4.4. Fire Safety Control Performance

In 2019, two fires causing a total property damage for the amount of RUB 7 million were registered at the sites of PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries and branches (versus 3 fires in 2018 that led to RUB 1.7 million in property damage). No injuries resulting from the fires were reported in 2019 (1 injured in 2018).

To prevent fires across its production facilities, the Gazprom Group holds special tactical exercises attended by the representatives of the Central Office of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostekhnadzor), Ministry for Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) of Russia and PJSC Gazprom, fire drills, including together with the Main Office of EMERCOM, and drills to practice employee evacuation in the event of a gas hazard or a fire.

In 2019, the Group’s companies held 3,155 fire exercises and drills in cooperation with the federal executive authorities.

In October 2019, the first international drills on emergency response and cross-border medical evacuation of the injured to China took place at the Amur GPP as part of a cooperation program between PJSC Gazprom and CNPC.

A Fire Safety Organizational and Technological Activities Plan for PJSC Gazprom Facilities for 2019RD No. 03-255 dated December 27, 2018. was developed and approved based on the results of accident investigation and audits by supervisory bodies. The plan provided for 49 measures, which were all implemented in full.

In 2019, a PJSC Gazprom team made up of employees from the Company’s subsidiaries took the first place in the Russian Competition in Fire and Rescue Sports among Ministries and Agencies, as well as in the World Fire and Rescue Sport Championship in Varna (Bulgaria).