Stakeholder Engagement


Stakeholders are persons, groups of persons, government bodies and organizations that can influence the operations of the Gazprom Group or that can be influenced by its activities, products manufactured or services provided and the related operations.


The Gazprom Group identifies 10 groups of stakeholders.

At Gazprom, stakeholder engagement is based upon the principles of engagement, materiality, impact and response formalized in the internationally recognized document AA1000 AccountAbility Principles (AA1000AP, 2018).

Stakeholder engagement
Engagement Taking into account the points of view of Gazprom stakeholder groups as related to the significance and impact of a particular matter in order to enable the Group to develop expedient and commensurate response method
Materiality Definition of relevant and material topics, as well as the key factors influencing Gazprom and its stakeholders, and ranking them by significance in order to ensure due response
Impact Control, measurement and assessment of the impact of Gazprom principles and activities, as well as its performance results, on the economy, environment, society, the stakeholders and the Group itself
Response Taking into account the material topics and the corresponding impacts in the course of decision-making, performing the activities and planning the routine operations of the Gazprom Group (including the communications)

The Gazprom Group uses diverse mechanisms of stakeholder engagement that take into account the regional and the sectoral specifics.

The system of stakeholder engagement at the Gazprom Group

Stakeholder Groups

Corporate Unit/Body Responsible for Engagement


Examples of Engagement



  • Coordinating Committee for Shareholder and Investor Relations of PJSC Gazprom
  • PJSC Gazprom unit performing the corporate secretary functions
  • Relevant units of PJSC Gazprom


  • Implementation of the Shareholder and Investor Relations Plan
  • In-person events and teleconferences
  • Information disclosure
  • Responses to inquiries
  • Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders
  • Quarterly and annual video conferences, press conferences, road shows
  • Meetings of PJSC Gazprom leadership and authorized representatives of the Company with the shareholders at the Company offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and abroad
  • Information disclosure in form of Quarterly Issuer’s Reports, the Annual Report, the Environmental Report, the Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Report, financial statements under the IFRS and Russian Accounting Standards
  • Publishing data books “Gazprom in Figures”, “Analyst Reference Book” (Gazprom Neft), “Gazprom Neft Statistic Data”, “Gazprom Energoholding Group of Companies in Questions and Answers”
  • Placing the corporate periodicals, including “Gazprom” magazine, Gazprom Export LLC corporate newsletter “BLUE FUEL” and other in the public domain


  • Coordinating Committee for Shareholder and Investor Relations of PJSC Gazprom
  • PJSC Gazprom unit performing the corporate secretary functions
  • Relevant units of PJSC Gazprom


  • Implementation of the Shareholder and Investor Relations Plan
  • In-person events and teleconferences
  • Information disclosure
  • Responses to inquiries
  • Gazprom Investor Day (New York and London, 2018)
  • Meetings of PJSC Gazprom leadership and authorized representatives of the Company with the investors at the Company offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and abroad
  • Independent director’s meetings with investors, in particular on the ESG(1) matters
  • Regular participation of the Gazprom Group leaders and representatives in investment conferences, quarterly and annual video conferences, press conferences and conference calls
  • International conferences, road shows
  • Information disclosure in form of Quarterly Issuer’s Reports, the Annual Report, the Environmental Report, the Gazprom Group’s Sustainability Report, under the IFRS and Russian Accounting Standards
  • Publishing databooks “Gazprom in Figures”, “Analyst Reference Book” (Gazprom Neft), “Gazprom Neft Statistic Data”, “Gazprom Energoholding Group of Companies in Questions and Answers”
  • Offsite meetings of the leadership with investors at the key production facilities of the Group
  • Placing the corporate periodicals, including “Gazprom” magazine, Gazprom Export LLC corporate newsletter “BLUE FUEL” and other in the public domain

Business partners

  • Relevant units of PJSC Gazprom
  • Relevant units of subsidiaries
  • Contractual relations
  • Cooperation agreements
  • Conferences, forums
  • Industry unions and associations
  • Participation in economic and energy forums and conferences (Gastech, ADIPEC, European Gas Conference, International Business Congress, World Gas Congress, World Petroleum Congress, World Energy Congress, St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, St. Petersburg International Gas Forum, Eastern Economic Forum, Russian Energy Week, “Russia — EU Energy Cooperation Outlook. Gas Aspect” and other)
  • Collaboration, business meetings with Russian and international oil and gas companies
  • Throughout 2018, Gazprom Export LLC continued working on improving efficiency of Russian gas export sales demonstrating flexibility in relations with partners in a volatile market environment. The priority was to preserve the key provisions of the contracts establishing the balance of interest of the supplier and the consumer


  • Department in charge of HR management


  • System of internal communications
  • Feedback
  • Top management addresses to employees
  • Satisfaction surveys
  • Trainings and professional development organization and assessment
  • Conferences to summarize the results of implementation of the General Collective Agreement of PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries.
  • Holding workshop meetings for personnel of HR Departments
  • Participation of the employees’ representatives in joint occupational safety committees and commissions
  • Hot Line for countering fraud, corruption and theft at the Gazprom Group
  • Regular meetings of the representatives of the workforce and the management to resolve the topical issues
  • Group cultural and sport events (PJSC Gazprom sports and athletic contests, “Fakel” corporate festival)
  • Training newly hired employees under the onboarding professional development programs

Public and municipal authorities

  • Department in charge of the government relations in the Russian Federation
  • Regional Policy Commission


