3.9. Young Employees of Gazprom
One of the key features of PJSC Gazprom’s HR management policy is the recruitment and on-boarding of young specialists. In 2019, the Group hired 2,896 graduates of higher education and secondary vocational institutions.
Total number of graduates of higher education and secondary vocational institutions hired by the Gazprom Group, 2015–2019, persons
[Translate to en:] Наименование | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
Total number of graduates of higher education and secondary vocational institutions hired, including: | 2,688 | 3,190 | 2,931 | 2,896 |
graduates of higher education institutions | 1,891 | 2,206 | 2,048 | 2,012 |
graduates of secondary vocational institutions | 797 | 984 | 883 | 884 |
For reference: | ||||
PJSC Gazprom Neft | 342 | 432 | 283 | 505 |
Gazprom Energoholding LLC | 307 | 512 | 443 | 433 |
To attract and retain young specialists, in the year 2019 the subsidiaries approved the Program for Additional Social Support for Young EmployeesApproved by Sergey Khomyakov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, on May 17, 2019..
Young Specialists and Scientific Research
PJSC Gazprom takes active steps to engage the young generation in tackling the R&D challenges faced by the oil and gas sector.
In 2019, the Company helped host the 13th All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists, Specialists and Students “New Technologies in the Gas Industry” at Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. The event brought together over 350 participants and featured 217 presentations.
Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC hosted the 8th International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference “New Technologies in the Gas Industry: Experience and Continuity”.
The Young Session of the 14th RAO/CIS Offshore International Conference and Exhibition also took place in 2019, with 88 young specialists from PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries, as well as undergraduate and post-graduate students taking part in the Session.
In October 2019, the Work-study center of Gazprom Transgaz Moscow held the Best Young Employee of PJSC Gazprom contest designed to maintain the continuous development of talent capacity at the subsidiaries through improved efficiency of interaction with the young employees.
In 2019, young specialists of the Gazprom Neft Group participated in national youth events aimed at promoting the fuel and energy industry: scientific conference Oil and Gas — 2019, international engineering championship CASE-IN, and the Russian Energy Week International Forum. In addition, young employees of Gazprom Neft and the Moscow Refinery were included in the Youth Council under the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.
Gazprom Energoholding involves its young employees in innovation activities. In 2019, the company’s young employees took part in the following events:
- Contest for young specialists and innovators held by Gazprom Energoholding LLC;
- International contest for scientific, R&D and innovative solutions for the development of mining and fuel-and-energy industries;
- A Glance into Future — 2019 international competition for young scientists;
- All-Russian conference of young scientists, specialists and students at Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas;
- All-Russian scientific and practical conference of young specialists at All-Russian Thermal Engineering Institute.
The council of young specialists of Gazprom Energoholding LLC held more than 100 corporate charity, sports, information, and mass cultural events.
As of the end of 2019, the council of young specialists of Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat included 96 young employees.
Expanding the list of training areas and topics in sustainable development is our priority
Alexander Pechenkin, Director of Gazprom Corporate Institute

What is the role of Gazprom Corporate Institute in the Continuous Vocational Education and Training System of PJSC Gazprom?
During the course of 25 years, we have been maintaining the leadership in personnel education and development at Gazprom. Each year, more than 40,000 employees of the Group upgrade their skills at the Institute. We are also actively involved in the implementation of innovative HR management projects and are in charge of targeted (pro-active) training programs.
What are the advantages of studying at the Institute?
Over the years of our work, we have created a multi-tier corporate education system that covers all staff categories, from young specialists to the talent pool for promotion to the executive positions. The system offers training in over 30 educational areas and 700 programs.
We ensure a high standard of education at the Institute by inviting teachers from leading higher education institutions, employees from relevant departments of PJSC Gazprom, federal government representatives, and specialists from training and consulting companies.
Of course, we also work closely with our partner universities. For example, in 2019, we collaborated with St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University on a package of digital transformation programs. Together with Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas and St. Petersburg State University of Economics, we carried out a unique professional retraining project entitled “Oil and Gas Trading”.
We center our educational activities on the development of independent creative thinking, as well as around fostering and honing practical skills for further application in professional activities.
To what extent are you making use of e-learning programs while training the employees of Gazprom?
E-learning is being successfully developed at the Institute. Each year, more than 30,000 people receive training with the use of remote learning technologies in the Institute, with many e-courses developed by our own efforts. We are also actively promoting the webinar format, and widely use a combination of in-person and remote learning.
What educational programs of the Institute are related to sustainable development topics?
Our professional development and professional retraining programs, including MBA programs, cover the issues of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, ecology and environmental protection, HR management, occupational safety, corruption prevention and countering, as well as risk management.
It is a priority for us to expand the list of training areas and topics in sustainable development offered by the Institute.