 2017 As of December 31, 2018 As of December 31, 2019 As of December 31, 2020
Roster of employees of the entities which use the shift system, thousand people, total 164.5 165.2 224.7 231.7
Headcount of shift staff, thousand people, including: 35.6 35.2 50.5 51.8
people working in the Far North and areas considered equivalent to it, thousand people(2) 34.0 33.8 47.8 47.6
Relative share of shift staff in the organization’s roster, % 21.6 21.3 22.5 22.4
(1) In accordance with the average headcount data.
(2) No information is collected or analysed in terms of gender.

The average headcount of shift workers in 2020 exceeded that of 2019 by 1,300 people (or 2.6%) due to the commissioning of new facilities relying on shift personnel in remote areas, including in the Far North.

The shift staff enjoys an effective working environment and comfortable living conditions. The Company provides transport to bring shift workers from the meeting point to the place of work and back. There are ongoing efforts to expand the camp infrastructure as a way to guarantee high living standards for the shift personnel during their time at the shift camp. Gazprom offers its employees high-quality medical, social and amenity services, and makes sure that the work and rest schedules are respected.

Financial Incentives for Employees

The PJSC Gazprom Employee Remuneration Management Policy requires that the salary and tariff rates used at the Company factor in the employees’ qualifications and business skills, extra payments and allowances made subject to relevant labor conditions and workload, monthly performance-based bonuses, one-off bonuses (paid for launching new production facilities and construction projects, export gas supply, introduction of new equipment, energy savings, contribution to process streamlining and R&D, and discovery of new deposits), and year-end performance bonuses.

The Policy provides for the fixed part of remuneration (salaries / tariff rates) and the variable part (extra payments, allowances and bonuses). Linked to the remuneration system, the fixed part constitutes up to 70% of the remuneration.

From January 1, 2020, the employees of PJSC Gazprom’s budgeted entities located in Russia saw their salaries and tariff rates increase by 3.0% based on the growth of the consumer price index projected by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

In 2020, the average monthly salary at the subsidiaries responsible for the core operations of PJSC Gazprom (gas production, processing, transportation and underground storage) amounted to RUB 105,100.The data was sourced from 26 subsidiaries responsible for the core operations (gas production, processing, transportation and underground storage). For the full list of subsidiaries, see Appendix

Average monthly salary at the Gazprom Neft Group, 2017–2020, RUB thousand
Average monthly salary at Gazprom Energoholding, 2017–2020, RUB thousand(1)
Average monthly salary at Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat, 2017— 2020, RUB thousand

(1) The data was sourced from PJSC OGK-2, PJSC TGC-1, PJSC MOEK, PJSC Mosenergo, and JSC Murmansk CHPP.

The Gazprom Group ensures equal remuneration for men and women in positions with the same level of professional expertise. The ratio of fixed and variable remuneration is the same for both genders.

Sergey Dobychin

Head of Directorate, PJSC Gazprom; in charge of developing the comprehensive insurance system for the Gazprom Group companies, which includes such essential benefits offered to Gazprom’s employees as voluntary medical insurance, as well as insurance against accidents and diseases.

Social Policy of the Gazprom Group

Social Policy of the Gazprom Group


employees were insured in 2020 under the voluntary medical insurance programs effective in PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries and entitiesThe data is for PJSC Gazprom and 85 subsidiaries and entities included in PJSC Gazprom’s budgeting system with a total headcount of 301,600 employees.

RUB 15.41 billion

spent on health insurance programs in 2020Expenditures on voluntary medical insurance, accident and disease insurance, and life insurance. For the data collection scope, see the previous footnote.


employees received pensions under non-governmental pension agreements in 2020

The social policy is one of the Gazprom Group’s advantages in the labor market. It relies on the social partnership mechanism set forth in the General Collective Bargaining Agreement of PJSC Gazprom and its Subsidiaries and collective agreements of Gazprom’s subsidiaries. The interests of employees are represented by the Gazprom Workers’ Union Interregional Organization.

