6.5. Environmental Information Transparency

Information on the Gazprom Group’s environmental activities is available to a wide range of stakeholders and is based on such criteria as reliability, prompt disclosure, regularity, and impartiality.

For more details on Gazprom’s environmental information transparency see Pages 70-71, PJSC Gazprom Environmental Report 2019

2019 saw 10,657 positive publications in mass media and on the Internet associated with environmental aspects of the Gazprom Group’s activities.

Public hearings and discussions. Under the Russian laws, public discussions are mandatory for the majority of PJSC Gazprom’s investment projects, although there are no regulations stipulating the procedure of such discussions. In 2014, PJSC Gazprom addressed this legal gap by adopting a corporate standardization document which provides the recommendations for conducting public hearings and discussions based on the results of environmental impact assessment of prospective business activities.

Books. In September 2019, the Novy Urengoy City Museum of Fine Arts presented the Untouched Yamal. Wondrous Gydan photo album. The book contains about 500 pictures shot during a 2016 expedition to the Gydansky State Nature Reserve — a project initiated by Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC and supported by the Vernadsky Non-Governmental Environmental Foundation — and introduces the unknown chapters of the Arctic North history, unique landscapes, and inhabitants of these remote territories, many of which are Red List species.

June 2019 saw presentation of the book entitled Exciting Ecology or Boomerang Effect in Moscow. Published with the financial support from Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta LLC, the book is intended for a broad audience interested in ecology. The project is well-timed as it looks to promote environmental awareness and education among the younger generation and help Russian people understand the significance of an environmental culture and personal responsibility for the future of our planet.

Gazprom presenting its position at industry-specific business events. The representatives of the Gazprom Group take an active part in conferences, forums, and round tables on environmental protection matters. For instance, in December 2019, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC hosted the 6th Environmental Safety in Gas Industry International Conference (ESGI-2019), which was attended by 176 leading specialists from 94 companies and 7 countries of the world.

Gazprom’s information transparency as viewed by experts. The efficiency of the corporate policy in this sphere has been confirmed by independent experts.

By taking part in the climate and water programs of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), PJSC Gazprom demonstrates its corporate strategy on GHG emissions and water resource management to global financial institutions and investors that rely on such information when building investment portfolios.

Sakhalin Energy topped the Environmental Transparency Rating of Oil and Gas Companies (a joint project of CREON Group and WWF Russia), showing strong performance in its three sections: Environmental Management, Environmental Impact, and Disclosure of Information.

Gazprom’s efforts to improve the environmental situation in its regions of operation have been recognized by numerous awards, certificates of merit, diplomas, and letters of appreciation from federal, regional, and local authorities, educational institutions and NGOs.