  • Signing agreements with the regions of the Russian Federation
  • Presentations on the Gazprom Group’s activities to senior government officials
  • Cooperation under business contracts, agreements and partnership memoranda
  • Signing agreements and memoranda on cooperation with five constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area — Yugra, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, Komi Republic, Arkhangelsk Region, Novgorod Region)
  • Participation in parliamentary hearings, forums, round tables and task forces held by the federal and regional executive authorities and public organizations
  • In-person events involving the representatives of the federal executive authorities in order to familiarize them with PJSC Gazprom operations
  • Participation in the development of the roadmaps
  • Participation in expert review of the draft laws and participation of proposals, commentaries and amendments thereto
  • Implementation of the Gas Infrastructure Development Program in the regions of the Russian Federation
  • Cooperation under the agreements on extending use of natural gas as motor fuel concluded with the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Local communities

  • Relevant units of PJSC Gazprom
  • Regional Policy Commission
  • Environmental departments of subsidiaries
  • PR departments of subsidiaries
  • Open public hearings
  • Information centres
  • Information disclosure
  • Charity and sponsorship projects
  • Complex of environmental-awareness events
  • Group-wide and areas-of-operation opinion surveys
  • Holding public hearings on environmental impact assessment
  • Charity activities and volunteering (annual support of culture and arts, projects to preserve historic and cultural heritage, professional and amateur sports, education, healthcare, urban infrastructure development projects, implementation of the “Gazprom for Children” and “Football for Friendship” programs, annual New Year action of PJSC Gazprom for children who need social support)
  • Cooperation with representatives of indigenous peoples of the North (organization of the national festivals, preserving the lifestyle, traditional habitat, national crafts etc.)
  • Sponsorship activities
  • Implementation of the social investment programs

Foreign regulators of energy markets

  • Department in charge of foreign economic activities


  • International energy conferences and participation in international organizations
  • Participation in the development of the roadmaps
  • Drafting of the energy sector’s regulatory documents


  • Membership in international industry associations
  • Participation in negotiations on supplies, uninterrupted and safe transportation of natural gas, construction of the new cross-border facilities of energy infrastructure and their regulation, development of natural gas use as motor fuel for vehicles, enhancing the role of natural gas as a source of energy that could enable transition to low-carbon economy
  • Participation in discussion of strategic documents at the European Union level as related to long-term climate and energy policy implementation. In 2018, PJSC Gazprom submitted official commentaries to the EU Long-term Low-carbon Development Strategy by 2050
  • Participation in economic and energy forums and conferences

NGOs and educational organizations

  • Relevant units of PJSC Gazprom
  • Environmental departments of subsidiaries
  • PR departments of subsidiaries
  • Social services and units of the subsidiaries


  • Joint programs and research activities
  • Open public hearings
  • Information disclosure
  • Membership in NGOs and expert associations
  • Conferences, on-the-job training and internship programs
  • Development of training materials and learning aids
  • Participation in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the initiative of the international investor community on disclosure of information on greenhouse gas emissions and climate change risks
  • Participation in industry events for young people (young scientists, specialist and students of the Russian and international universities)
  • Setting up special classes at secondary schools, opening specialized departments at the Russian universities, cooperation with designated universities
  • Organization of work experience practice for students of secondary vocational education institutions and higher education institutions at the subsidiaries
  • Organization of secondments of the teachers from the higher education institutions at subsidiaries


  • Department in charge of information and communication policy
  • Information disclosure
  • In-person events and teleconferences
  • Responses to inquiries
  • Development of the official web sites and other means of communication
  • Official press releases
  • Press conferences, briefings
  • Interviews (in-person, distance) with the leadership of PJSC Gazprom, including the interviews of the Chairman of the Management Committee of PJSC Gazprom Alexey Miller to:
    • NTV Channel — on the Company HR policy (September 2018);
    • Russia 24 Channel — on the outlook of the Company development (July 2018);
    • Vecherne Novosti Serbian media — on implementation of joint projects (October 2018);
    • Die Presse Austrian media — on the role of Russian natural gas in Austria and in Europe, as well as on its contribution to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (June 2018)
  • Press tours to PJSC Gazprom production areas and gas transportation infrastructure facilities:
    • For Russian and international media — in order to participate in the ceremony celebrating completion of deepwater part of the TurkStream gas pipeline (November 2018);
    • For Turkish Media — to Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy LLC
      facilities (January 2018);
    • For representatives of Izvestia International Publishing Center — to Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg LLC facilities (February 2018);
    • For French version of GEO — to Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy LLC facilities (March 2018);
    • For Russia 24 TV channel — to Gazprom Dobycha Nadym LLC production facilities (July 2018)




  • Department in charge of gas and liquid hydrocarbons marketing and processing
  • Marketing departments of subsidiaries
  • Contractual relations
  • Meetings
  • Conferences, forums
  • Claims management system
  • Satisfaction surveys
  • Information disclosure


  • Offsite meetings and trips to study the production process
  • Marketing interaction and incentive programs (Retail Customers Loyalty Program “EcoGas CLUB”, Corporate Customers Incentive Program “Year without Problems”, Customer Incentives Program “EcoGas: Cost Saving for You”, Corporate Customers Incentive Program “First Time, First Gas”, Customer Incentive Program “EcoCity”)
  • Informational support of the customers via the official web sites of the Group’s companies
  • Customer satisfaction monitoring as related to the quality of products and production, transportation and processing of gas, gas condensate, crude oil and petroleum products

(1) Environmental. Social. Governance.