For more details on the activities of the Gazprom Workers’ Union Interregional Organization in 2020, see the interactive version of the Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Report 2020 and on the website газпромпрофсоюз.рф

The Gazprom Workers’ Union Interregional Organization is one of Russia’s largest trade unions created on the basis of the industrial principle.

In accordance with the General Collective Bargaining Agreement of PJSC Gazprom and Its Subsidiaries, Gazprom Workers’ Union is the sole representative of the Gazprom Group employees in collective bargaining and the process of considering and resolving collective labor disputes (the Gazprom Group entities have labor dispute commissions in place). Gazprom Workers’ Union monitors the compliance with labor laws and regulations and the General Collective Agreement.

Based on the General Collective Agreement, PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries enter into their own collective agreements, which take into account their region-specific features and existing practices. They provide social packages that may vary depending on their operational activities and location. During collective bargaining, trade unions of Gazprom Workers’ Union act on behalf of employees.

In 2020, Gazprom Workers’ Union continued pursuing a systematic policy to increase membership, expand existing trade unions and create new ones, while also consolidating union activities at the Gazprom Group.

A special emphasis was made on disseminating the positive social partnership experience. In 2020, PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and entities submitted their social and economic indicators and collective agreements to the Russian Oil, Gas and Construction Workers Union (ROGWU) to participate in its collective agreements competition. Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy LLC and Gazprom Transgaz Kazan LLC won in their respective categories, while Gazprom Pererabotka LLC and Gazprom Podzemremont Urengoy LLC took second places and Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk LLC and Gazprom Energo LLC picked up bronzes.

Gazprom Workers’ Union and its structural organizations participated directly in the development and finalization of local social and economic regulations, implementation of social programs, and holding of cultural, sports, and educational events. In 2020, a total of 9,786 local regulations were adopted with the views of relevant elected union bodies taken into account.

In order to prevent labor law violations, trade union organizations are supposed to hold bilateral consultations with employers on current labor issues.

As regards labor safety, Gazprom Workers’ Union works with PJSC Gazprom to review and adopt joint regulations on the prevention of workplace accidents and develop solutions to create a safe working environment and protect the lives and health of the employees.

Gazprom Workers’ Union developed, adopted, and put into force a number of documents on labor and workplace safety (to prevent road traffic accidents and cardiovascular diseases, ensure process safety, perform trade union monitoring amid the COVID-19 pandemic, etc.).

In 2020, the trade union organizations of Gazprom Workers’ Union carried out 539 inspections, processed 3,877 complaints and enquiries, and held in-person meetings with 10,448 people.

Given the restrictions imposed in 2020, a large part of sports and cultural events were held by trade union organizations online or remotely, including:

  • holiday activities for children of employees amid temporary closures of recreation facilities (for example, a New Generation virtual camp by Gazprom Transgaz Yekaterinburg Trade Union);
  • Union Journey across Russia awareness campaign;
  • online and remote sports events (for example, a Homo Ambulans project by the National Health League that was attended by over 5,000 employees of PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries; activities on the Vmarafone (“In a Marathon”) platform, online sports competitions and contests).

In 2020, 100% of employees of PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries were covered by collective agreements. The collective agreements covered 47% of employees of the Gazprom Neft Group, 99% of employees of Gazprom Energoholding and the companies consolidated under its management, and 86.8% of employees of Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat.

In 2020, the total share of the Gazprom Group’s employees covered by collective agreements stood at 72.7%.

For the list of subsidiaries signatories to the General Collective Bargaining Agreement, see Appendix

In accordance with the General Collective Bargaining Agreement of PJSC Gazprom and its Subsidiaries for 2019–2021, the Social and Labor Relations Commission inspected compliance with the General Collective Bargaining Agreement at PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries in 2020. The Commission found out that the obligations of the parties envisaged by the General Collective Bargaining Agreement of PJSC Gazprom and its Subsidiaries had been performed in full in 2019.

Gazprom keeps developing and putting in place long-term social programs helping the employer to attract and retain staff with required qualifications and experience for a long time.


