4.1. Environmental Protection and Climate Preservation Management

The well-being of future generations depends on the health of our planet. Gazprom strictly complies with environmental laws and takes measures to minimize adverse environmental impacts and preserve the climate. These activities are carried out in partnership with all stakeholders — public authorities, communities, and employees of the Gazprom Group’s companies.

Management Framework

Documents regulating environmental protection and climate preservation activities:

  • Environmental Policy of PJSC Gazprom;Approved by Resolution of the Management Committee of OJSC Gazprom No. 21 dated May 25, 2015.
  • Comprehensive Environmental Program of PJSC Gazprom for 2020–2024;
  • “Water of Life” Water Resources Utilization System Development Program of PJSC Gazprom for 2016–2020;
  • Master Plan for Production and Consumption Waste Management at PJSC Gazprom’s Facilities in Various Regions of Russia;
  • Biodiversity Preservation Program Based on the List of Flora and Fauna Species Being Indicators of Marine Ecosystems Stability in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation;
  • Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Policy of PJSC Gazprom;Approved by Resolution of the Management Committee of PJSC Gazprom No. 39 dated October 11, 2018.
  • Roadmap for GHG Emissions Management at the Gazprom Group’s Companies until 2030.

Environmental protection management at PJSC Gazprom is based on the Environmental Policy that outlines the Company’s commitment to sustainable development. The Environmental Policy sets forth Gazprom’s key obligations along with the implementation mechanisms: to guarantee environmental safety, in particular, during the development of hydrocarbon fields in the continental shelf and the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, and minimize the risks of adverse environmental impacts, in particular, on highly vulnerable natural environments and the environments that need to be protected and preserved as a matter of crucial importance.

As per the resolution of the Board of Directors, the Environmental Policy of PJSC Gazprom is recommended to be followed by all of the Gazprom Group companies.

The Environmental Management System (EMS) of PJSC Gazprom is the mainstay of the Company’s Environmental Policy. It is designed to set and pursue environmental goals, manage environmental aspects of PJSC Gazprom’s operations, and ensure the fulfillment of the assumed obligations.

The EMS of PJSC Gazprom is certified for compliance with the international standard ISO 14001:2015 “Environmental management systems — Requirements with guidance for use.” Based on the re-certification audit held in December 2020, the EMS of PJSC Gazprom was certified for compliance with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 until December 2023.

PJSC Gazprom’s EMS encompasses all management levels ranging from the Company’s Board of Directors to branches and production facilities of its subsidiaries. It covers the structural subdivisions of PJSC Gazprom Administration, PJSC Gazprom Environmental Inspectorate, and 37 wholly-owned subsidiaries engaged in core business operations.

Business processes of the subsidiaries included in the EMS scope:

  • Natural gas and gas condensate production, including offshore production;
  • Gas and gas condensate processing;
  • Gas and gas condensate transportation;
  • Underground gas storage;
  • Exploration;
  • Well construction, enhancement and overhaul, including offshore wells;
  • Construction and operation of offshore drilling rigs, specialized ships and other watercraft;
  • Development and operation of offshore fields, onshore supply bases, and port infrastructure;
  • Power and water supply to the Unified Gas Supply System facilities and the operation of UGSS power-generating equipment;
  • Management of investment projects to build UGSS facilities.

The Gazprom Group companies not covered by the scope of PJSC Gazprom’s EMS have successfully implemented and operate their own EMSs, the majority of which are certified for compliance with ISO 14001:2015. These EMSs have a number of specific features reflecting the nature of the companies’ operations.

In 2020, PJSC Gazprom Environmental Inspectorate conducted 166 internal EMS audits at the subsidiaries. The EMS audit plan was completed in full.

For more details on PJSC Gazprom’s EMS, see PJSC Gazprom Environmental Report 2020


The environmental management system in place at Gazprom Neft is certified for compliance with ISO 14001:2015, with the certification scope covering the key production assets of Gazprom Neft. Apart from that, 12 subsidiaries of the Gazprom Neft Group have their own compliance certificates.

