3.3. Commitment to Labour Rights

The Gazprom Group respects the labour rights of its employees and complies with the labour legislation of the Russian Federation, the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO standards, and PJSC Gazprom’s Code of Corporate Ethics.


The Gazprom Group tolerates no labour discrimination on the basis of gender, nationality, religion or other grounds not related to professional skills. Recruitment to vacancies depends on the presence of relevant skills and excludes any ethnic, gender, or age preferences. HR decisions are based solely on the assessment of the relevant professional skills of applicants.

Gazprom also adheres to the ILO standards as related to daily working hours and labour conditions, occupational safety, remuneration, social security, and paid holidays.

Social benefits are provided to all employees of the Gazprom Group, as well as to special categories of employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If discriminatory behaviour is suspected, the Company’s employees can apply to the Corporate Ethics Commission to protect their interests.

No cases of discrimination were revealed within the Gazprom Group in the reporting period.

No child labour or any forms of forced labour are permitted in the Group.