For more details on benefits provided to full-time, part-time and temporary employees working under an employment contract (GRI 401-2), see Appendix

Social Payments

Gazprom makes social payments to all its staff members, as well as certain staff categories (employees of subsidiaries located in the Far North or equivalent areas, young professionals, employees who have multi-child families and children with disabilities, and others).

Personal Insurance

In addition to compulsory statutory social insurance against workplace accidents and occupational diseases, the Gazprom Group provides its employees with voluntary insurance against accidents and diseases.

The life insurance program covers executives from PJSC Gazprom Administration and Gazprom’s gas production, processing, storage, transportation and sales subsidiaries.

Medical Care

RUB 2.07 billion


spent on COVID-19 programs under voluntary medical insurance contractsThe data is for PJSC Gazprom and 85 subsidiaries and entities included in PJSC Gazprom’s budgeting system with a total headcount of 301,600 employees.

RUB 2.7 billion

paid under voluntary medical insurance contracts for the purposes of rehabilitation treatment in 2020For the data collection scope, see previous footnote; part of expenditures under the health insurance programs.

RUB 182 million

paid under voluntary medical insurance contracts for the implementation of targeted preventive initiatives in 2020For the data collection scope, see previous footnote; part of expenditures under the health insurance programs.


employees insured under voluntary medical insurance contracts received health resort and rehabilitation treatment in 2020

GRI403-3, 403-6

The Gazprom Group’s employees are entitled to a wide range of prophylactic and rehabilitation treatment options under voluntary medical insurance contracts.

The employees of Gazprom and their families, as well as retirees (former employees of the Gazprom Group’s entities), can join the voluntary medical insurance programs at no charge in line with the existing collective agreements and other local regulations of respective entities. The voluntary medical insurance programs offer a comprehensive range of health services, including dental and rehabilitation treatment services provided by leading healthcare facilities.

In 2020, the voluntary medical insurance covered 555,400 people, including 301,600 employees, 89,900 retirees, and 163,900 employee family members.

Number of people insured under voluntary medical insurance programs in 2019–2020, thousand people(1)

(1) The data is provided for 110 entities included in PJSC Gazprom’s budgeting system with a total headcount of over 310,000 employees in 2019, and 85 entities included in PJSC Gazprom’s budgeting system with a total headcount of 301,600 employees in 2020.

The Gazprom Group’s corporate medical infrastructure is an extensive network of advanced healthcare and rehabilitation facilities, including 178 health units, 309 first aid posts, 21 outpatient clinics / general care outpatient clinics, 83 dental units / rooms, 5 round-the-clock inpatient facilities, 18 health resort and rehabilitation facilities, 11 medical units, 17 recreational facilities, and 28 facilities of other type. The medical facilities’ headcount is 9,092 employees, including 1,731 doctors and 3,423 mid-level medical staff.

As a way to prevent diseases and reduce morbidity, Gazprom organizes annual prophylactic medical screenings for its employees, which help identify symptom-free disease forms, determine risk factors and develop individual health improvement plans, including rehabilitation treatment options. Other measures include implementation of immunity-strengthening activities, such as flu vaccination.

Employees are informed about risk factors causing most frequently encountered illnesses and disabilities (respiratory, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases, tumors, injuries, etc.) and relevant preventive measures against these conditions.

The number of employees who attended prophylactic medical screenings in 2020 decreased by 13.9%, with their share amounting to 24.3% of the total headcount. The decrease was caused by the suspension of prophylactic screenings in 2020 due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2020 saw a number of initiatives to expand the insurance coverage for the employees of PJSC Gazprom, its branches, subsidiaries and entities by including the services designed to stop the spread of COVID-19 (diagnostics, observation and treatment). Expenses under the voluntary medical insurance contracts with the Gazprom Group’s entities incurred in conjunction with the efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 amounted to RUB 2.07 billion.