Environmental protection management at Gazprom Energoholding covers all stages of the production process and relies on the environmental protection functional units. Their work includes overall management, methodological support, prompt communication of changes in environmental legislation, and the analysis of risks associated with such changes to assist with making informed management decisions. They also monitor the negative impact of the Gazprom Group’s power generation operations.

The Coordinating Committee for Environmental Protection of Gazprom Energoholding ensures an integrated approach and coordination of the activities of its subsidiaries and affiliates.Updated Order of Gazprom Energoholding No. 112-GEH dated December 28, 2018.

Gazprom Energoholding arranges regular annual extended off-site meetings for technical and environmental managers of its subsidiaries to share their achievements and targets in environmental protection.

Technical audits of environmental safety conducted by the Gazprom Group’s power generation companies on a cross-company basis enable their experts to assess the organization of environmental protection activities and compliance with environmental legislation at the subsidiaries.

Despite the pandemic, Gazprom Energoholding companies continued to develop regulatory and permitting documentation, performed industrial environmental control and implemented investment initiatives focused on environmental protection. Production control activities were performed on an ongoing basis.

The environmental management system at Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat is fully compliant with ISO 14001:2015, as confirmed by a re-certification audit conducted by SAI GLOBAL in 2020. Based on the audit results, the company’s EMS was certified for compliance with ISO 14001:2015.

The following documents were approved in 2020:

Overall, 28 subsidiaries and entities of the Gazprom Group have environmental management systems certified for compliance with ISO 14001:2015.

PJSC Gazprom has implemented a single software package encompassing the whole environmental protection process of a vertically integrated company, from collecting and processing production data to generating summary reports submitted to corporate and government systems. The software package has been developed on the basis of the domestic 1C platform as part of IMS development projects covering all core operations of PJSC Gazprom.

Corporate Environmental Targets and Their Achievement

Within its EMS, PJSC Gazprom sets environmental targets based on significant environmental aspects identified on an annual basis and develops and implements environmental protection programs. The corporate environmental targets of the Company are set for a three-year period.

Actions focused on achieving the 2020–2022 Corporate Environmental Targets are implemented in accordance with PJSC Gazprom’s Comprehensive Environmental Program for 2020–2024. The Program serves as a medium-term planning tool that streamlines all actions and initiatives aiming to boost the efficiency of environmental management and ensure environmental safety, rational use of natural resources, and energy saving. It takes into account the key provisions of the previously adopted BAT roadmaps of PJSC Gazprom and the Roadmap for GHG Emissions Management at the Gazprom Group Companies until 2030.

In 2019, PJSC Gazprom approved its 2020–2022 Corporate Environmental Targets using the 2018 performance as the baseline. The following environmental aspects were considered relevant and significant: methane emissions during repair works at gas trunklines and nitrogen oxide emissions from compressor stations, wastewater discharges, and waste disposal.

Achievement of the 2020–2022 Corporate Environmental Targets by PJSC Gazprom in 2020, %
Corporate Environmental Target Organizations within the EMS scope Baseline (2018) Actual performance (2020) Target achievement status
Reduce GHG emissions during transportation of natural gas, t of СО2 equivalent / bcm•km All subsidiaries involved in natural gas transportation 55.30 48.67 Target achieved, with emissions reduced by 11.99%
Reduce nitrogen oxide emissions in the atmosphere during transportation of natural gas, t/mcm All subsidiaries involved in natural gas transportation 4.23 4.07 Target achieved, with emissions reduced by 3.78%
Reduce excessive discharges of pollutants into surface water bodies, % All subsidiaries 5.29 0.34 Target achieved, with discharges reduced by 4.95 p.p.
Reduce the share of waste sent for burial in the total waste managed, % All subsidiaries 38.28 15.22 Target achieved, with the share of waste reduced by 23.06 p.p.
Reduce the share of subsidiaries whose fees for excessive negative environmental impact are above 5%, % All subsidiaries 35.00 5.41 Target achieved, with the share of subsidiaries reduced by 29.59 p.p.

