6.6. International Environmental and Climate Cooperation

PJSC Gazprom takes an active part in international events to communicate its position on sustainable development to its foreign peers, and to exchange experience with them.

The role of natural gas in low-carbon development. PJSC Gazprom provided information on its nature protection activities and the role of natural gas in low-carbon development at, inter alia, target meetings with investors and road shows with the participation of an independent director of PJSC Gazprom.

The 22nd annual General Meeting of the International Business Congress (IBC) held in May 2019 in Bonn, Germany, declared “Natural Gas — Paving the Way to an Ecological Economy” as its key topic. Environmental benefits of natural gas were discussed at the sessions of dedicated IBC committees, namely, the “Industry, Innovations, and Prospective Development”, “Ecology and Healthcare”, and “Energy” committees.

New opportunities for the natural gas market in the context of the low-carbon trend in the global economy were also discussed as part of the activities of the International Gas Union (IGU). Among other things, this dialogue took place at the task force sessions “Long-term strategy in environment-conscious market” and “Supporting hydrogen economy”.

The representatives of PJSC Gazprom delivered reports on natural gas potential to meet climate goals at the following focus events: the 12th Russian-German Resource Forum, Energy Dialogue at the Reichstag, Session of the UNECE Committee on Sustainable Energy, Workshop of the International Energy Agency.

PJSC Gazprom’s experience in low-carbon development and possible contribution of natural gas to the EU Green Deal were addressed at events held by the Global Gas Centre (GGC) in 2019.

The Company and its key foreign partners run standing Joint Coordination Committees and Joint Working Groups to deliberate on the role of natural gas in low-carbon development.

Hydrogen technologies. PJSC Gazprom’s activities in the sphere of hydrogen technologies were discussed at the sessions of the Work Stream “Internal markets” of the EU — Russia Gas Advisory Council, the French Gas Association Conference “Hydrogen and Natural Gas — the Way towards Low Carbon Economy”, the International Partner Meeting of the Energy Delta Institute “Hydrogen — a Paradigm Shift in the Energy Sector, the Future?”, session of the Group “Economy, Trade and Resources” of the Russia — Republic of Korea Dialogue, and at other events.

Hydrogen production and utilization technologies, using hydrogen to decarbonize natural gas, and other hydrogen-related topics are discussed with foreign partners at the meetings of Joint Coordination Committees and Joint Working Groups.

In 2019, negotiations on hydrogen-related issues were ongoing with foreign companies and stakeholders, including the negotiations under the R&D cooperation programs with VNG AG, Uniper, Wintershall Dea, Gasunie, ENGI, Shell, Linde, and BASF.