Payments made by the Gazprom Group’s entities for rehabilitation treatment and targeted preventive initiatives under voluntary medical insurance contracts in 2017–2020, RUB million

(1) Excluding expenses associated with the measures taken to stop the spread of COVID-19.


The corporate housing program serves to retain the Company’s key employees for longer periods. The program is funded by both employees and the employer through bank mortgage schemes (using a co-financing approach).

Non-Governmental Pension Insurance

In accordance with the Long-Term Development Strategy of the Pension System in the Russian Federation, the Gazprom Group provides a Corporate Pension arrangement for its employees. The arrangement is integrated into the long-term incentive package and offers employees post-employment social benefits. The arrangement is run through Non-State Pension Fund GAZFOND JSC.

This pension arrangement covers employees who have worked at PJSC Gazprom’s entities for at least 15 years and by the time of retirement are entitled to receive an old-age pension. As of the end of 2020, 150,300 employees from 89 entities of PJSC Gazprom took part in the pension program, with over 144,300 people granted pensions under relevant agreements.

Number of retired employees of the Gazprom Group’s entities drawing pensions from Non-State Pension Fund GAZFOND JSC, 2017–2020, thousand people

Maxim Osipov

Electric welder of the 6th grade, prize-winner of national professional skills competitions, seven-time Best Welder of the Orenburg Region. Responsible for the seamless operation of gas transportation facilities at Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg LLC, thus helping minimize adverse impacts on human health and the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Non-Financial Incentives

Non-Financial Incentives

Under PJSC Gazprom’s incentive system, the Gazprom Group’s employees get state, presidential and government awards, industry awards from Russia’s Ministry of Energy and other ministries and agencies, as well as corporate awards of PJSC Gazprom.

In 2020, 5,223 employees and 9 teams received awards for their personal contribution to gas industry development, outstanding achievements, and many years of diligent work.

Another important non-financial incentive is professional contests. Despite the COVID-19—related restrictions, 2020 saw the following contests in different formats:

  • professional skills competition among the teaching staff of PJSC Gazprom subsidiaries’ training units;
  • PJSC Gazprom’s 20th competition in computer design and IT;
  • competition among the environmental departments of PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries (with awards in the Best Environmental Service and Best Ecologist categories);
  • PJSC Gazprom’s Best Innovator contest.

In 2020, Gazprom Neft developed and implemented the People of Progress corporate award program as part of the comprehensive compensation model.

Gazprom Energoholding held a corporate contest among the operating personnel of multi-unit TPPs in 2020.

421 employees of Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat received various awards in 2020.

Training and Education


managers, specialists, and other white-collar staff of the Gazprom Group received further professional training in 2020The number of employees who completed training is shown in man-courses (if one person received training twice, they are counted twice). Programs exceeding 16 hours, including remote-learning and off-site employee training forms.


blue-collar staff of the Gazprom Group received professional training in 2020The number of employees who completed training is shown in man-courses (if one person received training twice, they are counted twice).


employees of the Gazprom Group received remote training in 2020Including less than 16 hours of training.


The key to Gazprom’s success is its team of professionals who improve and update their knowledge to reflect the development of the industry and the Group’s business processes.

In line with the existing Continuous Vocational Education and Training System and on the basis of the competitive selection procedure, PJSC Gazprom annually approves the centralized Skills Upgrading and Professional Retraining Schedule for Managers and Specialists of PJSC Gazprom, its Subsidiaries and Entities. The subsidiaries and entities adopt their own training plans for work-study centers and educational institutions in the regions of operation. Employees receive training aimed at bringing their qualification in line with the relevant professional standards.

In 2020, as part of enhancing the Continuous Vocational Education and Training System, PJSC Gazprom developed the Framework for Personnel Training in LNG Production, Transportation, Storage and Distribution across PJSC Gazprom Facilities.The Company also approved the Training Plan for Procurement Personnel and the List of Gazprom Corporate Institute Programs for 2021–2025.

За успехами Газпрома стоят его работники — профессионалы, знания которых постоянно демонстрируют прирост и обновляются синхронно с развитием отрасли и бизнес-процессов в Группе.


