3.6. Social Policy


employees were insured under voluntary medical insurance programs in 2019


employees were covered by the pension plan of JSC NPF GAZFOND in 2019


employees received pension under non-state pension agreements in 2019


The Group’s social policy seeks to additionally motivate employees for a strong and effective performance. It relies on the social partnership mechanism set forth in the General Collective Bargaining Agreement of PJSC Gazprom and its Subsidiaries and collective agreements of Gazprom’s subsidiaries.

The social policy relies on long-term social programs helping the employer to attract staff with required qualifications and experience and retain these employees for a long time.

The key focus areas of the social policy include social payments, personal insurance, medical care, housing, and non-state retirement plans.

For more details on benefits provided to full-time employees under an employment contract that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees (GRI 401-2) see Appendix

Social Payments

Gazprom makes social payments to all its staff members, as well as certain staff categories (employees of subsidiaries located in the Far North or equivalent areas, young professionals, employees who have multi-child families and children with disabilities, and others).

Personal Insurance

In addition to compulsory statutory social insurance against accidents, the Gazprom Group provides its employees with voluntary insurance against accidents and diseases.

The life insurance program covers executives from PJSC Gazprom Administration and Gazprom’s gas production, processing, storage, transportation and sales subsidiaries.

For statistics on insurance events broken down by accident and disease insurance risks for 2016–2019 see Appendix

Medical Care


employees were insured under voluntary medical insurance programs in 2019


Gazprom Group’s employees received health resort and rehabilitation treatment in 2019

In 2019, voluntary medical insurance programs covered 551,700 people, including 296,700 employees, 89,800 retirees, and 165,200 family members of employeesData for PJSC Gazprom, its branches, subsidiaries and entities included in Gazprom’s budgeting system..

GRI403-3, 403-6

Under collective agreements and other by-laws, the Gazprom Group’s employees and their families, as well as retirees are subject to comprehensive prophylactic medical examinations under voluntary medical insurance programs.

Prophylactic and rehabilitation measures seek to protect health, ensure recovery, and preserve long-term professional engagement.

Medical services are rendered by the leading healthcare centers. The Gazprom Group’s corporate medical infrastructure is an extensive network of advanced healthcare and rehabilitation facilities, which includes 174 health units, 309 first aid posts, 21 outpatient clinics / general care outpatient clinics, 83 dental units / rooms, 5 round-the-clock inpatient facilities, 18 health resort and rehabilitation facilities, 11 medical units, 17 recreational facilities, and 28 facilities of other type.

The medical facilities’ headcount is 9,963 employees, including 1,731 doctors and 3,423 mid-level medical staff.

In 2019, Gazprom extended the list of healthcare facilities providing aid under voluntary medical insurance programs of PJSC Gazprom’s key subsidiaries, including those located in remote areas of operation.

As part of voluntary medical insurance programs, the Gazprom Group arranges for medical check-ups for certain staff categories working in harsh, hazardous and/or harmful conditions.

The Group runs extensive activities to proactively prevent diseases and reduce morbidity. These activities include annual prophylactic medical screenings, vaccination, employee education on risk factors for the most common diseases causing illness and disability (respiratory, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases, tumors, and injuries). Employees receive information on preventive measures against these health conditions.

The Group organizes annual prophylactic medical screenings taking into account the staff gender and age structure. Screenings help identify symptom-free disease forms and risk factors. Other measures include follow up of patients with chronic illnesses and implementation of immunity-strengthening activities,, such as flu vaccination.

In 2019, 57,900 Gazprom Group’s employees received health resort and rehabilitation treatment.

For more details on payments made by the Gazprom Group’s entities for rehabilitation treatment and targeted preventive initiatives under voluntary medical insurance contracts see Appendix

Cardio-Vascular Disease (CVD) Prevention and Treatment

Since 2015, Gazprom has been implementing the Action Plan to Reduce Workplace Mortality due to Cardio-Vascular Diseases. In 2019, the Group carried on with its efforts in the following areas:

  • improving CVD prevention and diagnostics at PJSC Gazprom;
  • promoting healthy lifestyle across PJSC Gazprom;
  • increasing personal responsibility for health among employees of PJSC Gazprom;
  • ensuring that Gazprom’s facilities are duly furnished with advanced and effective emergency care equipment and means for acute complications and diseases;
  • providing training to employees of PJSC Gazprom in emergency self-aid measures and emergency help to others in case of an exacerbation.

The Group organizes regular preventive screenings for its staff. As of the end of 2019, 51,275 and 39,319 employees were diagnosed as prone to and having CVDs, respectively. Over the year, these employees took part in 1,617,000 monitoring initiatives (blood pressure measurements, cholesterol tests, electrocardiograms, etc.).

As part of preventive measures, Gazprom’s subsidiaries furnished their dedicated classrooms with 717 state-of-the art emergency simulators, with 117,588 employees taking hands-on first aid training for acute CVD care. All in all, 129,908 people received such training.

Throughout the entire time period during which the measures to reduce CVD mortality among the staff were implemented, PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries purchased the required first aid equipment for acute cardiovascular care. As of the end of the reporting period, there were 7,315 units of such equipment (including 381 defibrillators) in operation at PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries.


The corporate housing program of PJSC Gazprom serves to retain the Company’s key employees for longer periods. The program is funded by both employees and the employer through bank mortgage schemes (using a co-financing approach).

Non-Governmental Pension Insurance

In accordance with the Long-Term Development Strategy of the Pension System in the Russian Federation, the Gazprom Group provides a Private pension arrangement for its employees, which offers post-employment social benefits. The arrangement is run through Non-State Pension Fund GAZFOND JSC.

The Private pension arrangement covers employees who have worked at PJSC Gazprom’s entities for at least 15 years and by the time of retirement are entitled to receive an old-age pension. As of the end of 2019, 151,800 employees from 86 entities of PJSC Gazprom took part in the pension program, and over 144,000 people were granted pensions under relevant agreements.

Headcount of participating retired employees of the Gazprom Group’s entities, 2016–2019, thousand people

Non-Financial Incentives

To drive employee motivation and development, the Company has been holding Labour (Professional Excellence) Festivals since 2018. During the Festivals, competitions in several professional areas of the key operations of PJSC Gazprom’s subsidiaries take place in even-numbered years. The reporting year saw the preparation for the 2020 Labour Festival.

The Company’s existing remuneration system creates sustainable motivation for the employees to deliver a strong performance. Every year, the Gazprom Group grants various awards to its staff members to recognize their achievements. In 2019, awards for remarkable results in business activities were granted to 4,200 employees.