4.5. Process Safety Culture Development at the Gazprom Group


Process safety culture is a significant factor of a company’s process safety that helps prevent emergencies, incidents, accidents, and fires at the production facilities.

When developing PJSC Gazprom’s Process Safety Management System Development Strategy until 2021, PJSC Gazprom conducted initial assessment of the process safety culture. PJSC Gazprom’s Target Process Safety Enforcement Program until 2020 is focused on developing process safety culture as a means of achieving the Target Zero goal when reducing the number of incidents.

In 2019, PJSC Gazprom carried out the following activities to improve process safety culture:

  • organized process safety leadership workshops for the executive management of PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries;
  • established corporate requirements to behavioural safety auditsR Gazprom 18000.3-009-2019 Integrated System of Process Safety Management. Behavioural Safety Audit. Guidelines.;
  • enhanced operational control over compliance with industrial safety requirements when operating gas and gas condensate processing facilities, gas distribution and consumer networks, oil production, transportation and processing facilities, as well as over compliance with the requirements when operating power generation facilities.

At Gazprom Neft, employees play the key role in prioritizing the occupational safety culture, which is why the company pays special attention to establishing a dialogue with its staff. Gazprom Neft holds annual Safety Awareness Days attended by its top management, where the company’s employees and contractors exchange knowledge and thoughts on work-related hazards. This yields quality feedback and provides for rapid elimination of workplace safety issues.

In addition, the staff training system of Gazprom Neft also helps build safety culture.

Gazprom Energoholding continues implementing the Safe Operations Culture Project(1).

It also organizes mandatory training, testing and certification of personnel in occupational and industrial safety.

(1) For more details see the Gazprom Group Sustainability Report 2018.