In 2020, the average duration of training per employee of the Group’s core subsidiaries engaged in gas production, transportation, processing, and underground storage was 75 hours for blue-collar staff and 54 hours for managers, specialists, and other white-collar staff.

The average duration of training per employee of the core subsidiaries engaged in gas production, transportation, processing, and underground storage, 2018–2020, hours
Indicator 2018 2019 2020
Average number of hours for all types of training during the year: managers, specialists and other white-collar staff 57 55 54
Average number of hours for all types of training during the year: blue-collar staff 80 82 75

In 2020, the average duration of training per employee of the Gazprom Group was 45 hours for managers, specialists, and other white-collar staff and 63 hours for blue-collar staff.

In the reporting year, the total training hours at the Gazprom Group amounted to 18,902,000 hours for men and 4,876,000 hours for women.сов для мужчин и 4 876 тыс. часов для женщин.

Number of employees(1) covered by the Gazprom Group’s skills upgrading and professional retraining programs, 2017–2020, thousand people
Indicator 2017 2018 2019 2020
Number of managers, specialists, and other white-collar staff who participated in further professional training programs(2) 169.9 196.0 236.5 199.4
Number of blue-collar staff who participated in professional development training 173.0 185.1 219.7 206.7
(1) The number of employees who completed training is shown in man-courses (if one person received training twice, they are counted twice).
(2) Programs exceeding 16 hours, including remote-learning and off-site employee training forms.

In 2019–2021, 22 employees of the Gazprom Group are studying under the targeted MBA program on Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Management (a 2-year 9-module program run by the St. Petersburg State University of Economics).

Number of employees(1) covered by the Gazprom Group’s skills upgrading and professional retraining programs, 2017–2020, thousand people
Indicator 2020
Total number of employees who received remote training, thousand people, including: 364.6
managers, specialists, and other white-collar staff 259.9
blue-collar staff 104.7
(1) Including less than 16 hours of training.

More than 50% of training programs scheduled for 2020 migrated online and were held using distance learning technologies. To improve the efficiency of training, the Company is continuously working on the development of digital learning tools as part of its Integrated Information Environment.

In order to absorb best practices, PJSC Gazprom runs international training programs for its employees in cooperation with international partners in the field of personnel training and development. In 2020, 229 employees received remote training under 24 programs devoted to Hydrogen Energy, Oil and Gas Resource Trading, LNG Industry, etc.

In 2020, the Gazprom Neft Group implemented measures to improve the system of personnel training and education and developed 68 new module-based adaptive training programs; 80% of the programs are multi-format (offline and online). A total of 545 online courses were held for Gazprom Neft employees in 2020.

RUB 1,715 million — Gazprom Neft’s investment in personnel training and development in 2020

Gazprom Energoholding’s offline employee training system was switched to a remote format in 2020. The company adjusted and fine-tuned the system’s online features and the training programs themselves. As a result, over 30,000 people received remote training in 2020.

RUB 127.4 million — Gazprom Energoholding’s investment in personnel training and development in 2020.The data was sourced from PJSC OGK-2, PJSC TGC-1, PJSC MOEK, PJSC Mosenergo, and JSC Murmansk CHPP.

A total of 6,501 employees of Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat (including 5,523 men and 978 women) underwent training in 2020. Remote training was provided to 3,833 people in the reporting year.

RUB 31.5 million — Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat’s investment in personnel training and development in 2020.

Vladimir Alexeenkov

Deputy Director for Information Technology, Gazprom School; has a PhD degree in Physics and Mathematics, is a top-rank teacher, assistant professor, winner and runner-up of professional competitions. Responsible for career guidance at Gazprom School and is in charge of the Gazprom School science park — a high-tech educational environment that enables pupils to come to grips with the professions of tomorrow.

Training and Education

Gazprom’s Contribution to the Development of Professional Standards

Over 480

professional standards are implemented at PJSC Gazprom

Gazprom takes an active part in building a national system of qualifications based on professional standards.