All of PJSC Gazprom’s 2020–2022 Corporate Environmental Targets set for 2020 were achieved through the implementation of activities included in corporate programs and projects.


For details on Corporate Environmental Targets achievement by the Gazprom Neft Group, see Gazprom Neft’s 2020 Sustainable Development Report

The 2020 Corporate Environmental Targets of Gazprom Energoholding (PJSC Mosenergo(1))
Corporate Environmental Target Baseline (2018) Target (2020) Actual (2020) Target achievement status
Reduce NOx emissions in the atmosphere, t/mcm 0.37 0.34 0.34 Target achieved.
(Actual versus target: 0.00)
Reduce the share of waste sent for burial, % 0.95 0.93 0.91 Target achieved.
Measures aimed at re-utilization of bottom ash waste are in progress.
(Actual versus target: —0.02)
Reduce the share of fees for excessive negative environmental impact, % 0.39 0.31 0.33 Target not achieved.
The reduction of fees for excessive negative environmental impact was affected by a fourfold increase in applicable multiplying factors in 2020.
(Actual versus target: +0.02)
(1) PJSC Mosenergo is the only subsidiary of Gazprom Energoholding with an implemented and certified EMS.
The 2020 Corporate Environmental Targets of Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat
Corporate Environmental Target Target Target achievement status
Baseline (2018)Actual (2020)
Reduce GHG emissions 0.42 mmt of СО2 equivalent
/ mmt of hydrocarbons
0.4 mmt of СО2 equivalent / mmt of hydrocarbons Target achieved.
Emissions were reduced by 4.8%.
Reduce hydrogen sulphide emissions in the atmosphere 0.94 t / mmt of hydrocarbons 0.849 t / mmt of hydrocarbons Target achieved.
Emissions were reduced by 9.6% versus the baseline level.
Keep fees for excessive environmental impact below 5% of total negative environmental impact fees 0.33% 0.034% Цель достигнута.
Сверхнормативное НВОС менее 5 %.
Reduce the share of waste sent for burial in the total waste managed 71.7% 72.86% Цель не достигнута.
Увеличение составило 1,16 % по причине продажи большой партии металлолома в 2019 г. и, как следствие, уменьшения количества отходов на начало 2020 г.
Implement the Plan to Reduce Pollutant Discharges into the Water Body Used for the Disposal of Wastewater from PromVodoKanal Treatment Facilities in 2018–2022 No baseline level has been set because the implementation of the plan must be assessed on an annual basis RUB 3.054 billion Target achieved.

Precautionary Principle


In accordance with the precautionary principle (Principle 15 of the UN Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 1992), PJSC Gazprom takes steps to minimize potential technogenic impact on the natural environment, especially when it is necessary to preserve rare and endangered species of flora and fauna along with unique natural areas and sites.

As part of investment project development, Gazprom’s experts perform environmental impact assessments and identify the most vulnerable ecosystems. Their findings are used to develop project solutions aimed at preventing the disturbance of natural balance in the course of the construction and operation of Gazprom’s facilities. The Gazprom Group’s companies implement compensatory initiatives to preserve natural ecosystems, including measures to restore fish stocks.

Operational environmental control and monitoring (OECM) is carried out to track various environmental parameters, including the state of flora and fauna. In 2020, over 8,000 of the Gazprom Group’s facilities were subject to environmental control and monitoring. The Gazprom Group spent RUB 2.4 billion on operational environmental monitoring and control in 2020.

In 2017–2020, the Gazprom Group invested a total of RUB 10.3 billion in operational environmental monitoring and control activities.

Gazprom Group’s operational environmental monitoring and control expenditures, 2017–2020, RUB million

For more details on the OECM system, see the Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Report 2019


In 2021, the plan is to allocate over RUB 2.8 billion for operational environmental control (monitoring).

