3.10. Talent Pool

> 15,700

people were included in the Gazprom Group’s talent pool in 2019

PJSC Gazprom’s talent pool consists of the employees who are prepared to carry out management activities in a modern environment. That ensures succession, continuity and efficiency of the organization management.

In 2019, the talent pool across the Gazprom Group entities was 15,747 people, and 68% of staff were appointed to management positions of all levels.

Talent pool employees are evaluated using a comprehensive approach, which supplements traditional formal qualification methods with new ones, such as the Assessment Center, Development Center, training sessions, meetings with the management, sociological surveys, participation in project groups, etc.

The employees included in the talent pool for promotion to the executive positions receive training under special corporate programs: Global Energy Company Management and Gazprom MBA Human Resources Management programs at Gazprom Corporate Institute, Gazprom MBA: Oil and Gas Corporation Management in the Global Environment program at St. Petersburg State University of Economics, as well as programs in other leading higher education institutions of Russia.