In 2020, four professional standards developed by PJSC Gazprom were approved by Orders of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. In the reporting year, the Company finished four draft professional standards, and another seven drafts are scheduled for development in 2021. Gazprom Neft prepared two draft professional standards.

PJSC Gazprom, together with its subsidiaries and entities, implements over 480 professional standards. In the reporting year, 138 of them were mandatory for application as regards the requirements to staff competence, as is stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and PJSC Gazprom’s local regulations. In 2021, the number of mandatory standards is expected to reach 169.

Young Employees of Gazprom


graduates of higher education and secondary vocational institutions were hired by the Gazprom Group


students sponsored by the Gazprom Group were studying at higher education institutions in 2020

Recruitment and on-boarding of young specialists is one of the priorities of the Group’s HR management policy. In 2020, the Group hired 2,153 graduates of universities and secondary vocational institutions. Vocational guidance efforts by operating subsidiaries make it possible to maintain a high share of students in the total number of those hired by the subsidiaries: in 2020, this share stood at 8.5%.

Total number of graduates of higher education and secondary vocational institutions hired by the Gazprom Group, 2017–2020, persons
Indicator 2017 2018 2019 2020
Total number of graduates of higher education and secondary vocational institutions hired, including: 3,190 2,931 2,896 2,153
graduates of higher education institutions 2,206 2,048 2,012 1,610
graduates of secondary vocational institutions 984 883 884 543
For reference:
PJSC Gazprom Neft 432 283 505 212
Gazprom Energoholding LLC 512 443 433 323

PJSC Gazprom annually assesses the need of its subsidiaries for graduates of secondary vocational institutions and higher education institutions based on 10-year headcount planning, and arranges for proactive targeted training of future talent.

As of the end of 2020, the Group was sponsoring 2,127 students of higher education institutions.

Number of Gazprom Group-sponsored students who studied at higher education institutions in 2017–2020, persons

In 2021, the Group’s entities plan to sign contracts for employer-sponsored studies at higher and secondary vocational education institutions with 537 candidates.

To reward the sponsored students for outstanding achievements in studies, PJSC Gazprom annually holds a competition for personal scholarships among the students of secondary vocational and higher education institutions.

To attract and retain young specialists, PJSC Gazprom has the Program for Additional Social Support for Young Employees.Approved by Sergey Khomyakov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, on May 17, 2019, as amended on September 21, 2020.

PJSC Gazprom’s entities arrange workshops and conferences for young scholars and specialists to engage the young generation in tackling the R&D challenges faced by the industry. Every two years, PJSC Gazprom holds the All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists, Specialists and Students “New Technologies in the Gas Industry.” The next Conference is scheduled for 2021.

Reports prepared by prizewinners of research-to-practice conferences of young scholars and specialists are included in the annual collection of works “Innovation Potential of Young Scientists and Specialists of PJSC Gazprom” published on the Company’s web resources to promote innovation activities and engage the target audience in the search for ways to bring new technical solutions into production.

Gazprom Energoholding implements programs intended to look for and develop the potential in the younger generation (Contest for Young Specialists and Innovators, School of Young Specialists, IMPT SCHOOL: Inventive, Management and Production Technologies).

The councils of young specialists participate in industry events and meetings of regional councils.

The council of young specialists has been active at Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat since 2015. As of late 2020, it had 96 members.

Talent Pool

In 2020, the talent pool across the Gazprom Group entities was 16,687 people, and 68% of staff were appointed to management positions of all levels.

Talent pool employees are evaluated using a comprehensive approach, which supplements traditional formal qualification methods with new ones, such as the Assessment Center, the Development Center, training sessions, meetings with the Company’s management, sociological surveys, participation in project groups, etc.

The employees included in the talent pool for promotion to the executive positions receive training under special corporate programs: Gazprom Corporate Institute, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, as well as programs in other leading higher education institutions of Russia.