Control by Public Authorities


In 2020, state supervisory bodies carried out 531 checks of compliance with environmental requirements by the Gazprom Group’s facilities, including 45 checks of construction projects, and identified 548 breaches, whereas 306 checks showed no breaches of environmental requirements.

Out of 548 breaches identified, 48 breaches (8.8%) were overturned by courts of law, 204 breaches (37.2%) were remedied within the established timeframes, the period for remedying 217 breaches did not expire in the reporting year, 58 breaches are being contested in courts of law, and 21 breaches were not remedied (the period for remedying expired).

272 breaches (50%) did not entail any penalties for legal entities.Non-monetary sanctions refer to instructions of government supervisory agencies, including those that do not entail any fines.

In 2020, the penalties paid by the Gazprom Group amounted to RUB 12.38 million, including RUB 3.63 million paid for the breaches identified in the previous years.

Environmental penalties paid by the Gazprom Group (excluding joint operations) in the Russian Federation, 2017–2020, RUB million
Breakdown of the Group’s environmental penalties by company, 2020, %

Gazprom Group’s Spending on Environmental Protection in 2020


In 2020, the Gazprom Group’s environmental protection expenditures totaled RUB 49.12 billion, down 7.7% versus 2019.

Gazprom Group’s environmental protection expenditures, 2017–2020, RUB million
Indicator 2017 2018 2019 2020
Investments in capital assets aimed at environmental protection and rational use of natural resources 35,585 29,189 20,421 13,987
Current environmental protection expenditures 34,468 39,154 32,180 34,441
Negative environmental impact fees 768 616 618 693
Total environmental protection expenditures across the Gazprom Group 70,820 68,959 53,219 49,121

The decrease in the Gazprom Group’s investments in capital assets aimed at environmental protection and rational use of natural resources as compared to 2019 is attributable to the optimization of costs on the construction of a gas turbine power plant and a comprehensive gas treatment unit at Gazprom Neft facilities, and to the actual completion of the gas infrastructure construction project at the Urmano-Archinskaya group of fields.

In 2020, the Gazprom Group’s current environmental protection expenditures increased by 7% versus 2019 due to an increase in the cost of environmental protection services related to safe handling of drilling waste. Also, gas transportation subsidiaries significantly increased their expenditures on environmental protection services related to air protection and climate change prevention as a result of the growing use of mobile compressor stations (MCS) in gas transportation to reduce pollutant emissions into the atmosphere.

The amount of negative environmental impact fees grew by 12% in 2020. The increase was mainly attributable to changes in environmental legislation, which entered into force on January 1, 2020, in particular, a lack of necessary permits and the application of multiplying factors, rather than to any additional impact on the environment.

For more details on the environmental protection expenditure breakdown, see PJSC Gazprom Environmental Report 2020

Improving Environmental Competence of Gazprom’s Employees

Gazprom has been continuously enhancing environmental capabilities of its personnel. Training courses are arranged for managers and specialists, environmental officers, and employees of structural units that are not directly involved in environmental protection. In 2020, Gazprom Corporate Institute and other educational institutions provided training and professional development courses to 7,999 employees of Gazprom (1,927 of them received training in the EMS), including 5,890 employees of PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries (1,882 of them received training in the EMS), 885 employees of the Gazprom Neft Group (32 of them received training in the EMS), and 472 employees of Gazprom Energoholding.


Environmental training of the Gazprom Group’s employees, 2017–2020, persons

The environmental department of Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk LLC implemented an educational project, Practical Course for Corporate Ecologists, to increase environmental awareness and promote environmental culture among the young generation. The project of Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk won the National Environmental Award in the Environmental Education for Sustainable Development category.

For more details on training programs completed by managers and experts of environmental units at PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and environmental protection courses within the scope of professional development programs, see PJSC Gazprom Environmental Report 2020