Gazprom Classes

The Gazprom Classes project seeks to provide early career guidance to school students in the areas of presence of the Gazprom Group entities and to select the most talented school students motivated for a successful professional career. The classes provide targeted education in areas that meet the needs of the Gazprom Group entities.

Gazprom Classes,Gazprom Classes are also arranged by the subsidiaries that are not included in the list of the Group’s companies: Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk LLC (Irkutsk), PJSC Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Ufa (Ufa). supported by 21 entities of the Group, are implemented in 25 schools located in 5 federal districts of Russia. In 2020, Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg LLC helped launch a new Gazprom Class in the Chyorny Otrog village, Orenburg Region.

Gazprom Classes Geography

In March 2020, 54 students of Gazprom Classes from 18 regions of Russia participated in the Future Is Yours career academic program arranged by PJSC Gazprom jointly with Tyumen Industrial University at the Sirius Educational Center in Sochi. During the sessions, the young people were studying geophysics, designing drilling rigs, and tackling tasks related to Arctic shelf exploration.

Ivan Tokarev

Deputy Head of Division, PJSC Gazprom; has a PhD degree in Engineering, works on advanced high-tech solutions to improve the reliability and efficiency of power supply for gas production and transportation infrastructure facilities. Winner of the 3rd edition of the Oil and Gas Projects: A Glance into the Future International competition for young scientists.

Gazprom Classes

Collaboration with Higher Education Institutions


students of higher education institutions took an internship at the Gazprom Group entities in 2020

The fundamental principles of Gazprom’s collaboration with the anchor universities are continuity, systemic approach, and innovations. They are included in the approved University Collaboration Concept and the Regulation on Collaboration with Anchor Universities.

As of the end of 2020, 13 higher education institutions had the status of anchor universities.

Anchor Universities of the Gazprom Group:

  • Kazan National Research Technological University (1 specialized department)
  • Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University)
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
  • National Research University Higher School of Economics Gubkin
  • Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) (4 specialized departments)
  • St. Petersburg Mining University
  • St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University
  • St. Petersburg State University of Economics (1 specialized department)
  • Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (1 specialized department)
  • Industrial University of Tyumen
  • Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (4 specialized departments)
  • Ukhta State Technical University (5 specialized departments)

In order to share hands-on knowledge and build additional competencies in students, specialized departments are established at universities with support from the Gazprom Group entities. As of the end of 2020, there were 25 specialized departments. In 2020, Gazprom Transgaz Krasnodar LLC opened a specialized department at Kuban State Technological University.

In 2020, 7,394 students of higher education institutions took an internship at PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and entities, including 2,645 students from the anchor universities.

In 2020, the Student Olympiad of PJSC Gazprom project continued to be implemented by PJSC Gazprom in collaboration with 14 partner universities. The aim is to find students interested in engineering and technical professions and capable of technical creativity and innovative thinking with an ambition to start a career in the oil and gas sector in order to subsequently provide them with targeted education and employment opportunities.

The universities regularly host Job Fairs of PJSC Gazprom and the Gazprom Days. Offsite events have been suspended since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

In 2020, the Gazprom Neft Group signed 56 agreements with universities. There are 3 specialized departments and 286 company-sponsored students. Internships at Gazprom Neft were arranged for 923 students, and 200 graduates were hired following the internship.

In 2020, Gazprom Neft launched the League of Universities, a new large-scale project directed at developing partnerships with Russian higher education institutions. Partnering universities will be involved in joint research and in developing educational programs that meet the needs of the oil and gas sector. 24 universities from 13 regions of Russia, all chosen by a panel of experts, have already joined the League of Universities.

Gazprom Energoholding prepares specialists with the necessary qualifications by interacting with higher education institutions across the entire country. It arranges training programs and practice-oriented training groups, offers company-sponsored education to students, and organizes pre-graduation and industrial work placements for students. In 2020, 521 students took an internship at the facilities of the Gazprom Energoholding Group. 290 university graduates were hired.

Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat had 4 agreements with higher education institutions in 2020. 20 university students completed pre-graduation training and internships at Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat. A total of 29 university graduates were hired in 2020.